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NAGEL Unit Planning Organizer Subject(s) Social Studies Conceptual Lenses Grade/Course 9th Grade Global Economy Unit of Study Interwar Years and WWII Power (7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.6, 8.1) Nationalism Unit Title Unit 9: Interwar Years and WWII War Pacing 8 days (block)
Unit Overview
Points of focus in this unit include the political, ethnic, and economic forces which result in wide- spread wars. Students will develop a understanding of
The Interwar Years: economic depression and a shift in political influence and power - influence of Karl Marx, rise of communism, creation of Soviet Union - rise of fascism resulted from economic pressures and social class struggles World War II: causes, significant events and effects, ending with 1945 events
Unit Enduring Understanding(s) Unit Essential Question(s)
1. Economic crisis in one country can impact 1. How can a country’s economic problems the global economy. affect the global economy? 2. Political power often shifts when a nation 2. How can political and economic instability faced economic instability. lead to a shift in power? 3. Nationalism and the quest for power are 3. How can Nationalism and the quest for often underlying causes for war. power lead to war? 4. Key events in history can signal turning 4. Why would the changes in the balance of points that shift the balance of power within power as a result of World War II be regions and between nations. considered a turning point in history?
1 Essential State Standards
Priority Objectives Supporting Objectives
WH.H.7.1 Evaluate key turning points of the WH.H.6.2 Analyze political revolutions in terms modern era in terms of their lasting impact (e.g. of their causes and impact on independence, conflicts, documents, policies, movements, etc.). governing bodies and church-state relations (e.g. Glorious Revolution, American Revolution, WH.H.7.2 Analyze the increase in economic and French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Haitian, military competition among nations in terms of the Mexican, Chinese, etc.). influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and industrialization (e.g. Ottoman Empire, WH.H.8.3 Analyze the “new” balance of power Japanese Empire, Prussian Empire, the German and the search for peace and stability in terms of Empire, “Have and Have Nots” of Europe, how each has influenced global interactions industrial America, etc.). since the last half of the twentieth century (e.g. post WWII, Post Cold War, 1990s Globalization, WH.H.7.3 Analyze economic and political New World Order, Global Achievements and rivalries, ethnic and regional conflicts, and Innovations). nationalism and imperialism as underlying causes of war (e.g. WWI, Russian Revolution, WWII).
WH.H.7.6 Explain how economic crisis contributed to the growth of various political and economic movements (e.g. Great Depression, nationalistic movements of colonial Africa and Asia, socialist and communist movements, effect on capitalist economic theory, etc.).
WH.H.8.1 Evaluate global wars in terms of how they challenged political and economic power structures and gave rise to new balances of power (e.g. Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Colonial Wars in Africa, Persian Gulf, etc.).
2 “Unpacked” Concepts “Unpacked” Skills COGNITION (students need to know) (students need to be (RBT Level) able to do) WH.H.7.1 WH.H.7.1 WH.H.7.1 key turning points of the modern era in terms of Evaluate (turning points) Evaluating their lasting impact
WH.H.7.2 WH.H.7.2 WH.H.7.2 the increase in economic and military competition Analyze (the influence) Analyzing among nations influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and industrialization
WH.H.7.3 WH.H.7.3 WH.H.7.3 economic and political rivalries, Analyze (causes of war) Analyzing ethnic and regional conflicts, nationalism and imperialism as underlying causes of war
WH.H.7.6 WH.H.7.6 WH.H.7.6 Explain (how it Understanding economic crisis contributed to the growth of contributed) various political and economic movements WH.H.8.1 WH.H.8.1 WH.H.8.1 Evaluate (the challenges) Evaluating global wars political and economic power structures new balances of power
3 Possible Factual Suggested Content Unit “Chunking” Lesson & Enduring Essential (Bold Found in Example(s) From Standard(s) Understandings Questions Standards) Unpacked Standard
WH.H.7.1 The Interwar Great Years Depression Economic depression in Evaluate key How did the Great Economic one country can turning points The global Depression affect Depression substantially affect the of the modern economy is the global Unequal economies of other era in terms of impacted when community? Distribution of nations. their lasting the leading Wealth impact. economic power Stock Market faces a financial Crash crisis. WH.H.7.2 Karl Marx Analyze the Soviet Union increase in How did the Russian The writings of Karl economic and writings of Karl Revolution Marx influenced the military Marx influence Marxism Russian Revolution and competition the Russian Communism created the Soviet among nations Revolution? Czar Nicolas II Union. in terms of the Bolsheviks influences of Vladimir Lenin nationalism, When imperialism, government is no Leon Trotsky militarism, and longer able to Joseph Stalin industrialization meet the needs of Gulag . the people, alternative systems often Totalitaria WH.H.7.3 emerge to provide nism stability and Nationalis Changes in leadership Analyze security. m prompted by the political economic and How can Germany action of citizens can be political economic German a direct result of rivalries, ethnic instability lead to Debt from economic problems. and regional nationalism? WWI conflicts, and Italy nationalism and Imperial imperialism as Japan underlying Fascism causes of war. Dictators Benito Mussolini
4 Adolf WH.H.7.6 Hitler Nazi Party Explain how Anti- economic crisis Semitism contributed to Nurembur the growth of g Laws various political Kristallnac and economic ht movements. Propagan da WH.H.8.1 Treaty of Evaluate global Versailles The failure of the wars in terms Global Treaty of Versailles, of how they How did the result Depression the impact of the challenged World War II of World War I, global depression, and political and Expansio Causes the Great nist Policies the expansionist economic Depression, and policies and actions of power Axis A lack of global German and Powers Axis nations are structures and collaboration can Italian nationalism viewed as major gave rise to American lead to war. lead to World War Isolationism factors that resulted in new balances II? WWII. of power. Reparatio ns Alliances Appeasem ent Winston Churchill Nazi- Soviet Non- Aggression Pact Resources Allies
5 Total War World War II was a Battle of Britain “total war” in which World War II Pearl Harbor nations mobilized Franklin D. entire populations and Global wars can How do “total Roosevelt economies and result in the wars” lead to Battle of employed new military development of technological Stalingrad tactics that resulted in new technology innovation and Battle of unprecedented death and a change in changes in Midway and destruction, as the balance of political well as drastic D-Day power. boundaries? changes in political V-E Day boundaries. V-J Day Technology Atomic Bomb
Global wars can Turning Points shift political and What are the Genocide economic power, positive and Ethnic Conflict Changes in political which can result negative Holocaust and economic power outcomes of war? can be a direct result in the Yalta of global conflict. development of Conference United Nations new global How do countries Potsdam tensions. address the Conference outcomes of war?
Global Alliances Connections Genocide
Language Objective EXAMPLES
6 Key Vocabulary LO: SWBAT define and explain the terms depression, competition, imperialism, alliance, treaties, genocide, and nationalism.
Language Functions LO: SWBAT explain how economic and military competition lead to war
Language Skills LO: SWBAT read a passage about nationalism and identify a cause that could lead to war. (Reading passages should be chosen/modified in accordance with the LEP students’ zone of proximal development).
Grammar and Language LO: SWBAT use descriptive words in a writing assignment that describes the quality of life for citizens during a depression. .
Lesson Tasks LO: SWBAT read and summarize a passage about World War Iand explain this summary to a group.
Language Learning Strategy LO: SWBAT develop a cause/effect graphic organizer analyzing and identifying the causes and effects Nationalism, imperialism, industrialism, and increased competition had on the nations. (The linguistic load will vary from LEP student to LEP student. Level 1-2 LEP students may need a word bank or other supplement to complete this activity using this strategy).
Historical Thinking and Geography Skill Resources ○ “Straight Ahead” □“Uphill” ∆“Mountainous” Historical Thinking Geography Skills
General Unit Resources
7 SAS Curriculum Pathways #933 World War I: Failure of European Diplomacy #193 World War I: The Schlieffen Plan #935 The Munich Crisis #194 World War II: Japanese Expansion Learn 360 Causes of WWI Remarkable 20th Century (see individual decade programs) Treaty of Versailles Between the Wars series (includes The Great Depression and Foreign Policy) Bridging World History Bridging World History Unit 20: Imperial Designs Unit 22: Global War and Peace World History for us all World History for Us All Unit 8: A Half Century of Crisis – 1900 -1950