J.B Productions presents J.C The WereLeno Starring Jay Leno Jerry Seinfeld And Introducing me as J.C Leno (Scene: new york central park, evening) j.c (V.O.) Hi i'm J.C Leno, son of comedian Jay Leno. I've never been popular, ever. I'm always the butt monkey and i'm sick of it happening. This is my story (J.C and Jerry are having a walk in the park) J.C (ME): Man I've had a rough day, my motorcycle had a flat tire, my arrogant new boss yelled at me for being late, I had to clean out the mens bathroom. I'm telling you Jerry, i'm always the butt monkey....it's no fair. Just once I would like people to respect me for once. Jerry (jERRY SEINFELD): Don't worry a thing about it J.C, everyone has one of those of those days. It's perfectly normal, it happened to me once. J.C (me) But it happens to me almost every single time, i'm a butt monkey I tell you, a butt monkey. It's no fair. I'm the son of Jay Leno, I should be the coolest guy in the world. If only I could be as cool as my father, that would be the best. JERRY (JERRY SEINFELD): I think you're pretty cool. I'm pretty sure it won't happen again. J.C (ME Thanks Jerry. But only my father can cheer me up. Hey, if you had one wish what would it be? JERRY (JERRY SEINFELD): Oh that's an easy one. I would wish to have superpowers like Spiderman, The Hulk or even Superman. That would be the best thing ever. J.C (Me) Well mine would be to be as cool as my father, that way people would respect me more. JERRY (JERRY SEINFELD): Hey, look isn't that your father over there? J.C (me): (waves) Hi dad! JAY LENO (HIMSELF): Hiya son! Hop on! J.C (me) (Hops onto Jay's motorcycle) JAY LENO (HIMSELF): Tell me about your day. How was it son? J.C (ME): (Sighs) Terrible as always. I woke up this morning and we were out of Frostie-O's, my motorcycle got a flat tire, and when I go to work I was 10 minutes late and my arrogant new boss Mr Svenwick yelled at me and then made me clean the men's bathrooms. It's not fair, i'm always the butt monkey- every day everything goes wrong. I hate my life. JAY LENO (himself): Don't worry about it, son. Everything's going to be fine. There's a meteor shower tonight and there's going to be a shooting star too. J.C (ME): Ooh. A shooting star, maybe I can make a wish on it and make my greatest wish come true. Thanks dad, you really know how to brighten me up when i'm down. JAY LENO (himself): That's what i'm here for. J.C (me): I love you father. JAY LENO (himself): I love you too son. J.C (me): Let's ride!!!! (the two of them ride off home)

(sCENE: leno household, night) (J.C is in backyard, looking up at the sky) J.C (V.O.): I've tried countless times to make my wish come true before, but none of them were successful. But I had a feeling this one was going to be.

J.C (Me): (spots the shooting star) There's that shooting star. Better make a wish. I wish I was as cool as my father.

J.C (me): What? Nothing happened? What a rip off! (Picks up a bench and suddenly throws it with super strength, he then runs around really fast) Woah! I have superpowers? That's weird, but cool! I've got to tell Jerry! Jerry (JERRY SEINFELD) I'm right here J.C. What is it you want to tell me? J.C (ME) I've got superpowers! JERRY (JERRY SEINFELD)

That's just awesome! You're so lucky! How did you get them? J.C (me): I just made a wish on that star. I wished that I could be as cool as my father and voila...i've got superhuman powers! JERRY (JERRY SEINFELD): Wow. Did you remember to be careful when wishing? I hope you did. Sometimes wishes backfire. Trust me, it happened to me once. I wished for the best pet in the world and I ended up getting a rat. J.C (ME) Oh don't worry. I'm pretty sure I was careful with my wish. After all, what could go wrong? I'm hungry, hand me that bag of Doritos over there. JERRY (jerry seinfeld) Oh alright then. (hands him a bag of Doritos) J.C (me) Thanks. Mmmm...these Doritos are delicious. Got anymore? JERRY (jerry seinfeld) Wait a minute. Those superpowers! That craving for Doritos! What exactly did you wish for again? J.C (ME) To be as cool as my father. JERRY (jerry seinfeld): Oh, this looks bad. This looks very very bad! J.C (ME): What is it Jerry? JERRY (JERRY SEINFELD): You're going to turn into a WereLeno! I've seen this kind of thing before. J.C (ME): What do you mean i'm going to turn into a WereLeno? I feel just fine. JERRY (jerry seinfeld) That's always what happens first. J.C (ME) (Starts talking like his father) Did you hear about this? I'm turning into a WereLeno! JERRY (jerry seinfeld) That's the 2nd thing that happens. J.C (ME) But I can't be turning into a WereLeno. I feel fine. (his eyes turn orangeish, his ears turn pointed and his canine teeth become cute fangs) Heh heh, must be my imagination. (he grows 5'6) JERRY (Jerry Seinfeld): The transformation part of it is starting! J.C (ME): I'm sure it's not really going to happen. (Looks at his hands, blackish fur with silver markings sprouts on the palms of them and his fingernails grow into long black claws) What the? Claws and blackish fur? Cool! Maybe I am turning into a WereLeno. This could be fun! (the blackish fur with silver markings spreads all over his body and all up to his face, his eyebrows become bushy and his nose becomes black) (he grows 5'8)

JERRY (Jerry Seinfeld): My word, you're becoming more and more of a WereLeno!

J.C (Me): I know. Cool isn't it? (his hair grows into a long mane and his facial features change into those of his father Jay, even his chin changes into Jay's) I think I might like this! This WereLeno stuff sounds awesome. (his voice becomes that of his father) Awesome! I sound just like my dad. My wish is coming true after all. (he grows 5'10)

Jerry (Jerry seinfeld): Yes, but you're becoming a WereLeno. J.C (Me): Well I like it. I'm going to be the coolest dude in town now! (he grows to the proper WereLeno height of 5'11). Hey, cool, i'm my dad's height! I love this Wereleno stuff already! (he grows a much larger WereLeno body causing his shirt to rip off and his shoes to rip off too) Oh man! My favourite shoes and my favourite army shirt are ruined! But I won't let that stop me from having a good time as a WereLeno. Hey dad!

Jay Leno (himself): Yes son, what is it?

J.C (Me): Check me out.

Jay Leno (himself): Holy cow, you look just like me! I knew the Leno gene would kick in sometime.

J.C (Me): Well....I've turned into a WereLeno!

Jay Leno (himself): THAT'S AWESOME! Finally, I have someone just like me to hang out with, my own son.

J.C (Me): How about a playful Leno on Leno wrestling match?

Jay Leno (himself): You're on! (J.C and his father have a playful wrestling match)

J.C (Me): I win.

Jay Leno (himself): Wow. You're a pretty good wrestler!

J.C (Me): Thanks. This being a WereLeno stuff is sweeeeet, man. I love this. I'm sure to be respected now.

Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld): You sure are. You really have become as cool as your father.

J.C (Me): I know. And I love it!
