Jarrett: The First Great Awakening , p. 73 1. What did ministers emphasize in the 1740s? The importance of religious feelings.

2. Preachers like __Jonathan Edwards__ and ___George Whitefield____ would address large crowds in revivals in open fields.

3. The Great Awakening emphasized ____People’s equality____ in the eyes of God. How do you think that might affect colonial society? Make people feel they can do anything.

4. Great Awakening preachers were strong supporters of __religious freedom______and ______toleration______.

Jarrett: Arts, Music, and Literature, pp. 76-78 5. Benjamin Franklin said that creating a new nation left little time for _____music and art.

6. Who wrote about the history of their settlements, making them the first American writers? Captain John Smith and William Bradford

7. What did early Puritans condemn? Theatre & art

8. __ Cotton Mather ______: Puritan minister who rose to become one of the most influential men in the colonies. Who did he persecute?

9. ___Anne Bradstreet______expressed the concerns of a Puritan wife and mother; she is considered to be the _____first American poet______. What did most women do during this era? Tended to family and domestic (household) matters.

10. Benjamin Franklin was a ____printer______, ___publisher______, and ___scientist______. Beginning in 1733, he wrote _Poor Richard’s Almanac______, which was a collection of stories and sayings. (ex: “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”)

11. _____Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784)______was kidnapped and brought to America as a slave at the age of 7. Her poem on the death of Great Awakening preacher ______George Whitefield______made her famous. What theme did she write about? Christian salvation

12. What was the primary subject matter of colonial artists? Individual portraits

13. Many self-made people showed pride in their accomplishments through portraits and displayed their importance to ____family, friends and associates by having their portraits painted.

14. Name 4 noteworthy American artists during the colonial era.

1. Benjamin West 2. John Singleton Copley 3. Charles Wilson Peale 4. Gilbert Stuart