Dear Parents and Students s15
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Deutsch IV Frau Rossi
Dear Parents and Students,
Willkommen in Deutsch IV! This letter is an overview of the policies that will be used in German class this semester. Please keep this paper in the front of your notebook to refer to as needed.
As you know, learning a foreign language is an active and exciting process. This year we will again focus on listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture. Our textbook is Komm Mit 2, Chapters 7-12 and the accompanying workbook. We will use Komm Mit 3 and ancillary materials in the classroom as well. We will be completing the workbook used in German 3. If needed, new workbooks can be purchased for $______(check to UHS; please write student name and “German” on your check). Please send in payment by______, as we will be using the workbook next week. If you choose not to purchase a workbook, one will be assigned to you, but you may not write in it.
Notebooks are to be organized with 3 dividers: warm ups, notes, and class work / homework. Maintaining an organized notebook is not only an important study skill but also essential for studying for assessments.
Grades are available on line. This is a very effective way to monitor your grades as the semester progresses. ( Grades will also be posted in the classroom by student ID number. Grades are computed as follows:
65% tests, quizzes, compositions, projects 25% class work: preparation, participation, partner work, listening activities, warm ups, etc. 10% homework
Practice is the best tool in learning a foreign language; therefore, homework will be assigned daily. Although most exercises will be written, I ask that you review for 5 – 10 minutes the vocabulary and grammar learned in class each day. Missed homework may be turned in the next day for half credit.
When absent, it is your responsibility to check my homepage (, click staff directory) or call a classmate for the assignment and to see me about making up missed tests and quizzes. For absences of one day, be prepared to make up any missed work the day you return. Tutoring will be held from 2:20 – 3:10 on Thursdays or other days by appointment.
Quizzes – both written and spoken – will be given throughout each chapter, and a test will be given at the conclusion of each chapter. The German IV final exam will be scored as a fourth term test grade.
Students are expected to be on time, be respectful of others, and have all materials: paper, pen, pencil, notebook, workbook and textbook. Students are expected to speak only German once they are in the classroom. Speaking English after the bell will result in the lowering of a student’s participation grade unless permission has been given. Classroom rules and consequences are as listed in the student handbook.
I look forward to working with your son/daughter this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 240-236-7600 or email me at [email protected]. Parents, please include your email address on you student’s information sheet for communication purposes. Let’s make this a great semester! (Wir werden viel SpaB in der Klasse machen!)
I have read and understand these policies. (Do not detach.) This is your first homework grade and will count as a 5-point assignment.
Student name (print) ______
Student signature ______
Parent / Guardian signature______