The Lakeland Foundation

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The Lakeland Foundation

The Lakeland Foundation ~  In honor of the 40 year anniversary of Lakeland Community College, The Lakeland Foundation is hosting a car raffle. Continuing with the theme of their upcoming signature event “The Sensational Sixties,” the Lakeland Foundation is raffling off a two-year lease to one of two updated versions of popular cars during that decade. The winner has a choice of either a NEW Volkswagen Beetle or Mini Cooper. Just like Lakeland, these updated models are just as popular today as the originals were years ago. It is truly a testament to the longevity, quality, and legacy of the sixties and Lakeland. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help the Lakeland Foundation continue to support Lakeland’s vision “to be the best in creating quality learning opportunities.” Volunteers are needed to sell raffle tickets. The summer offers many opportunities for selling such as various festivals and gatherings, and participation is vital to the success of the raffle. Tickets are priced at $5 each or six for $25. The seller of the winning ticket will receive a prize of $100.

 Campaign update: o Government $1,103,844.00 o Foundations $ 555,711.11 o Individuals $ 496,551.88 o Corporations $1,581,790.59 Total $3,740,897.59

 The George and Agnes Roberts First Generation Scholarship Fund and the George and Agnes Hispanic Scholarship Fund granted over $50,000 in scholarship funds to the Lakeland Foundation in an effort to reach out to the area’s Hispanic population. In addition, A $10,000 grant was received from the Xerox Foundation to provide scholarships for Hispanic students.

Institute for Economic Advancement ~  The second program in The Business Growth Series is being held June 19, 2007, at Mooreland. The second program entitled “Inspiring Leadership & High Performance teams” includes two parts: o Leaders versus Managers – “Take the hill” – the dangers of wounds from behind, which will include: 1)the power of vision and how to predict future directions; 2)5th generation leadership traits – “The Fish Stinks from the Head Down” thinking; 3)how to use the Law of Attraction for business growth; 4)Giving direction is good… if people follow. A study in “group buy-in” and “group wisdom” methods. o Getting Results – Execution, execution, execution – High Execution Practice – the simple “super secret” of high performing organizations.  The June meeting of the Retail Connection will be held at Draperies by Springcrest and will be a networking session.

 The Fast Track 50 website now has a downloadable nomination form, awards dinner invitation and downloadable fast track 50 logo.

 Judy O’Dwyer and Pat Hoyt represented Lakeland and presented at a regional ACT Conference in Columbus recently. As a result Pat has been asked to present at the National AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers) conference in March of 2008.

 Judy O’Dwyer represented Lakeland and recently presented at the regional NCCET (National Council on Continuing Education and Training) conference in Kansas City and now has been asked to present at the NCCET’s National conference in November.

The Center for Business & Industry ~  New Customers/Projects include Professional's Choice: Give 'em the Pickle, Elster Perfection: Job Profiling, Andrews School: Mission Facilitation, UniControl: ISO 9000, Willow Hill: SkillsLink, Pathways Grant with Ashtabula County Medical Center, Lake Hospital System and Hospice of the Western Reserve

Community Learning ~ Two new Professional Development Courses being offered for summer include:  Supervisor Boot Camp, a new 5 day course begins June 15, 2007 with two new professional and energetic presenters. The topics include: o Roles, Relationships and Realities o Keeping Your Talent o Communication with Confidence o Guiding Employee Development o Effective Performance Reviews

 In cooperation with our American Heart Association Reginald Coordinator, in June we are offering the Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support course. This well sought after course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate and manage the first ten minutes of an adult ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia arrest.

EON Professional Development Resource Center (PDRC) ~  Due to restructuring that is taking place at the State level, the PDRC was recently notified that as of July 1, 2008 its customer base will be expanded to include not only the 53 community colleges, technical schools and two year regional campuses of the state universities in Ohio but also the 92 joint vocational schools and career centers in the State of Ohio. The PDRC will be involved in a planning process that addresses the merger of this new group of organizations with the EnterpriseOhio Network. The formal plan for the merger is scheduled to be completed by November 30, 2007. Implementation will begin July 1, 2008 prior to which the PDRC will begin to facilitate meetings between the existing EON members and the new members. To date, the PDRC is unsure of how many new members will be added to the EnterpriseOhio Network due to this change.  Fun Fact - The PDRC serves as a distributor of Inscape products which are assessment products for behavioral styles, time management, communication and other training topics. Since July 1, 2006, the PDRC has sold $35,558.99 in Inscape products to EON campuses. This program creates additional revenue for the PDRC beyond its charges for professional development events.

 During 2005 and 2006 the PDRC partnered with VisionPoint, a well known training company, to develop a sales training program that would be used for both internal and external training needs of the EON campuses. Due to a legal issue with a competitor, the original name of the program has been changed from SalesSmarts to The S.A.L.E. Series. EON campuses received new training materials that reflected the name change. To date, numerous campuses have used these training materials in their open enrollment and contract training efforts.

Nonprofit & Public Service Center ~  The Nonprofit and Public Service Center sent electronic surveys to over eight hundred public administrators, public sector board members, and elected officials to identify their training and professional development needs. Of those who responded, nearly all reported that they would be interested in some additional training -- across a wide variety of topics -- with "regionalism and collaboration" being at the top of the list. Plans are being developed for programming that responds to the expressed interests of the public sector survey respondents.

 The Center completed a consulting engagement for the Lake County Family and Children First Council. Facilitators included Wynette Barnard, Sharon Blankenship, and Carol Willen.

 In cooperation with the Lakeland Research Department, we are working to assist United Way of Lake County in assessing the impact of its shift to the community solution panels approach. Both print and electronic surveys have been conducted.

 On June 26 and 27, Lakeland will be facilitating sessions on behalf of the Directors Council of the ADAMHS Board.

 The Nonprofit and Public Service Center is working with the National Public Radio "StoryCorps" project by assisting WCPN in identifying Lake/Geauga residents with interesting oral histories to share.

 On June 8, the Center Manager gave a presentation at the North Coast Volunteer Leadership Association annual retreat.

Institutional Research ~  Completed analyses and final reports for surveys conducted for the Paralegal Studies Program, the Cleveland State University Partnership, and the Enterprise Ohio Network Professional Development Resource Center (PDRC).

 Received funding through Lakeland's Fund for Strategic Initiatives to conduct the national Community College Survey of Student Engagement during the 2007-08 academic year. The survey will ask students about their experiences in the classroom and the overall quality of the learning environment at Lakeland.  Laura Rittner attended the second Student Success Summit sponsored by the Planning Committee on Higher Learning Accountability and Productivity of the Ohio Board of Regents on June 14 in Columbus, OH.

Marketing & Communications ~  A total of 352 people (175 prospective students and 177 parents) participated in Campus Visitation Days held each Friday during the spring semester. These local area high school students were taken on a guided tour of the campus and heard presentations from Financial Aid, Student Activities, the Learning Center and the Library. Of thos students, 161 applied for enrollment at Lakeland and plan to register for classes in the fall.

 The 15th Annual Citizens for Lakeland Golf Outing was held on Friday, June 15 at St. Denis Golf Course. Golfers enjoyed a beautiful day of golf, raffle prizes and dinner while supporting the Citizens for Lakeland Community College future levy campaign.

Men’s Resource Center  The Men’s Resource Center completed work on its teacher training project, Boys and Girls Learn Differently. In collaboration with Crossroads Inc., the Center provided half-day teacher training sessions for K through 12 teachers in Lake County School Systems. Over 300 teachers and counselors, from every system in Lake County, participated in this Gund Foundation funded project. As part of the grant, Randy Jeffries of the Men’s Center received training at the Gurian Institute at the University of Colorado. The grant also covered a ten-part program delivered to 8th grade boys at Hobart Junior High in Painesville, and to adolescent boys at the Lake County Detention Center.

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