Henderson Community College
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Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Clinical Technician Program Program Objectives Upon completion of the Clinical Laboratory Technician Program, the graduate should be able to:
1. perform laboratory tests in all areas of the clinical laboratory; 2. maintain laboratory materials and equipment; 3. prevent and detect technical errors; 4. solve problems as they occur in the clinical laboratory; 5. carry out an established quality assurance program; 6. practice medical ethics; 7. demonstrate professionalism; 8. follow established clinical laboratory safety guidelines; 9. demonstrate basic skills in computer operations and/or software applications; 10. communicate effectively using standard written English; 11. communicate in a clear oral and non-verbal fashion and employ active listening skills; 12. organize, analyze and make information useful by employing mathematics; 13. demonstrate an awareness of one’s interaction with the biological/physical environment; 14. demonstrate an awareness of one’s self as an individual, as a member of a multicultural society, and/or as a member of the world community; 15. recognize the impact of decisive ideas and events in human heritage; 16. develop and perform basic search strategies and access information in a variety of formats, print and non-print; 17. analyze, summarize, and interpret a variety of reading materials; 18. think critically and make connections in learning across the disciplines; 19. elaborate upon knowledge to create new thoughts, processes, and/or products; and, 20. demonstrate an awareness of ethical considerations in making value choices.
1 Henderson Community College/ Madisonville Community College Clinical Laboratory Technician Program Entry Level Competencies
Upon completion of the Clinical Laboratory Technician Program, the graduate should be competent in:
1. collecting, processing, and analyzing biological specimens and other substances;
2. performing analytical tests of body fluids, cells, and other substances;
3. recognizing factors that affect procedures and results, and taking appropriate actions within predetermined limits when corrections are indicated;
4. performing and monitoring quality control within predetermined limits;
5. performing preventative and corrective maintenance of equipment and instruments or referring to appropriate sources for repairs;
6. applying principles of safety;
7. laboratory personnel, other health care professionals, and with the public;
8. recognizing the responsibilities of other laboratory and health care personnel and interacting with them with respect for their jobs and patient care;
9. applying basic scientific principles in learning new techniques and procedures;
10. relating laboratory findings to common disease processes, and
11. establishing and maintaining continuing education as a function of growth and maintenance of professional competence.
Defines/identifies the basic principles, procedures and fundamental characteristics related to microbiology, hematology, chemistry, body fluids, immunology and blood bank.
Selects/prepares/performs laboratory procedures including specimen collection, instrumentation, reagents and controls related to microbiology, hematology, chemistry, body fluids, immunology and blood bank.
- Calculates results from supplied information and/or obtained data as related to microbiology, hematology, chemistry, body fluids, immunology, and blood bank.
Associates laboratory findings, clinical information and quality control data in order to determine the accuracy of routine test results related to microbiology, hematology, chemistry, body fluids, immunology and blood bank.
Evaluates/analyzes laboratory procedures and/or findings in order to recognize common procedural and/or technical problems and take corrective action according to predetermined criteria in microbiology, hematology, chemistry, body fluids, immunology and blood bank.
American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science's job description for a two-year entry level CLT.
SERVICE: Scientific/Technical
Level: 1
DISCIPLINE: Generalists, Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Within the Scientific/Technical (S/T) Service, there are three types of laboratory personnel: the generalists, the categorical list, and the specialist. Within the S/T Level 1, only one type of laboratory personnel is recognized, the generalists. The S/T Level 1 Generalists at career entry is able to:
1. Perform all of the repetitive (high volume) tests in a modern clinical laboratory.
2. Identify direct causes (technical or instrumental) of problems and make simple corrections by using preset strategies.
3. Use and monitor quality control procedures within predetermined parameters.
1. Collects and prepares human samples for analysis. Stores and transports samples using appropriate preservation methods. Specimens may include blood, urine, sputum, feces, exudates, secretions and other body fluids.
2. Following prescribed procedures, performs high volume, less difficult analytical tests in chemistry, hematology/hemostasis, immunology, immunohematology, and microbiology. Examples of the tests performed at this level follow the position summary.
3. Calculates the results of tests performed if necessary.
4. Operates equipment or instruments necessary to perform high volume, less difficult analytical tests. Recognizes instrument malfunction and makes simple corrections using present strategies or notifies an S/T Level II or Level III laboratorian.
5. Prepares reagents and media according to prescribed procedures.
6. Performs and records all quality control procedures required for the tests assayed. Recognizes unacceptable quality control results. Corrects problems according to present strategies or notifies an S/T Level II or Level III laboratorian.
7. Recognizes abnormal or unusual test results and notifies an S/T Level II or Level III laboratorian, and/or follows institutional procedures for reporting critical values.
8. Reports results in writing, orally or by computer, conforming to established procedures.
9. Performs and records routine instrument checks and maintenance procedures.
10. Takes inventory according to prescribed lists.
11. Observes established safety measures.
12. Maintains the work area in clean, orderly, well-labeled condition.
13. Participates in continuing education.
14. Performs related work as assigned.
Works under general supervision, but must have telephone access to an S/T Level II or S/T Level III laboratorian when trouble-shooting problems, or unusual or abnormal test results are encountered.
1. Absolute integrity in the accurate performance and reporting of results.
2. Professional discretion with patient information.
3. Ability to communicate effectively with other hospital personnel and with patients.
4. Rigid accuracy in the identification and reporting of numbers, names, and results.
5. Willingness to work any shift and/or weekends
6. Ability to work under stress.
Purpose: Trover Foundation-Regional Medical Center complies with the standards of the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). In fulfilling these standards it is necessary for all students engaging in clinical experiences to comply with those standards that pertain to providing a safe environment for their patients. All allied health and nursing students will comply with the requirements of the hospital in order to meet JCAHO standards. These include:
Background Check: All students will provide the college and the hospital with an initial Kentucky State Background Check (Courtnet). The cost is $10.00 and a form will be provided to the student. The student may not attend clinical experiences until the check has been completed. A student with multiple offenses or those that bear directly on the practice as a professional may not be able to complete their clinical experiences at RMC. This may require the student to withdraw from the program.
Urine Drug Screening: All students will complete an initial drug screening before attending clinical experiences. Students will be responsible for the cost (????). RMC lab will be responsible for obtaining the specimen. (Occucare???). Students who test positive will be required to meet with the Program Coordinator and additional administrative personnel. Students who test positive for illegal drugs may not be able to complete the clinical experiences at the facility. The student may be counseled to withdraw from the program should there be no other facility available for the student to complete the clinical requirements.
Impairment: Should a student in the clinical setting appear to be impaired by drug usage, the instructor will ask the student to leave the unit and be escorted to the lab by security for a drug screening. The student will be responsible for the cost. Should the screening results be positive the student will be required to meet with the Program Coordinator and other personnel to determine if the student will be allowed to continue in the program.
Results of Background Check and Screening: The student will provide the Program Coordinator with copies of the results of the background check and drug screening by the appropriate date prior to beginning clinical experiences. The Program Coordinator will maintain the copies in a separate file to maintain security. The Program Coordinator will issue a letter to the facility that the students have submitted appropriate documents and that the student can participate in the clinical experience. Should there be any question of the eligibility of the student; the Program Coordinator may inquire to the officials of the facility the nature of the concern maintaining confidentiality of the student. All files will be maintained by the Program Coordinator until the student graduates from the program.
Henderson Madisonville Randa Hawa, MS, MT (ASCP) Karol Conrad. MS, MT(ASCP) Program Coordinator Program Director Room AT205 E Health Campus Work: (270)830-5318 Work: (270)824-7552 Home: (812)490-2552 Home: (270)533-9804
Brenda Bennett, MS, MT(ASCP) Instructor Room AT 205 G Work: (270)830-5317 Home: (270)826-9154
Henderson Methodist Hospital Trover Foundation
Dr. Primilina Corpus, FCAP Dr. Justin Sedlak, MD Pathologist Pathologist
Henderson Madisonville Henderson Lab & X-ray Caldwell County Hospital 1413 North Elm 101 Hospital Drive Henderson, KY 42420 Princeton, KY 42445 Phone: (270) 826-6277 Phone: (270) 365-0456 (270)825-3411 Crittenden County Hospital Methodist Hospital P.O. Box 386 1305 North Elm Marion, KY 42064 Henderson, KY 42420 Phone: (270) 965-1058 Phone: (270) 827-7140 Jackson Purchase Medical Center Methodist Hospital – Union County 1099 Medical Center Circle Highway 60 East Mayfield, KY 42066 Morganfield, KY Phone: (270) 251-4100 Phone: (270) 389-3030 Jennie Stuart Medical Center Warrick Hospital 320 West 18th Street 1116 Mills Avenue Hopkinsville, KY 42241 Evansville, IN 47601 Phone: (270)887-0152 Phone: 812-897-7161 Muhlenberg Community Hospital 440 Hopkinsville Street Greenville, KY 42345 Phone: (270) 338-8365
MultiCare Specialists 444 South Main Street Madisonville, KY 42431 Phone: (270)821-9188
Murray-Calloway County Hospital 803 Poplar Murray, KY 42071 Phone: (270) 762-1117
Trover Foundation 900 Hospital Drive Madisonville, KY 42431 Phone: (270)825-3411
Henderson Madisonville Methodist Hospital Caldwell County Hospital Rayanna Phillips – Coordinator Marlene Thorpe – Laboratory Supervisor Joy Sharp Dennis Austin Crittenden County Hospital Mike Stokes – Chief Technologist Nancy Todd – Lab manager Cindy Hammond Dr. Piech – Medical Director Jackson Purchase Medical Center Jane Hanor Bruce Rives – Laboratory Manager Marlena Blakeman – Chemistry/ Judy Jackson Jennie Stuart Medical Center Microbiology Supervisor Mike Stokes – Laboratory Supervisor Kena Rigdon James Gross – Technical Director Carmen – Hematology Dr. Piech – Medical Director Carol Richardson Supervisor Marlena Blakeman – Chemistry Supervisor Jeanna Hester - Microbiology Supervisor Henderson Lab & X-ray Carmen Purdel - Hematology Supervisor Betty Hall – Bloodbank Supervisor Phyllis Mitchell - Coordinator Muhlenberg Community Hospital Claudia Behnke Sandy Ruggles – Laboratory Manager
Carol Hoffman Multi-Care Barbara Patterson – Laboratory Manager Methodist Hospital (Union County) Mattingly – coordinator Murray-Calloway County Hospital Linda Cavitt – Laboratory Manager Warrick Hospital Paul Hummel – Coordinator Trover Foundation Cindy Lossie Robert Schaeffer - Coordinator RMC Nadine Bunch Betty Hall – Blood bank Supervisor Becky Jones - Coordinator Stat Lab
Melissa Blackwell – Blood bank Clinical Coordinator Linda Cansler – Blood bank Supervisor Robert Johnson – Chemistry Supervisor Sheryl Stockton– Microbiology Supervisor Truman Taylor – Hematology Supervisor
Betty Hall – Blood bank Supervisor
Your appearance and conduct are the standards on which most of the lay public's impressions on the field of Clinical Laboratory Science are based. It is expected that you will be concerned about this and will conduct yourself accordingly. In keeping with the objectives of the profession, your work with patients demands dignity, respect, understanding, and kindness. The patients come to your care under serious circumstances, and your conduct while caring for them must be fitting and proper. Always remember that you have access to information that is extremely personal; avoid betrayal of confidences even in "shop talk". Any sharing of information about a patient should be based on your need to understand and help solve a problem, never as a topic of idle conversation. A good general rule to apply to the treatment of your patients is to imagine how you yourself, or a member of your immediate family would want to be treated.
Being fully cognizant of my responsibilities in the practice of medical technology, I affirm my willingness to discharge my duties with accuracy, thoughtfulness and care. Realizing that the knowledge obtained concerning patients in the course of my work must be treated as confidential, I hold inviolate the confidence and trust placed in me by patient and physician. Recognizing that my integrity, and that of my profession must be pledged to the absolute reliability of my work, I will conduct myself at all times in a manner appropriate to the dignity of my profession.
Your performance in the laboratory will be continually evaluated both by practical examinations and informal evaluations at the discretion of the individual instructor. A student must pass both the didactic and practical parts of the course. The faculty reserve the right to withdraw a student from Clinical Training if the above criteria are not satisfied. While at the clinical facility, your performance will also be evaluated. The objectives for this part of the program are included in the handbook.
Check lists and performance criteria are provided to document competency in each area of study. The technologist or faculty member must initial the "Competent" column when they judge that you have met the performance objectives. It is your responsibility to have the list checked during each clinical rotation. It is expected that you satisfactorily perform at least 90% of the activities listed. You should keep a notebook with all of these in it so that at the end of the year you can verify your competency in each area of the lab. This is a requirement for each rotation. An example is included in your handbook. Additional copies will be available in the college lab. Be absolutely sure to take one of these to each new rotation on your first day. This is your responsibility! Competency is exhibited by performing within the time frames and degree of accuracy stated for each area.
Personnel in the health care field must present to the general public, as well as to patients, a manner and appearance which will instill security and confidence. Patients have a variety of opinions, beliefs and convictions. Personal appearance, beyond reasonable expectations, may alarm patients and visitors and interfere or even prevent the acceptance of needed medical services.
Professional standards of appearance are important to the overall quality of patient care. For example, a high level of personal cleanliness is maintained as a standard for hospital employment. Poor oral hygiene offensive body odors, unkempt hair and other signs of poor personal hygiene cannot be tolerated.
The following standards are therefore established for all HCC/MCC Clinical Laboratory Technology Students.
1. White shoes and neutral or white stockings must be worn at all times. The shoes must be appropriate low-heeled clinic shoes. Canvas tennis shoes or sandals are not permitted.
2. Professional white or cache colored uniforms are worn to all facilities. Scrubs in the appropriate colors are acceptable. For women, skirt length should be at or below knee length.
3. Hair of a length that extends over the collar should be neatly tied back in order to meet safety regulations. Hair must be worn in a neat and well- groomed fashion.
4. All fingernails are to be kept trimmed and clean.
5. All jewelry worn must be kept to a minimum; for example, only simple wedding ring, neat wrist watches and small simple earrings, nothing that dangles.
6. No strong perfumes, colognes or aftershaves should be used.
7. Proper safety attire must be worn at all times, according to clinical laboratory policy including eye protection, etc.
Note: Students are subject to any special requirements of the individual clinical facility.
Since clinical training is of major importance in the educational process, absences will not be allowed. Absences of more than 10% of a rotation will result in a grade of “E” for the clinical component. There are no excused absences from the clinical rotation schedule.
Students who are going to be absent from their clinical affiliate must notify the hospital clinical coordinator AND the college clinical coordinator. Notification must be done as early as possible the morning of the day of the scheduled clinical assignment. If the student is aware the day before, the appropriate individuals should be notified immediately.
If the college is closed due to snow or inclement weather the student is excused from clinic.
Students are responsible for their own transportation, although the school will endeavor, where possible, to schedule assignments so that rides may be shared.
Students are responsible for the cost of their meals, transportation, and other expenses incurred.
The CLT Program adheres to all policies regarding students as set forth in the College Student Handbook. Be certain to familiarize yourself with the contents of this publication. This is your responsibility.
Students will not be assigned experiences in a manner that would permit them to replace a regular employee.
1. During the clinical rotation the students will follow the school attendance policy as it relates to the clinical lab and conform to the shift hours, lunch periods, and break times specified by each hospital.
2. Following the laboratory rotation in each department, the student will be able to plan, organize, and complete routine tests as guided by the laboratory instructor.
3. The student will demonstrate acceptance of supervision by putting into practice directions and suggestions given by the laboratory instructor.
4. The student will demonstrate acceptable professional attitude by showing concern for patients' welfare, cooperating with co-workers, and communicating effectively.
5. The student will demonstrate professional integrity by being honest and straight-forward at all times during all clinical activities and in all relationships.
6. The student should demonstrate initiative by activities such as using time effectively, seeking further information, and performing additional assignments.
7. The student will recognize capabilities and work with self-confidence, but will also recognize limitations and not exceed duties specified by the laboratory instructor.
8. The student will perform consistently accurate and precise work as measured by lab standards for each test.
9. The student will, at all times, practice safe work habits and specimen handling techniques according to established laboratory procedures.
10. During the clinical rotation, the student will develop ability to produce a reasonable volume of work under normal laboratory conditions.
11. Under the guidance of the laboratory instructor, the student will understand principles underlying test procedures and effectively apply theory to practice.
12. After completing clinical rotation, the student will follow exactly commonly used laboratory procedures with minimum supervision.
13. The student will exhibit knowledge of the proper use and care of equipment, supplies, and other lab resources as specified in lab procedures and demonstrated by instructors.
14. The student will consistently perform routine quality control measures, understand their significance, and initiate remedial measures when appropriate or instructed to do so.
15. The student will, at all times, record and report test results accurately, and completely, following guidelines established in the laboratory.
1. Neatness, cleanliness, and good taste in dress and action are desirable attributes. Your uniform or lab coat should be clean.
2. Punctuality should be an important part of your daily habits.
3. Pay as much attention to the proper collection of specimens as you would in the examination of the specimen. Remember, your test results are reliable only if your specimen was properly obtained.
4. Label specimens so that the label cannot come off and the specimen can be definitely identified.
5. Handle all laboratory apparatus and glassware carefully. Rough handling, if it does not break a piece of equipment, may alter its accuracy and introduce an unsuspected error which will therefore appear in each succeeding analysis.
6. Pursue a definite program of instrument maintenance and inspection.
7. Be familiar with the properties of various chemical. Know what is poisonous and corrosive.
8. Follow laboratory procedures meticulously.
9. Know the correct methods for disposing of specimens and dangerous solutions or other preparations.
10. Laboratory findings are CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL INFORMATION and are not to be discussed with or transmitted to unauthorized persons. DO NOT show laboratory reports to unauthorized persons.
11. Avoid making copies of laboratory reports if possible. Each act of copying increases the risk of errors being entered onto copy reports. Most errors in lab reports are due to clerical mistakes! Be neat!
12. DO NOT trust your memory! Acquire the habit of using pencils, paper, identification tags, and labels.
13. Be aware of the safety and first-aid procedures used in your lab.
14. Keep up with the latest developments in your field of work in the lab (i.e., READ). Subscribe to journals and use the hospital library and/or start your own personal library.
15. Cooperate with the other hospital or clinical staff. Be courteous to patients. Remember, patients are ill and any effort on your part to make their stay more pleasant will be appreciated.
16. Patient identification is absolutely critical prior to phlebotomy. It is assault to stick a patient without their approval.
HOURS: Clinical hours may vary from campus to campus:
At Henderson Campus: 8 1/2 hours with 1/2 hour for lunch or with special arrangements with the faculty. EX: 7:00 - 3:30 8:00 - 4:30 7:30 - 4:00 8:30 - 5:00 (Some clinical facilities take an hour for lunch, then 8:00 - 5:00.)
At Madisonville Campus: Monday: 7-11:30; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 7:00 – 2:00 or 6:00 to 1:00 (with a 30 minute lunch)
15 minutes in a.m. and p.m.
Discuss this with your department supervisor. Complete what you are doing before you go. Go with other techs or students in your department--don't wait until the whole class can go.
Cigarette breaks are limited to coffee breaks. All medical facilities are smoke free. Smoking areas are outside the building.
You are expected to be at the clinical site at the time assigned--NOT LATE. Be ready to go to work as soon as you arrive. Be sure to complete your time card on a daily basis and have your clinical supervisor sign at the end of each week. An example is included in this handbook. Additional forms are available in the college lab.
If you absolutely cannot come in: Phone one of the college instructors and call the hospital BEFORE time for you to be there.
*If hours present in the lab are less than 4 hours, then a half day will be rescheduled at the discretion of the clinical facility and CLT program.
*If the student is sent home by laboratory personnel for reasons beyond the student’s control, no extra lab time needs to be rescheduled. This needs to be reported by the student to the program coordinator. The student cannot ask to be sent home without being required to make up lost time.
Make-ups will be scheduled after consultation with clinical faculty and college coordinator. Expect to work on Saturday/Sunday for make-up times.
Each facility will assign designated parking. Most facilities have an employee's parking lot which you may use.
Neat, clean, white or cache uniform; name tag; and polished white shoes. Students are expected to maintain a neat and orderly appearance at all times. Name tags must be worn. See “Personal Appearance Policy”.
If you are not busy in your department--ask your supervisor if there is anything you can be doing--QC, studying slides, etc. Or you can always study--related to your department.
GENERAL COMMENTS: Ask questions--show interest.
BE ALERT--You are assuming responsibility and should become aware of abnormalities in reports. Information to which you have access is "classified" information. You are not to discuss who the patient is, what they had done, or anything else outside the laboratory.
If a situation arises where you feel you are in conflict with the clinical instructor or other personnel consult with the coordinator assigned to students at that facility. Also report any problems to the college coordinator to resolve the problem.
Problems arising from absences, tardiness, dress, emotional problems, etc. will be referred to the CLT Program Coordinator.
Part of the student's laboratory training in the affiliated clinical site may include a weekend, second or third shift rotation to be scheduled at the discretion of the Chief Technologist with the concurrence of the CLT clinical coordinator. Alternative shift training will begin when the Chief Technologist judges the student's skills and capabilities are sufficient enough to benefit from the weekend/second-shift environment.
The goals of weekend and alternative shift hours are to:
1. Give the student laboratory experience they cannot obtain during a daytime clinical rotation. 2. Teach the student how to function with a reduced number of staff members in the department. 3. Make the student aware of weekend, second and third shift limitations of the laboratory. 4. Acquaint the student with other responsibilities that CLTs may assume during weekend and second shift hours.
Second shift means @ 3 PM to 11 PM. Third shift means @ 11 PM to 7 AM. Weekend shifts can include any routinely scheduled hours. The student is required to make arrangements with the clinical facility, to inform CLT program instructors in writing of dates, hours, and supervisor at least 1 week prior to an alternative shift. If alternative hours are scheduled other than during the regular semester, no compensatory hours may be taken during the semester. Note: Students will take no night call. Students will be granted the holiday schedule of the college. There will be no independent work or signing out of work by the student.
Professional aptitude of the students will be monitored by the supervising instructor in each department. An evaluation will be completed at the end of each clinical rotation. A copy of each evaluation form is included in this handbook in order to familiarize the student with the type of behaviors on which each will be evaluated.
Numerical evaluations of student performance will be pooled from all rotations for the semester and converted to a grade.
The points assigned are as follows: 5 = Outstanding Performance 4 = Above Average Performance 3 = Average Performance 2 = Below Average Performance 0 = Does not meet minimal standards
These evaluations points are averaged for 70% of your grade. 10% is based on your workbook; and 20% comes from your comprehensive final exam. Clinical evaluations of each student are reviewed when received. If a student's clinical evaluations indicate major problems or an unsatisfactory performance, the student will be notified. A conference with the clinical and/or program coordinator will be held.
Students will have the opportunity to evaluate clinical instructors at the end of each semester. This provides feedback to the clinical coordinator and college officials regarding the effectiveness of on-site instruction.
In the event a student wishes to appeal a clinical evaluation, he or she should notify the program coordinator in writing. The written request should clearly specify the issue(s) to be appealed.
A conference with the student, program coordinator/director and college clinical coordinator will be held in an attempt to resolve the dispute. The program coordinator/director shall then issue a written decision on the appeal.
Any further appeal must follow KCTCS required procedures for student appeals.
An individual student may not confront, dispute or take any other action that might be misconstrued as coercion towards any volunteer clinical faculty.
Should an appeal require voluntary faculty input, that input will be obtained in the appropriate appeal process. Students will not discuss issues of appeal or dispute with any voluntary faculty without the presence of a program official.
It is an important personal responsibility to practice safe working habits at all times.
This student has successfully completed the laboratory safety component of Henderson's Community College CLT program.
Safety instruction covered Physical, Chemical and Biological hazards commonly encountered in the clinical laboratory environment. Topics covered included, but were not limited to:
Biohazards (including HIV & Hepatitis) Protective Devices CDC's Universal/Barrier Precautions Electrical/Fire Cuts, Abrasions Falls, Spills Emergency First Aid Burns, Scalds Flammables/Toxics/Poisons Carcinogens /Fumes & Vapors Acids/Corrosives Spill Handling Waste Disposal Radiation Labeling Systems Material Safety Data Sheets Fire Extinguishers Appropriate Use of Fume/Biological Hoods
The student should obtain a completed clinical site safety checklist from each clinical site during his/her first rotation there. These are to be submitted to the clinical coordinator by the end of the semester.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Blanket
Emergency Eye Wash
Fume Hood
Biological Hood
Spill Clean Up Kit
Material Safety Data Sheets
Evacuation Routes
Sharps Disposal
Biohazards Waste Containers
Safety Glasses
First Aid Kit
Please check off each item located. Sign below to signify that you understand the purpose and/or appropriate use of each.
Student's Signature Instructor's Signature
Date Clinical Site
20 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Bi-Weekly Proficiency Evaluation
PSYCHOMOTOR SKILLS Proceeded rapidly and skillfully. 5 Exhibited average dexterity, precision, and coordination. 4 Was slow and deliberate in carrying out designated steps. 3 Was awkward and lacked coordination in manipulative activities. 2 Could not successfully accomplish manipulative skills required to perform the procedure. 0
INTERACTIVE SKILLS Interactive behaviors were exceptional and professional. 5 Interactive behaviors were efficient and effective. 4 Interactive behaviors were appropriate. 3 Interactive behaviors were detrimental to the procedure. 2 Interactive behaviors were irresponsible or irrelevant. 0
COMPLREHENSION OF PROCEDURE Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of related concepts beyond requirements (95-100%). 5 Demonstrates above average knowledge of related concepts (86-94%). 4 Demonstrates an average knowledge of related concepts (77-85%). 3 Demonstrates limited knowledge of related concepts (70-76%). 2 The student has inadequate knowledge of basic concepts related to the task at hand (less then 70%). 0
ATTITUDE Enthusiastic about the clinical area, very conducive to learning. 5 Interested in the clinical area; very attentive and tries hard. 4 Acceptable behavior; could put forth more effort. 3 Indifferent to the clinical area. 2 Antagonistic towards work in this area, not conducive to learning environment. 0
Is the student’s progression at this time commiserate with the skills expected of one at this point in the clinical training? Yes No If no, explain:
21 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College
QUALITY OF WORK 5 4 3 2 0 Seldom Accurate Consistently accurate QUALITY OF WORK 5 4 3 2 0 Too slow for clinical lab Top Performer INITIATIVE 5 4 3 2 0 Has to be told to do anything Seeks added responsibilities ORGANIZATION Consistently performs tasks in an 5 4 3 2 0 Unorganized and nonproductive organized and productive manner. PSYCHOMOTOR SKILLS 5 4 3 2 0 Could not accomplish skills required to Proceeded rapidly and skillfully perform the procedures INTERACTIVE SKILLS 5 4 3 2 0 Has to be told to do anything Exceptional and professional DEPENDABILITY 5 4 3 2 0 Unreliable Justifies complete confidence JUDGEMENT 5 4 3 2 0 Poor Excellent PERSERVERANCE 5 4 3 2 0 Poor Dedicated PROBLEM SOLVING Consistently recognized possible 5 4 3 2 0 Problems must be pointed out problems. PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE/CONDUCT 5 4 3 2 0 Often unprofessional Professional Appearance Always adheres to established rules of Behavior often requires correction conduct 5 4 3 2 0 PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES DISPLAYED 5 4 3 2 0 Does not accept constructive criticism, Accepts criticism and demonstrates or does not demonstrate change change Demonstrates a strong sense of personal Always makes excuses responsibility 5 4 3 2 0 Only motivated by the demands of Intrinsically motivated 5 4 3 2 0 others. Attitude is always positive 5 4 3 2 0 Attitude is always negative. Continuously displays respect for Blatant violation of patient patient confidentiality 5 4 3 2 0 confidentiality.
22 SAFETY Uses universal precautions in handling 5 4 3 2 0 Negligent in handling of patient specimens (gloves, lab coats, goggles or specimens. shields) Practices lab safety during procedures Irresponsible when performing including disposal of contaminated 5 4 3 2 0 laboratory procedures. materials and waste Performs proper disinfectant technique Does not properly disinfect laboratory of laboratory work area. 5 4 3 2 0 work area.
SECTION B: ATTENDANCE Report to the clinical site on time with no tardies or absenteeism 5 Less than 2 tardies with no absenteeism -5 3 – 5 tardies or one day of absenteeism (7 hours) -10 More than 5 tardies or two days of absenteeism (14 hours) -20 More than three days of absenteeism (21 hours) incomplet e
23 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Task List
PROECEDURE: Clinical Chemistry GRADE:
Policy, Rules, Procedure Performed Performed Needs s Under TASK TO PERFORM Independently Improvement Explained Supervision by Instructor Process specimens to include centrifugation, separation, and labeling (minimum of 25) Operate automated chemistry instrument for analysis of specimen chemical constituents. Perform daily quality control procedures and evaluate data correctly. Perform therapeutic drugs. Perform toxicology drug screens. Perform quantitative bHCG. Perform lipid profile to include cholesterol, triglycerides, HD>, and LDL. (minimum of 10). Perform reoutine chemistry analysis to include electrolytes, glucose, BUN, creatinine, LD, ALT, CK, AST. (minimum of 25) Perform cardiac profiles. Perform blood gas analysis. (minimum of 10) Perform thyroid testing to include (T-3 uptake, T-3, and TSH). Perform B-12/folate. Perform daily maintenance on instruments as needed. Perform resulting and inquiry functions of the laboratory computer system. Use operation manuals for all automated and manual procedures. Observe osmolality procedure if performed at clinical facility. Observe electrophoresis if performed at clinical facility.
24 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Task List
PROECEDURE: Hematology Clinicals GRADE:
Policy, Rules, Procedure Performed Performed Needs s Under TASK TO PERFORM Independently Improvement Explained Supervision by Instructor Perform hematology analyzer startup procedure. Operate hematology analyzer for analysis of specimen for complete blood count. (minimum of 25 samples). Perform startup procedure for coagulation instrument. Prepare patient specimens for coagulation testing (check tube draw, check for clots, certrifuge, storage is test delayed). Operate coag instrument to perform prothrombin times and APTT (minimum of 15 samples). Perform D-dimer of FDP’s. Perform erythrocyte sedimentation rates (minimum of 10). Perform procedures to correct for lipemia or cold agglutinins. Perform daily startup procedure for hematology slide stainer. Prepare peripheral blood smear slide. Perform daily quality control procedures and evaluate date correctly. Perform differentials (minimum of 20). Perform venipuncture procedures (minimum of 10). Perform hematocrit procedure on neonates. Know panic values and the proper procedure for reporting values to the physician/nurse. Use operation manuals for all automated and manual procedures.
25 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Task List
PROECEDURE: Immunohematology Clinicals GRADE:
Policy, Rules, Procedure Performed Performed Needs s Under TASK TO PERFORM Independently Improvement Explained Supervision by Instructor Perform ABO & Rh (minimum of 10 correctly). Perform Type and Screens (minimum of 8 with at least 4 having positive results). Perform A-sub-group testing. Perform Cord Blood workups to include ABO/Rh testing, direct Coombs and Du testing (minimum of 10). Perform Donor Processing to include history, pulse, blood pressure and temperature (minimum of 10). Perform cold agglutinin titer. Perform Rhogam workup to include fetal screen (minimum of 2). Perform antibody identification (at least 4 with autocontrols). Perform Direct Antiglobulin Testing (DAT) as needed with cord blood and negative donors. Perform weak D’s as needed per criteria. Perform compatibility testing (crossmatch) (minimum of 10). Perform immunohematology quality control procedures and evaluate date. Perform donor phlebotomy/venipuncture procedure (minimum of 3 if applicable). Prepare blood bags for blood donation. Observe preparation of platelet or cryoprecipitate component pools for transfusion. Observe preparation of platelet concentrates from whole blood. Observe preparation of FFP from whole blood. Observe preparation of red blood cells from whole blood by sedimentation or centrifugation. Observe transfusion reaction workup. Observe warm and cold autoabsorption techniques for the detection of autoantibodies. Perform capillary puncture (minimum of 10). Know panic values and the proper procedure for reporting values to the physician/nurse. Use operation manuals for all automated and manual procedures.
26 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Task List
PROECEDURE: Microbiology Clinicals GRADE:
Policy, Rules, Procedure Performed Performed Needs s Under TASK TO PERFORM Independently Improvement Explained Supervision by Instructor Select appropriate media for each type of specimen received for culture, using protocol manual. Inoculate appropriate media for wound specimens. Inoculate appropriate media for fecal specimens. Inoculate appropriate media for respiratory specimens. Inoculate appropriate media for miscellaneous body fluids. Inoculate appropriate media for urine specimens. Perform Gram Stains on smears (minimum of 20). Perform incubation of cultures under proper conditions for optimal growth for the following: Anaerobes Aerobes CO2 Microaerophilics Interpret culture and stains characteristics to detect normal flora, potential pathogens/contaminants for: Feces Urine Respiratory Wounds Body Fluids Perform colony count on urine specimen cultures. Perform processing of blood cultures. Perform quality control procedures and evaluate date correctly. Perform susceptibility test procedures. Prepare organisms for identification using an automated system. Perform culture screen for additional testing and identification (minimum of 25). Perform catalase. Perform slide coagulase test/staph latex test. Perform oxidase test. Perform streptex. Perform rapid indole test. Perform haemophilus ID.
27 Policy, Performed Performed Needs Rules, Under Independently Improvement Procedure Supervision TASK TO PERFORM s Explained by Instructor Perform anaerobe ID. Perform salt/esculin. Perform hippurate. Perform PYR. Perform optochin. Perform wet mounts KOH prep. Perform India ink. Perform yeast ID/germ tube.
28 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Task List
Policy, Rules, Procedure Performed Performed Needs s Under TASK TO PERFORM Independently Improvement Explained Supervision by Instructor Prepare, dispense and centrifuge urine specimen (minimum of 20). Perform and report urine specimen physical properties, chemical tests, and specific gravity (minimum of 20). Perform quality control procedures for urinalysis and evaluate data correctly. Perform and report microscopic examination of urine sediment (minimum of 10). Prepare and process timed urine specimen containers. Perform daily maintenance on semi-automated urinalysis analyzer. Operate semi-automated chemistry analyzer for urinalysis. Perform venipunture procedure (minimum of 10). Mark N/A beside the test not performed in your department.
29 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM Henderson Community College/Madisonville Community College Task List
Policy, Rules, Procedure Performed Performed Needs s Under TASK TO PERFORM Independently Improvement Explained Supervision by Instructor 1. Perform RPR test procedure. 2. Perform mononucleosis test. 3. Perform Streptolysin latex screening test. 4. Perform qualitative BHCG. 5. Perform RA test procedure. 6. Perform C-reactive protein test (CRP). 7. Perform Helicobacter pylori. 8. Perform rotavirus. 9. Perform daily quality control procedures for serology and evaluate data correctly. 10. Perform startup procedure for coagulation instrument. 11. Prepare patient specimens for coagulation testing (check tube draw, check for clots, centrifuge, storage is test delayed). 12. Operate coag instrument to perform prothrombin times and APTT. (minimum of 15 samples) 13. Perform venipunture procedure (minimum of 10). Mark N/A beside the test not performed in your department.
30 The CLT Clinical Handbook is written by the Program Coordinators in conjunction with the Henderson and Madisonville Community Colleges’ Policies and Procedures, the Essentials as outlined by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) Essentials of Accredited Education Programs for the Clinical Laboratory Technician/Medical Laboratory Technician, and the Clinical Affiliates Policies and Procedures; and input from the CLT Advisory Committee and Clinical Instructors.
The Clinical Laboratory Technology programs at Henderson Community College and Madisonville Community College are jointly accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), 8410 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 670, Chicago, IL 60631-3415; (773) 714-8880; www.naacls.org.