Classroom Activity by NJ Educators

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Classroom Activity by NJ Educators

Framework for Technological Literacy

Classroom Activity by NJ Educator

Title: What Will it Take to Live On Your Own? Author Information: Name: Greg Farley Content Area: Technological Literacy School: Orange High School Grade Level: 9-12 District: City of Orange County: Essex

Student Learning Objectives: NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Students will be able to: Content Area Standard Grade Strand CPI Career Education 9.2 12 E 2, 5 1. Use the Internet for and Consumer, comparative shopping Family and Life techniques for the Skills acquisition of goods and Career Education 9.2 12 A 1,3 services. and Consumer, Family and Life 2. Construct a spreadsheet Skills based on their findings to Career Education 9.2 12 B 2 analyze how much money and Consumer, they would need to obtain Family and Life and furnish an apartment. Skills Technological 8.1 12 A 3,5,9 3. Merge information from the Literacy spreadsheet to a multimedia Technological 8.1 12 B 12 (PowerPoint) document to Literacy present to their peers.

Purpose and Overview:

The purpose of this project is to have students become familiar with the process of analyzing data pertaining to finding and furnishing a home. Students will comparatively shop for both an apartment and its furnishings. Spreadsheets will be utilized to assist students with preparation and analysis of their home budgets. Spreadsheet data will be merged into a multimedia PowerPoint presentation to enable students to communicate data findings to their peers.

Instructional Activity:

1. Students will utilize websites to gather information pertaining to real estate prices, including amenities, of one-bedroom apartments in their geographic area. Students will research, analyze, and draw conclusions in order to choose the best situation for them individually. Additionally, students should determine how much they need to earn annually in order to afford their new home. 2. The following websites can be used: a. b. c. d. e. 3. Class will brainstorm and list items that would be needed to furnish their apartments. 4. Students will use the Internet to comparatively shop for the items they believe are necessary to furnish their individual apartments. 5. Students will create an itemized budget using spreadsheet software. 6. Students will analyze their individual spreadsheets to determine how much money they need to save on a monthly basis to purchase apartment necessities within a one-year period. 7. Students will use the Internet to research additional costs to budget for their apartment. Examples are utilities, cable television, telephone, etc. These expenses are to be added to their spreadsheet. 8. Students will merge information from their spreadsheet into a multimedia PowerPoint presentation for their classmates.

Assessment Strategy:

“Furnishing an Apartment” Rubric

At or Above Exemplary Earned Low Performance At or Below Average Average Performance Points 50 points 75 points 85 points 100 points Students are Students are missing Students are Students have all missing many major major and minor items missing minor major and minor items items for most of the for most of the rooms. items from some that are necessary to rooms rooms. furnish an apartment. Score: Scoring Rubric: Spreadsheet Assignment – “Furnishing An Apartment”

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Poor Comments

Accessibility Does the writer use ample space to create rows and columns?

Does the writer provide appropriate labels, numbers, titles, and captions for the spreadsheet?

Does the writer use effective type size(s) and font(s)?


Does the writer use correct formulas to calculate information? Are the calculations accurate?

Did the writer edit the document for spelling and punctuation errors?

Usability Does the writer anticipate changes in the budget?

Further Comments:

Multimedia Project Rubric Assignment: Communicate complete information on ______topic with __ Cards, __ imported graphics, ____original graphics, ____ animations, ____ video clips or advanced features. Beginner: Novice: Intermediate: 3 Expert: Teacher Self Evaluation 1 point 2 Points points 4 points Evaluation Covers topic Includes essential completely and in information with depth. Includes Includes some most sources Includes little properly cited essential properly cited. Topic/ essential sources and information with Includes enough Content information and complete few citations elaboration to one or two facts information. and few facts. give readers an Encourages understanding of readers to know the topic. more. Includes ___ cards or less, Includes at least Includes at least Includes ___ fewer than 3 ___ cards, 5 or ___ cards, at cards or less, graphics from more graphics least 3 graphics Technical few graphics outside from outside from outside Requirements from outside sources, fewer sources, 5 or sources, at least (To be filled in sources, few than 3 more animations 3 animations and by teacher) animations and animations and and several some advanced advanced few advanced advanced features, such as features. features, such features, such as video. as video, 3-D, video. or sound. Includes more Includes 3-4 Includes 2-3 Grammar, than 5 grammatical grammatical spelling, grammatical errors, errors, punctuation, Mechanics errors, misspellings, misspellings, capitalization are misspellings, punctuation punctuation correct. No errors punctuation errors, etc. errors, etc. in the text. errors, etc. Cannot work Works well with Works with Works well with with others in others. Assumes a others, but has others. Takes most clear role and Cooperative difficulty part in most situations. related Group Work sharing decisions and Cannot share responsibilities. decisions and contributes fair decisions or Motivates others responsibilities. share to group. responsibilities. to do their best. Great difficulty Some difficulty Communicates communicating communicating Communicates ideas with ideas. Poor ideas, due to ideas with proper enthusiasm, Oral voice voice voice projection. proper voice Presentation projection. projection, lack Adequate projection, Skills Little of preparation, preparation and appropriate preparation or or incomplete delivery. language, and incomplete work. clear delivery. work. Scale: 18 - 20=Expert 15 - 17=Intermediate 10 - Total Points 14=Novice 6 - 9=Beginner Developed by Caroline McCullen, Instructional Technologist, SAS inSchool, Cary, NC May be reproduced for classroom use as long as no fee is charged and MidLink Magazine and/or SAS inSchool are cited as the source. (This Excel'97 Spreadsheet may be downloaded from MidLink Magazine: http:/

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