City Council Meeting Minutes

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City Council Meeting Minutes

City of Potterville City Council Meeting Minutes April 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. ______The City Council regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Bussard.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Roll Call: Member Hartson, Member Roush, Member French, Member Ross. Member Amey, Member Norman and Member Bussard. Staff: The City Manager Wanda Darrow and Secretary Amy Summers

Agenda Approval: Member Ross moved to amend the agenda to add #3 Mason’s and The City Manager stated we also need to add #4 Intent for Rural Development under New Business. Member Roush seconded. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: Member Ross moved to approve minutes from the regular March 5, 2015 and March 12, 2105 meeting minutes and to include the closed session meeting minutes from the March 5, 2015 closed session and the March 12, 2015 closed session. There was a correction on the votes in the minutes. Member Ross rescinded his original motion and to approve the corrected meeting minutes for the March 12, 2015 minutes and to include the regular meeting minutes and the closed session minutes. Member Amey seconded. Motion carried.

City Managers Report: The City Manager addressed the Board with her report. She stated Phase 1/Contract 1 with Fenton started work on April 6, 2015. They attended training first and the following week they started some basics and the millings on the streets are complete. She stated Jesse might have information to add. Jesse from DPW addressed the Board by stating they are going to cross the easement between Dunbar and Nelson and that what they are working on this right now. The City Manager stated there are eight (8) items remaining for the Phase II project. We are doing the 424 assurances, Construction programs, notice of intent, Michigan guide 2, Customer Information, MI 1780-22 Commercial Credit Certification, legal services agreement, operating budget of sewer, general fund operating budget first full year after construction for Loan and draft engineering agreement. All items will be complete and submittal of remaining documents was due to previous engineering and lack of documents to support the loan. She informed the Board of the concerns with the wastewater treatment plant (lagoon) as many complaints have come in regarding the odor. The concern is the aeration cells one (1) and two (2). The 2014 reports indicated real issues with some of the ponds. If we knew about a little sooner we could of switched things around or get help with this. She stated she has been asked for sludge reports for quite some time. DEQ can’t provide the information. She has been informed we have some real issues with the pond. The City Manager stated she has contacted Bingham Township as they have done sludge removal. This cost them about $200,000. She stated she has called around to some other places. Did talk with Chris Babcock from DEQ we should be doing this about every 24 years depending on what type of system we have. Hopefully moving forward and with Jesse on board we will be able to do some of these preventative maintenance issues. Anyone is welcome to see any of the documents and stated this will cost a lot of money.

Member French asked why are the reports are late. The City Manager stated she is not sure why maybe but knows DEQ has a turn around. The City Manager stated they provided us with a CD's as I received all of them today. Have called around for sludge removal and are looking at rural development project for the sludge. Will take a while and will cost a lot of money. Member Amey asked how much extra money in the water/sewer budget. The City Manager stated this was for reserves for repairs and replacement and stated we are not in the negative. The City Manager stated we are taking some of this money for improvements. We have an approximately $200,000. Member Bussard stated the system never has been dredged. The City Manager stated reserve funds were not used correctly.

The City Manager informed the Board she met today with C&D Hughes on the Lockview project and the plans and completion should be no later than May 22, 2015. The City Manager added she hopes to have the Dunbar project turned over June 1, 2015 to Reith & Riley. The City Manager stated the City will be receiving approximately $72,000 on the road millage where the funds will be distributed to DDA $10,000 and TIFA $10,000.

Member Norman stated that Amy has talked about doing a Standard Operational Procedure manual for her position and is this something that DPW can do. The City Manager stated she thinks Jesse and Brad have worked on a procedural manual in regards to flushing and have started a mapping system. The City Manager informed the Board she has met with Lockview and met with Lance from CD Hughes. They have started to work at the site and have put down topsoil and will be seeding next week.

The City Manager told the Board there has been one police officer out for a month. She added permits have been coming in like crazy and have some inquiries on some properties in the TIFA district. The Potterville school district are making improvements on the track and field area and are also putting up bleachers and moving the football field. Member French asked if they are also putting up new lighting. The City Manger stated she believes they will be putting up some lights and will have to relocate the retention pond. She informed the Board the MDOT project is going well.

The City Manager stated she is requesting vacation time from April 24 - May 4, 2015 and will have her cell phone available while gone. The City Manager asked the Board if they had any questions.

Member Norman asked about the city banners. The City Manager stated the banners came down and DDA authorized to purchase for Spring/Summer banners. Member Norman asked when the Memorial Day parade is. The City Manager stated it is Monday, May 25, 2015 and welcomed anyone to be in the parade.

Member Bussard commented he would like to go over the Rural Development bills. The City Manager stated the majority amount is for the cost water and tried to break down and the total for approval now is $47475.07.

Authorization of Bills: 1. General Bills: Member Ross made a motion to approve general bills. Member Hartson supported. Motion carried. (7-0). Member French asked about the Mileage reimbursements. The City Manager stated they are for three months. 2. Rural Development Bills totaling $47,475.07. Member Ross made a motion to approve the Rural Development bills. Member Norman supported. Motion carried (7-0). 3. Bank Reconciliation approval February and March 2015. Member Norman made a motion to approve the February and March reconciliation bills. Member Ross supported. Motion carried (7-0). Member Amey questioned the general entries and asked the attached lists be provided for the bank reconciliations.

The public hearing opened up at 7:43 p.m.

Public Comment: Rich Dietrich, 4063 E. Vermontville Highway. Mr. Dietrich stated he wanted to address the Board by stating there is a terrible odor from the waste water cells and this has been going on the last three to five years. The odor is terrible. If there is a north wind coming in we can’t even go outside. He stated we can’t tell you enough this is such a priority and the Board needs to get going on this. This is such a high priority and getting permits ready for the drudging project. He added he is very impressed that you are making this a priority.

Dave Davis, 438 Bunker Highway stated the smell is horrid. He added they can’t even want to go outside and there is also smell in the house. He stated they would not even be able to sell their home and would appreciate anything the board can do.

4143 E. Vermontville resident addressed the Board by stating we go out on the back deck and can’t even stay out there because of the smell and this has been a two (2) year problem.

Ms. Dietrich, 4063 E. Vermontville Highway addressed the Board by stating she has a list of dates of the water/sewer issue and also worried this may be a health risk.

The public hearing closed at 7:50 p.m.

Commission and Committees Report: Member Norman asked the City Manager when the farmers market would be complete. The City Manager stated the county will sign off on the final when the steps are complete hopefully the end of April. Member Norman asked about vendors for farmers market.

The City Manager informed the Board they are pouring concrete this week and had (4) four good days and is now completed. The City Manager stated she has pictures as it had a slope and it will drain properly. Member Bussard stated there is a noticeable difference. She added the Planning Commission did not meet due to lack of quorum.

Department Reports: Member Bussard stated we have all the reports and asked if the Board has any questions.

Unfinished Business:

1. Public hearing for by-laws: The clerk stated she typed the original by-laws as she could not scan the original. Member Ross stated the DDA went through document and corrected a bunch of things which does reflect the bylaws.

Public hearing opened at 7:48 p.m. Hearing no public council closed public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Member Amey stated she will abstain from voting as she has not read the by-laws. Motion by Member Ross to accept the DDA by-laws with corrections. Member French supported. Motion carried. (6-0) The City Manager stated that Dustin Twitchell came in to review the draft of the by-laws. Member Norman asked if this follows the act.

2. Clerk review – will be held at the May 21, 2015 meeting. 3. Masons – Jim Cooper from the Masons stated he was here in March and was told he would be put on the April agenda and was not. He is here because we are following up in regards to the decision on the taxes. Member Bussard addressed the City Manager stating he is not familiar with this. The City Manager stated this has been going on for a while. Mr. Cooper stated he is here for a follow up with the decisions and we are unsure how we got where we are and don’t know where to go from here. Member Ross stated it was his impression that other paperwork had to be filed through the state. The City Manager reiterated she has met with some of the masons and it is her understanding they are wanting a full 100% tax exemption. The assessor did not approve it and got the attorneys involved and they were supposed to follow up with some documentation and trying to work with them. She added they may need to go to the Tax Tribunal. This falls under Section 501-3 but sometimes does not mean you quality for 100% tax exemption and the last I knew the Masons were going to go forward with this. Member French asked about the process and if they qualify. The assessor stated they did not qualify. Mr. Cooper stated the City has been very helpful. If we would have known what we know now after two years we would of never rebuilt. We should have been told this three years ago and we can’t stay in Potterville if this does not get resolved. Vaughn Steel asked why we were not told this. Jim Robertson stated he feels the assessor personality and feels that he is biased. The City Manager asked the Mason’s to come into the office tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. to discuss this and bring any documents regarding by-laws etc. they may have. Member Bussard stated he would be here tomorrow and that this be put on the next month’s agenda . 4. Phase II addition to the agenda: The City Manager stated we are here for the intent to apply for Rural Development funding. Member Norman made a motion to approve application for Phase II for Rural Development funding. Member Ross seconded. Motion carried (7-0).

New Business: 1. Member Ross made a motion to approve Resolution# 15-0416-04 to establish receiving Board. Member Amey supported. Motion carried. (7-0) 2. Member Ross moved to approve Resolution #15-0416-05 to establish trail ways and pathways. Member Norman seconded. Motion carried. (7-0)

Public Comment: None

Communication from Mayor: Member Bussard stated he has been in constant contact with the City Manager in regards to the water/sewer plant.

Closed Session: None

Excuse absent Member: None Member Norman stated he had noticed the recycle area is packed. The City Manager stated she believes more people are using the recycle bins.

Member Norman made a motion to approve the City Manager’s vacation from April 24, 2015 through May, 4, 2015. Member Ross seconded. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn: Member Norman moved to adjourn the April 16, 2015 City Council meeting. Member Ross supported. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Summers

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