NCEA Level 2 Japanese (91133) 2016 Assessment Schedule

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NCEA Level 2 Japanese (91133) 2016 Assessment Schedule

NCEA Level 2 Japanese (91133) 2016 — page 1 of 4 (1) Assessment Schedule – 2016 (2) Japanese: Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Japanese texts on familiar matters (91133) Assessment Criteria

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Demonstrating understanding involves making Demonstrating clear understanding involves Demonstrating thorough understanding involves meaning of the relevant information, ideas, and selecting relevant information, ideas, and expanding on relevant information, ideas, and opinions from the texts. opinions from the texts and communicating them opinions from the texts with supporting detail. unambiguously. Evidence

Not Achieved A Merit Excellence Demonstrates limited or no Demonstrates clear understanding by selecting relevant information, ideas, and Demonstrates thorough understanding understanding of the spoken texts. opinions from the spoken texts and communicating them unambiguously. of the implied meanings or conclusions within the spoken texts.

Some information is correct. The Information correctly includes relevant detail from the spoken texts. The candidate Relevant information, ideas, and candidate has not shown understanding attempts to communicate implied meanings without showing understanding of every opinions, with supporting detail, are of the general meaning (gist) of the nuance. selected and expanded on. The spoken texts. The response is logically response shows understanding of inconsistent, indicating nuance and meanings not obviously misunderstanding. stated in the spoken texts. N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 Shows very little Shows little Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates clear Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding understanding some understanding of clear understanding and thorough thorough and does not and does not understanding of the spoken texts understanding unambiguously understanding understanding convey the general convey the the spoken texts, and conveys the and communicates and and meaning of the general meaning and conveys some general meaning. unambiguously most of the communicates communicates spoken texts. of the spoken of the general communicates meaning by some of the most of the texts. meaning. some of the selecting relevant implied meanings implied meaning by information, ideas, by providing some meanings by selecting relevant and opinions from supporting detail providing information, the spoken texts. from the spoken supporting detail ideas, and texts which justifies from the spoken opinions from the conclusions. texts which fully spoken texts. justifies N No response; no relevant evidence conclusions. NCEA Level 2 Japanese (91133) 2016 — page 2 of 4

Question ONE Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence

(a) Possible evidence showing Rangi prefers Japanese-style meals / Sushi is usually popular with foreigners. understanding of why they’re having food (to Western-style). sushi for the party. Rangi doesn’t eat meat (although he does eat fish). Sushi is popular with foreigners. (b) Possible evidence showing understanding of reasons for buying from each shop: Sakura Sushi New sushi shop that opened last week. Akiko has heard that it is not as expensive Even though they haven’t tried it and It is not as expensive as Matsuri Sushi. as Matsuri Sushi. don’t know if it is good or not, Sakura Sushi is cheaper. (A justified reason Supermarket sushi is cheap but not where the cheaper price outweighs delicious. any concerns they may have over its quality.) Matsuri Sushi It is close to the station. It is close to the station and therefore Akiko says she hasn’t tried Sakura Supermarket sushi is cheap but not convenient. Sushi and doesn’t know what it is like, delicious. She hasn’t tried the sushi from Sakura and is worried that it might not be delicious, so should buy from Matsuri You can order sushi over the phone. Sushi yet. Sushi. (A justified reason that takes She doesn’t know whether or not the sushi into account uncertainty of whether the will be delicious. sushi will be delicious, as she hasn’t tried it.) So even though Matsuri Sushi is more expensive than Sakura Sushi, they should buy from Matsuri Sushi to be on the safe side. (A justified reason where the concerns about the uncertainty over its quality outweighs the higher price.) They should buy from Matsuri Sushi as you can order it over the phone, and pick it up easily because it is next to the station, so it is more convenient. Possible evidence is not limited to these examples. Answers are judged holistically, not solely on the basis of evidence included in the schedule. Assessment judgements are based on the level of understanding shown rather than knowledge of individual lexical items. Question TWO Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence NCEA Level 2 Japanese (91133) 2016 — page 3 of 4 (a) Possible evidence showing Went to the sports festival. Hearing people in his team cheering for understanding of what Rangi did and him (to keep going, try hard) made him Ran / competed in a running race. whether he enjoyed it. happy. People in his team were cheering for him. He won his race. (b) Possible evidence showing People danced and sang songs to Boys danced, and Rangi was surprised by (If) no – he doesn’t want to give it a go, understanding of what else happened at support the team. this, because in New Zealand usually only because in New Zealand usually only the event. Boys dressed in black uniforms danced. the girls dance. the girls dance and he would be embarrassed to do so. He thought it was cool. (If) yes – he wants to give it a go, because he thought the boys dancing were cool. (If) yes – he wants to give it a go, (No mention of embarrassment.) because he thought the boys dancing were cool, even though he might be embarrassed about doing so, because in New Zealand usually only the girls dance. (c) Possible evidence showing His favourite subject is P.E. When he learns new things, he can watch He likes P.E. best because it doesn’t understanding of Rangi’s favourite In other subjects the explanations are all / look at the teacher and soon / quickly involve as much Japanese as his other subject and why. in Japanese. understand how to do it. subjects, and he can therefore understand it more easily. (A justified There are lots of words he doesn’t know, reason that takes into account the which makes them difficult. different ways of learning between Especially in Physics and History. P.E. and his other subjects, and use this to explain why he prefers P.E.) Possible evidence is not limited to these examples. Answers are judged holistically, not solely on the basis of evidence included in the schedule. Assessment judgements are based on the level of understanding shown rather than knowledge of individual lexical items.

Question THREE Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence (a) Possible evidence showing understanding of: (i) what Rangi asked his host mother About something strange that happened (When it was time for dinner), everyone about at the party. filled their glass with what they wanted to Everyone told him not to drink. drink / their favourite drink. (He was thirsty), so drank half his drink He wants to know why / what he did wrong. and everyone told him not to. NCEA Level 2 Japanese (91133) 2016 — page 4 of 4 (ii) her response Host mother thinks it is because he drank before the kanpai. A kanpai is something that happens before special meals. At speeches they say kanpai and After someone has finished making a everyone drinks. speech, they say kanpai, then everybody After the kanpai you may eat and drink, else also says kanpai and everyone but not before the kanpai. drinks.

(b) Possible evidence showing On special occasions / times, Māori often After people finish speaking in the marae, In both you may not eat before it is understanding of similarities between give / say speeches at / on a marae. they go to the dining hall / wharekai next said. kanpai and the Māori prayer. door and eat a meal. A prayer / karakia kai in Māori is said AND EITHER before eating. They are both said after speeches. You are not allowed to eat before the OR prayer / karakia kai (in Māori). They are both said on special occasions. (c) Possible evidence showing Japanese people say itadakimasu before Rangi’s family doesn’t usually say a Māori Japanese people say itadakimasu understanding of how itadakimasu is every meal. prayer / karakia kai before meals. before every meal, but the Māori different from the Māori prayer. prayer / karakia kai is usually said only Rangi’s family say the Māori prayer / He thinks there are probably families who karakia kai only at Christmas or when say it all the time, but there are few of on special occasions such as they go to a marae. them. Christmas and going to a marae (so is more similar to a kanpai). (A justified He thinks most Māori families do the and explicit link between itadakimasu same (as his family does). and the prayer in Māori / karakia kai.) Possible evidence is not limited to these examples. Answers are judged holistically, not solely on the basis of evidence included in the schedule. Assessment judgements are based on the level of understanding shown rather than knowledge of individual lexical items Cut Scores

Not Achieved Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence 0 – 7 8 – 14 15 – 20 21 – 24

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