General Course Information Jennifer Booker, Ph.D. Last Updated January 6, 2015

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General Course Information Jennifer Booker, Ph.D. Last Updated January 6, 2015

General Course Information Jennifer Booker, Ph.D. Last updated January 6, 2015

INTRODUCTION...... 2 Scope...... 2 The Basics...... 2 General Thoughts...... 2 Drexel Student Handbook...... 3 Academic Honesty...... 3 Personal Responsibility...... 3 Ego Issues...... 4 UNIVERSITY POLICY...... 4 Accommodation for Disability...... 4 Add/Drop...... 4 Course Withdrawal...... 4 Course Incomplete...... 5 ASSIGNMENTS...... 5 Basic Rules for Assignments...... 5 Research Papers...... 6 Assignment Format Guidelines...... 7 Electronic Assignment Submission...... 8 Late Assignments...... 8 Redoing Assignments...... 8 GRADING...... 8 Grading Criteria...... 8 How Do I Grade?...... 9 Grading Disputes...... 10 Grading Scale...... 10 TEACHING PHILOSOPHY...... 11 DOCUMENT REVIEW NOTES...... 12 First rule: Do it!...... 12 Structure and Continuity...... 12 Section and Page Numbering...... 13 Grammar and Spelling...... 13 Dates...... 15 References and Acronyms...... 15 Table and Figure Labeling Conventions...... 15 Sequential Numbering Throughout Document...... 16 Number within each Section...... 16 Number within each Subsection...... 16 Table of Contents...... 17

1 INTRODUCTION The current version of this file is Scope

This information supplements the syllabus for all courses taught by Dr. Jennifer Booker for Drexel University.

Sometimes distinctions are made between information for people taking in-person courses (those held on campus, for example), versus those which are conducted using the online system (over the Internet using Blackboard Learn). If no such distinction is made, it applies to both. The Basics

For in-person classes:

 Come to class on time  Come to class prepared o Read the lecture notes and text before class o Think about the course material and/or assignments before class, and bring your questions and insights  Mute your cell phones and other assorted electronic devices.  If you need to leave in the middle of class, do so discreetly. I assume you'll do so discretely, since there's only one of you.

For all classes:

 I assume that “individual” assignments will be done … individually! That means you do the work alone and don’t discuss it with anyone. Violations of academic honesty are dealt with severely.  Don’t throw together group assignment pieces at the last minute – consistency is critical.  Even if your course isn’t officially “writing intensive”, consider having your work reviewed by the Writing Center (MacAlister, Room 32). The most insightful planning or innovative analysis is still worthless if you can’t communicate it effectively. General Thoughts

Each class is a time for you to learn, explore, and apply new ideas. You are responsible for making sure you get the most out of class. Try to go beyond just understanding the concepts

2 presented - think of how you could apply them to your work or co-op environment (if any), and how they fit in with things you have learned in other courses.

If I cover something too quickly, or use a term you don't know, STOP ME and ask about it. If you're confused, and do something to fix it, there is probably at least one other person in class who will be grateful, because they were confused too! Drexel Student Handbook

In addition to my specific course requirements, all of the general requirements described in the Drexel Student Handbook ( apply. In particular, pay attention to the Standards of Conduct and Academic Honesty sections. Academic Honesty

Make sure to follow the principles of academic honesty. Failure to do so results in at best a failing grade for the assignment, and in severe cases, can result in failure of the entire course. In either case, it also appears on your permanent academic record, where multiple occurrences can result in penalties up to expulsion from the University.

 Do not submit someone else’s work, whether another student or an outside source, as if it were your own work.  Cite references for all outside sources used. The best guideline is, if you are using more than three consecutive words from another source, cite it.

See related University policies:

 Provost academic dishonesty policy -  Student Conduct and Community Standards -

For citation format guidance, North Carolina State summarizes different styles of citation. The OWL at Purdue is outstanding for APA style. Individualized advising on research and APA citing practice for your papers is available from your IST Librarian at [email protected]. Personal Responsibility

Each student is responsible for keeping track of their own assignments, and making sure to turn them in on time. I'm not your babysitter! If I notice you're missing an assignment I'll tell you, but don't count on me to manage your responsibilities. For example, if everyone else got an assignment back and you didn’t, check with me and we’ll figure out what happened.

3 Be aware that I generally do not record your grades into a spreadsheet until late in the term. This is to help me avoid forming prejudgment of the quality of each piece of work you submit. You are responsible for ensuring that you have turned in all assignments on time! Ego Issues

 I'm not impressed by assignments submitted on expensive paper. Save that for your dissertation or wedding invitations.  I'm not impressed by you quoting me as a reference, especially for research papers. I assume you have read the lecture notes, so you don't have to prove it to me.  I have been known to make mistakes. (Eeek! I'm human.) So if you think I goofed, don't be afraid to bring it up tactfully. I won't be offended.

UNIVERSITY POLICY Accommodation for Disability

 Any student with a documented disability and needing accommodations is encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 215-895-1401, or contact me for further information about this office. Students must register with the ODS and receive an Accommodation Verification Form prior to receiving accommodations. Contact with the ODS is strictly confidential. Please contact me as early in the term as possible in order to receive timely accommodations.  See also Add/Drop

 Standard Drexel University and College of IST policies apply for adding or dropping courses. Do not ask me to sign Add forms, you need to work that out with your advisor and the College office in 306 Rush Hall.  The deadline for adding or dropping a course is the end of the second week of classes.  You must resolve any ‘holds’ against your registration, if any, before a drop or add can be done, so make sure you don’t wait until the last minute.  Please send me a courtesy email to let me know if you are dropping or adding any of my courses.  The University drop policy is here Course Withdrawal

 Standard University and College of IST policies apply for withdrawing from courses. The deadline for withdrawing is the end of the seventh week of classes. Please make an appointment with me to discuss your reasons for withdrawal.

4 Course Incomplete

 Under rare circumstances, it is possible to take an Incomplete (I) grade for a course. You must have completed at least half of the course requirements for me to consider this option. You must complete the rest of the course requirements within a calendar year, or the grade will automatically turn into an F. I will not remind you to finish an Incomplete course – it is your responsibility to stay in contact with me and get the work done.

ASSIGNMENTS Basic Rules for Assignments

 Be sure to identify clearly who is submitting an assignment, the date, the course number, and which assignment it is fulfilling. IF YOU DO NOT IDENTIFY AN ASSIGNMENT AS YOURS, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR IT. I shouldn’t have to remind University students to put their names on their papers, but apparently it’s necessary.

 Group versus individual: Some assignments are to be done individually, some are group projects, and some may be either individual or group, at each group's discretion. Which of these options applies is defined for each assignment.

 In general, assignments will be given at least one week before they are due, and will be graded within one week after they are turned in. Exceptions to this rule will be shown clearly on the syllabus.

 Assignments which are submitted electronically should be formatted the same as if you were printing them.

In-person Classes Online (ALN) Classes How are Assignments for in-person courses Assignments for online courses are assignments should be submitted on letter-sized generally submitted via the Digital Drop submitted? paper. Electronic submission of Box on Blackboard. assignments is accepted by permission only. When are Assignments are due at the start of Assignments are due at 11:59 pm on the assignments class on the date stated on the calendar date stated on the syllabus. due? syllabus. What should I After the first class, it is assumed that It is assumed that everyone will read the do to everyone will come to class prepared assigned reading material, and review the prepare for to discuss the material. The lectures lecture notes before participating in the class? should be a place to review and clarify weekly discussions. If you have questions the course material, and resolve about the material, please bring them up questions. during the discussions.

5 Research Papers

A research paper does not mean ‘copy stuff from a few web pages.’ Research means gathering data or views from multiple reputable sources, and either reaching a conclusion, or pointing out how they differ (e.g. compare & contrast different views or approaches). Research in the scientific sense can also mean formulating a hypothesis and testing it, but that's a different context than we typically use in my classes.

For research papers I'm looking for a variety of issues.

 Does the paper have clear focus, structure, and scope? Technical writing isn't a mystery novel.  Cite sources as you use them (inline citations).  The summary or conclusion should not introduce new material or sources.  Follow the guidance in the Document Review Notes below for labeling, citing, and discussing figures and tables. o Label figures and tables, e.g. ‘Figure 1. Data Flow Diagram for System XYZ.’ o Cite figures and tables in the body of the document before they appear (e.g. "As seen in Figure 1, blah blah blah" or "blah increases during the life cycle (Figure 4), especially blah blah blah"). o Discussion should focus the reader's attention on key elements or conclusions they should draw from them. Why is this element important enough to include in your paper? Do NOT read the diagram with words, e.g. discussion of an entity- relationship diagram should not say ‘The Customer has a one to many relationship to Orders’ because the reader can tell that from the diagram itself.  In your writing, don't state anything is 'obvious' or ‘clearly.’ Your audience may not follow the topic as well as you do.  Don't dwell on material already covered in class. Show me you found something new!  It's easy to spot someone fluffing up the page count of a paper. Don't. I’ve been a student a lot longer than you have.  Use third person (no 'I, me, my, we, our' since those are first or second person). This document is written in first person.

When it comes to references (sources) and citation thereof:

 Do it! Failure to cite references can be an academic honesty violation. If more than three words in a row came from a specific source, cite it.  Do you cite references using a consistent method? See the assignment for guidance on preferred citation format, if any.  Did you use a good variety of sources? How many references are used throughout the paper? In each section? o A paper is much weaker if entire sections are each drawn from a single source. o Or worse, if several sections in a row all cite only the same source. That's glorified copying of the source document, not research.

6  Are sources reputable? o Wherever possible, use refereed (peer reviewed) journals or books as references. Avoid using web sites of questionable authority. o Industry publications (e.g. vendor websites) can be biased, but may be technically valuable. o Don’t use Wikipedia or blogs (e.g. LiveJournal, MySpace, etc.) as sources, unless purely for opinions.  Do you present different points of view about the topic? Compare and contrast different authors' viewpoints or data.  Don't cite extensively from the course text, if there is one. I assume you read the text, find something new to either support it or provide a contrasting view.  How current are your sources? This is a refinement, but for example consider if all of your sources are 10+ years old, why is that? Does no one address that topic recently? Try to find at least some sources within the last five years, or know (and possibly discuss in the paper) why that isn't possible. Assignment Format Guidelines

 A variety of recommendations for reviewing and formatting formal reports have been collected in the Document Review Notes below. Also check your work in terms of the Grading Criteria listed below.  All written assignments should be formatted for 8.5 x 11" paper, with one inch margins. If you’re going to bind the printed document, use 1.5” inside margins so your text doesn’t get lost in the binding.  Font size for body text should be twelve points, with double spacing. Tables may use ten point fonts with 1-1/2 spacing. I don't care what specific font face you use (Ariel, Times, etc.) – as long as it looks professional.  Cite references when materials other than the assigned texts are used. Any reasonable format is acceptable for references; here is a common one (the APA format).

 Footnotes are nice, but not required. Inline citations are generally preferred over footnotes or endnotes.  A cover page is nice for research papers and all longer assignments (e.g. for project management assignments).

 In-person classes only: Binding is encouraged for large projects. Try to avoid using thick three-ring binders, since they are bulky. Also remember that if you bind your project, allow 1/2" more inside margin so the document may be easily read after binding! (In MS Word, this is referred to as a 0.5" gutter under Page Layout > Margins.)

7 Electronic Assignment Submission

 If an assignment multiple documents from the same application (e.g. several Word files), please combine them into a single document before submitting them. This doesn’t apply if the files must remain separate, such as source code files.  If an assignment involves several types of files, please zip them into a single file.  Make sure that file names include the course number, assignment number, and at least your last name. If you have a common last name, add your first initial as well, such as ‘info425-hw2-fsmith.doc’. Late Assignments

Don't have any! Late assignments will be marked down one full letter grade per week. No late assignments will be accepted after the last day of classes for the term (e.g. the last class session for in-person courses, or Friday of the last week of classes for ALN courses), OR after the solution for the assignment has been provided (if there is one). Redoing Assignments

 Redoing assignments might be allowed on a case-by-case basis.  The highest grade possible for a redone assignment is typically a B.  Assignments can not be redone after a solution has been presented.  Assignments can be redone once, at most.

GRADING Grading Criteria

The following criteria should be considered when preparing and proofreading your assignments, because they are the things I look for when grading.

Accuracy Pay attention to details! Make sure that the content is correct.

Clarity A few well worded sentences will impress much more than ten babbling ones. Assignments are not graded by tonnage!

Completeness Make sure all of the assigned questions have been answered. Additional material rarely hurts, but make sure that if the assignment calls for discussion of topics A, B, and C, all of those topics are discussed - and preferably in that order. For measurements, including appropriate units (ft, parsecs, furlongs, etc.) is also

8 an aspect of completeness. Give the units for all quantitative answers.

Consistency I’m a stickler for consistency – that’s a warning! Logical consistency: Make sure that the introduction, body, and conclusion are all consistent with each other. Are you telling the same story throughout the document? Mathematical consistency: If doing calculations, make sure the answer seems logically consistent with the scope of the problem. Formatting consistency: If you are assembling an assignment from several contributions, please make sure the final product uses one set of font sizes and styles.

Correctness Check carefully for proper spelling and grammar. Try not to rely on spelling and grammar checkers; they aren't that bright!

Structure Clear structure makes it easier to determine if assignment requirements have been met, and looks more professional. Follow the structure given by the assignment, if any - that makes it more likely I will find what you wrote for me. This also means that you probably shouldn’t be chatting for a page and a half on one paragraph. Break your discussion apart by topic, and use section headings where appropriate to help guide the reader. Also notice, for example in this document, that the use of tables and bullet points can help break up distinct but related topics.

How Do I Grade?

My typical procedure for grading goes something like this:

 I go through each assignment and make comments about parts which are wrong or could be improved. At the same time, I also make notes on a separate piece of paper about the mistakes on each assignment (if any), and assign a tentative grade.

 I check the piece of paper to make sure all of the grades are consistent with each other - all of the A minuses have comparable levels of mistakes; all of the B plusses are consistent, etc. Any grades which aren't consistent are corrected on the piece of paper.

 Then I go through the papers again (often the next day, for a fresh perspective) and double check my notes, verify that the grade is correct, and then make final comments on your paper and give you the grade.

Why do I mention this process? In response to those who assert that their grade ‘isn’t fair compared to the rest of the class.’ Rest assured, I’ve probably checked at least twice to make sure it is.

9 Grading Disputes

If you don’t understand why you got the grade you did, see me and we’ll discuss it. If I made a mistake I’m more than happy to fix it.

If you still disagree with my judgment, contact the Assistant Dean of Student Services in 306 Rush Hall. Grading Scale

Grades for written and oral assignments, including homework assignments and research papers, are on a scale of A, A-, B+, B, etc. Class participation grades (including online weekly discussions) are graded on a scale of A, B, C, etc. Missing assignments receive a zero.

Final overall course grades are based on the percentages given in the syllabus for each assignment, with each grade counted using the midpoint values below (an A is 95%, A- is 91%, etc.).

As of Fall term 2006 final grades use plusses and minuses. The translation between final course percent score and course grade, revised as of March 2010, is:

Score range Midpoint Final Grade Number of Grade Points * 98-100% 100% A+ 4.0 93-97 95 A 4.0 90-92 91 A- 3.67 87-89 88 B+ 3.33 83-86 85 B 3.0 80-82 81 B- 2.67 77-79 78 C+ 2.33 73-76 75 C 2.0 70-72 71 C- 1.67 67-69 68 D+ 1.33 60-66 64 D 1.0 0-59 30 F 0.0 * From


Teaching is an opportunity for me to challenge myself to keep up with an ever-evolving field and connect to my students so I can nudge them to explore information and ideas. Teaching is also an opportunity to prepare students for the work environment they are likely to experience in industry. From their perspective, teaching is an opportunity to learn new ways of thinking and place new ideas in the context of the world and experiences they already know.

While I try to make the teaching process as collaborative with the students as possible, I realize that it isn’t a popularity contest. Therefore I accept the fact that some students will simply not like my approach to teaching, particularly those who feel they deserve an A for having a pulse. Part of my job is to maintain the academic integrity of my courses and the standards of the iSchool and Drexel University. Early in my teaching career I learned that sugar-coating really poor student performance gave the wrong impression to them, so sometimes I have to be more direct in my feedback. I have to do what I believe is best for them at that moment even if it means being the ‘bad cop’ to tell them they did poorly or cheated on an assignment.

Therefore teaching is a balancing act (Figure 1), to weigh the background and experience of each student against the new material they need to understand and integrate, the needs of the degree programs for accreditation, the academic standards of the iSchool and Drexel University, and the needs of industry to get graduates with expected skills, knowledge, and abilities. To further complicate matters, all of this needs to be done in the face of quickly emerging technologies, and balancing individual versus group learning modes and preferred personal learning styles.

Student background and experience

Course material Industry needs


Program and iSchool and DU accreditation academic needs standards Figure 1. Teaching diagram

Teaching is an opportunity for students to learn and explore, and for me to guide that exploration, all done in the context of their previous understanding and knowledge, the course subject matter, new technologies, individual versus group accomplishments, and the standards of the College and University.

11 DOCUMENT REVIEW NOTES First rule: Do it!

 Make sure to review a document several times, and have someone trustworthy double check it when possible. It’s easy to miss the same mistake several times if you know what it’s supposed to be saying!  Review a document on several levels, generally from the highest level (most vague) to the lowest level (most detailed): o Does it meet its intended purpose? Is the overall scope of the document correct? o Is the overall structure good? Are any sections missing or logically out of order? o Are concepts explained in the order in which the reader will need to understand them? o Is the scope of each section appropriate? Some sections will naturally be more general (background or history) than others (the body), but you should ask yourself whether the amount of detail is correct for that section. o Make sure each section has a logical flow within it – are you telling a complete and coherant story within each section? o Is the rationale for each section clear? If any decisions were made, is it clear what basis was used for making them, and what was the actual decision? o Make sure everything in each section really belongs there – deliberately look for material which belongs elsewhere in the document. Finding a lot of material which belongs elsewhere may lead to the creation of a new section. o Then when you’re happy with the scope, structure and contents of the document, do detailed editing to look for spelling and grammar mistakes, labeling, and other issues. Structure and Continuity

Continuity Within a Section: When the introduction for a section describes that topic as being made up of parts A, B, and C, then the subsections to describe each of those parts should also appear in that same order.

Level of Detail: The level of detail of the document needs to be consistent within the body. Make sure some key topics aren’t described briefly, while others are fully explained.

Internal Cross References: Cross references among sections are often helpful to avoid redundant information appearing in multiple sections. Often the last part of the first major section is devoted to outlining the contents of the rest of the document.

12 Section and Page Numbering

Section Numbering: Section numbering is generally recommended to help make sure the structure of the document is clear. If sections are not numbered, it is particularly important to use font styles and indenting on section headings to make the document structure clear.

Never have a single subsection (e.g. if you had sections 5, 5.1, and 6 – the 5.1 is a single subsection under section 5). Either find two or more headings for subsections, or use none at all. (So in that case either break section 5 into 5.1 and 5.2, or leave the entire discussion in just section 5.)

Page Numbering: Show page numbers for documents longer than a few pages. Page numbers are usually placed in the footer. Grammar and Spelling

 Documents should be in third person – no “I”, “we”, “you”, or “our” references. The only exceptions to this are user’s manuals and test procedures, which are generally in second person.  Be sure tenses are correct. Don’t use future tense for events which have already taken place.  Don’t use a forward slash between nouns, such as “competencies/proficiency levels” or “processes/procedures”. It is unclear if the slash means “ and “, or “ or “, or “ and/or “, or something else. Spell out what you mean. The only time a slash is used between words is for recognized phrases like “s/he”, “and/or”, or in acronyms, e.g. “TCP/IP”.  Look out for typos which will pass a spelling checker (and often a grammar checker too), like those shown in Table 1. What’s the moral of this story? Don’t count on spelling and grammar checkers to edit your document for you. They can catch some mistakes, but you need to find the rest.  Look for correct use of contractions and possessives. “It’s” is a contraction for “it is”; “its” is possessive, meaning “belonging to it”.  Beware of homonyms (words which sound alike) such as to/too/two and their/there/they’re. If you don’t know the differences among them, see Figure 2.

Pay attention to basic concepts of grammar and spelling. It’s irrelevant if English is your first language or fifth, you need to express yourself properly.

13 Figure 2. Grammar reminders

Table 1. Some Typos Not Caught by Spelling Checkers

casual vs. causal material vs. materiel pursue vs. peruse chose vs. choose moral vs. morale trial vs. trail form vs. from perfect vs. prefect who’s vs. whose manager vs. manger lose vs. loose discrete vs. discreet

14 marital vs. martial public vs. pubic customer vs costumer

Affect versus Effect - The words "affect" and "effect" are not interchangeable. "Affect" is a verb, "effect" is generally a noun. The most common usages are of the form: "The purpose of this measure is to determine the effect of X on Y." (Only a noun may have "the" in front of it.) "How does X affect Y?"

Split infinitives - This classic grammatical error is becoming passe, but is still to be avoided for formal business writing. The infinitive form of a verb is the one which starts with "to," such as "to do," "to measure," etc. Placing an adverb between "to" and the rest of the verb is called a split infinitive. "To boldly go" is a classic split infinitive. While it often sounds clumsy, placing the adverb after the verb is generally correct, such as "to go boldly."


 Dates need to be cited in a consistent format. Don’t use “September 16, 2002” in one place, “9/16/02” in another, and “16 Sep 02” somewhere else.  Be sure dates are complete. Telling the reader that something occurred “in October” doesn’t help much!  Avoid referring to “currently”, “at present”, “to date” or “now”. Instead, cite the present date as the point of reference, e.g. “As of September 2013, blah blah blah”.  Be careful about referring to any event in present tense, such as “this release”, “this phase”, or “this iteration”. It’s easy for such references to become out of date. Instead, cite which release, phase, or iteration you mean, such as “release 10.2” or “phase Three”. References and Acronyms

 There should be sections devoted to defining acronyms and reference documents, or a document citing where they are available.  Need to cite specific sources, locations, and/or hyperlinks for documents. In the case of web pages, indicate when that page was accessed.  Links to documents should only appear in one place, to make updating them easier.  Define acronyms when they are first used in the document, except extremely common acronyms (e.g. CD-ROM, CEO, TV).  Use one phrase or acronym consistently for a given organization or concept. Never use multiple phrases for the same thing unless you are defining synonyms for that thing.  Be sure to cite a reference when a quote is made, or a significant amount of material (such as a figure or table) is drawn from that source. Table and Figure Labeling Conventions

15 Use them! Label every table and figure. Cite each one in the document, and discuss important aspects of that table or figure. Perhaps the columns of the table need to be explained, or you need to point out key characteristics of the figure.

Each table or figure should appear somewhere after it’s cited in the document – either soon after the paragraph in which it is cited (preferred), or collect them all at the end of the document.

Tables and Figures are numbered separately from each other. Even if the first Figure appears after Table 4, it’s still numbered Figure 1.

Label Numbering: There are at least three conventions possible for numbering Tables and Figures. Any of them is acceptable, as long as only one convention is used throughout the document! The same style of convention should be used by Tables and Figures. Examples of each are shown in Table 2.

Sequential Numbering Throughout Document

Each table is numbered in the order in which they appear in the document. This is the easiest convention to use for small documents. In large documents, it can be harder to maintain when tables are added or removed, because then all later table numbers have to be changed.

Number within each Section

Each table within a major section (section 1, section 2, etc.) is numbered using the section number and a dash in front of the table’s sequential number in that major section. Use this for medium and large documents.

Number within each Subsection

Same as Number within each Section, except the full section number is used as a prefix before the dash, instead of just the major section number. This can get messy in very large documents, since the fourth table in section would be labeled Table Only use this convention for extremely large documents, where each major section’s contents are managed by many people.

Table 2. Examples of Table and Figure Labeling Conventions

Hypothetical Document’s Sequential Numbering Number within Number within each Section each Subsection Tables Throughout Document First table in section 1 Table 1 Table 1-1 Table 1-1 Second table in section 1 Table 2 Table 1-2 Table 1-2 Only table in section 2.2 Table 3 Table 2-1 Table 2.2-1 Only table in section 7 Table 4 Table 7-1 Table 7-1

16 Only table in section 7.1 Table 5 Table 7-2 Table 7.1-1 Only table in section 7.2 Table 6 Table 7-3 Table 7.2-1

Label Location: Labels should be located consistently relative to the image they cite. For example, many organizations put all Table labels above the table, and Figure labels below the figure. Whatever way you use, be consistent.

17 Table of Contents

Assign Styles To create a table of contents (TOC) for your document, first assign Styles to each heading to appear in the TOC. Click on the heading, and select the appropriate Style. The top level of headings gets Heading 1, the second level Heading 2, etc. Keep in mind that a Style is associated with a paragraph, so the entire paragraph will appear in the TOC. Keep the headings concise.

Generate TOC Go to the front of the document and put the cursor where the TOC should appear. Use References > Table of Contents > Insert Table of Contents… to insert the TOC. You can choose how many levels of heading appear in the TOC. Usually the TOC gets its own page in the document.

Update TOC To update a TOC that already exists, right click over it and select Update Field. Usually I select Update Entire Table since it doesn’t take long to do that. If you deleted any Headings from the document, it will update the entire table automatically.


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