CMU Assessment Plan

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CMU Assessment Plan

Xavier University 5-Year Program-Level Assessment Plan

Degree Program: {Insert degree(s) level} (each major would be considered a program) Department(s): {Insert name of department} College: {Insert name of college} Program Assessment Coordinator(s): {Insert name} Participants in the Assessment Process: {Insert name(s)} Plan Time Frame: 2010/2011 TO 2014/2015 **Note: The reason we're asking for each major is that if the goals/objectives/assessments are the same for each major, there would only be a need for one major.

1. Program Description.  Broad statement of program purpose written in philosophical terms describing values and aspirations. REMINDER: Program mission should align with department, college and Xavier mission.  Brief description of degree program requirements.

2. Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs). Student-centered outcomes stated in terms of what the student should know and/or be able to do upon graduation. REMINDER: Consider at least six (6) but no more than twelve (12) outcomes; written as student- focused, measurable and observable. If appropriate, consider your discipline-related/professional organization-related objectives in defining your PSLOs.

1 3. Alignment of Program-level Student Learning Outcomes to University Learning Outcomes (ULOs). These ULOs were developed in 2002-2003 by faculty, staff and administrators as part of the last strategic planning process. Which of your Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) address these ULOs? Place an X in the box to indicate the relationship. (Not every ULO needs to be addressed.)

University Learning Program Learning Outcomes Outcomes (ULOs) PSLO #1 PSLO #2,etc.

ULO #1: reason critically and think creatively ULO #2: communicate effectively - orally, in writing, and with technology ULO #3: integrate knowledge with experience toward wisdom, insight, and understanding ULO #4: be morally sensitive to the needs of our times and in career choices ULO #5: promote justice and serve society, especially the poor and marginalized ULO #6: foster human diversity and inclusiveness through cultural competence and collaborative leadership ULO #7: seek to find the presence of God in all things

2 4. (If applicable and relevant) Alignment of Program-level Student Learning Outcomes to Discipline/Other Outcomes. Which of your Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) address learning outcomes for your discipline, such as those articulated by accrediting bodies or professional organizations? You may also include how your PSLOs address goals articulated by your college or department. Place an X in the box to indicate the relationship. Indicate N/A if these are not applicable or relevant to this program.

Discipline/Other Program Learning Outcomes Learning PSLO #1 PSLO #2,etc. Outcomes

3 5. Curriculum Alignment of Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs). For each PSLO, identify which courses in your degree program address the intended learning outcome. Courses should include all those that fulfill requirements for the major/program. REMINDER: Cohesive curricula provide students with opportunities to integrate, synthesize, practice and develop increasingly complex ideas, skills and values. Place an “I” for courses or experiences in the outcome is introduced. Place an “R” for courses or experiences in which the outcome is reinforced or emphasized. Place an “M” for courses or experiences in which students are given the opportunity to master the outcome.

Courses Program Learning Outcomes Core, Required PSLO #1 PSLO #2,etc. and/or Electives

Course #1

Course #2, etc.

6. Methods for Assessing Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs). Review the completed chart from step 5. Where in your curriculum and in what ways do students demonstrate or represent their learning of the program-level student learning outcomes? In the box 4 below, indicate the methods you will use to gather evidence about how well students have learned. REMINDER: Multiple strategies (both direct and indirect measures) should be used to provide evidence of student learning. Ideally, each PSLO will have at least one direct and one indirect measure. The process should be meaningful, manageable and sustainable. Are we fulfilling our mission and intended learning outcomes? Note: Not every PSLO has to be measured every year. However, in the five-year cycle, every PSLO should be measured at least once.

Direct Measures Indirect Measures

Measures Criteria for Success Collect Measures Criteria for Success Collect (e.g., nationally (e.g. desired Evidence: (e.g., survey data, (if applicable) Evidence: normed test, student percentage of When and focus group data, When and PSLOs artifact, exam, students earning a Where interview data, data Where (repeat a research paper/ desired score on (during which from employers, (during which PSLO if project, portfolio, embedded questions term and which external reviews, term and which you etc.; often a review on an exam, desired year of the cycle benchmarking, year of the cycle name of work by faculty score on a rubric, will you collect specific questions will you collect more teaching students etc.) data to assess the from course data to assess than one near the end of their PSLO?) evaluations) the PSLO?) measure) course of study)

5 7. Continuous Improvement Plan. After you have collected data to determine the degree to which students have met your expectations for learning, how will the data be shared and used for action? What, how, to whom and when will the information be shared (e.g. discuss results at annual departmental meeting, post results to website, share results with advisory board, etc.)?

Glossary: PSLOs: Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes: What the student will be able to do or know. Measures to assess PSLOs should be both direct and indirect. ULOs: University Learning Outcomes: The 7 outcomes created by faculty, staff and administrators as the “Xavier Student at Graduation” in 2002-2003.

6 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT To be completed each year of the cycle.

Degree Program: {Insert degree(s) level} (each major would be considered a program) Department(s): {Insert name of department} Program Assessment Coordinator(s): {Insert name} Participants in the Assessment Process: {Insert name(s)} Report Time Frame:

1. Have your Program-level Student Learning Outcomes changed since you completed your Program-Level Assessment Plan in 2011?

2. Have courses that fulfill major requirements changed?

3. Describe how the assessment measures you identified in your Program-level Assessment Plan from 2011, as well as ongoing collection of evidence, are leading to improved learning opportunities and improved teaching and learning. Note: Not every PSLO has to be measured every year. However, in the five-year cycle, every PSLO should be measured at least once.


PSLO Measure Summary of Findings How were these shared? Goals/Actions being Taken (what steps are you taking as a result of the data?)


PSLO Measure Summary of Findings How were these shared? Goals/Actions being Taken (what steps are you taking as a result of the data?)


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