Edward Debbie Jared James Jason Jeanah Janelle

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Edward Debbie Jared James Jason Jeanah Janelle

The Vernoy Family

Edward  Debbie  Jared  James  Jason  Jeanah  Janelle  John

October – December 2002 “ Caserolazo” Sounds! (pronounced “casserole” “Lasso”) Just the other evening I had the odd sensation that I was living in the poem “‘Twas the night before Christmas”, written by Major Henry Livingstone (previously accredited to Clement Clarke Moore). The particular part of the poem was, “When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.” I heard out on the street banging and such “clatter”, I had to go see what was the “matter.” I soon discovered that the racket was being caused by the “caserolazo” put on by the opposition party to the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. Imagine seeing a major intersection surrounded by hundreds of people banging pots and pans of all sizes, blowing whistles, honking horns, waving flags and yelling against the President things that would be best left un- translated! What is odd is that these “caserolazos” have now been going on for 10 days, as the opposition party is calling for the immediate resignation of the President. To force the President’s hand, the opposition has encouraged a successful national strike to which even the Venezuelan Merchant Marine has sided! Most major manufacturing plants, the petroleum industry, and other non-essential service companies are on general strike producing severe shortages on petroleum and natural gas. The strike has had rippling effects that have now touched every Venezuelan. Little gas for cars or cooking, few paychecks and no bonuses because of closed businesses, over-crowded public transportation have made this joyous Christmas season, miserable. The average wait in a line, be it at the bank, or at the filling station, is four hours! Though the grocery stores have not been over-run with panic shoppers, there is no doubt that it will happen soon if the situation does not change for the better. The only ones happy about all these difficulties are the children ~ schools have been out of session! Please pray for the political climate in Venezuela, that God would provide for and protect His own in this extremely volatile time.

Church Sounds! In the midst of the political strife and civil strike now in place, the church has heard the splash of water again baptizing two, and receiving two new families into the church. Our Christmas ladies meeting had a first time high of 31 in attendance with 13 visitors, and the final attendance of Bible club before Christmas was at 46 with two salvations. Before the impact of this general strike, our church was running it’s highest average attendance ever for a quarter at 56, but these next weeks will tell the final outcome. In addition to these results, an additional opportunity has opened up to continue the anger resolution workshop to a high school (we have yet to give additional sessions to the different grades ~ but only after the strike). The political tension, felt everywhere, has also caused community strife where our second Bible Club is located. However, God used our church to mediate one tense conflict, bringing it to a peaceful end, which opened up the subject of anger resolution. This community has invited us to give the workshop and start a “casa evangelística” (evangelism meetings) in their area. I firmly believe that this opportunity has come about by our faithful presence with a Bible Club in their community for two years. As God says, His word will not return void!

Children’s Sounds! Johnny has just begun speaking in short sentences, all in Spanish! His favorite one is, “ven para aca” which means “come here”. He began this on his own, and surprised us when he said it. In this last year, everything about this boy has surprised us! Just last Christmas, from his near-drowning accident a year ago last October, he couldn’t speak or even hold his head up. Now, he jabbers about everything. This particular sound will change this Christmas from miserable to merry!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May God richly bless you during this holiday season!

Missions Office: Baptist Bible Fellowship Intl., P. O. Box 191, Springfield, MO. 65801-0191 Tel. (417) 862-5001 Sending Church: Tabernacle Baptist Church, 242 Derry Rd., Litchfield, NH., 03052 Tel. (603) 883-6310 Field Address: The Vernoy Family, Apartado 1096, Barquisimeto, Edo. Lara 3001-A Venezuela Telefax: 011-58-251-263-2096/ 262-6476 -- E-Mail: [email protected] o evernoy @ icnet.com.ve Web page: www.bbfi-missions.org/Vernoy

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