Sum Esse (Irreg) Fuī Futurum to Be (Essential, Future)

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Sum Esse (Irreg) Fuī Futurum to Be (Essential, Future)

Chapter I-B sum esse (irreg) fuī futurum to be (essential, future) possum posse (irreg) potuī to be able, can (possible, potential) volō velle (irreg) voluī to want, be willing (volition, volunteer) nolō nolle (irreg) noluī not to want, not to be willing malō malle (irreg) maluī to prefer eō īre (irreg) ivī/iī ītum to go (ambition, exit) fiō fierī (irreg) factus sum to occur, happen, become ferō ferre (irreg) tulī latum to bear, carry (differ, transfer) spectō spectāre (1) spectāvī spectātum to watch (spectator) ambulō ambulāre (1) ambulāvī ambulātum to walk (ambulance) rideō ridere (2) risī risum to laugh (ridiculous, deride) sedeō sedere (2) seduī sessum to sit (sedition) surgō surgere (3) surrexī surrectum to rise, get up (surge, insurrection) accipiō accipere (3io) accepī acceptum to receive, accept dormiō dormīre (4) dormīvī dormītum to sleep (dormitory) sciō scīre (4) scīvī scītum to know (science)

Parse and translate these irregular verbs. volumus fert fiunt potes mavultis nōn vīs it ferimus potestis malō Change these words from singular to plural or plural to singular. volumus fert fiunt potes mavultis nōn vīs it ferimus potestis malō

Parse and translate these regular verbs. Identify what conjugation the words come from. sedēmus dormīs surgunt ambulō accipit

scītis spectat rideō surgitis dormīmus

Change these words from singular to plural or plural to singular. sedēmus dormīs surgunt ambulō accipit

scītis spectat rideō surgitis dormīmus

Give the singular and plural positive commands. spectāre ridēre accipere scīre īre ferre

Give the singular and plural negative commands. spectāre ridēre accipere scīre īre ferre

Render these phrases into Latin.

They laugh you sleep she carries we can

Y'all don't want I am it happens you know Translate these sentences.

In agrīs ambulāre nolō. Quis ad commissationem īre potest?

Malō domum crās esse. Cornelia et Flavia in agrīs eunt.

Ludum spectāre volumus. Quis scit?

Ite ad cubiculum! (cubiculum – room) Vīsne de Flaviā scīre? (de – about)

Render these sentences into Latin.

Cornelia walks in the fields. She wants to watch the game.

We prefer to be at home tomorrow. What do you want to do?

They don't want to go to the party. Y'all are able to get up now.

Translate the story and answer the questions below.

The Story of Narcissus and Echo Narcissus vir bellus est. Prope rivum sedēre amat et sē in aquā spectāre. Surgere nōn vult. Neque dormīre nec cenāre potest. Echo Narcissum amat. Echo Narcissum vidēre vult, sed Narcissus eam vidēre nōn vult et nōn potest. Solum sē spectāre vult. Echo nunc tristis est. Vocem solam aliquandō fit. Amor suī immodicus morbosus est. vir - man bellus - handsome prope rivum - near the river sē - himself neque…nec – neither …nor ceno cenāre (1) to eat eam - her sed - but solum - only nunc - now tristis - sad vocem - voice aliquandō - eventually amor suī - love of oneself immodicus - excessive morbosus - unhealthy

Quid Narcissus facere amat? Quid Narcissus nōn facere potest?

Quis Narcissum amat? Quis tristis est?

Quid Echo fit? Quid morbosum est?

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