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Overview of Academic English 10

Miss Lauren N. Geary E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://missgeary.wikispaces.com Phone: 412-655-8610 x 6255

I. PRIMARY READING SELECTIONS and REQUIRED UNITS OF STUDY Night, Elie Wiesel Short Story Unit Antigone, Sophocles Arthurian Legends Research Unit Poetry Unit Twelve Angry Men, Reginald Rose Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

II. CLASSROOM RULES AND EXPECTATIONS 1. Demonstrate respect for your teacher, your classmates, and yourself at all times. Please do not talk while I am instructing the class. 2. Be prepared for class. You are expected to bring a writing utensil, notebook, homework, and all other necessary materials to class every day. Please sharpen your pencils before class begins. 3. Arrive on time to class. Be in class, seated, and ready to work when the late bell rings. Problems with lingering about the room after the bell or arriving late to class will result in disciplinary action (misconduct, etc.). 4. Stay focused and on task. Always give your full attention to the teacher or the assigned task. This means no sleeping, applying makeup, texting, etc. Cell phones and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited as per TJ rules. To further deter the use of cell phones, all purses and backpacks must be placed on the floor at the beginning of class. 5. Practice academic honesty. Any cheating or plagiarism will result in a failing grade and will be reported to the proper administrators and organizations for further disciplinary action. 6. Use appropriate language at all times. Inappropriate conversations will not be tolerated in the classroom. 7. Use the lavatory at appropriate times. The lavatory should be used before the start of class or within the last few minutes of class. Exceptions will be made only in the case of a true emergency.

III. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 1. Leaving the room: Sign out using the classroom sign out sheet. 2. Dismissal at the end of class: I will personally dismiss you from class. Do not leave the room as soon as the bell rings; I will say goodbye and let you go. 3. Absence Procedure: a. If you are absent from class for any reason, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to see me about missed work. You are responsible for ALL material covered in class (notes and discussion) and any assignments. Please see me in the morning on the day you return to school regarding quizzes, handouts, homework collected and/or assigned. I will not conference with you at the beginning of the class period because this interferes with instructional time. b. If you know that you are going to be absent due to an appointment, field trip, or athletic event, let me know BEFOREHAND and get your assignments. You are required to be prepared for class the day your return (quizzes, tests, homework, etc.). c. You must make up all missed work (including tests/quizzes) in a timely manner. TJ gives you the same number of days to make up work as you were absent. Note, if you were absent for only one day and a test was given that day, you must take the test the day you return.

IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. English Notebook a. A looseleaf notebook/binder is required so that you can add or delete pages as necessary and should include, by unit and in chronological order, all handouts, study guides, worksheets, homework, daily class notes, composition rough drafts, vocabulary, and journal entries. b. Notebook checks will be conducted randomly throughout the school year, usually once each grading period. 2. Homework a. Homework is often collected, checked, and graded. Be prepared. b. Keep all assignments in your English notebook. c. Place your name, date, and class period in the top right corner of each assignment. d. Late homework may be accepted for half credit the next day (with permission from the teacher) if the assignment has not already been discussed in class or returned. 3. Compositions and Research a. Compositions will be written both in and out of class and must follow manuscript format. b. A rough draft may or may not be collected with each composition. If the rough draft is not collected, it must be placed in your English notebook. c. Late papers and research will receive an automatic deduction of one letter grade for each day the assignment is late. This is a TJ rule that applies throughout high school. d. Students at TJ are required to complete a satisfactory research project. Failure to do so will result in failure of the course for the year regardless of other course grades as per department policy. e. Failure to turn in major compositions other than the research paper may result in an incomplete. 4. Participation in Literature Discussions a. An integral part of this course is the discussion of literature and the social and historical climates surrounding the novels we read. Your participation in literature circle discussions is expected and required. You must engage in a conversation with the novels to fully appreciate the literature and to demonstrate your understanding of larger social issues present within the text. V. GRADING POLICY 1. Grades are determined using a total points system. You will earn points throughout the grading period which will then be converted to a percentage grade at the end of each nine weeks. The grading scale is as follows:

A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69%

2. You are responsible for keeping a record of possible points to be earned and actual points earned for each graded assignment in your English notebook. You can also access your grades using the PowerSchool system. 3. Assessments may include but are not limited to the following: Discussions/Participation Compositions Presentations Group Activities Homework Tests/Quizzes (announced and unannounced) Notebook Checks Research Project Journal Entries Study Guides

------Detach Here-

Class Title: ______Academic English 10______Period: ______

Print Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

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