Board of Education s15
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SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER 1,1, 20142014 –– AUGUSTAUGUST 31,31, 20172017
Page 1 of 35 ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION...... 4
ARTICLE 4 – GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE...... 5 A. Purpose...... 5 B. Time Limits...... 5 C. Informal Procedure...... 5 D. Formal Procedure...... 6 E. Miscellaneous...... 7
ARTICLE 12 - SALARIES...... 15
ARTICLE 16 – SICK LEAVE...... 17 Workers’ Compensation Act...... 17 Sick-Leave Bank...... 18
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Winslow Association as the exclusive bargaining representative as defined under State of Maine Public Law, for the entire group of certified personnel employed by the Winslow Public Schools having more than six months’ continuous service in the schools of Winslow, excluding those employees covered under the ESP contract, part-time nurses, custodians, bus drivers, and those employees under administrative contracts.
AGGRIEVED PERSON OR PARTY: The teacher, teachers, or the Winslow Education Association making a claim. CERTIFIED PERSONNEL: Teachers, guidance counselors, occupational therapists, and social workers employed by the Winslow Schools. DAYS: Calendar days, excluding weekends or recognized state or federal holidays. DISCIPLINE: Punishment or disciplinary action for the sake of training or correction.
FORMAL OBSERVATION: Any extended observation of a teacher’s classroom for the sole purpose of gathering information for a formal evaluation to be placed in the teacher’s personnel file. IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Spouse, significant other, child, step-child, parent, grandparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchildren, sibling, in loco parentis, step-relations, or a member of the household. INVOLUNTARY TRANSFER: An employer-initiated reassignment. JUST CAUSE: The reason for any discipline, discharge, or non-renewal is not arbitrary or capricious and is reasonably related to the responsibilities of a teacher or School Board’s operation and management of the school system. PARTY OF INTEREST: The teacher, teachers or the Winslow Education Association making a claim and any persons who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve a claim. PROMOTION: Any position in the bargaining unit which pays a salary differential, has a different job classification, and/or involves a different level of responsibility.
Page 4 of 35 TEACHER: All certified professional employees covered by this agreement. TRANSFER: A change in assignment by a teacher from one bargaining unit position to another. VOLUNTARY TRANSFER: A teacher-initiated reassignment.
A. Neither party in any negotiations will have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make and consider proposals and counter proposals and reach tentative agreements in the course of negotiations.
The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to the problems which may arise under this contract. The grievance procedures will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure. Informal settlements will bind the immediate parties to the settlement but will not be precedent in a later grievance proceeding.
1. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may; however, be extended by mutual agreement.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth will be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as it is practicable.
3. A grievance will be deemed to have been waived unless submitted in writing within ten (10) days after the aggrieved party knew or should have known in the exercise of reasonable diligence of the act, events, or conditions upon which the grievance is based.
If a teacher feels that he/she may have a grievance, he/she will first discuss the matter with his/her principal in an effort to resolve the problem informally. If the grievance is a monetary issue, the informal procedure will begin with the Superintendent. If the grievant is not satisfied with the informal procedure, the grievance will proceed to level two. Page 5 of 35 D. FORMAL PROCEDURE
1. Level One - School Principal
(a) If an aggrieved teacher is not satisfied with the outcome of informal procedure, he/she may present his claim as a formal grievance in writing to his principal, and will identify the aggrieved party, the contract provision alleged to have been violated, the date, time and place where the alleged events or conditions or acts constituting the grievance occurred and the identity, if known, of the person responsible for causing the act, event, or condition and a general statement of the grievance and the relief sought by the aggrieved party.
(b) The principal will, within ten (10) days after the receipt of the written grievance, render his decision and the reasons thereof, in writing, to the aggrieved person, with a copy to the President of the Association.
2. Level Two - Superintendent of Schools
(a) If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the resolution of Level One or if no answer is received within the ten (10) days allotted in Level One, he/she may, within ten (10) days submit it to the Superintendent at Level Two.
(b) The Superintendent and up to five (5) representatives will, within ten (10) days of receipt of the grievance, meet with the aggrieved party for the purpose of resolving the grievance. A maximum of five (5) representatives of the Association may be present.
(c) The Superintendent will, within ten (10) days after the hearing, render his/her decision and the reasons thereof in writing to the aggrieved with a copy to the President of the Association.
3. Level Three - School Board
(a) If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Two he/she may, within ten (10) days after receiving the Superintendent's response, request in writing a hearing on the matter before the Board.
(b) The School Board and their representatives will, within ten (10) days after the receipt of the appeal, schedule a meeting with the aggrieved teacher and with a maximum of five (5) representatives of the Association for the purpose of reviewing the grievance with the aggrieved person. This meeting will take place within forty-five (45) days of the receipt of the appeal.
(c) The Board will, within ten (10) days after such meeting, render its decision and the reason thereof in writing to the aggrieved teacher, with a copy to the President of the Association.
4. Level Four – Grievance Mediation
(a) In the event that the decision of the Board as rendered pursuant to Article 4, Section E (3) is not acceptable to the grievant, then, the Association may, within ten (10) days after the decision due date or receipt of the Superintendent’s response, file a written notice with opposite party to submit the grievance to Grievance Mediation. Page 6 of 35 (b) The parties will attempt to mutually agree upon a mediator. If the parties cannot agree upon a grievance mediator within ten (10) days from when notice to mediate is filed, either party may request that the Executive Director of the Maine Labor Relations Board appoint a Grievance Mediator from the Panel of Mediators. The parties shall share the expense of the grievance mediation equally. If the parties fail to agree or to accept the final recommendation by the Grievance Mediator, the grievance shall go to Level Five upon written notice by the Association within ten (10) days of the last mediation session.
5. Level Five - Impartial Arbitration
a. If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level four, he/she may, within ten (10) days, submit the grievance to arbitration by so notifying the Board in writing.
b. The Chairman of the School Board and the President of the Association will, within ten (10) days after such notice, jointly select a single arbitrator who is an experienced and impartial person of recognized competence. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within ten (10) days, the Association will request the American Arbitration Association to assist in the selection of an arbitrator in accordance with its labor arbitration rules.
c. The arbitrator selected will confer promptly with the representatives of the Board, representatives of the Association, and the aggrieved; will review the record of the prior hearings; and will hold such further hearings with the aggrieved teacher and other parties in interest as he will deem requisite.
d. The arbitrator will, within thirty (30) days after the hearing, render his/her decision in writing to all parties in interest, setting forth his/her findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted. The arbitrator will be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law or which is in violation of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrator will be submitted to the Board and the Association and will be final and binding on the parties.
e. The cost for the services of the arbitrator will be borne equally by the Board and the Association.
1. All meetings and hearings under this procedure will not be conducted in public and will include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives heretofore referred to in this grievance procedure.
2. Failure at any level of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits will permit the aggrieved party to proceed to the next level. Failure at any level of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next level within the specified time limits will be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at the level.
3. Exhibit A attached to the end of this contract is the form to be used for filing and processing grievances.
4. All meetings and hearings under this procedure will be after the close of the normal school day Page 7 of 35 and will not be scheduled to interfere with any assigned extracurricular activities of the aggrieved party or parties in interest who may also be necessarily involved.
5. Any party in interest may be represented at any level of the grievance procedure by Association representatives of his/her own choosing, except that party in interest may not be represented by a representative or officer of any organization other than the Winslow Education Association and its affiliates. When an employee chooses not to be represented by the Association, the Association will have the right to be present.
6. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance will be filled separately from the personnel file of the grievant.
A. Whenever any teacher is required to appear before the Superintendent or School Board in a formal disciplinary hearing concerning a matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that teacher in his or her office, position, or employment, or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, and where the purpose of the hearing is to impose disciplinary sanctions or investigate charges of misconduct, then the teacher will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview five (5) days prior to said meeting, or sooner by joint agreement, and will be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise and represent him or her during such meeting or interview. Any suspension of a teacher pending a hearing on the charges will be with pay.
B. The Superintendent will provide the President of the Association with any proposed changes or revisions in school policies.
1. No teacher covered by this agreement will be reprimanded, suspended, adversely evaluated, involuntarily transferred, demoted, or denied promotion without just cause.
2. Continuing contract teachers may only be disciplined, dismissed or non-renewed for just cause.
3. A teacher who is suspended or discharged will be given written notice either in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee’s last known address according to Board records, within five (5) days of the suspension or discharge and the reasons thereof.
4. If a continuing contract teacher is not renewed or is dismissed, the teacher may submit the dispute to mediation under terms, conditions and procedures mutually agreed upon and before a mediator who is mutually agreed upon. Any agreement to submit such a matter to mediation must be in writing and must be within (10) days after the date of the School Board’s final decision.
5. If a continuing contract teacher is not renewed or is dismissed, the teacher may submit the dispute to arbitration under terms, conditions, and procedures mutually agreed upon and before an arbitrator who is mutually agreed upon. Any agreement to submit such a matter to arbitration must be in writing and must be within ten (10) days after the date of the final decision of the mediation procedure in step 4. Page 8 of 35 6. By way of clarification, this just cause provision does not apply to the Superintendent’s final decision of a non-renewal or dismissal of a probationary teacher, nor does it apply to the termination of a teacher's contract in connection with the elimination of a teaching position, nor does it apply to the non-reappointment or dismissal of a teacher under annual appointment to coaching or other extracurricular or co-curricular activity.
1. The Superintendent of Schools will be responsible for ensuring that all allegations of misconduct or other complaints against a teacher on which any action is to be taken or a record is to be made will be properly investigated by the appropriate administrator.
2. If, after preliminary investigation, no probable cause is found, the investigation will terminate, and the teacher will be informed in writing that a complaint was made against him or her but was unfounded.
3. When an administrator believes that probable cause has been established, the administrator will provide in writing the teacher under investigation and the Association President with a description of the allegation(s), including the name(s) of the complainant. This provision is not intended to discourage the building principal from speaking to the teacher in question in a more informal manner.
4. When the teacher under investigation is to be interviewed concerning alleged conduct which could result in discharge or discipline, the teacher and the Association President will be notified in writing at least five (5) days prior, or sooner by mutual agreement, to the interview. The notice will state that an official investigation is being conducted and will state the subject matter of the complaint.
5. Any interview of a teacher will be conducted at a reasonable time and place. The teacher will be entitled to have the representation of a member of the Association and/or an attorney. The interview will be limited to questions which relate to the complaint. Confidentiality of the interview will be maintained. If any investigation is to extend beyond ten (10) working days, the affected teachers and the President of the WEA will be notified in writing and will be provided with the reasons for the investigation extending beyond the ten (10) days.
6. If a teacher is to be interviewed as a witness only, the teacher and an Association representative will be informed at least five (5) days, or sooner by mutual agreement, prior to the interview. If during the course of the interview, however, it becomes apparent that the teacher may be subject to discipline as a result of conduct which is the subject of the interview, the interview will be terminated by the teacher or his/her representative, and the teacher will be afforded the protections of this agreement.
7. The teacher will be promptly informed in writing when the investigation is completed of any determinations made, except when the matter has been terminated under provision 2. Evidence or testimony used against the accused teacher will be made known to the accused teacher for defensive purposes.
8. If the result of the investigation is that the allegations or complaints are unfounded, no records pertaining to the allegations will be placed into the teacher’s personnel file.
1. The Superintendent will maintain, for official school department purposes, one (1) personnel file for each teacher. This file will be kept under conditions that ensure its integrity and safekeeping and will contain copies of personnel forms, official correspondence, to and/or from the teacher, written evaluations, and other appropriate materials relating to a teacher’s employment.
2. A teacher will have the right to examine his/her file in the presence of the Superintendent, that individual’s designee, or an appropriate administrator during normal business hours of the office in which the file is kept within one (1) day of the request. The teacher may obtain one copy annually of any material in the personnel file at the school department’s expense.
3. Written reprimands or other formal disciplinary materials will be removed from the teacher’s file eight (8) years from the date of the complaint / incident.
4. The Superintendent, school administrators, or School Board may make no use of any materials that have not been properly placed in an official personnel file.
5. Material derogatory to a teacher’s conduct, service, character or personality will be placed in his/her personnel file after the teacher has had an opportunity to review the material. The teacher will acknowledge that he/she has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed, with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents therein. The teacher will also have the right to submit a written answer to such material, and his/her answer will be reviewed by the Superintendent and attached to the file copy.
A. The Association and its representatives will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this will be approved by the building principal in question and provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations including any previously scheduled extracurricular activities or adult education programs.
B. The Association will have, in each building, the right to use a portion of a bulletin board in each faculty lounge.
C. The Association will have the right to use the inter-school mail facilities, e-mail system, photocopiers, and school mail boxes, provided such use does not conflict with or hamper the normal use of such facilities and will be subject to the established procedure of the individual schools.
A. Written notice that a change in educational policy is being planned will be provided to the president of the Winslow Education Association.
Page 10 of 35 B. Pertinent information about the planned change will be provided so that the bargaining agent and teachers can understand the change and make constructive comments about it.
C. The Winslow School Board or its designee will meet with the president of the Winslow Education Association at a reasonable time and place about the planned change upon receipt of a request to meet and consult by the bargaining agent.
The Association recognizes that, except as specifically amended by the terms of this agreement, the Board retains all functions, power, duties, or authority vested in it by the applicable laws of the State of Maine or other governmental agency and has exclusive right to take any action it deems appropriate in the operation of the school system, in the implementation of education policies, and in the direction of the work of employees covered herein.
A. The School Board will meet and consult with the Association regarding the school calendar prior to its adoption.
B. For the term of this agreement, the number of contract days will be 183. Should any teacher be required to work in excess of annual contract days, he or she will be compensated at the per diem rate (1/183) of his or her respective salary for each such additional day worked.
A. The normal teacher workday for employees covered by this Agreement will be as follows:
1. The duration of the teacher workday will be a maximum of seven hours and twenty minutes per day.
2. As part of the above-mentioned maximum, all teachers will be expected to devote the necessary time before and/or after the student day to effectively meet the needs of individual students.
3. Teachers may be expected to attend meetings or perform duties outside the workday no more than 18 times during the school year, and no such meeting or duty will run beyond 90 minutes after the end of the student day.
4. All non-voluntary work assignments scheduled for performance outside the regular teacher workday, unless compensated elsewhere in this agreement or covered by the provisions of Article 9 section A-3 will be compensated at the teacher’s per diem hourly rate of pay.
B. Each teacher will receive a daily duty-free lunch period equal in length to a student lunch period in his/her building. Page 11 of 35 C. Each teacher will receive at least one of the school’s instructional periods during the regular cycle of classes as duty-free planning time. The administration will make a good faith effort to schedule meetings, PET’s and IEP’s during times other than the teacher’s planning period.
D. Teachers at Winslow Junior High and Winslow High School who teach six (6) full-class periods or more of the school’s instructional periods during the regular cycle of classes will be guaranteed a full period of prep time per student day. Any period assignment that requires planning and/or preparation will be considered a class.
E. Teachers will not be required to perform non-teaching duties such as, but not limited to collection of milk and lunch money, and the keeping of registers.
F. Notice of an agenda for any regularly scheduled meeting will be given to the teachers involved at a reasonable time prior to the meeting.
G. Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities
1. Teacher participation in extracurricular activities, designated as such by the Board, will be voluntary and on an annual basis. Teachers will be compensated according to the rates of pay in Schedule C. Once an extracurricular activity is accepted, the teacher will remain in the position for the school year.
2. Teachers may be assigned by the Principal to co-curricular activities which take place during the teacher's workday. No teacher will be assigned involuntarily to more than one activity during the school year.
H. Other Activities
1. Supervisory activities scheduled outside the school day will be voluntary unless compensated elsewhere in this agreement. Teachers who volunteer for a supervisory activity will be paid at a rate determined by the administration.
2. When no teacher volunteers are available for the activity, then teachers will be assigned to duty on a rotational schedule basis by the administration and paid at a rate of $18.00 per hour up to a maximum of $72 if the activity falls on a student seat day or scheduled teacher workshop day. If the activity falls on any other day, the teacher will be paid a pro-rated per-diem rate.
3. This section is not intended to cover classroom-related activities or any activity covered in the extracurricular schedule.
H. Teachers using a privately-owned vehicle to attend a P.E.T., IEP, conference, or other meeting or activity not part of their regular duties will, with prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools, be compensated at the current IRS rate for all mileage driven.
I. Inasmuch as possible, the Superintendent will try to provide release time for significant participation by classroom teachers in activities such as, but not limited to, certification support teams, curriculum development committees, accreditation meetings, and as permanent members of P.E.T., IEP teams.
A. All full-time teachers who are employed for six months or more of the school year will receive credit for one full year for the purposes of placement on the salary scale.
B. The Superintendent of Schools must receive notification in writing by the beginning of the contract year from any teacher who expects to advance from one degree schedule to another in order for the lane change to take effect for that contract year.
C. Reduction in Force
1. Phase I - Identification and Selection
The determination of which individual teacher will be terminated as a result of any bargaining unit position(s) being eliminated will be made in accordance with the following terms:
(a) Within each affected impact area (as described in subsection b. below), teachers will be selected for layoff in inverse order of seniority.
(b) For the purposes of this section, impact areas are as follows: K-5 6-8 9-12 by department (English, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Business Ed.) K-12 by specialty areas (Special Ed., Tech Ed, Foreign Languages, Music, Art, Physical Ed., Librarian, Guidance Counselor, Gifted and Talented, Chapter I.)
(c) Seniority will be based on total years of experience in Winslow, which will not include leaves of absence, except in cases where semester hours were granted.
(d) For the purpose of determining a teacher's years of experience in Winslow, the date of the first contract between a teacher and the town will be used. If two or more teachers' contracts have the same date, then the total years of teaching experience will be used to determine which teacher has more seniority.
(e) Teaching experience lists will be prepared and maintained by the Superintendent of School's office and posted no later than December 1 in each building annually.
2. Phase II - Teacher Transfer Options
(a) A teacher selected for layoff may choose to transfer to another K-12 position held by the least senior teacher in that area within the affected teacher's certification areas, provided that the teacher who requests the transfer to this position is qualified with a valid certificate for the new position at the time the request or transfer is made.
(b) The request for transfer must be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) days upon receipt of the notice of layoff.
Page 13 of 35 (c) Upon receiving the transfer request, the Superintendent will schedule a meeting with the Association President (and/or his/her designee) and the teacher requesting the transfer to determine mutually into what position the teacher is qualified to transfer.
3. Recall
(a) When a vacancy occurs, those teachers who have lost their positions will be rehired, provided that they are certified to teach all subjects/grades that the vacancy entails.
(b) Where two or more teachers have a right of recall for the same vacant position, the determination of which teacher will be recalled to the vacant position will be based on total years of experience in Winslow.
(c) Teachers will remain on the recall list for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of their last contract period (August 31) or until they have either refused an offer of a full- time position from the Board or have signed a contract elsewhere for a full-time position. It is the responsibility of the teacher to inform the Superintendent in writing of changes in job status and to furnish the Superintendent with a current mailing address. (Failure to notify the Superintendent of a change in address and/or job status will waive rights to recall.)
4. Other Considerations
(a) Before the elimination of a teaching position(s) occurs, an effort will be made to reassign any teacher(s) affected by the elimination within the town.
(b) Any teacher on layoff may continue to participate in the group health insurance program at his/her own expense in accordance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (C.O.B.R.A.) rules and regulations following the effective date of layoff. Premium payments must be made to the central office each month prior to the time when such payments would be normally submitted to the insurance carrier.
(c) Teachers whose positions have been terminated due to a reduction in force will be entitled to four (4) days of leave with pay at the discretion of the Superintendent for the purpose of seeking alternative employment. These days are in addition to days granted elsewhere in the Agreement.
(d) Should re-employment occur within a 24-month period, the teacher's experience level within the Winslow School System will include years of experience prior to the layoff, and all accrued sick time will be returned to the teacher. This provision will affect neither the contract status of an individual nor his/her placement on the salary schedule.
E. Teacher Assignments
1. As soon as possible after teachers’ schedules are developed and building assignments made, barring extenuating or unusual circumstances, teachers will be notified of their schedules and assignments.
2. Teachers will be notified of any changes in their schedule as soon as practicable.
3. Whenever feasible, in order to assure that pupils are taught by teachers working within their areas of certification, teachers will not be assigned outside the scope of their teaching Page 14 of 35 certificates and/or their major or minor fields of study unless exceptions to the foregoing are determined vital or necessary to the school system by the Superintendent. Teachers assigned to positions outside their areas of certification for reasons vital or necessary to the school system as deemed by the Superintendent, will be given consideration, upon written request, for an opening within the system in their area of certification. Furthermore, teachers assigned outside their area of certification will have said assignment taken into account during their evaluation.
A. The salaries of all teachers covered by the Agreement are set forth in Schedule A, which is attached hereto and made a part thereof, to be effective from September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2017.
B. Guidance counselors, when required to work beyond the school year, will be paid at a per-diem rate based upon their annual salary divided by the number of annual contract days.
C. The annual salaries of teachers will be paid in twenty-six installments. Pay dates will be established by the Superintendent and published by June 1 for the ensuing year. A teacher who has signed a contract to return to teach in Winslow or who is retiring at the close of the present school year, may choose to receive the last check for the summer months on the first payroll in July following the close of school, if such desire is indicated in writing by May 1 to the Superintendent of Schools.
1. The Superintendent will post all openings within the bargaining unit on the school website. 2. Teachers will have five (5) days after the posting of a vacancy to submit a voluntary-transfer request to the Superintendent. 3. The most senior teacher requesting the transfer who meets the stated position certification, license, and/or other listed qualifications, will be transferred to the position, unless there is a bona fide educational reason to deny the request. 4. A teacher making a request for a voluntary transfer to a vacancy, and whose request is denied, will be given written reasons for the denial.
1. An involuntary transfer will be made only in case of an emergency or for a bona fide educational reason. 2. No teacher will be involuntary transferred in an arbitrary or capricious manner or for disciplinary reasons. 3. Any teacher involuntarily transferred will be given written reasons for said transfer. 4. The teacher transferred will be the least senior within the designated impact area.
Page 15 of 35 C. MISCELLANEOUS:
1. No transfer will be implemented during a period of reduction in force that will cause the layoff of a more senior teacher. 2. No transfer will be implemented during a period of reduction in force that will negatively impact the recall of an employee on layoff.
A. All formal observations of a teacher’s classroom for the purpose of a formal written evaluation will be conducted with at least one day’s prior notice to the teacher.
B. Only persons formally designated by the Superintendent of Schools or Building Principals will evaluate teachers. Members of the bargaining unit will not be designated to evaluate teachers.
C. A teacher will be given a copy of any written report, which may be prepared by his/her evaluators, within ten (10) days, or longer by mutual agreement, of any formal observation, and before any subsequent formal observations. No formal evaluation will be submitted to the central office, placed in the teacher's files or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the teacher. No teacher will be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form. The signature of the teacher acknowledges receipt of the evaluation form and does not necessarily indicate agreement with the content thereof.
A. Wherever feasible and facilities permitting, each school will have the following:
1. Space in each classroom in which teachers may store instructional material and supplies. 2. A teacher’s work area containing equipment and supplies to aid in the preparation of instruction materials. 3. In addition to the aforementioned teacher work area, a furnished room which will be reserved for the use of teachers as a faculty lounge. 4. A serviceable desk, chair, filing cabinet, and computer with internet access for the exclusive use of each teacher. 5. Well-lighted and clean teacher restrooms, separate for each sex, separate from the students' restrooms. 6. Free and adequate parking facilities. 7. Copies, exclusively for each teacher's use, of all texts used in each of the courses he/she is to teach. 8. Adequate and appropriate classroom supplies and technology in order to perform assigned teaching duties.
B. In order to permit freedom of access both during and after regular school hours, all teachers will be permitted to have keys to the interior of their base school, to the teachers' lounge and/or work area, and to their assigned classrooms. Page 16 of 35 C. It is the intent of the Winslow School Board to provide all teachers with a safe and healthy work environment. In order to effectively address any ongoing or future concerns of teachers, the Board or its designee would like to be made aware of any problems as they occur.
A. All Teachers will be entitled to fifteen (15) days of sick leave each school year, accumulative to one hundred fifty (150) days. All teachers are entitled to this leave as of the first official day of the school year; the actual number of sick leave days for that year will be pro-rated in relation to service completed.
B. The Board will provide an accounting of teacher sick-days annually in writing or on the teacher’s pay notification stub.
C. Absence for the following reasons will apply to the sick leave policy.
1. Personal illness or disability. 2. Up to Twenty (20) days of sick leave a year may be used to care for members of the immediate family when the nature of the illness is such that the teacher must be physically present to care for the family member. Sick leave may be used to care for any other relative living in the teacher’s home, or for whom the teacher is responsible, at the discretion of the Superintendent. 3. A teacher who is unable to teach because of personal illness or disability, or who has exhausted all available sick leave, may be granted a leave of absence without pay for the duration of such illness or disability up to the close of the current school year. Any teacher on such a leave must notify the administration in writing by March 1 that he/she will be able to return for the following September in order for him/her to hold the same or equivalent position which he/she held at the time leave commenced. All benefits to which a teacher was entitled at the time his/her leave of absence commenced will be restored to him/her upon his/her return.
D. Workers’ Compensation Act
1. The Board agrees to provide coverage through the Town of Winslow for all teachers under the provision of the Workers' Compensation Act. This coverage provides medical expenses, compensation for salary loss, and other benefits for injuries received while in the course of the teacher's performance of his/her duties as an employee of the school district. 2. In cases of injury covered under the Workers' Compensation Act, a teacher will receive from his/her accumulated sick leave the difference between the amount of his/her regular pay and the amount received as Workers' Compensation. The difference will be charged on a pro-rata basis to the teacher's accumulated sick leave and will cease when the teacher's sick leave is exhausted.
E. When a teacher resigns, he/she will be paid a per diem for any unused sick days over 90 days. The maximum number of days to be paid will not exceed 30. Payment will be made in the last pay period. In order to be eligible for this benefit an employee will give notice of resignation to the School Board on or before February 1 preceding their effective date of resignation. If this provision is determined to incur M.S.R.S. actuarial costs to the Winslow School Board it will be deemed null and void. Page 17 of 35 F. Sick-leave time will not be permitted for elective surgery and associated recuperation time, for elective medical examinations, i.e., surgery or medical examinations performed on a date selected by the teacher, if, in the physician's opinion, the surgery, or medical examination could be scheduled during non-school time without being detrimental to the health of the teacher.
G. The Superintendent of Schools may require a doctor's certificate or other verification, at any time abuse of this sick leave seems evident.
H. A $350 stipend will be paid to a teacher if no sick days are used during school year. A $150 stipend will be paid to a teacher if no personal days are used during school year. All stipend amounts will be paid in the last pay period in July.
1. The Board will cooperate in the establishment of a voluntary sick-leave bank. Any employee defined in the recognition clauses of any contract bargained between the Winslow School Board and the Winslow Education Association is eligible to participate.
2. To enroll in the sick-leave bank for any given year, a teacher must donate one (1) day of sick leave to the bank. This is done with the understanding that if the number of days in the bank falls to thirty (30) or below, the teacher must donate an additional one (1) sick-leave day. At the close of the school year in June, the accumulated sick- leave days remaining in the sick-leave bank, not to exceed thirty (30) days, will be carried over to the following school year.
3. A teacher withdrawing from membership in the bank will not be able to withdraw the contributed days.
4. A teacher will not be able to withdraw days from the bank until his or her own sick leave is exhausted.
5. The first fourteen (14) days of each illness or disability will not be covered by the bank, but must be covered by the teacher’s own accumulated sick leave or will be unpaid.
6. Teachers withdrawing sick-leave days from the bank will not have to replace those days except as a regular contributing member to the bank.
7. The sick leave bank may only be used for personal illness or disability.
8. A doctor's certificate will be required as a prerequisite to withdrawing days from the bank.
9. One individual can draw a maximum of thirty (30) days each school year from the bank.
10. The Office of the Superintendent of Schools will administer all records pertaining to this sick-leave pool.
J. In deducting pay from a teacher whose absence is unauthorized, or has used up his/her entire Page 18 of 35 sick leave, the deduction will be figured on the basis of the teacher's base salary, and will not include extracurricular activities unless the absence occurs during the season of that activity. In the event of a deduction in pay, the amount will be Per Diem.
A. Teachers will be entitled to two (2) personal days per school year at no loss in pay. Both days may be taken without a stated reason. Personal days may not be used to extend a school vacation or holiday weekend unless approved by the Superintendent.
B. Upon approval of the Superintendent of Schools, time may be granted for the purpose of visiting another school or attending education conferences, providing a full report is presented covering the activities.
C. A temporary leave of absence will be given to a teacher for death in the immediate family, up to a maximum of five (5) days, with full pay. Additional days, to be deducted from the teacher's accumulated sick leave, may be granted upon approval of the Superintendent of Schools. At the Superintendent's discretion, additional temporary leave days may be granted to cover attendance at funerals of persons who are not defined as immediate family.
D. Time necessary for jury duty will be allowed. Teachers will suffer no reduction in their pay because of jury duty.
E. The Winslow Education Association will be granted thirty five (35) hours each year for the conducting of Association business. The President of the Association will notify one (1) day in advance the principal or immediate supervisor of the hours to be utilized under this provision and the people who will be utilizing such hours. Such leave will be paid and not charged against another leave granted elsewhere in this contract.
F. Any absence for reasons other than those covered by existing policies:
Will be without pay. Will be a violation of the contract. Will be subject to review by the Superintendent and the School Board.
A. Leaves of Absence
1. In case of leaves, which qualify under the FMLA, a teacher may use sick leave as specified in Article 16 (sick leave). A medical leave may be granted if medically necessary as determined by a physician.
2. Maternity/paternity FMLA leave will be granted when deemed appropriate (under the guidelines set forth in the FMLA of 1993). Teachers will be permitted to convert their corresponding accumulated sick days into paid work days, but will not be allowed to use the Page 19 of 35 “Sick-Leave Bank” to cover their absence(s) for the duration of that twelve (12) week leave for non-medical situations.
B. A teacher who fails to return to employment at the end of the leave period as specified herein, or as otherwise approved by the Board, will forfeit all claims to a teaching position in Winslow.
C. While on leave, a teacher may elect to continue coverage of MEA Benefits Trust, Winslow group insurance, provided that the teacher assumes the full cost of the total premium thereof, and forwards payment to the Superintendent's office prior to the date that payment must be forwarded to the insurance company. The teacher will be responsible for ascertaining the date of payment and the proper method of payment prior to commencing leave.
A. The Board recognizes its responsibility to assist professional staff with continuing training for the improvement of their instructional skills and knowledge.
B. Application forms for continuing education course approval must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools, and approved prior to taking the course and prior to reimbursement of the costs. Reimbursement for tuition and any required fees and texts will not exceed the cost of a three-credit graduate-level course through the University of Maine at Orono plus $250. The Superintendent may authorize prepayment for an approved course.
C. The Board supports the concept of the sabbatical for professional development. 1. Teachers who have completed seven (7) years of service to the Winslow Schools will be eligible to apply for a sabbatical. Sabbaticals may be granted with the approval of the Board for applications they deem to provide an enhancement of the teacher’s ability to deliver a quality educational program for the students.
2. Applications for full year or half (1/2 year) sabbatical must be submitted to the superintendent by January 1st for leave to begin the following September. Applications for half (1/2 year) sabbatical to begin in January must be submitted by June 15th of the year preceding the sabbatical. The School Board may waive these timelines at its discretion.
3. Said candidates for sabbatical will pursue a program of study or approved educational experience in his/her teaching field, one that has direct application to his/her teaching assignment at the school, or in a field or major deemed by the Board to provide for a critical need of the school.
4. Personnel granted a sabbatical will receive a full pay for one-half (1/2) year or half pay for full year. The teacher on sabbatical leave will not have his/her continuing contract status impaired upon return to the system. The sabbatical year will not count as a year of experience for pay purposes, and no sick or other leave will accrue during the period of the sabbatical.
5. A teacher on sabbatical will be carried on all insurance lists as an active teacher in the system. The teacher’s insurance benefit will not change regardless of whether they have a half year or full year sabbatical. Page 20 of 35 6. Once approved, the sabbatical program will be presented to the faculty of the teacher’s school. Upon return, the applicant will present a synopsis of the learning program to the Board and to at least one other staff forum selected by the teacher and the superintendent.
7. Prior to the granting of such sabbatical, an applicant shall enter into a written agreement with the Board that upon completion of such sabbatical he/she will return to services in the Winslow Public Schools for a period of two (2) years, and that in default of completion of such service he/she will refund to the Winslow Public Schools an amount equal to such proportion of salary received by him/her while on sabbatical as the amount of service agreed to be rendered, unless this failure is due to illness, disability or death, or reduction of position and will be so stated on his/her record.
8. The decision to grant or not to grant a sabbatical request shall be based on the value of the sabbatical proposal, budgetary considerations and the needs of the school.
D. The costs of attempting National Board Certification invoiced from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards will be reimbursed to those teachers who go through the entire process. Total reimbursement will not exceed $4,000.00.
E. Teachers who complete the requirements for and receive National Board Certification for Professional Teaching Standards will receive an annual stipend of $3,000 throughout the life of the certificate.
A. The Board will provide health insurance through the MEA Benefits Trust (Standard Plan, MEA Choice Plus) on the applicable plan selected by each teacher, provided that, if a teacher’s spouse receives employer-paid health insurance with major medical coverage from the spouse’s employment, then the Board will be obligated to contribute the monthly amount applicable to the single-parent coverage. A domestic partner is allowed to be covered at the employee’s choice.
B. The School Board and employee monthly contributions are as follows based upon the employee selected coverage. All rates are effective July 1 – June 30. The selection period for an employee to change plan coverage will be during the open enrollment period of each year.
School Year Standard Plan Choice Plus
Page 21 of 35 School Board Employee School Board Employee
Single 100% 0% 100% 0% Adult w/ Child 62.5% 37.5% 77.5% 22.5% Two Adult 62.5% 37.5% 77.5% 22.5% Family 62.5% 37.5% 77.5% 22.5%
The Board will offer a health insurance opt out option for those who are covered by health insurance elsewhere, provided that the individual can demonstrate proof of insurance. For this opt out, the Winslow School Board will pay Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) in the first year of this agreement, Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) in the second year, and a sum equal to one half the single subscription rate of MEA Benefits Trust Choice Plus in the third year, payable in twenty-six (26) equal installments included in his/her normal paychecks. Such benefit is considered taxable income and subject to the normal deductions. The decision to exercise this option must be made during the annual benefits open enrollment period and cannot be changed until July 1 of the next school year.
C. Other Benefits
1. The Winslow School Board will provide single coverage dental insurance for the employee. Additional coverage for dependent(s) will be available at the employee’s expense. The Winslow School Board will determine the insurance plan. 2. Flexible Spending Accounts for medical expenses and dependent care will be available. 3. Employee contributions to insurance premiums may be paid through payroll deduction. 4. The School Board agrees to pay for (if any) the administration fees for Flexible Spending Accounts and Health and Dental insurances.
A. The School Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries, money for local, state and national Associations as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize the same, and to transmit the monies promptly to the WEA in 20 equal installments beginning with the first payroll in October.
B. The Association will fully indemnify and hold the School Board and the Superintendent completely harmless against claims or suits of any nature which may arise by reason of the School Board’s compliance with the terms of this article.
Page 22 of 35 A. A rehired retired teacher is defined as any teacher who has retired and severed employment, and is now receiving or is eligible to receive benefits from the Maine State Retirement System, and who has returned to teaching pursuant to current law.
B. Any Maine State Retirement System teacher, regardless of employment, who is employed by the Board following his/her retirement, will be hired as a probationary teacher pursuant to current law.
C. If the teacher was previously employed by the Board, there will be no entitlement to any previous benefit accruals including, but not limited to, sick leave, eligibility for other leaves, severance benefits, and longevity pay.
D. Any teacher previously employed by the Board and subsequently rehired as a retiree, will be considered a first-year teacher for the purpose of placement on the seniority list.
This Agreement will be effective as of September 1, 2014, and will continue in effect until August 31, 2017, both dates inclusive, and may be extended by mutual agreement until such time as another Contract or Agreement is ratified.
In witness thereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by the Chairman of the School Board and the President of the Winslow Education Association and attested to by their respective secretaries this ______, 2014
Those participating in the negotiations of this contract were: Peter Thiboutot, Assistant Superintendent; Michael Thurston, WEA President; Ronald Whary, Board Chair; John Ferry, Board Member; Nancy Aldrich, Board Member; Eric Haley, Superintendent; Patricia Scully, WEA; Melissa Turner, WEA, Mary Beth Bourgoin, WEA
Page 24 of 35 SCHEDULE A SALARY 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Level Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Master’s/ CAS Degree 1 $33,762 $35,762 $37,762 2 $34,775 $36,775 $38,775 3 $35,818 $37,818 $39,818 4 $36,893 $38,893 $40,893 5 $37,999 $39,999 $41,999 6 $39,139 $41,139 $43,139 7 $40,313 $42,313 $44,313 8 $41,522 $43,522 $45,522 9 $42,769 $44,769 $46,769 10 $44,052 $46,052 $48,052 11 $45,374 $47,374 $49,374 12 $46,735 $48,735 $50,735 13 $48,136 $50,136 $52,136 14 $49,581 $51,581 $53,581 15 $51,068 $53,068 $55,068 16 $52,600 $54,600 $56,600 17 $54,178 $56,178 $58,178 18 $55,803 $57,803 $59,803 19 $57,477 $59,477 $61,477 20 $59,202 $61,202 $63,202 21 $60,979 $62,979 $64,979
Notes: □ Teachers who complete the requirements for and receive National Board Certification for “Professional Teaching Standards” will receive a stipend of $3,000 throughout the life of the certificate. □ 3% on base, no level changes
Page 25 of 35 SCHEDULE A SALARY 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Level Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Master’s/ CAS Degree 1 $34,750 $36,750 $38,750 2 $36,000 $38,000 $40,000 3 $37,250 $39,250 $41,250 4 $38,500 $40,500 $42,500 5 $39,750 $41,750 $43,750 6 $41,000 $43,000 $45,000 7 $42,250 $44,250 $46,250 8 $43,500 $45,500 $47,500 9 $44,750 $46,750 $48,750 10 $46,000 $48,000 $50,000 11 $47,250 $49,250 $51,250 12 $48,500 $50,500 $52,500 13 $49,750 $51,750 $53,750 14 $51,000 $53,000 $55,000 15 $52,250 $54,250 $56,250 16 $53,500 $55,500 $57,500 17 $54,750 $56,750 $58,750 18 $56,000 $58,000 $60,000 19 $57,250 $59,250 $61,250 20 $58,500 $60,500 $62,500 21 $59,750 $61,750 $63,750 22 $61,000 $63,000 $65,000 23 $62,250 $64,250 $66,250 24 $63,500 $65,500 $67,500 25 $64,750 $66,750 $68,750 Notes: □ Teachers who complete the requirements for and receive National Board Certification for “Professional Teaching Standards” will receive a stipend of $3,000 throughout the life of the certificate. □ This new salary schedule is based on a $1,250 index differential per level. □ Teachers remain on the same level except for the following: o level 17 will move to level 18 o level 18 will move to level 19 o level 20 will move to level 22 o level 21 will move to level 23
Page 26 of 35 SCHEDULE A SALARY 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR Level Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Master’s/ CAS Degree 1 $35,280 $37,280 $39,280 2 $36,530 $38,530 $40,530 3 $37,780 $39,780 $41,780 4 $39,030 $41,030 $43,030 5 $40,280 $42,280 $44,280 6 $41,530 $43,530 $45,530 7 $42,780 $44,780 $46,780 8 $44,030 $46,030 $48,030 9 $45,280 $47,280 $49,280 10 $46,530 $48,530 $50,530 11 $47,780 $49,780 $51,780 12 $49,030 $51,030 $53,030 13 $50,280 $52,280 $54,280 14 $51,530 $53,530 $55,530 15 $52,780 $54,780 $56,780 16 $54,030 $56,030 $58,030 17 $55,280 $57,280 $59,280 18 $56,530 $58,530 $60,530 19 $57,780 $59,780 $61,780 20 $59,030 $61,030 $63,030 21 $60,280 $62,280 $64,280 22 $61,530 $63,530 $65,530 23 $62,780 $64,780 $66,780 24 $64,030 $66,030 $68,030 25 $65,280 $67,280 $69,280 Notes: □ Teachers who complete the requirements for and receive National Board Certification for “Professional Teaching Standards” will receive a stipend of $3,000 throughout the life of the certificate. □ $530 added to the base □ Teachers will move up one level from the previous year.
A. It is agreed that any staff asked, and approved by the superintendent, to work beyond their 183 day contract shall be paid on a per diem basis. B. The parties recognize that some employees covered by this agreement carry additional responsibilities for which additional compensation should be paid. Listed below are those positions for which this section applies, together with a stipend paid to each. C. Department heads will receive an additional annual salary stipend of 1.7% of the Schedule A bachelor’s base, plus one-third of this figure for each teacher in the department (inclusive of the Department Head).
SCHOOL POSITION WES Special Education Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WES Team Leaders 6% of Base N/A WJHS English/Reading Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WJHS Mathematics Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WJHS Science Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WJHS Social Studies Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WJHS Special Education Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WJHS Team Leaders 6% of Base N/A WJHS Technology Leader 4.0 % of Base N/A WHS Business Education Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS English Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS Mathematics Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS Science Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS Social Studies Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS Special Education Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS Foreign Language/Music/Art Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS Health/Wellness Dept. Chair 1.7 % of Base Plus 1/3 per member WHS Faculty Lead. Team 1.7 % of Base N/A WHS Faculty Lead. Team 1.7 % of Base N/A
POSITION TOTAL WHS Instructor Tech Class $600.00 WHS Technology Coordinator $5, 650.00 Kennebec Governance Board 3.22% of Base Teacher Mentor 1.4% of Base Webmaster 3.22% of Base
Page 28 of 35 SCHEDULE C – 2014-2017
The Board and the Association agree to form a task force to study Schedule C with the goal of bringing a recommendation to the negotiations for a successor to this agreement. The task force will be co-chaired by the Winslow Athletic Director and a designee of the Winslow Education Association. The Winslow Education Association president and the Winslow Athletic Director will mutually agree to appoint all task force members.
The following formula is used to determine compensation for all extra-time activities. The calculation is: (Bachelors Base Pay Rate * Years of experience percentage) * position responsibility factor.
Completed Years of Experience Base Rate Percent 0 – 2 75% 3 – 4 77% 5 – 8 85% 9 – 11 87.5% 12-15 92.5% 16 plus 97.5%
Activity Responsibility Factor
(Time, Responsibility, and Public Pressure)
Band Director 15%
Baseball – Varsity 13%
Baseball - Varsity Assistant 8%
Baseball – Junior Varsity 8%
Baseball – Grade 7 6%
Baseball – Grade 8 6%
Basketball - Varsity 18%
Basketball - Junior Varsity 12%
Basketball - 9th Grade 9%
Basketball - 8th Grade 8%
Basketball - 7th Grade 8%
Cheerleaders - High School Winter 8%
Cheerleaders - High School Fall 6%
Cheerleaders - Assistant Winter 5%
Activity Responsibility Factor Page 29 of 35 (Time, Responsibility, and Public Pressure)
Cheerleaders - Assistant Fall 4%
Cheerleaders - 7th & 8th Grade Basketball 6%
Cheerleaders - 9th Grade Basketball 5%
Civil Rights Advisor – High School 4%
Civil Rights Advisor – Junior High School 4%
Class Advisors - Seniors (2) 7%
Class Advisors - Juniors (2) 6%
Class Advisors – Sophomores (2) 3%
Class Advisors – Freshman (2) 3%
Cross Country - Jr. High 6%
Cross Country - Sr. High 9%
Cross Country – Sr. High – Assistant 7%
Dramatics - One Act Play 7%
Dramatics - Winter Play 7%
Dramatics - Asst. Winter Play 6%
Dramatics - Spring Play 7%
Dramatics - Spring Play Assistant 6%
Dramatics - Fall Play 7%
Dramatics - Junior High 6%
Field Hockey – Varsity 13%
Field Hockey - Junior Varsity 8%
Field Hockey - Junior High 6%
Field Hockey - Junior High Asst 5%
Football – Varsity 18%
Football - Assistant & JV 11%
Activity Responsibility Factor (Time, Responsibility, and Public Pressure)
Page 30 of 35 Football - 9th Grade 11%
Football - Assistant 9th Grade 9%
Football - Jr. High 7th & 8th Grade 9%
Football - Asst. 7th & 8th Grade 7%
Golf – Junior High 1.75%
Golf 8%
Golf – Junior Varsity 6%
Hockey - Varsity 18%
Hockey – Assistant 11%
Hockey - Junior Varsity 10%
Indoor Track 12%
Indoor Track – Assistant 8%
Jazz Band, Jr. High 12%
Math Team – Sr. High 6%
Math Team – Jr. High 4%
National Honor Society 6%
Renaissance Coordinator – Sr. High 8%
Renaissance Coordinator - Jr. High 8%
School Newspaper - Senior High 7%
Ski Club - Junior High 3%
Ski Club - Senior High 3%
Soccer - Junior High 6%
Soccer – Junior High Assistant 5%
Soccer - Varsity 13%
Soccer - Junior Varsity 8%
Activity Responsibility Factor (Time, Responsibility, and Public Pressure)
Softball - Senior High 13%
Page 31 of 35 Softball - Varsity Assistant 8%
Softball - Junior Varsity 8%
Softball - Grade 7 6%
Softball - Grade 8 6%
Student Government - Senior High 6%
Student Government - Junior High 12%
Student Government – Asst. Junior High 4%
Swimming - Senior High 12%
Swimming – Assistant – Senior High 8%
Swimming - Junior High 8%
Swimming – Assistant – Junior High 5%
Tennis 9%
Tennis – Junior Varsity 6%
Track - Varsity 12%
Track - Varsity Assistants 6%
Track - Jr. High 6%
Track - Jr. High Assistant 5%
Vocal Music 5%
Wrestling 15%
Wrestling – Assistant 8%
Wrestling - Jr. High (Grades 6,7,8) 6%
Wrestling - Jr. High Assistant 4%
Yearbook Advisors (2) 14%
Stage: Signature: Date Received: Action:
1. Building Principal 2. Superintendent 3. School Committee 4. Arbitration
Grievant: Position: Building:
Contract Provision Alleged Violated:
Time, date, place of occurrence:
Statement of the grievance (include events and condition of the grievance and the persons responsible):
Redress sought:
Signed: Position: Date:
I wish to transfer from the ______grade/subject at the ______School to the
______grade/subject at the______School.
Page 34 of 35 AOS #92 – KENNEBEC VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS Summer Compensation Guidelines Tutors, Teachers and Educational Technicians
Discussions have been held concerning developing an AOS #92 standard of summer compensation for teachers and educational technicians across programs (i.e., regular education, Special Education, Title IA, curriculum work and staff development, etc.). Below is a summary of the decisions.
A. Summer ‘Curriculum’ and ‘Staff Development ‘Volunteer’ Work
Teachers: Summer curriculum work (i.e. literacy, writing, math, curriculum alignment, etc.) and/or staff development (purpose, end product, follow through, time commitment, attendance at ‘staff development’ conference, etc.) by teachers who ‘volunteer’ to an administrator’s request with the parameters defined by the administrator will be compensated at $25.00 per hour.
Teachers employed to teach summer school will be paid their per diem rate of pay prorated by the number of hours summer school is in session per day.
B. Educational Technicians: Summer curriculum work and/or staff development by educational technicians who volunteer to an administrator’s request with the parameters (purpose, end product, follow through, time commitment) defined by the administrator will be compensated at their regular rate of pay.
C. Tutors will be paid $18.00 per hour.
** All AOS #92 educational personnel must meet the State’s Criminal History Records check requirement.
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