The Declining Significance Of Race In The US, Part I

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The Declining Significance Of Race In The US, Part I

Race & Ethnic Relations Comps Reading List Fall 2004

The Declining Significance of Race in the US, Part I

Wilson, William Julius. 1980. "Modern Industrialization and the Alteration of Competitive Race Relations" and "Epilogue: Race, Class, and Social Policy." pp. 88-121 and 155-182 in Wilson, The Declining Significance of Race, rev. ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Collins, Sharon. 1983. "The Making of the Black Middle Class." Social Problems 30: 369-382.

Feagin, Joe. 1991. "The Continuing Significance of Race: Antiblack Discrimination in Public Places." American Sociological Review 56: 101- 117.

Jackson, Pamela Braboy, Peggy A. Thoits, and Howard F. Taylor. 1995. "Composition of the Workplace and Psychological Well-Being: The Effects of Tokenism on America's Black Elite." Social Forces 74: 543-557.

Oliver, Melvin L., and Thomas M. Shapiro. 1995. "A Story of Two Nations: Race and Wealth." Pp. 91-125 in Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality. New York: Routledge.

Sakamoto, Arthur, Huei-Hsia Wu, and Jessie M. Tzeng. 1997. "The Declining Significance of Race Among American Men During the Latter Half of the 20th Century." Unpublished manuscript.

Farkas, George, Paula England, Kevin Vicknair, and Barbara Stanek Kilbourne. 1997. "Cognitive Skill, Skill Demands of Jobs, and Earnings Among Young European American, African American, and Mexican American Workers." Social Forces 75: 913- 938.

The Declining Significance of Race in the US, Part II

Wilson, William Julius. 1991. "Studying Inner-City Social Dislocations: The Challenge of Public Agenda Research." American Sociological Review 56: 1- 14.

Kirschenman, Joleen, and Kathryn M. Neckerman. 1991. "We'd Love to Hire Them, But ... The Meaning of Race for Employers." Pp. 203-234 in The Urban Underclass, edited by Christopher Jencks and Paul Peterson. Washington: Brookings Institution.

Cohn, Samuel, and Mark Fossett. 1996. "What Spatial Mismatch? The Proximity of Blacks to Employment in Boston and Houston." Social Forces 75: 557-573. Quane, James M., and Bruce H. Rankin. 1995. "Neighborhood Poverty, Family Characteristics, and Commitment to Mainstream Goals: The Case of African- American Adolescents in the Inner City." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.

Rosenbaum, James E., and Susan J. Popkin. 1991. "Employment and Earnings of Low- Income Blacks Who Move to Middle-Class Suburbs." Pp. 342-356 in The Urban Underclass, edited by C. Jencks and P. Peterson. Washington: Brookings Institution.

Jarrett, Robin L. 1994. "Living Poor: Family Life Among Single Parent, African-American Women." Social Problems 41: 30-49.

Massey, Douglas. 1990. "American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass." American Journal of Sociology 96: 329-357.

Krivo, Lauren J., and Ruth D. Peterson. 1996. "Extremely Disadvantaged Neighborhoods and Urban Crime." Social Forces 75: 619-648.

Moore, Joan, and James Diego Vigil. 1993. "Barrios in Transition." Pp. 27-51 n In the Barrios: Latinos and the Underclass Debate, edited by J. Moore and R. Pinderhughes. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Residential Patterns and Segregation

Farley, Reynolds, and William H. Frey. 1994. "Changes in the Segregation of Whites From Blacks During the 1980s: Small Steps Toward a More Racially Integrated Society." American Sociological Review 59: 23-45.

Farley, Reynolds, Charlotte Steeh, Maria Krysan, Tara Jackson, and Keith Reeves. 1994. "Stereotypes and Segregation: Neighborhoods in the Detroit Area. American Journal of Sociology 100: 750-780.

Collins, Michael, and George Galster. 1995. "Discriminatory Marketing of Racially Mixed Neighborhoods in Memphis." Journal of Urban Affairs 17: 339-355.

Alba, Richard D., John R. Logan, and Kyle Crowder. 1997. "White Ethnic Neighborhoods and Assimilation: The Greater New York Region, 1980-1990." Social Forces 75: 883-912.

Betancur, John J. 1996. "The Settlement Experience of Latinos in Chicago: Segregation, Speculation, and the Ecology Model." Social Forces 74: 1299- 1324.

Ong, Paul M., and Evelyn Blumenburg. 1993. "An Unnatural Tradeoff: Latinos and Environmental Justice." Pp. 207-225 in Latinos in a Changing US Economy, edited by Rebecca Morales and Frank Bonilla. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Telles, Edward E. 1992. "Residential Segregation by Skin Color in Brazil." American Sociological Review 57: 186-197.

Debates Over Immigration

Bean, Frank D., Robert G. Cushing, Charles W. Haynes, and Jennifer V.W. Van Hook. 1997. "Immigration and the Social Contract." Social Science Quarterly 78: 249-268.

Baker, Susan Gonzalez. 1997. "The `Amnesty' Aftermath: Current Policy Issues Stemming from the Legalization Programs of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act." International Migration Review 31: 5-27.

Hein, Jeremy. 1993. "Refugees, Immigrants, and the State." Annual Review of Sociology 19: 43-59.

Brimelow, Peter. 1995. "Immigration Has Consequences: Economics." Pp. 137-155 in Alien Nation. New York: Harper.

Bean, Frank D., Jennifer V.W. Van Hook, and Jennifer E. Glick. 1997. "Country of Origin, Type of Public Assistance, and Patterns of Welfare Recipiency Among US Immigrants and Natives." Social Science Quarterly 78: 432-451.

Waldinger, Roger. 1997."Black/Immigrant Competition Re-assessed: New Evidence from Los Angeles." Sociological Perspectives 40: 365-386.

Dunn, Timothy J. In press. "Border Enforcement and Human Rights Violations in the Southwest." In Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States: Readings for the 21st Century, edited by C.G. Ellison and W.A. Martin. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Entrepreneurship, Incorporation, and Adaptation

Waters, Mary C., and Karl Eschbach. 1995. "Immigration and Ethnic and Racial Inequality in the United States." Annual Review of Sociology 21:419-446.

Waldinger, Roger, Howard Aldrich, and Robin Ward. 1990. "Opportunities, Group Characteristics, and Strategies." Pp. 13-48 in Ethnic Entrepreneurs, edited by Waldinger, Aldrich, Ward, and associates. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Logan, John R., Richard D. Alba, and Thomas L. McNulty. 1994. "Ethnic Economies in Metropolitan Regions: Miami and Beyond." Social Forces 72: 691-724.

Zhou, Min, and John R. Logan. 1989. "Returns to Human Capital in Ethnic Enclaves: New York City's Chinatown." American Sociological Review 54: 809-820.

Butler, John Sibley, and Kenneth L. Wilson. 1990. "Entrepreneurial Enclaves in the African-American Experience." Occasional paper, National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, Washington, DC.

Cornell, Stephen, and Joseph M. Kalt. 1992. "Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations." Pp. 1-59 in What Can Tribes Do? Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic Development, edited by S. Cornell and J. Kalt. Los Angeles:American Indian Studies Center.

Nee, Victor, Jimy M. Sanders, and Scott Sernau. 1994. "Job Transitions in an Immigrant Metropolis: Ethnic Boundaries and the Mixed Economy." American Sociological Review 59: 849-872.

Aldrich, Howard and Roger Waldinger. 1990. “Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship.” Annual Review of Sociology 16: 111-135.

Bates, Timothy. 1994. “Social Resources Generated by Group Support Networks May Not Be Beneficial to Asian Immigrant Owned Small Businesses.” Social Forces 72: 671-689.

Chin, Kwang Chung, In-Jin Yoon, David Smith. 1996. “Immigrant Small Business and International Economic Linkage: A Case of the Korean Wig Business in Los Angeles, 1968-1977.” International Migration Review 30: 485-510

Evans, M.D.R. 1989. “Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Effects of Ethnic Market Size and Isolated Labor Pool.” American Sociological Review 54: 950-962.

Fain, S. 1980. “Self-Employed Americans: Their Number has Increased.” Monthly Labor Review 103: 3-8.

Ghosh, Shubba. 1996. “Understanding Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Theoretical and Empirical Issues.” In Reframing the Immigration Debate: a Public Policy Report. Eds. Bill Ong Hing and Ronald Lee. Los Angeles, CA: LEAP Asian Pacific American Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center.

Glazer, N. and Daniel Moynihan. 1963. Beyond the Melting Pot. Cambridge: MIT Press. Prejudice and Intergroup Attitudes

Schuman, Howard, and Charlotte Steeh. 1996. "The Complexity of Racial Attitudes in America." Pp. 455-469 in Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America, edited by S. Pedraza and R. Rumbaut. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Kluegel, James R. 1990. "Trends in Whites' Explanations of the Black-White Gap in Socioeconomic Status, 1977-1989." American Sociological Review 55:512-525.

Dovidio, John F., Samuel L. Gaertner, Phyllis A. Anastasio, and Raysid Sanitioso. 1992. "Cognitive and Motivational Bases of Bias: Implications of Aversive Racism for Attitudes Toward Hispanics." Pp. 75-108 in Hispanics in the Workplace, edited by S.B. Knouse, P. Rosenfeld, and A.L. Culbertson. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Sniderman, Paul, and Thomas Piazza. 1993. "Pictures in the Mind." Pp. 35-65 in The Scar of Race. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence, and Vincent Hutchings. 1996. "Perceptions of Racial Group Competition: Extending Blumer's Theory of Group Position to a Multiracial Social Context." American Sociological Review 61: 951-972.

Ellison, Christopher G., and Daniel A. Powers. 1994. "The Contact Hypothesis and Racial Attitudes Among Black Americans." Social Science Quarterly 75: 385-400.

Goldhagen, David Jonah. 1997. "Recasting the View of Anti-Semitism: A Framework for Analysis." Pp. 27-48 in Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. New York: Vintage Books

Identity Construction and Negotiation

Waters, Mary C. 1990. "The Costs of a Costless Community." Pp. 147-168 in Waters, Ethnic Options. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Reed, John Shelton. 1983. "Who Am I? Regional Affiliation" and "What is a Southerner? Regional Consciousness." Pp. 11-55 in Southerners: The Social Psychology of Sectionalism. Chapel Hill: IRSS/University of North Carolina Press.

Nagel, Joane. 1995. "American Indian Ethnic Renewal: Politics and the Resurgence of Identity." American Sociological Review 60: 947-965.

Waters, Mary C. 1994. "Ethnic and Racial Identities of Second-Generation Black Immigrants in New York City." International Migration Review 28: 795-820. Spickard, Paul R., and Rowena Fong. 1995. "Pacific Islander Americans and Multiethnicity: A Vision of America's Future?" Social Forces 73: 1365- 1383.

Portes, Alejandro, and Min Zhou. 1993. "The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and its Variants." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 530: 74-96.

Hechter M., 1978, Group Formation and the Cultural Division of Labour, "AJS", vol. 84, n. 2, pp. 293-318.

Diversity and the Academy

Ogbu, John U. 1990. "Racial Stratification and Education." Pp. 3-34 in US Race Relations in the 1980s and 1990s: Challenges and Alternatives, edited by Gail E. Thomas. New York: Hemisphere/Taylor and Francis.

Feagin, Joe R. 1992. "The Continuing Significance of Racism: Discrimination Against Black Students in White Colleges." Journal of Black Studies 22: 546-578.

Steele, Shelby. 1990. "The Recoloring of Campus Life." Pp. 127-148 in Steele, The Content of Our Character. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Ehrlich, Howard J. 1994. "Campus Ethnoviolence." Pp. 279-290 in Race and Ethnic Conflict, edited by Fred Pincus and Howard Ehrlich. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. 1992. "History the Weapon." Pp. 45-72 in The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society. New York: W.W. Norton.

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