Student Technology Survey Results Summary: Questions 18-24 of Online Survey

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Student Technology Survey Results Summary: Questions 18-24 of Online Survey

Future of Technology - Student Survey Summary of Findings October 2004

4. Do you have your own computer for academic use?

Number of Respondents Percent Yes 812 93 No 58 7 Total 870

5. How satisfied are you with what is currently provided by your department or college for your access to computers and information technology for academic purposes?

Number of Respondents Percent Very satisfied 278 32 Moderately satisfied 443 51 Moderately unsatisfied 63 7 Very unsatisfied 19 2 No opinion 71 8 Total 874

Summary of Comments: (286 comments excluding “unaware”, “no comment” and “not applicable” postings)

 Computer labs are available in the Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching (CTLT), Psychology department, and Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS), all located in Lagomarcino  Health and Human Performance has a computer lab in Forker (several comments stated that this lab is too small with antiquated equipment)  College of Family and Consumer Sciences has computer labs located in MacKay, LeBaron, and Food Sciences  Both colleges support Macs and PCs and have technology equipped classrooms with overhead projectors, Elmo services, and computer teaching stations  The CTLT was noted for having a variety of software available, copy machines, scanners, poster printer, video editing equipment, textbooks, laminating machine, printers (B&W, color), palm pilots, audio recorders, teacher resource kits, teachers’ resource center with die cut machine, technical assistance, and wireless connection to internet  Comments about the computer labs in MacKay and Food Sciences consist of a variety of available software, laser jet printers, scanners, and ClassWeb notes  Some stated they were uncomfortable using computers in their own departments and found the computer labs in Durham, Beyer Hall, the Library, and Ross more accessible

1  A wide range of equipment is available for student checkout in CTLT: o Digital cameras o Camcorders and tripods o PC and Mac laptops o Books/journals/magazines o Disks for sale  A wide range of equipment is available for student checkout in FCS: o Mac iBook o Palm pilots o PC laptops o LCD projector  Equipment is also available for student checkout in Forker: o PC laptops

(approx. 1/3 of comments thought equipment check out should be more accessible, applicable to all departments and both colleges)

6. Comments on changes recommended in what your department and college provide for academic access to computers and information technology

Summary of comments: (326 comments excluding “no comment”, “none”, “don’t know”, “no opinion”, and similar null responses)

 Approx. ¼ want to see an increase in the size of the computer labs and/or add additional computer labs to accommodate more computers  Around 20% suggested extended, flexible lab hours so students can use computer labs for longer hours in the evening and on the weekend  Basic instructional guides on how to use available equipment and software  Better/more printing services at less expensive prices (suggestions for having this on U-bill were numerous)  Lot of comments expressing the need for extended check out periods for equipment use (laptops), especially for graduate students  Offer some computer training sessions  Increase wireless connections in both colleges  More computer lab technical support and from those who are knowledgeable about how to use the technology  More visible access to computer lab locations with posted computer lab schedule outside of the labs  Offer some computer training sessions  Updated technology

7. How many hours per week do you anticipate using department/college computer labs outside of classes?

2 Number of Respondents Percent 0-5 hours 649 71.6 6-10 hours 170 18.8 11-15 hours 35 3.9 More than 15 hours 18 2.0 No answer given 34 3.8 Total 906

Summary: More than 90% of students anticipate weekly lab use under 10 hours/wk.

Summary of comments: (Approximately 270 comments excluding “no comment” and similar non-value responses.)

Most common responses relating to use of labs outside of class:  Use mostly right before, after or in-between classes  Have own computer, off-campus student, use other labs or never use  Mainly for group work  Printer and copier access  Need specific software or hardware available only in the labs or only use labs for specific courses

General concerns about the labs:  Software isn’t always current  Lab hours and/or checkout times need to be extended  Need more terminals, sometimes too busy or unavailable because of a class  Some labs restricted to students of that College only  Shouldn’t charge for printing

8. At what times of day do you most need access to department/college computer labs? (Select all that apply.)

Number of Responses Percent 8AM-5PM 565 62.4 5PM-9PM 473 52.2 9PM-8AM 220 24.3 # of students responding 906

Summary: Table reports cumulative frequency of each (i.e. total number of responses per category, regardless of multiple selections per respondent). Majority of users require access during normal lab hours; a significant group reports an “all hours” need. Pool of respondents was 906.

Summary of comments: (Approximately 240 comments excluding “no comment” and similar non-value responses.)

3  Labs need to be open extended hours and on weekends  Several suggest 24/7 lab access – possibly unmonitored labs w/code access  Many find labs extremely overcrowded during open times and not enough access to terminals  Many don’t use the labs (have own computer, use other labs, etc.)  Many satisfied with the current availability  Several stated not knowing where public labs are and when they are available

9. On what days of the week do you most need access to department/college computer labs? (Select all that apply)

Number of Responses Percent Monday-Friday 773 85.3 Saturday 237 26.2 Sunday 328 36.2 # of students responding 906

Summary: Table reports cumulative frequency of each (i.e. total number of responses per category, regardless of multiple selections per respondent). Majority of users require access to labs on weekdays, although more than a quarter of all students would like to see the labs open on the weekends. Pool of respondents was 906.

Summary of comments: approx. 200 comments excluding “no comment” and similar non-value responses

 Many think that labs should be open 7 days a week  Many only need access M-F  Generally satisfied with current lab schedules  Several stated not knowing when the labs were open

10. Which computer labs do you typically use?

456 Responses- Of these many chose more than one lab.

Number of Responses Percent Lagomarcino CTLT 219 19 Lagomarcino Elps 53 4 Food Sciences Bldg (PC Lab) 22 1 Forker Building Comp. Lab 171 14 MacKay 108 (PC Lab) 306 26 MacKay 307 3rd Fl. (Mac Lab) 79 6 No opinion 305 26

Summary of comments:

4  CTLT Lab is very nice and up to date.  Most liked printing in CTLT because it was cheaper, but they did not like having to wait for their print jobs because there was only one printer.  CTLT lab needed to have more computers available.  Most liked the MacKay 108 lab, but thought that printing was too high.  Most said they did not know where the MacKay 3rd floor Computer lab was and most said didn’t even know there was one.  Some thought the MacKay 3rd Floor Computer lab was dirty.  There was a 50-50 split on Folker lab. Some liked it and had no problems and others said it was too small and needed PC computers in it.  About 25% of the students said they use either their own computers or computers in other buildings not associated with FCS or COE.  Most students said they liked the help they received in both college’s.  Most wanted the labs to stay open after 6pm and some wanted it left open until midnight.  The single most common complaint was they did not know where the computer labs were, they need directions on how to get to them and the labs needed to be better marked and have better directions throughout the buildings.

11. How important is it that lab monitors are available to help you in all of the department/college labs?

906 Responses includes 51 responses or 5% with no response.

Number of Responses Percent Essential 134 14 Very important 195 21 Somewhat important 320 35 Not at all important 135 15 No opinion 71 8

Summary of comments:

 CTLT was noted by those that singled it out to have the most helpful and friendly lab monitors.  Students said lab assistants were necessary in the CTLT lab because of the high tech equipment that they need help with.  Over 50% said the lab monitor was not needed except for printing and when they have a computer problem.  About 25% thought the lab monitor was helpful especially for students that don’t have enough knowledge about computers and how to use them.  Most said the lab monitors did not know the departmental applications and could not help them when needed.  A few said they need to have good English so they could understand them better.

5  Some said they did not know there was a lab monitor in any lab.  Many thought if they had to choose between keeping the lab open later and having a lab monitor available, they would choose to have the lab open later.

12. How important is it to you that wireless access (for all academic computer- related functions) is provided throughout all college/department-associated buildings?

Number of Respondents Percent Essential 228 27 Very important 208 24 Somewhat important 184 21 Not at all important 108 13 No opinion 128 15 Total 856

Summary of 120 comments: (excluding “no comment” and “not applicable” postings).

 approximately half do not have laptops and do not see wireless as necessary yet  perception that there will be increasing demand in near future  laptop owners are very favorable of wireless access and want it available in classrooms as well as throughout buildings (many comments about increasing access in Lagomarcino specifically)  concern that current wireless system is not universal (i.e., not equally available across the College and residence halls) and is not always reliable/fast/easy to use  seen as a way to reduce load on labs  wireless is already more efficient use of student time than going to lab to check email, course material in between classes

13. How important is it that your instructors use state-of-the-art computer technology in courses?

Number of Respondents Percent Essential 175 20 Very important 303 35 Somewhat important 292 34 Not at all important 52 6 No opinion 37 4 Total 859

Summary of 295 comments: (excluding “no comments” and similar null responses)  About 1/4-1/3 express frustration with instructors who do not know how to use technology in class (wasted time setting up computer; can’t use ELMO, etc.).

6 Suggest that instructors get more training in use of the systems and that more tech support is available in the classroom.  Strong preference for PowerPoint slide presentations compared to chalk board or overheads.  Use of technology makes for more interesting, engaging classes.  Important/essential to use model systems/software that will be found in future careers (education, TC, HRI, Dietetics all mentioned)  Very useful to have online/WebCT supplement to course for notes and communication and for assignment submission.  Concern that some instructors focus too much on technology and not enough on course materials, teaching/learning/ Use appropriate technology for course.  Expect to have state of art (or near) at Iowa State University due to university’s technical/science nature and feel it is important to be in front of pack in this regard.

14. How important is it to you to be able to check out equipment needed for academic purposes?

Number of Respondents Percent Essential 253 29 Very important 286 33 Somewhat important 195 23 Not at all important 53 6 No opinion 75 9 Total 862

Summary of 218 comments: (excluding “no comments” and similar null responses)

 Many say that they never or rarely checkout equipment.  Those who checkout equipment use it both for teaching and for course work.  Checkout time periods are too short (one day / over night) to get work done and pick up/return times are too narrow.  Critical for some courses / projects.  Some report that they do not know what equipment is available for checkout

15. What equipment do you need for academic purposes that is not currently available?

Summary of 200 comments:

 2/3 or more report that the equipment they need is available and/or have no further suggestions  several report that they do not know what equipment is available for checkout [this questions did not specify “checkout equipment” though]

7  most requests (18) for additional laptops (esp. Macs)  a very few requests for mice, zip drives and CD burners for laptops, printers, QTVR kit, digital camcorders and camera, PDAs, transcriber, tape recorder, scanners, ELMO for checkout, screen to go with projector, video equipment (tripods, lights)  laptops that have statistical software or TC design software

16. How interested would you be in an optional laptop purchase program for students?

Number of Respondents Percent Essential 157 18 Very important 261 31 Somewhat important 239 28 Not at all important 129 15 No opinion 71 8 Total 857

Summary of 223 comments: (excluding “no comments,” “not applicable,” “none,” and “no opinion” postings).

Opinions are divided into three groups: A. Most favorable and reasons.  Easier to type notes in class  Essential for group projects  Good for students who have financial limitations  Handy over breaks and weekends when labs are closed  Can take advantage of the wireless access on campus (i.e., being mobile).  Cheaper if the college decides to buy them in bulk  Save time instead of hassling with going to the lab all the time.  Mostly beneficial for incoming students who still have more years in college.  Help to store huge research data files that requires big space in the hard drive (beneficial mostly for graduate students).

B. Favorable with attached conditions  Availability of payment plan option (i.e., monthly, or per semester payment)  Availability of a discount rate to make it affordable to students  Availability of programs essential to specific majors (i.e., loaded with all the quality software for classes)  Availability of computer tech. support to help with updates and laptop problems.

C. Less favorable

8  Need more information about laptop purchasing program before deciding  Already have laptops and don’t really care and/or just want to finish, graduate and leave (mostly seniors).  Those who bring laptops to class play games and search the web instead of taking notes.  The program is not essential if labs are well equipped and are in good condition  The program is not essential since students are still paying a computer fee.  Renting laptop for the semester is better than buying a program

17. General comment’s on student’s computing access for the combined college. 124 comments (excluding “no comments” “no opinion” “I don’t know” “nothing” and “not applicable” postings). Students have raised more concerns than presumed benefits.

Benefits:  Easy computer access/ more computers available in different places at all times to meet students’ needs and enhance learning, better performance in research, papers and quizzes.  Share the burden of updates, maintenance and reduce the printing costs  Motivating factor to students knowing that they have access to the technology they need.

Concerns: “Easy access as long as/ provided that,”  More computers and other technological equipment are made available for use by all students in the bigger (combined) college so that students don’t have to compete with each other for the resources.  The computer support tech. and lab monitors in both labs and buildings are retained to serve students. That is, due to increase in students using the computer labs, there would be need for enough tech support stuff and lab monitors to efficiently handle the increase in workload. Gerdin computer lab is a nice reference, in which the new combined college computer lab will be bigger and efficient.  There is a large computer area/space for everyone with opening hours posted, printing options and user options available.  Congestion in the labs is reduced, possibly by having more wireless access locations in and around the buildings.  There is a solution to the use of math computer labs because there are only two labs on campus with specific programs for students in that field and whenever classes are in session students have no access to the computers.  The students can use the labs anytime they want to as long as the labs are opened.  Computer labs can be opened at all times including weekends, possibly up to midnight, i.e., education students use computers for projects a lot, so there is a need for more computer lab access.  The main technological services offered are maintained even after the merger, i.e., everything (from technical services to equipments) should remain the same.

9  Programs in the entire computer labs are maintained, i.e., diet analysis programs, SPSS, SAS, STATA, and other projects assigned by the professors.  The fundamental differences between the two colleges are ironed out. That is, fundamental philosophical differences in how the technology is used and supported. For example: Facilities for C & I are student centered with focus on development and community building, while “my understanding of CFS is that” people running the labs duplicate existing campus services. Also as long as the differences in the allocating of the CAC funds and involvement of students in decision making and how money should be spent is ironed out.  The set up of a computer lab in the Folker building remain the same since it is very accessible to students.  More computers are added to the Folker building lab.  A Lab monitor is posted in Folker building to answer students’ questions and solve frequent printing problems.  The bigger college is able to keep the computer technology current. That is, to maintain better quality computers along with other technological equipments.  The TC classes get more computers and programs that are made to work instead of having to wait until programs are installed properly in the computers or until the assignments are cancelled.  There are free printing services or as convenient as possible. That is, students need not pay for printing services because computer fee’s to some extent, cover for those services. Alternatively the cost should be reasonably low because besides the inconvenience of them carrying change every time they visit a lab, students want to see their money put to a better use.  More professors model the use of technology in classrooms.


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