Cedu 3150 Instructional Planning & Classroom Management

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Cedu 3150 Instructional Planning & Classroom Management

EDU 3150 Instructional Planning & Classroom Management Dr. Daniels Lesson Plan Outline

Name ___Kavita Shah______

Academic Subject Area ____ESL__

NCSCOS Goal/s: 1, 2, 3, 4

Competency Name: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, ______

NCSCOS Objective #IL 1.01, IL 2.05, IL 2.06, IL 3.07, IL 4.06,______

NCSCOS Objective: Listen to stories or information and identify key details and concepts through verbal and non-verbal responses. Use and respond correctly to yes/no questions and some open-ended questions on familiar topics, including content based material. Begin to retell information acquired through reading and /or listening Increase reading fluency and comprehension through effective reading strategies. Produce simple written responses to content area texts with assistance.

Level of learners: 6th grade IL ESL students

Text: Rain Forests by Will Osborne and Mary pope Osborne

Focus & Review Review Chapter 6. Let’s review the last chapter we read. Ask questions: 1) What are the gifts of the rain forest? 2) Discuss food, wood, rubber, medicine and protection from global warming.

Focus: State that rain forests are one of the earth’s most valuable resources. But they are in danger. They are being destroyed very quickly. Can we do something to save them? Let’s read chapter 7 and learn more about it.

Rationale: After reading chapter 7 students can share their awareness with their friends and families, understand the efforts of environmentalist to save the rain forests and overall reading of the text will help them to learn about rain forests (social studies).

Lesson Objective 1) Learn about how rain forests are destroyed and why and how to save them. Students will learn what actions they can take to save the rain forests. 2) Use double entry diary (DED) strategy to understand the facts and their importance in the text. 3) Have students answer some questions and retell what they have learned. 4) They will write an e-mail to their friends about importance and protection of the rain forests.

Essential question: What can we do to save the rain forests?

Teacher Input 1) Read aloud the pages # 101 and 102 of chapter 7 and introduce the DED strategy P# 18(Tovani). Have them write facts (facts, confusing ideas, unknown words) in left column and reason facts are important (thoughts about the facts) in the right side of the column. Find the words replant, crops and cattle from the dictionary along with the students. Write the meanings of the words and what I think about them on board. Have them copy that in their notebook in the respective DED columns. Tell them that they can do the same for any difficult words or confusing facts they come across the text. 2) Ask them a question about how rain forests are destroyed? P# 101, 2nd para.

Guided Practice 1) Read the page # 103 aloud and ask if there are any difficult words, confusing facts. Write the responses on the board. And let them copy those words and have them find the meaning and /or write their thoughts in the DED columns. I will rotate in the class and monitor them as they use the DED strategy. I will give them enough time to do this. 2) I will ask them a question who are environmentalists and what do they do?

Independent Practice 1) I will ask them to read page # 104 and 105 (end of chap) silently and use the DED strategy independently.

Closure I will ask them the following questions: 1) How the rain forests are destroyed? 2) Who are environmentalists and how they help to protect the rain forests/ 3) What are nature reserves? 4) What is endangered species? What are endangered animals in the rain forests? 5) How kids can help to save the rain forests? After the discussion on these questions, I’ll summarize the chapter.

Assessment I will have them use the laptops and ask them to write e-mails to their friends about what they learned about the rain forests and what they can do to save them.

Adaptations & Modifications 1) Students who are still reading and working on DED, a) I’ll give them extra time to finish it, b) students who are already done can help them with finding the words from the dictionaries, c) or I will provide them a list of new words and page # of dictionary where they can find words or d) I can make a group of those students and I will sit with them and read aloud with them and help them finish their DED.

Fast Finishers 1) They can go on internet (with head phones on their assign laptops) and search the websites for the rain forests and find more about endangered species, where in the world rain forests are destroyed the most and environmentalists’ efforts to save the rain forests. Infuse Cultural Diversity 1)I will ask them where in the world, people have shown more awareness to save the rain forests? And why? Why there is more awareness about this in certain parts of the world compared to the third world countries? I will provide a fact sheet or a graph for information.

or 2) I will provide them a copy of world map and have them color the areas of rain forests around the world. Have them name the regions where the rain forests are situated. They can get the help from chap # 1 from the text, which has the map and the other details.

Infuse Technology 1) Fast finishers will do more research on the rain forests. 2) All of them will write e-mails to their friends about the importance of rain forests and how to save them. 3) List of websites: 1) abcteach.com/Rinforestfacts/Rftableofcontents.htm 2) library.thinkquest.org/27257/rainintro.html 3) www.rain- tree.com/schoolreports.htm 4) www.tropical-forests.com/facts/facts.htm

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