The Mystery of the Stolen Bike
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The mystery of the stolen bike. F BRO Brown, Marc. The mystery illness. E LAK Lakin, Patricia. The mystery of Atlantis 398 WAL Walker, Kathryn. The mystery of the stolen bike F BRO Brown, Marc Tolon. The painting that wasn't there F BRE Brezenoff, Steven. Cam Jansen and the secret service mystery F ADL Adler, David A. A Sam & friends mystery. Book one. Dracula madness 741.5 LAB Labatt, Mary, 1944-. Tentacles F SMI Smith, Roland, 1951- The emperor's code F KOR Korman, Gordon. Food fight : a graphic guide adventure 741.5 ODO O'Donnell, Liam, 1970- Into the gauntlet F HAD Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Storm warning F PAR Park, Linda Sue. The viper's nest F LER Lerangis, Peter. Manga math mysteries. #1, The lost key : a mystery with whole numbers 741.5 THI Thielbar, Melinda. Manga math mysteries. #3, The secret ghost : a mystery with distance and measurement 741.5 THI Thielbar, Melinda. Manga math mysteries. #4, The kung fu puzzle : a mystery with time and temperature 741.5 THI Thielbar, Melinda. Andy Shane and the barn sale mystery E JAC Jacobson, Jennifer, 1958- Bones and the birthday mystery E ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the basketball mystery F ADL Adler, David A. The case of the game show mystery F THO Thomas, Jim. Young Cam Jansen and the lions' lunch mystery E ADL Adler, David A. The karate class mystery F LEV Levy, Elizabeth. The London Eye mystery F DOW Dowd, Siobhan. The London Eye mystery F DOW Dowd, Siobhan. The amazing mystery show F WAR Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 1890-1979. Bones and the birthday mystery E ADL Adler, David A. Closed for the season : a mystery story F HAH Hahn, Mary Downing. Princess Ellie solves a mystery F KIM Kimpton, Diana. Bionicle adventures : # 1 : Mystery of Metru Nui Farshtey, Greg. Dora's mystery of the missing shoes E RIC Ricci, Christine. Slaves of the republic. Volume one, The mystery of Kiros 741.5 GIL Gilroy, Henry. A to Z mysteries collection. #1 F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- Bulb to tulip 582.13 OWE Owen, Oliver S., 1920-. Dot & Jabber and the big bug mystery E WAL Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the television dog F ADL Adler, David A. Sly the Sleuth and the pet mysteries F NAP Napoli, Donna Jo, 1948- Detective Camp F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The case of the golden key F PRE Preller, James. The case of the great sled race F PRE Preller, James. The case of the missing monkey E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. Case of the sneaky snowman F KEE Keene, Carolyn. The case of the stinky science project F PRE Preller, James. Chick-napped! F KEE Keene, Carolyn. The dollhouse murders F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. Joey Fly, private eye, in Creepy crawly crime 741.5 REY Reynolds, Aaron, 1970-. Sammy Keyes and the wild things F VAN Van Draanen, Wendelin. Ski school sneak F KEE Keene, Carolyn. February friend F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The quicksand question F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. White House white-out F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The X'ed-out X-ray F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The yellow yacht F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. Inspector hopper. E CUS Cushman, Doug. The runaway racehorse. F ROY Roy, Ron. The Wright 3 F BAL Balliett, Blue, 1955-. Cam Jansen and the green school mystery F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery writer mystery F ADL Adler, David A. The 3-2-3 Detective Agency in The disappearance of Dave Warthog 741.5 ROB Robinson, Fiona, 1965- The adventures of Tintin. Volume 5 741.5 HER Hergé, 1907-1983. Batman : the story of Batman E PET Peterson, Scott. Belly up F GIB Gibbs, Stuart, 1969- Beyond the grave F WAT Watson, Jude. The black circle F CAR Carman, Patrick. The case of Camp Crooked Lake F ELL Ellis, Carol. The case of the baffled bear E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. The case of the desperate duck E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. The case of the Nutcracker Ballet F STI Stine, Megan. Chasing Vermeer F BAL Balliett, Blue, 1955- The circus scare F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Claire and the bakery thief 741.5 POO Poon, Janice. Claire and the water wish 741.5 POO Poon, Janice. The fashion disaster F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Ghost in the machine F CAR Carman, Patrick. The Halloween hoax F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Hamster and cheese 741.5 VEN Venable, Colleen A. F. In too deep F WAT Watson, Jude. Lights, camera-- cats! F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Mall madness F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Masterpiece F BRO Broach, Elise. The missing manatee F DEF DeFelice, Cynthia C. Nancy Drew ghost stories SC KEE Keene, Carolyn. One false note F KOR Korman, Gordon. One false note F KOR Korman, Gordon. Piggins E YOL Yolen, Jane. The potato chip puzzles F BER Berlin, Eric. Princess for a week F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. Sleepover sleuths F KEE Keene, Carolyn. The sword thief F LER Lerangis, Peter. Thanksgiving thief F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Ticket trouble F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Trackers F CAR Carman, Patrick. Valentine's Day secret F KEE Keene, Carolyn. We the children F CLE Clements, Andrew, 1949- Where's the big bad wolf? E CHR Christelow, Eileen. The zoo crew F KEE Keene, Carolyn. The case of the million-dollar mystery F PRE Preller, James. The case of the mummy mystery. F PRE Preller, James. Meg Mackintosh and the case of the missing Babe Ruth baseball : a solve-it-yourself mystery F LAN Landon, Lucinda. The vampire mystery F WAR Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 1890-1971. Picnic with Piggins E YOL Yolen, Jane. Wrapped in a riddle F HEI Heisel, Sharon E. Barbie: mystery unplugged. F ABE Aber, Linda. Barbie: the haunted mansion mystery. F ABE Aber, Linda. Bones and the big yellow mystery E ADL Adler, David A. Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery F HOW Howe, Deborah. Cam Jansen and the mystery at the haunted house F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the gold coins F ADL Adler, David A. The Cinderella ballet mystery F KEE Keene, Carolyn. Cam Jansen and the Sports Day mysteries : a super special F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the summer camp mysteries : a super special F ADL Adler, David A. Merger on the Orient Expressway F CHR Christian, Mary Blount. Nate the great and the lost list E SHA Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Nightmare mountain F KEH Kehret, Peg. The case of the secret Valentine Preller, James. Unexpected: 11 mysterious stories. SC WIL Williams, Laura E., ed. Hisako's mysteries F UCH Uchida, Yoshiko. Super sleuth : twelve solve it yourself mysteries F VIV Vivelo, Jackie. The absent author F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The haunted hotel F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- Mayflower treasure hunt F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The ninth nugget F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The school skeleton F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The case of the Christmas snowman F PRE Preller, James. Beagle in trouble : super sleuth II : twelve solve-it-yourself mysteries F VIV Vivelo, Jackie. Classic mysteries : a collection of mind-bending masterpieces. SC COO Cooper, Molly, ed. The mysterious case of the Allbright Academy F STA Stanley, Diane. The canary caper F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The empty envelope F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The vampire's vacation F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The case of the sabotaged school play. F SIN Singer, Marilyn. The case of the spooky sleepover. F PRE Preller, James. The case of the stolen baseball cards. F PRE Preller, James. The clue of the tapping heels. F KEE Keene, Carolyn. The dollhouse murders F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. The dollhouse murders F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. Magnum fault F ROD Rodgers, Raboo. Nate the Great and the snowy trail E SHA Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. The twin in the tavern F WAL Wallace, Barbara Brooks, 1922- The bald bandit F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The deadly dungeon F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The falcon's feathers F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The goose's gold F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The haunting of Hillside School F GRE Gregory, Kristiana. The invisible island F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The jaguar's jewel F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. January joker F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The kidnapped king F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The lucky lottery F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The missing mummy F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The orange outlaw F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The panda puzzle F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The runaway racehorse F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. Sleepy Hollow sleepover F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- The talking T. Rex F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The unwilling umpire F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The white wolf F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. The zombie zone F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940-. Arthur accused!. F BRO Brown, Marc. The case of the Mossy Lake monster F TOR Torrey, Michele. Cryptid hunters F SMI Smith, Roland, 1951-. How to disappear completely and never be found F NIC Nickerson, Sara. March mischief F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- Megan's island F ROB Roberts, Willo Davis. Sammy Keyes and the cold hard cash F VAN Van Draanen, Wendelin. Secret of the haunted house E SAB Sabin, Fran. Spies! F TAY Tayleur, Karen. The Westing game F RAS Raskin, Ellen. The adventures of Tintin. Volume 7 741.5 HER Hergé, 1907-1983. The black book of buried secrets F RIO Kass, Mallory. The case of the fidgety fox E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. The case of the graveyard ghost, and other super-scientific cases F TOR Torrey, Michele. The case of the Jingle Bell Jinx F LEO Leonhardt, Alice. The case of the missing mummy. F LAN Lantz, Francess. The case of the puzzling possum E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. The case of the sleepy sloth E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. The case of the troublesome turtle E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. Cat tails E SCH Scheunemann, Pam, 1955-. Chasing Vermeer F BAL Balliett, Blue, 1955-. The children next door F URE Ure, Jean. Christina's ghost F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. Christina's ghost F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. The clue of the hissing serpent. F DIX Dixon, Franklin W. Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the treasure hunt F SOB Sobol, Donald J., 1924- Ghosts beneath our feet F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. The ghosts of Austwick Manor F MAC MacDonald, Reby Edmond. The ghosts of Mercy Manor F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. Howliday Inn F HOW Howe, James, 1946-. Loretta P. Sweeny, where are you?. F GIF Giff, Patricia Reilly. Maggie and the pirate E KEA Keats, Ezra Jack. The man in the woods F WEL Wells, Rosemary. The money room F MCG McGraw, Eloise Jarvis. Nate the great and the crunchy Christmas. E SHA Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Nate the Great and the fishy prize E SHA Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Nate the great and the tardy tortoise E SHA Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Nate the Great stalks Stupidweed. E SHA Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Piggins and the royal wedding. E YOL Yolen, Jane. Polar Bears past bedtime F OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. Pony problems F KEE Keene, Carolyn. The remarkable return of Winston Potter Crisply : a novel F RIC Rice, Eve. Sammy Keyes and the dead giveaway F VAN Van Draanen, Wendelin. Scream for ice cream F KEE Keene, Carolyn. The séance F LAW Lawrence, Iain, 1955- Sherlock Holmes : selected stories F STE Stewart, Diana. Skeleton Creek F CAR Carman, Patrick. Utterly me, Clarice Bean F CHI Child, Lauren. The view from the cherry tree F ROB Roberts, Willo Davis. The Loch Ness monster : Scotland's mystery beast 001.94 DEM DeMolay, Jack. Princess Ellie's camping trip F KIM Kimpton, Diana. The Mary Celeste : an unsolved mystery from history F YOL Yolen, Jane. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the stolen corn popper. F ADL Adler, David A. Arthur's mystery envelope F BRO Brown, Marc Tolon. Aunt Eater's mystery Christmas. E CUS Cushman, Doug. Barbie: the mystery of the jeweled mask. F ABE Aber, Linda. Cam Jansen and the barking treasure mystery. F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the catnapping mystery. F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the carnival prize. F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones. F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the monster movie. F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the stolen diamonds. F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the mystery of the television dog. F ADL Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the scary snake mystery. F ADL Adler, David A. Dot & Jabber and the great acorn mystery E WAL Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Dot & Jabber and the mystery of the missing stream E WAL Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Egg to robin 598.8 OWE Owen, Oliver S., 1920-. Food chain mystery VHS 577.16 FOO Ghost trap : a Wild Willie mystery F JOO Joosse, Barbara M. Houdini : world's greatest mystery man and escape king B HOU Krull, Kathleen. The spray-paint mystery F MED Medearis, Angela Shelf, 1956-. The Calder game F BAL Balliett, Blue, 1955-. Cub to grizzly bear 599.7 OWE Owen, Oliver S., 1920-. Wait till Helen comes. F HAH Hahn, Mary Downing. Horrible Harry and the locked closet F KLI Kline, Suzy. The green ghost F BAU Bauer, Marion Dane. The red ghost F BAU Bauer, Marion Dane. Acorn to oak tree 583 OWE Owen, Oliver S., 1920-. The bird house E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. The black circle F CAR Carman, Patrick. Bone. [2], The great cow race 741.5 Smith, Jeff, 1960 Feb. 27- The bones of Fred McFee E BUN Bunting, Eve, 1928-. The case of Hermie the missing hamster. F PRE Preller, James. The case of the cackling car. F SIN Singer, Marilyn. Caterpillar to butterfly 595.7 OWE Owen, Oliver S., 1920-. Dark day in the deep sea F OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. Dark emperor & other poems of the night 811 SID Sidman, Joyce. Egg to snake 597.96 OWE Owen, Oliver S., 1920-. Found F HAD Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Found F HAD Haddix, Margaret Peterson. The golden hoard : myths and legends of the world 398.2 MCC McCaughrean, Geraldine. Jake, reinvented F KOR Korman, Gordon. The Littles and the summer storm E SLA Slater, Teddy. Mars 523.4 STI Stille, Darlene R. Michael Townsend's Amazing Greek myths of wonder and blunders. 398.2 TOW Townsend, Michael (Michael Jay), 1981- Mr. Putter & Tabby write the book E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. Picture-perfect science lessons : using children's books to guide inquiry : grades 3-6 PROF 372.3 ANS Ansberry, Karen Rohrich, 1966-. Poppleton and friends E RYL Rylant, Cynthia. Punctuation DVD 428 PUN Schlessinger Media ; First Light Pictures ; executive producers, Andrew Schlessinger, Tracy Mitchell ; director, Tarquin Cardona. Scaffolding young writers : a writer's workshop approach PROF 372.6 DOR Dorn, Linda J. Sees Behind Trees F DOR Dorris, Michael. The silver balloon F BON Bonners, Susan. Tadpole to frog 597.8 OWE Owen, Oliver S., 1920-. Tyrannosaurus rex 567.9 GRA Gray, Susan Heinrichs. Way Down Deep F WHI White, Ruth, 1942-. Welcome to HorrorLand : a survival guide. F WEL Anno's mysterious multiplying jar 512.7 ANN Anno, Masaichirö. Did dinosaurs eat pizza? : mysteries science hasn't solved 567.9 HOR Hort, Lenny. The mysterious island F ABB Abbott, Tony. The case of the mummified pigs and other mysteries in nature 508 QUI Quinlan, Susan E. Extreme scientists : exploring nature's mysteries from perilous places 509.2 JAC Jackson, Donna M., 1959-. Kogi's mysterious journey 398.2 PAR Partridge, Elizabeth. Space mysteries 520 KEN Kenah, Katharine. Tales of the cryptids : mysterious creatures that may or may not exist 001.94 HAL Halls, Kelly Milner, 1957-. Teaching genre: mysteries : (Teacher's guide + 5 small books). PROF 371 CAS Cassidy, Janet. Two-minute mysteries. SC SOB Sobol, Donald J. UFO mysteries 001.94 GRA Grace, N. B. Where do fish go in winter : and other great mysteries. 500 KOS Koss, Amy Goldman. Houdini B HOU Alden, Laura. The clockwork three F KIR Kirby, Matthew J., 1976- Tales from the house of Bunnicula : Howie Monroe and the doghouse of doom. F HOW Howe, James. 13 scary ghost stories SC 13 edited by Marianne Carus 97 ways to train a dragon F MCM McMullan, Kate. The adventures of Tintin. Volume 4 741.5 HER Hergé, 1907-1983. All about fossils VHS 560 ALL Schlessinger Media Amelia Earhart free in the skies B EAR Burleigh, Robert. April adventure F ROY Roy, Ron, 1940- Arthur goes to camp E BRO Brown, Marc Tolon. The Beastly Arms F JEN Jennings, Patrick. Bigfoot : a North American legend 001.94 DEM DeMolay, Jack. The blood-and-thunder adventure on Hurricane Peak F MAH Mahy, Margaret. Bogeymen don't play football F DAD Dadey, Debbie. Breakout at the bug lab E HOR Horowitz, Ruth. Buddy is a stupid name for a girl F ROB Roberts, Willo Davis. El caballero del alba : Knight at dawn. 460 OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. Charlie and the chocolate factory F DAH Dahl, Roald. Charlie Bone and the castle of mirrors F NIM Nimmo, Jenny. Charlie Bone and the invisible boy F NIM Nimmo, Jenny. Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate 460 DAH Dahl, Roald. A Christmas card F THE Theroux, Paul. City of light, city of dark 741.5 AVI Avi, 1937- The Dark Hills divide F CAR Carman, Patrick. The Dark Hills divide playaway F CAR Carman, Patrick. Dazzling division : games and activities that make math easy and fun PROF 513.2 LON Long, Lynette. Dinosaurs REF 567.9 HAS Haslam, Andrew. Do you do a didgeridoo? E PAG Page, Nick, 1961-. Dog days F LUB Lubar, David. Earth REF 550 VAN Van Rose, Susanna. Fairies 398 GUI Guillain, Charlotte. Fergus Crane F STE Stewart, Paul, 1955-. Game 1 playaway F LON Long, Loren. The garden of Eve F GOI Going, K. L. (Kelly L.) Ginger Pye F EST Estes, Eleanor, 1906-. F ROW Rowling, J. K. The haunting of Freddy : book four in the golden hamster saga F REI Reiche, Dietlof. The hero and the crown F MCK McKinley, Robin. Horrible Harry and the dungeon. F KLI Kline, Suzy. Horrible Harry and the purple people F KLI Kline, Suzy. The invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and pictures F SEL Selznick, Brian. The invisible island. F ROY Roy, Ron. Jane Eyre F STE Stewart, Diana. Jumanji E VAN Van Allsburg, Chris.
Jungle VHS 574.5 JUN Knights of the lunch table : the dodgeball chronicles 741.5 CAM Cammuso, Frank. Legacy F SNI Sniegoski, Tom. The name of this book is secret F BOS Bosch, Pseudonymous. Ocean REF 551.4 MAC MacQuitty, Miranda. Olivia-- and the missing toy E FAL Falconer, Ian, 1959-. The orphan boy 398.2 MOL Mollel, Tololwa M. (Tololwa Marti) Rainstorm E LEH Lehman, Barbara. Santa calls E JOY Joyce, William. Say cheese and die! F STI Stine, R. L. The secret of zoom F JON Jonell, Lynne. The siren song F KID Kidd, Rob. Song of the gargoyle F SNY Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. A story for Bear E HAS Haseley, Dennis. The story of Frog Belly Rat Bone E ERI Ering, Timothy B. The stranger E VAN Van Allsburg, Chris. Time 681.1 HAS Haslam, Andrew. The timekeeper's moon F SEN Sensel, Joni, 1962- Tonight on the Titanic F OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. Victor and Christabel E MAT Mathers, Petra. Whales 599.5 FAI Faiella, Graham. What the mailman brought E CRA Craven, Carolyn, 1957- Who cloned the president?. F ROY Roy, Ron. Witch Hazel [ Book ] E SCH Schertle, Alice. Zathura : a space adventure E VAN Van Allsburg, Chris.