SJMC Board of Trustees Meeting October 27, 2011

CEO report

The Joint Commission Survey – The biggest event of the month was the Joint Commission survey. The surveyors were here from October 12th through the 14th. While we weren’t perfect - our staff was well prepared and we had a good survey. There are some items/processes to respond to where we will be stating how we have addressed/corrected the item/process. After our report has been submitted and accepted we will receive our accreditation.

My thanks to all of our leaders, our staff and our physicians for this excellent survey. The surveyor who did Life Safety and Emergency Management surveys kept saying he had never seen such a well prepared organization and he really had to look to find anything. He even sent Jim a ‘thank you’. Neither Jim nor I have ever seen this! So hats off to Jim and his team and Phillip who handled Emergency Management and who would be the first to say what a great teacher Jim has been for him.

Project –The project is moving along. Jim or Gary will have more detail at the Board meeting. I would like to report on the materials, from the PCU demolition that were diverted from landfills:

Copper: 1,000 pounds Steel; 45.5 tons Concrete: 140 tons

Good job!

Contracts: 4 Peaks – complete and we will begin operations December 1, 2011 Cardinal – in process

Telemedicine – Lynn was at a meeting and learned that the State really doesn’t have any money for telemedicine. Gary is working on finalizing the contract for the robot. He and Lynn are working on arranging for physicians to be our consulting physicians with EIRMC and U of U. Some IHC physicians may also participate as we move along with various services.

Strategic Planning – SSB has been focused on alignment models for the physicians and hospital. They were here September 26th and 27th discussing co-management models. They returned in October and turned to discussion of Hospital Sponsored Medical Groups. They will be back in November with some recommendations. Physicians- I have contacted the endocrinologist that has expressed interest and then had his trip delayed. I am waiting to hear back from him. There has been a significant amount of interest expressed in having him here.

Dr. Mazzola, a pulmonologist and sleep board certified physician in practice with Dr. Shilling (our current visiting pulmonologist/sleep study physician), has accepted our contract. He will start after he has received his Wyoming license and gone through the credentialing process. This will improve access to care by increasing availability by one day a month. We are pleased to have him join us.

Other –

County – I met with Julianne Friess to discuss healthcare costs; options to consider; wellness programs, etc. I have handed this over to John as well as discussing the need to evaluate our position on various billing and insurance policies.

Rotary Panel discussion – I was invited to participate in a panel presentation/discussion at the noon Rotary regarding Health Care in Teton County. It is such a pleasure to be part of a community that is so interested in all aspects of quality of life in Teton County.

In closing my last report – I am grateful for the opportunity of returning to one of the most beautiful places on the planet and even more beautiful than the environment are the staff, medical staff, auxiliary, volunteers, lay chaplains, Foundation and all the many community citizens that so generously support SJMC. I wish you and SJMC the very brightest of futures.

I thank you for letting me be a part of you again. It has truly been a pleasure and a privilege.