Administrator Assembly May 19, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 pm by Rick Carruth. Minutes were approved, as corrected.

Department Focus was presented by Mike Dressel, director of Linfield Campus Safety. With the onset of warmer weather, there has been more activity, but in general we have a relatively low crime rate. Mike has been working closely with Gordon Kroemer on the Campus Emergency Plan. Staff has been attending training and coordination with other community responders continues. With the onset of warmer weather, everyone is reminded to shut and lock windows. During the past week, there were as many as 20 ground floor windows left open in the evening. A new officer has been hired, Brandon Trombla. He comes to us from the Yamhill County Cadets Patrol and has experience as a paramedic, as well as experience with river patrol through Yamhill Co. What is the hardest part of the job? Making the decision about a person, 17-25 years old, whether the individual is a student or not. If a student, most of the time they can handle an incident “in house,” but if they are not of this community, then LCS is often required to call in McMinnville police. Students have a mistaken idea that they minimize the amount of trouble by claiming they are not students; in reality, they make the situation worse. Another difficulty is when students have an open container with alcohol and decide just to walk away from the officer. Mike says there are a lot of educational opportunities. He just returned from a regional conference and is happy to note that we don’t see the same crime problems that some schools see. Since Virginia Tech. there has been an increased awareness of crime and student problems and now there is more training required of officers.

President’s Report was given by Tom Hellie. The President stated that Mike and the people in his department work hard and we are grateful for their work (and sense of humor).There was an announcement sent out about the Trustee’s Meeting, one change will be in the percentage of Trustees who represent the American Baptist Church. There will now be a minimum of six Trustees associated with the American Baptist Church (currently 8 of 47). Four new Trustees were elected: Dave Baca, Douglas Tunnell, Kellanne Henry and Kerry Carmody. The president thanked everyone for their role in the Sesquicentennial Celebration and stated that it’s been a great year for the college, the Old Oak not withstanding. He thanked Rick Carruth for his leadership in ALC. Everyone was invited to attend a reception thanking Barbara Seidman, although not leaving the institution, she’ll be leaving her position as Dean of Faculty. Fund Raising is ahead of where it was expected to be. There was a goal of recruiting 460 new students and currently we’re at 469 deposits (expect some summer melt). The Commencement speaker on June 1 will be Dr. Wynn Dolan (former faculty member, trustee and twice interim president, age 99). John hall reported on Summer Projects (see attachment sent out with Agenda). During this summer, Facilities will be very busy; hoping to complete most work within 51 days. I. Capital Improvement: remodel Peterson Hall in Portland ($1.3) II. Renovation and Alteration (funded by depts. and internal funding) Pioneer Hall ($530,000) III. Major repair and renewal: 25-30 projects ($560,000)

Projects identified, but not funded are referred to as “deferred maintenance” and over time this accumulates (currently about $1.2 million), but in reality closer to $5.6-5.8 million. The last big survey was completed in 1997. Across the nation, there is an estimated $26 billion in deferred maintenance at institutions of higher education.

Fred Ross gave a quick Commencement Report. This year’s Commencement will take place on June 1 in the Oak grove and the reception following the ceremony will be held in nearby, rather than in the Quad as in years passed. If the ceremony is moved inside (according to Mardi Mileham, only during times of named storms) then every administrator is asked to report as early as possible to help set-up. The ceremony has been held indoors only once in his 24 years at Linfield.

Kathleen Spring (Compensation Committee) responded to a question posed last month about a performance matrix for the new insurance carrier. This is not specifically written into the agreement, but Regency Blue Cross monitor claim turn-around, etc. against its state matrix. The Committee will be pursuing the timing of step increases, vacation carry- over for non-full time employees and is pleased that Glenn Ford has agreed to give an update in Sept. on the benchmark and salary matrix. The Committee is asking for nominations for the annual Employee Recognition celebration (July 31).

Jeff Mackay briefly updated numbers for Student Housing on the McMinnville campus. Students are currently in the process of registering for next year’s housing. We currently have 916 beds in residential housing: 436 spots taken (there will be some melt), leaving 480 beds for in-coming students. In the suburbs, there are 462 beds available with 417 taken. We expect 461 new students, which will put us at 98% capacity. While this leaves us in good shape financially, it could be challenging because there will be less opportunity to be flexible with roommate concerns, etc. There will be a little more “wiggle room” in the suburbs due, in part, to the “migration” to Portland and the number of juniors who will be abroad. In min-June his staff will meet with Admissions staff and will go through student housing preferences and determining room assignments. Summer housing for those students working at least 20 hours/week on campus should be arranged with Jeff now. They will be using Jane Failing and Newby this summer.

Old Business: none New Business: elections! (Results included as a separate attachment) Elaine Burke is the ALC chair elect.

For the Good of the Order: Meridith Symons announced Wine Tasting at 5:50 pm on Wed., May 21 at Debbie Harmon’s house. There are tickets available for High School Musical, starring three Linfield students. Relay for Life will be held on June 13-14, with a fundraiser to be held in FM Lounge on Fri., May 23 (contact Suzanne Frum or Meridith for more information).

Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Eileen Dowty ALC Secretary