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Suggested Letter to FSBO Solicitation

Dear [Title (i.e., Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr.)] [Customer Last Name],

Selling your home is a major decision that is not to be taken lightly. In today's economy with inventories running higher, it is both a seller’s and a buyer’s market. How can you make sure that your home is priced correctly and that the people who are coming to see it are qualified buyers?

These are very important questions that you must consider when selling your home. If your home is not priced correctly, you may be selling yourself short or scaring away potential buyers. You may also think you have a prospective buyer, only to find out that they do not have the financial requirements to purchase your home.

As a member of Fong Real Estate, I am personally dedicated to helping you through this process. As part of a national system, we can offer to you:

National Exposure. Fong Real Estate is linked directly to, the number one web site when Buyers are searching for a home. Your home would be showcased to thousands of potential buyers. If we are to list your home today, we can have it on Realtor.Com the next business day.

Qualified Homebuyers. Before Fong Real Estate takes any potential buyer out to see a home, we can have them pre-qualified for a mortgage. With this pre-qualification, we can know that the potential buyer is ready and able to buy your home.

Local Exposure. Using our Multiple Listing Service (MLS) we are able to show your home to thousands of agents in our area. The agents then use the information provided and work hard to sell your home to their clients.

Convenience. No longer will you have to reschedule dinner just so you can be home to show your house. With the availability of a lock box, we are able to show your home without inconveniencing you.

Experience. As a real estate agent for several years, I offer you buying and selling experience that I can use to help sell your home quickly.

I look forward to speaking with you and setting a time to meet. During this meeting I can explain further the items I mentioned above, along with a plan that we can use to sell your home.

Sincerely, [Broker/Sales Associate] [Office Name] [Email] [Phone Number(s)]

------Fong Real Estate. All rights reserved. Independent Real Estate Office. Locally owned and operated.