Minutes of the 1999 AGM of Glasgow University Staff Golf Club s1

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Minutes of the 1999 AGM of Glasgow University Staff Golf Club s1

Minutes of the 2012 AGM of Glasgow University Staff Golf Club,

The meeting commenced at 6 p.m. 20th March in the private dinning room of The Bothy restaurant with 20 members present with Captain Alastair Gracie in the chair.

Apologies : Alistair Bonnington (France), John Clutterbuck, Roy Cook, Hugh Elder (Oz), Scott Girvan (fathers 76th Birthday), Laurie Hunter, Bob Lamb (Too heavy), Gordon Lindsay, Sean McKee , Stuart MacKenzie (Dinner), Karen McIlvaney (School Concert), James McSheaffrey (Holiday), Stephen Miller (Late withdrawal), Lewis Niven, Deryck Nutley (Holiday), Maggie Nutley (Holiday), Kenny Pallas, Donald Spaeth (Packing for London), Iain Thayne (School Concert)

Ian Ramsden (Wife Jeanette passed away 11th March)

Minutes Minutes of the 2011 AGM, held on 24th February 2011, having been posted on the Club website for the past twelve hours unchallegened were agreed to be an accurate account of the meeting. Proposed by Alison Thompson and seconded by Anne Terry

Matters arising


Captain's report

It is good to see so many of you here tonight and I have no intention of prolonging the wait for the main event---i.e. dinner. We may have a few points of business to conduct during the evening but we will try hard to keep these to a minimum.

First of all I must report the loss of two of our longest standing members this last year. Bill Gordon passed away in September and in December we lost Bev MacKenna. Both will be sadly missed from our outings, competitions and social events like this tonight. My abiding memory of Bill will be never getting the better of him over Hilton Park where he was a ferocious competitor. Bev regularly partnered Hugh Elder in 4Ball/4somes competitions and this partnership stretched back over 50 years. Robin Leake suggested that as he was also without a fourball partner with the passing of Bill Gordon that he would be happy to form a new partnership with Hugh, this was noted by the secretary. Also on a very sad note another long-standing albeit in recent years largely absent member of the club, Ian Ramsden, is not with us tonight. Sadly after many years of nursing his wife through a chronic illness, Jeanette passed away on 11th March. Our thoughts are with Ian and family.

Looking around it is good to see so many “well kent” faces here tonight Of course we also have absent friends but I’m not going to read through the full list of apologies but rather merely highlight a few of the excuses.

Our VC (Alastair Bonnington) is currently as Bonnie Tyler once said-“lost in France”. Lets see if after Eurovision she should have stayed lost too.

Hugh Elder like a few others is on holiday--he is currently visiting family in Oz. Bob Lamb said he was “too heavy”. I’m not sure if this refers to his diary commitments or his current pre-season level of fitness. Many seem to be at school concerts this evening –I assume all appropriate disclosure has been completed and finally the most feeble excuse must go to Donald Spaeth. He apparently has an early start tomorrow—and is currently packing to go to London! More on Don later.

So on to a quick resume of our outings this past year. Unfortunately a major IT malfunction, at least this is what ‘Ian has told me to say, has meant that most of the normally detailed information has been lost so it is all being done from memory—which doesn’t help as I wasn’t at many of the outings this year…

Barassie Happy days. The new season is finally underway and to the surprise of our organising secretary almost 20 members stuck their hands up for a waltz round Kilmarnock Barassie, which incidentally is in Troon not Kilmarnock but hay ho.. Amongst our twenty was our former secretary and old stalwart of the Club, Mr Ian Ramsden, QBE (Quiet, Bohemian & Easygoing) who ran a knowing eye over the current secretary and declared him just about fit for purpose.

Weather was cool but not cold and without rain. Course was in fair nick for the time of year and the greens where medium true and fast. Which was more than can be said for the speed of play which for reasons which never became apparent, took groups 4h.45m to get around. Presumably the long walk between holes contributed.

In the end 18 players took part with 16 staying for high tea, which was delicious and beautifully served. After the meal the secretary fixed David Stills ‘bird’, who had been invited along as a Temp. Visiting Overseas Hon member, with the steadiest of stares and asked if she was ready to take her commitment to the next level and devote herself completely. Somewhat nonplus, she asked what exactly the secretary was intimating and was visibly relieved to be told that he was suggesting she take out full membership as a ‘ spouse’ of a current member. After only the briefest hesitation she uttered the words “I do” and immediately directed David to pony up her subs forthwith, which he happily did.

Final results

1st Deryck Nutley 35pts 2nd Alistair Bonnington 34pts 3rd Gavin Halbert 33pts

And so onto Erskine

On what was a blisteringly hot May day the “first 15” ventured onto the banks of the Clyde to do battle. All was going well until our honourable secretary overheated and had to retire after 16 holes, preparing himself for that uphill slog back to the clubhouse. If ever there was a golf course which needs a puma tow or chairlift this must be it. However on a course in good condition, competition was close- so close in fact that no-one can actually remember the scores other than that I won by default having invoked the “must eat rule” as Don Spaeth failed to stay for tea—I think he may have gone home early to pack for an upcoming trip.

Next up the annual highlight for many—Kingsbarns. Biting the bullet, Ian had taken a brave pill and secured a record 20 starting times. There was a clamber for places, and the lucky ones enjoyed what in my opinion is probably the “best money can buy” experience you can have in Fife or at least on days when Betty isn’t working in the Cross Keys bar in St Andrews. If anyone present can remember who won then please put on a postcard to…(voices off “Bill Sutherland won, thank you Bill”). I wonder whether for this outing given its popularity we should gather names several weeks in advance of having to book. It is a gamble for Ian when it comes to loading his credit card but if we knew numbers then maybe we could offer all who are interested a starting place. Something to consider.

July 26th was a special outing to Cathkin Braes. Before the game, those attending gathered around the back of the 7th green to plant a tree in memory of another dearly departed member—Mary Nisbet. Gordon Lindsay said a few words before play began. In the circumstances, the result was unimportant however I must replay the escapades of our secretary which resulted in David Still looking on in disbelief. A wicked slice off the tee was last seen ricocheting off the greenkeeper’s hut. Putting another pinnacle down on the tee, he then unleashed the big boy, followed it up with a majestic 5 iron to 25 feet and promptly sunk the tap in for his par 5. David was last heard questioning our secretary’s parentage.

And so to the mid summer outing to Gleneagles. With heavy rain falling in East Kilbride, our secretary phoned ahead to check on the status of the course, only to be assured all was OK. He of course should have been suspicious barely able to hear the course manager speak above the outboard motor of his course boat. On arrival when the senior professional was spotted completing 2 lengths backstroke across the 18th green good news was unlikely. Instead those present enjoyed some hospitality in the Dormie House while Ian set off to talk refund. I’m not sure if it was his 4 season/gortex sandals which clinched it but he exited the starters hut clutching the readies. This almost covered the lunch. We have had outings with golf and no food before but this was certainly the first for an outing with food but no golf—I’m not sure it will catch on. As a result of no play –we have no rose bowl winner this year.

Final outing of the year was the co-sanctioned event with Edinburgh. Edinburgh won the outing and we simply made up the crowd. Over Gullane 2 & 3, the going was tough. A wet summer and warmth had resulted in a bumper crop of silage and hay being available for anyone who strayed from the tricky fairways. In fact one story I heard was of someone present here tonight who on playing a beautiful 3rd shot onto the par 5 16th, watched in horror as it trickled off the back of the green only to be lost forever in knee high rough. Not a day for throwing clubs as these too would surely have disappeared. Anyone happen to know who won this outing?

Team matches will be dealt with later.

I just want to finish with an update on the issue of Ross Priory membership.

Ian tells me that an EGM was held towards the end of last year which approved a new category of membership – namely the “joint staff golf club”. A further meeting changed their constitution which now allows all members of this club to apply for membership at Ross Priory and take out GC membership. I’m happy to be corrected by our SU friends but I believe the procedure is that first you take out membership of Ross Priory (~£114) and then join the GC under the new category (~£106). Membership runs April-Mar so ideal time to think about it. RP has recently been refurbished and photos certainly make it look quite splendid and great value. Ian also tells me that as a member of RP you can also take out a membership for boating or fishing too! Could be handy should we decide to go back to Gleneagles

That brings to a close this part of the proceedings and I just want to wish you all a successful and handicap cutting season. Hopefully as many of you as possible will enter our competitions, more of these later, go on the outings etc. During dinner we will canvass opinion for forthcoming outings.

Treasurer’s Report

As luck would have it I bumped into our treasurer as he was on his way to the airport to catch a flight to Cyprus and he asked me to fill in for him at tonight’s meeting. He asked me to reassure everyone in the strongest possible terms that the club’s finances were in the rudest of health and not even slightly sun burned. In fact if anything the club could do with shedding some pounds, 10% I think was the figure shouted from the taxi as it pulled away from the Botany gate. So for the time being the rate of subscription to the staff golf club will be pegged at 20 euros sorry pounds with addition monies still gratefully fore coming from the Ferguson Bequest to the tune of nearer a grand (his words not mine). Glasgow University Staff Golf Club

Annual Accounts 2012/2013

Year to 01/03/2013

Balance B/F 01/02/2012 £3,029.78 Income Expenditure Subsx61 £1,220.00 Engraving/ prizes costs £163.50 Ferguson bequest £900.00 2011 AGM/Dinner (net costs) £328.00 Bank Interest £3.84 Outings subsidies £1,003.00 Miscellaneous £16.26 Green fees for finals £130.00 Deposit for 2012 AGM/dinner £180.00

Total £2,140.10 Total £1,804.50

Surplus £335.60

Balance C/F 26/02/2013 £3,365.38

Notes: 1. Net cost of outings: £1,003.00 Barassie £0.00 Erskine £160.00 Kingsbarns £680.00 Cathkin Braes £0.00 Gleneagles £0.00 Cancelled Gullane £0.00

J.G.Lindsay Treasurer 18/03/2013

Secretary's Report:

The number of fully paid up members for the current year was 54 with 13 members deferring membership till next year, with a further 2 prospective members who will join next year. AUGS This year the Glasgow team found a new level which is bottom, fortunately there is no relegation. : Edinburgh, Aberdeen , Glasgow. Aberdeen. Cliff Barraclough wins the Perry Pewter Pot.

Team : David Still, Ian Reid, Alistair Bonnington, Neil Bulleid, John Oliver and Gordon Lindsay (Captain)

Senate Match

Glasgow Golf club played this year’s match which was blessed with one of the most glorious sunny days of the entire year, March notwithstanding. So fine was the weather that one member of the home team foolishly tried to play the course in the afternoon ‘bareback’. Fortunately a sober member of staff was on hand to prevent possible shock to the membership and arranged for the removal of said fool. The result of the match was unaffected and was as follows

Glasgow 7 point

Aberdeen 3 points

At the AGM another bout of common sense broke out and an actual decision was made, the first time such a thing has happened in nearly a century. The import of the historic decision is that the match will move from it’s northern home of more than a hundred years to a newer and even more northern venue, not as hoped the brand new Trump International but the slightly less new Cruden Bay. Date for your diary 14th June in case you are luck enough to get the call.

Team : Ian Reid, Laurie Hunter, Hugh Elder, John Oliver, Iain Thayne, Anne Terry, Sean McKee, John Oliver and Gordon Lindsay (Captain)

Edinburgh Match (Rebranded East v West)

The third incarnation of this popular fixture also rang the changes. Tradition proving to be a lot more flexible these days, the Captains sat down and redrafted the articles of war to include our new civil partners Strathclyde and their old true loves Herriot Watt. As a result, the new match saw teams of eight aside from East and West take the field of battle on the first Friday in August at the Duddingston proving grounds, in the lee of Arthur's Seat. Whether it’s was our lack of strength in depth or whether the Watters were a bunch of ringers that led to our defeat, I can say not but bitter defeat it was to the tune of 7.5 to 2.5

Team: Ian Reid (Captain), Alistair Bonnington, David Still, Dave Currie, Sean McKee, Bill Sutherland, Roy Cook and Pat McGinness

Election of Office Bearers:

New Vice Captain (Dave Currie / Gavin Halbert / John Oliver) in absence of nominations from the floor.

Presentation of Prizes: The Captain presented the winning finalists present with their trophies.

Club Championship - Colin Gribble Cup Kenny Pallas beat Alastair Gracie (probably)

Gents Singles - Rutherglen Cup

David Still v Gordon Ramge

Ladies Singles - Ferguson Rosebowl

Mary Maclean beat Moira Still

Fourball - Hetherington Cup

Neil Bulleid/Alastair Gracie beat Gavin Halbert/Stuart MacKenzie

Jubilee Quaich

Not played for


John Oliver begged our indulgence while he promoted an upcoming Rotarian charity golf day. This is the inaugural event for the Allander Quaich to be played at Hilton Park Golf Club on the 15th May in support of Kidney Kids, Chas and other local charities. John made an impassioned pitch outlining all that the day had to offer including the chance to win several high value prizes, including a possible Mercedes automobile for a hole in one at the seventh hole. The secretary commended the meeting to participate if possible and promised to make the wider membership aware of this most excellent of competition.

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