Guestling Parish Council

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Guestling Parish Council

Guestling Parish Council Minutes of a meeting held on Monday 18 May 2015 at Three Oaks Village Hall

Chair: Graham Macpherson - Guestling Parish Council (GPC)

Present: Marion Roberts – GPC Connie Evans -GPC Andrew Eldridge -GPC Salie Cox - GPC David Perrett - GPC Graham Furness - GPC

Roger Bird - Rother District Council (RDC) Chris Saint - Rother District Council (RDC)

Secretariat: Paul Brown

Item Notes Action

1. APOLOGIES. Carl Maynard,


3 ELECTIONS. 1. Chairman. RESOLVED: Graham Macpherson elected. 2. The chairman’s acceptance of office was received... 3. Vice-chairman. RESOLVED: Marion Roberts elected 4. Committees and representatives. RESOLVED: Planning committee: Roberts, Evans, Macpherson, Perrett, Cox, and Furness. Bradshaw Trust, Eldridge. Marsham Older Peoples Project, Evans. Police priority panel, Roberts, Evans. ESCC Tree Warden, Evans. Rother Assoc. of Local Councils, Perrett, Furness. Rother Transport Action Group, Evans, Roberts. All members will be advised of meetings and can attend. 4 MINUTES. RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the Council is authorised to sign the minutes of the Council meeting, 09.03.2015 5. MATTERS ARISING. Not included in the agenda. Pavilion car park and septic tank emptying not yet resolved. Macph 6. COMMITTEE MINUTES. RESOLVED: That the minutes of the planning committee are received held 02 and 30 March, 05 May 2015. 7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Cllr Bird reported that the Three Oaks mains drainage scheme is not likely to start until 2016. He also introduced our new district councillor Cllr. Chris Saint.

8. INSURANCE. .RESOLVED. That the Came and Co/Hiscox quotation be accepted, this is will be the second year of our three year agreement.. 9. FINANCE 1. Review accounts. RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the Council is authorised to sign the bank reconciliations at

1 31.03.15 and 01.05.15, also the 31 03.201 Annual Return. 2. Approve payments. RESOLVED: That the following cheques are approved for payment. Three Oaks Village Hall £7.00 meeting 18.05.15. Opus £3.74, £4.23, £4.22 direct debit pavilion electricity. Sussex Assoc’ local councils £388.17 subscription. Came and Co £400.67 insurance. Rye Oil Ltd £35.25 mower fuel. Guestling parochial church council £400.00 contribution towards churchyard upkeep. Girl Guides £50 help with the set up costs of a local group. The direct debits for electricity and water to continue. 3. Bank signatories. RESOLVED: That Paul Brown, and Paul Fountain be removed and further signatories added.. 10. EMERGENCY PLAN. RESOLVED: TO be reviewed at the next council meeting

11 SPEEDWATCH. Report, 700 vehicles have been recorded in the Marsham ward in April/May asexceeding the speed limits.

12 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH. Report. The first of the new sign has been erected. 13 REGISTER OF PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS. RESOLVED: That information is obtained from Rother District Council on whether new or updated forms are required.

14 VACANCY. RESOLVED: That Rother DC is advised that we wish to make arrangements to fill the vacancies.

15 CLERK VACANCY. RESOLVED. That Paul Brown was thanked for his work on behalf of the council and that Lynne Perrett is appointed as the new clerk.

16. OTHER MATTERS. Bollards on the verges of Butchers Lane, the printing costs of the action plan questionnaire, adopting a red telephone box and guide books for councillors will be added as a topic on the next agenda.


Paul Brown (cllr. & acting clerk) T:01424 814795 email: [email protected]


Vers. 1


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