The London Eye Mystery
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Autumn Spring Summer Year 6 2017-18 London/Dubai WW2 - Evacuation Enterprise
This topic will be part of the AROOJ family of schools and will compare the two great cities of A thoughtful topic where As part of the AROOJ family of London and Dubai. The children pupils will investigate what schools Year 6 will be taking part in will compare the two major cities life was like for children living an enterprise topic. Children will – looking at the difference in the in World War 2. The children have an opportunity to start a small Topic Summary physical and human geography will experience life as an business, create a product, market it as well as how the two cities are evacuee, making masks as and the sell it! Throughout this topic governed. Finally, the children well as reading and writing the children will be able to manage will look at the food and art from diaries from children in that and keep their accounts using ICT each of the cultures and time. and throughout their maths lessons. compare these before creating a fusion of the two. Individual Liberty- ongoing Democracy and parliament and emancipation of women Economic and political systems – British Values rule of law. (Land Army) capitalism, socialism, fair trade
Geographical - Comparative Study London and Dubai – difference in– refugee policy, History – World War 2 law, religion, sport, housing, Historical focus – Silk road and Geography – the World at population, maps, tourist trade routes War – axis and allies attractions, physical geography, PSHCE – financial wellbeing Main skills focus locations and movements economics, trade, location, Mathematical link R.E. Anne Frank link transport (world, UK, Europe grid ICT – spread sheets reference) PHSE – how parliament works Food – fusing classic dishes from each culture Body systems Forces Everyday Materials/Magical Science Our Changing World Get Moving Mixtures Danger, Low Voltage DT/ Art Art - Landscapes – study a Design – ‘Make do and Mend’ Create and design a marketing variety of landscapes/artists from create a WW2 ragdoll campaign for a product to sell at the London/Dubai skyline World War 2 – Propaganda Leeds Market. Create a product DT- Open a London and Dubai restaurant; fusing the food of the two cultures. Children identify (craft, baking) then make the classic London dishes and Dubai posters packaging to go with it. dishes and fuse these to combine the food of both cultures. Computer Web Design – design Safe internet Word processing- diary poster and packaging- Create a Movie making – create a tourist writing (Anne Frank link) website for your product. video promoting London/Dubai Research – events and Computing as a holiday destination. people from the war Spreadsheets – financial – business Computer modelling planning. Mental health and emotional wellbeing: Drug, alcohol and tobacco Healthy minds Sex and relationship education: education: Weighing up risk Keeping safe and managing Healthy relationships / How a baby is PSHCE Identity, society and equality: risk: made Human rights Keeping safe - out and about
Y6 Gymnastics/ Games/Dance Y6 Games/Dance Y6 Games/OAA/Athletics PE What do we know about What matters most to believers? Islam? How does growing up bring RE How do Christians express their responsibilities and commitments? beliefs Should we forgive others? Evacuation – big bang – St Dragon’s Den – pitch idea to Big Bang MP for a week Edmunds Hall Dragon’s Armley Mills museum Residential – York Trip/visitor Team Building to Yeadon Tarn Leavers outing Trips – Places of Worship Catholic Church (date TBC) London and Dubai restaurant – Celebration children create a menu to serve Tea dance - St Edmunds Hall Market Day in Hall – sell products to the parents in the restaurant. Other notes Setting - contrasting Traditional Tale Discussion Text/ News atmosphere English Explanation report/Recount/Diary Story with a flashback Non-chronological report The London Eye Mystery Goodnight Mr Tom Stories of the silk road