AIM 0605 (Summer 2005, Year A) Choral Planner
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Choral planner
3/5/14 Ash Wednesday
• “Take from My Heart,” Karen Schneider Kirner & John T. Kyler. SATB, cantor, assembly; C inst, gtr, kbd. WLP 008376 • “The Glory of These Forty Days,” Edward Eicker. SAB; organ. WLP 005892 • “Two Ostinatos for Lent,” Nicholas Palmer. SATB, assembly; opt flt, clar, & cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 005769 • “Tree of Life,” , arr. . SAB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008294
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “Have Mercy, Lord, on Us,” from Six Songs for Sacred Seasons, Alan J. Hommerding. Unison choir, descant; opt cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 007103 • “Return to God,” Alan J. Hommerding & John Angotti. SAT, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008340 • “You Better Mind,” arr. Michael Dryver. 2-pt children’s choir; gtr, kbd. WLP 007168 • “Here in This Place,” Brian Flynn. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; gtr. WLP es08272-F
Español/Bilingüe • “Al Partir el Pan,” (bilingual), Pedro Rubalcava. 2 or 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; tpt, vln, gtr, kbd. WLP 012642 • “Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy: Sal 130(129),” Mary Frances Reza. Cantor, SATB, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012641 • “El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)” (bilingual), Peter Kolar. Cantor, unison choir, descants; opt fl. WLP 012670, 012674 • “Misericordia, Señor: Sal 51(50),” Lorenzo Florián. Nueva Jerusalén songbook. WLP 012558 • “Limpia Nuestros Pecados: Sal 32,” Julie Howard. Canten con Gozo songbook. WLP 012549 • “Misericordia, Señor/Be Merciful, O Lord: Sal 51(50),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637
3/9/14 1st Sunday of Lent
• “The Glory of These Forty Days,” Edward Eicker. SAB; organ. WLP 005892 • “Return to God,” Alan J. Hommerding & John Angotti. SAT, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008340 • “Sinners Loved by God,” Paul Nienaber, SJ, & Jonathan Kohrs. 2-pt mixed choir, descant, opt solo; C inst, kbd. WLP 008914 • “Remember, O Lord,” from Six Choral Reflections, Edward Eicker. SAB; organ. WLP 008891
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “You Better Mind,” arr. Michael Dryver. 2-pt children’s choir; gtr, kbd. WLP 007168 • “Tree of Life,” , arr. . SAB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008294 • “Here in This Place,” Brian Flynn. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; gtr. WLP es08272-F • “Take from My Heart,” Karen Schneider Kirner & John T. Kyler. SATB, cantor, assembly; C inst, gtr, kbd. WLP 008376
Español/Bilingüe • “Acompáñame, Señor/Be with Me, Lord: Sal 91(90),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Al Partir el Pan” (bilingual), Pedro Rubalcava. 2 or 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; tpt, vln, gtr, kbd. WLP 012642 • “Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy: Sal 130(129),” Mary Frances Reza. Cantor, SATB, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012641 • “Misericordia, Señor/Be Merciful, O Lord: Sal 51(50)” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Muéstranos, Señor/Lord, Show Us Your Mercy: Sal 85(84),” Peter M. Kolar. Cantor, SATB, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012726 • “Muéstranos, Señor: Sal 85(84),” Pedro Rubalcava. Cantemos songbook. WLP 012538 • “Por Tu Misericordia,” Eleazar Cortés, arr. P. Kolar. Alabemos a Dios songbook. WLP 012682
3/16/14 2nd Sunday of Lent
• “Transfiguration Prayer,” David A. deSilva. SATB a cappella. WLP 008857 • “Anthem for Transfiguration/More Bright Than Day!/O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair!” Christopher M. Wicks. SATB, assembly; organ. WLP 008783 • “We Shall Be Changed,” Michael P. Ward. SATB; kbd. WLP 007961 • “With Christ Transfigured,” from RCIA Suite, Omer Westendorf & Robert E. Kreutz. SATB a cappella. WLP 008551 Children/Youth/Young Adults • “Listen to Him,” Danielle Rose. SATB a cappella, solo. WLP 008286 • “God So Loved the World,” Paul A. Tate. SATB, descant, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 7486 • “Lord, Let Your Mercy Be on Us: Psalm 33,” Louis Canter, piano arr. Thomas W. Jefferson. SATB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 006292 • “Be Still and Know That I Am God,” Steven C. Warner. SATB, cantor, assembly; 2 vlns, gtr, kbd. WLP 007240
Español/Bilingüe • “Al Partir el Pan,” (bilingual) Pedro Rubalcava. 2 or 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; tpt, vln, gtr, kbd. WLP 012642 • “Cristo, Cristo,” Lorenzo Florián. Hoy Me Vuelvo a Ti songbook. WLP 012692 • “Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy: Sal 130(129),” Mary Frances Reza. Cantor, SATB, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012641 • “El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)” (bilingual), Peter Kolar. Cantor, unison choir, desc; opt fl, gtr, kbd. WLP 012670, 012674 • “Misericordia, Señor/Be Merciful, O Lord: Sal 51(50),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637
3/23/14 3rd Sunday of Lent
• “Fix Me, Jesus,” from Four Spirituals, arr. Nicholas Palmer. SATB, solo, a cappella. WLP 008910 • “If Today You Hear His Voice: Psalm 95,” W. Clifford Petty. SATB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 001214 • “Open My Eyes,” Benedetto Marcello, arr. Dale Grotenhuis. 2-pt choir; kbd. WLP 008761 • “The One at the Well,” Jim Vyhanek. SATB a cappella. WLP 008787
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “If Today You Hear His Voice: Psalm 95,” Nicholas Palmer. 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 006306 • “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say,” Horatius Bonar & Ed Bolduc. SATB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008371 • “The Bread of Life,” Michael Mangan, arr. Paul A Tate. Children’s choir or 3-pt choir, assembly; C inst, gtr, kbd. WLP 008883 • “If Today You Hear God’s Voice: Psalm 95,” Jeffrey Honoré. SATB, descant, 2 cantors, assembly; opt flt & Bb clar, gtr, kbd. WLP 006264
Español/Bilingüe • “Al Partir el Pan” (bilingual), Pedro Rubalcava. 2 or 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; tpt, vln, gtr, kbd. WLP 012642 • “Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy: Sal 130(129)” (bilingual), Mary Frances Reza. Cantor, SATB, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012641 • “El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)” (bilingual), Peter Kolar. Cantor, unison choir, desc; opt fl, gtr, kbd. WLP 012670, 012674 • “Fuente Eres Tú,” José Soler. Una Voz Jubilosa. WLP 012400 • “Gusten y Vean/Taste and See: Sal 34(33),” Pedro Rubalcava. SATB with Latin desc. WLP 012676 • “No Endurezcan el Corazón,” Eleazar Cortés, arr. P. Kolar. Alabemos a Dios songbook. WLP 012682 • “Ojalá Escuchen Hoy la Voz,” Al Valverde. Vamos a la Casa del Señor songbook. WLP 012685 • “Ojalá Escuchen la Voz/If Today You Hear: Sal 95(94),” Lorenzo Florián. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637
4/30/14 4th Sunday of Lent
• “Christ the Lord Will Give You Light,” J. Michael Thompson & Kevin Keil. SATB, descant or C inst, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 005891 • “Take Me to the Water,” arr. W. Clifford Petty. SATB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 001262 • “Open My Eyes,” Benedetto Marcello, arr. Dale Grotenhuis. 2-pt choir; kbd. WLP 008761 • “The Lord Is My Shepherd: Psalm 23,” Terrence Colopy. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; kbd. WLP 006211
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “In the Arms of Jesus,” Alan J. Hommerding & John Angotti. SAT, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008385 • “You Are the Light of the World,” Paul A. Tate. 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008185 • “Return to God,” Alan J. Hommerding & John Angotti. SAT, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008340 • “The Lord Is My Shepherd: Psalm 23,” Aaron Thompson, arr. Thomas W. Jefferson. 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008377
Español/Bilingüe • “Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy: Sal 130(129),” Mary Frances Reza. Cantor, SATB, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012641 • “El Señor Es Mi Luz: Sal 27(26),” Mary Frances Reza. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “El Señor Es Mi Pastor: Sal 23(22),” Pedro Rubalcava. Hoy Nos Reunimos en Nombre de Dios songbook. WLP 012692 • “El Señor Es Mi Pastor/The Lord Is My Shepherd: Sal 23(22),” Michelle Lobato. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Gusten y Vean/Taste and See: Sal 34(33),” Pedro Rubalcava. SATB with Latin desc. WLP 012676 • “Tu Recuerdo, Señor: Sal 138(137),” Pedro Rubalcava. Cantemos songbook. WLP 012538
4/6/14 5th Sunday of Lent
• “Out of the Depths,” Hal H. Hopson. SATB, solo; C inst, kbd or harp. WLP 008899 • “Set Your Troubled Hearts at Rest,” Timothy Dudley-Smith & Jeffrey Honoré. SATB, opt descant; gtr, kbd. WLP 008562 • “Quodlibet on Were You There and Amazing Grace,” Marcy Weckler Barr. SATB, cantor, opt assembly; C inst, kbd. WLP 005858 • “Out of the Depths: Psalm 130,” Mike Hay. Unison choir, cantor, assembly; clar, gtr, kbd. WLP 006247
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “Yes, Lord, I Have Come to Believe,” . 3-pt choir, opt solo, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP es08280-H • “If You Want to See a Miracle,” Patrick D. Bradley, arr. Thomas W. Jefferson. SATB, solo; gtr, kbd. WLP 001237 • “Coventry Litany of Reconciliation,” Steven C. Warner. SATB, cantor, assembly; opt C inst, gtr, kbd. WLP 005220 • “God So Loved the World,” Paul A. Tate. SATB, descant, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 7486
Español/Bilingüe • “Al Partir el Pan” (bilingual), Pedro Rubalcava. 2- or 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; tpt, vln, gtr, kbd. WLP 012642 • “Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy: Sal 130(129),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy: Sal 130(129),” Mary Frances Reza. Cantor, SATB, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012641 • “El Señor Es Compasivo: Sal 103(102)” (bilingual), Peter Kolar. Cantor, unison choir, desc; opt fl, gtr, kbd. WLP 012670, 012674 • “Pan del Cielo/Bread of Heaven,” Eleazar Cortés, arr. J. Honoré & P. Kolar. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; opt mar, gtr, kbd. WLP 012643 • “Por Tu Misericordia,” Eleazar Cortés, arr. P. Kolar. Alabemos a Dios songbook. WLP 012682
4/13/14 Palm Sunday
• “Wisdom Flowers upon the Cross,” Maureen Briare. SATB, assembly; 2 opt C insts & hdbells, gtr, kbd. WLP 008905 • “Four Palm Sunday Motets,” Franz Schubert, ed. & tr. William Tortolano. SATB a cappella. WLP 005790 • “Crux Fidelis,” Steven C. Warner. SATB, cantor, assembly; opt C or Bb insts, gtr, kbd. WLP 007230 • “Crucify Him,” Paul A. Tate. SATB a cappella; opt kbd. WLP 008639
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “God So Loved the World,” Paul A. Tate. SATB, descant, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 7486 • “Why Have You Abandoned Me?: Psalm 22,” W. Clifford Petty. SATB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 001236 • “Sing Hosanna to Our King,” John Angotti. SATB, solo, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 007432 • “Were You There?” arr. Noël Goemanne. SAB a cappella. WLP 001648
Español/Bilingüe • “A Ti, Jesús, Honor y Gloria,” José Soler. Una Voz Jubilosa. WLP 012400 • “Al Partir el Pan” (bilingual), Pedro Rubalcava. 2- or 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; tpt, vln, gtr, kbd. WLP 012642 • “Dios Mío, Dios Mío/My God, My God: Sal 22(21),” Al Valverde. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Dios Mío, Dios Mío/My God, My God: Sal 22(21),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Los Niños Hebreos,” Ron Rendek. Salmos Responsoriales y Aclamaciones. WLP 012568
4/17/14 Holy Thursday
• “We Should Glory in the Cross,” Tony Alonso. SATB, descant, cantor, assembly; opt tpt & cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 005804 • “Holy Thursday,” from Communion Chants for the Church Year, Charles Thatcher. SATB, cantor, assembly; kbd. WLP 005334 • “The Reception of the Holy Oils,” Paul M. French. Cantor, presider or 2nd cantor, opt SATB, assembly; organ. WLP 005269 • “We Keep the Sacred Feast,” J.S. Bach, arr. James Winfield. SATB; opt string qrt, organ. WLP 005336
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “A Communion Reflection,” Chas. James C. Roach. SATB, assembly; flt, gtr, kbd. WLP 005333 • “Love One Another,” Tony Alonso. 2-pt choir, assembly; opt C inst & cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 005805 • “Deus Caritas Est,” Henryk Jan Botor. SATB, solo; organ. WLP 009611 • “Our Blessing Cup,” arr. Tony Alonso. 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; opt C inst & cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 006254
Español/Bilingüe • “Al Partir el Pan” (bilingual), Pedro Rubalcava. 2 or 3-pt choir, cantor, assembly; tpt, vln, gtr, kbd. WLP 012642 • “El Cáliz Que Bendecimos/Our Blessing Cup: Sal 116(115),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “El Lavarse los Pies,” Lorenzo Florián. Venga Tu Reino songbook. WLP 012695 • “La Copa de la Bendición,” Pedro Rubalcava. Hoy Nos Reunimos songbook. WLP 012692 • “Trilingual Ubi Caritas,” Cheryl Aranda. Cantor, SATB; gtr, kbd. WLP 012675
4/18/14 Good Friday
• “Litany of the Last Words of Christ on the Cross,” Alan J. Hommerding. Opt unison choir, 1 or 2 cantors, assembly; opt string inst. WLP 005859 • “Wisdom Flowers upon the Cross,” Maureen Briare. SATB, assembly; 2 opt C insts & hdbells, gtr, kbd. WLP 008905 • “Adoramus Te, Christe,” from Three Motets for Lent, Robert G. Farrell. SATB a cappella. WLP 008896 • “Music for the Adoration of the Holy Cross,” Tony Alonso. SAB, cantor, priest, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 005292
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “Joseph, Take Him Off the Tree,” arr. Steven Schaubel. SATB a cappella. WLP 008809 • “Into Your Hands: Psalm 31,” Tony Alonso. SAB, descant, cantor, assembly; opt C inst & cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 006317 • “Near the Cross,” arr. Michael Philip Ward. SATB, descant, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008526 • “Holiness Is Faithfulness,” Danielle Rose. SATB, a cappella, solo, assembly. WLP 008287
Español/Bilingüe • “Padre, En Tus Manos/Father, into Your Hands: Sal 31(30),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Por Nosotros Intercedes,” José Soler. Una Voz Jubilosa. WLP 012400 • “Traspasado por Nuestras Culpas,” José Soler. Una Voz Jubilosa. WLP 012400
4/19/14 Easter Vigil
• “Exsultet: Easter Proclamation,” arr. J. Michael Thompson. SATB, deacon or priest, or cantors. WLP 005723 • “Called to the Supper of the Lamb, Communion Rite for the Paschal Triduum,” Tony Alonso. SATB, cantor, assembly; opt flt, ob, & cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 005296 • “Easter Vigil Alleluia: Psalm 118,” Chrysogonus Waddell, OCSO. Unison choir, cantor, assembly; kbd. WLP 002314 • “You Will Draw Water: Isaiah 12,” Joseph B. Sullivan. SATB, cantor, assembly; kbd. WLP 006283
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “Send Forth Your Spirit, O Lord: Psalm 104,” Steven C. Warner. SATB, cantor, assembly; opt C inst, gtr, kbd. WLP 007227 • “Come to the Water,” Stephen Lay. SATB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008373 • “This Is the Day,” Richard B. Rosewall. 2-pt treble choir; kbd. WLP 005764 • “Litany of the Saints,” Tony Alonso. SATB, cantor, assembly; opt flt & cello, gtr, kbd. WLP 005297
Español/Bilingüe • “Cantemos al Señor/Let Us Sing to the Lord: Éxodo 15,” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Dos Cantos para las Procesiones/Two Processional Songs,” Pedro Rubalcava. 2 or 3-pt choir, cantor, desc, assembly; opt gtr, opt kbd. WLP 012531 • “El Amor de Dios/God’s Love Is Everlasting: Sal 136(135),” Lourdes C. Montgomery. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012649 • “El Señor Resucitó,” Nazaria Vizcaíno. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; vln, tpt, gtr. WLP es12594-K • “Envía Tu Espíritu, Señor/Send Out Your Spirit: Sal 104(103),” Mary Frances Reza. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “La Misericordia del Señor/The Earth Is Full: Sal 33(32),” Eleazar Cortés. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Protégeme, Dios Mío/You Are My Inheritance: Sal 16(15),” Mary Frances Reza. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Señor, Tú Tienes Palabras/Lord, You Have the Words: Sal 19(18),” Al Valverde. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Te Ensalzaré, Señor/I Will Praise You, Lord: Sal 30(29),” Al Valverde. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “Ustedes Sacarán Agua,” Eleazar Cortés. Alabemos a Dios songbook. WLP 012682
4/20/14 Easter Sunday
• “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,” arr. Tony Alonso. SAB, descant, cantor, deacon or priest, assembly; opt tpt, gtr, kbd. WLP 005847 • “Christ Is Risen! Alleluia!” John Samuel Bewley Monsell & Dale Grotenhuis. SATB; tpt, kbd. WLP 005887 • “Concertato on HYMN TO JOY, Sing with All the Saints in Glory” arr. Paul M. French. SATB, descant, assembly; brass qrt, timp, opt sus cymbal, organ. WLP 008698 • “Jesus Lives,” Christian Furchtegott Gellert & Chrysogonus Waddell, OCSO. SATB, assembly; organ. WLP 002316
Children/Youth/Young Adults • “This Is the Day That the Lord Has Made,” Tony Barr. Unison or children’s choir, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 005893 • “Rise Up Singing,” Kathleen M. Basi. SAB; 2 C insts, gtr, kbd. WLP 008368 • “Jesus Is Risen Today,” . 2-pt choir, 2 opt descants, assembly; flt, gtr, kbd. WLP 008854 • “This Is the Day: Psalm 118,” . SATB, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 008349 • “Sleepers, Awake!” Chrysogonus Waddell, OCSO. 3-pt choir; Bb tpt, organ. WLP 007229
Español/Bilingüe • “Con la Cruz/In the Cross,” Pedro Rubalcava. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; vln, tpt, gtr, kbd. WLP 012731 • “Dos Cantos para las Procesiones/Two Processional Songs,” Pedro Rubalcava. 2 or 3-pt choir, cantor, desc, assembly; opt gtr, opt kbd. WLP 012531 • “El Amor de Dios/God’s Love Is Everlasting: Sal 136(135),” Lourdes C. Montgomery. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; gtr, kbd. WLP 012649 • “El Señor Resucitó,” Nazaria Vizcaíno. 2-pt choir, cantor, assembly; vln, tpt, gtr. WLP es12594-K • “Éste Es el Día (Aleluya)/This is the Day (Alleluia): Sal 118(117),” Michelle Lobato. ¡Aclama, Tierra Entera!/Sing All You Lands! bilingual songbook. WLP 012637 • “No Es la Muerte el Final,” Diego Correa y Damaris Thillet. Él Vive, Él Reina songbook. WLP 012578 • “Por Eso Cantamos Gloria,” Al Valverde. Vamos a la Casa del Señor songbook. WLP 012685