Complex Denominations of Medicines
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Complex denominations of medicines: (most complex terms have an ending -um , many have suffix+ending: -in-um )
Meanings: a) chemical structure / source / components of the medicine; b) pharmacological effect – which part of body it ails; c) pharmacological effect – what disease it ails.
Pharmaceutical word components:
-(a)zep(am)-(um) diazepam derivatives (di)ur- diuretic (promotes the production of urine) -(o)estr- estrogens – female hormones -aesthes- anesthetic -alg- (Gr.), analgesic, relieving pain -(a)dol-(um) -aller(g)- antiallergenic -as-(um) enzyme -astin-(um) antihistaminic substances (inhibit the action of histamine) -barb- hypnotics, barbiturates -cain-(um) local anesthetic -cep(h)-, -cef- antibiotics of Cephalosporium group -chol-, cholagogic, cholagogue, that promotes the flow of bile -bil- -cid- antimicrobial -cillin-(um) antibiotics of penicillins -cor(d)-, for heart, cardiotonic, dilating coronary vessels -card(i)- (Gr.) -cort(ic)- corticosteroids – adrenocortical hormones (hormones produced by the cortex of suprarenal gland – the salivary gland of the belly) -cut(i)-, against skin diseases -derm- (Gr.) -cyclin- antibiotics – derivatives of tetracyclines -fem-, for gynecological deseases -gyn- (Gr.) -gly-, -gli- hypoglycemic sulfonamides, lowering glucose levels -hypn- (Gr.), hypnotics, normalizing sleep -dorm- -io(d)- containing iodine -lax- laxatives, relaxing -mycin-(um) antimicrobial antibiotics from Streptomyces fungi -myco- (Gr.), antifungal -fung- -nas-, for nose diseases -r(h)in- (Gr.) noct-, nox- hypnotics, normalizing sleep -oc(u)-, -ok- (Lat.) for eye diseases -opht(h)(alm)-, (Gr.) for eye diseases -oft-, -opt(ic)- -ot- (Gr.) for ear diseases phosph- containing phosphorus praegn- for pregnant women -pres(s)-, hypotensive, normalazing pressure -ten(s)- (Gr.) -prost- prostaglandins -pyr- antipyretic, against fever -sed- sedative, calming -sept- antiseptic, preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents spasm- against spasmodic contraction of the muscles -stat- enzyme (ferment) inhibitors -sulfa- antimicrobial sulfonamides -test-, androgenic steroids – male hormones -ster-, -vir-, -andr- (Gr.) -thyr- affecting thyroid function -trast- diagnostic, radiodense (radiodiagnostic), for X-ray examination -gnost- -graf-, graph- -vas-, vasodilators (widening blood vessels), antispasmodic -ang(i)- (Gr.) -verin-(um) spasmolytic, muscle relaxant vin- plant Vinca (periwinkle) alkaloids -vir- antiviral -vit- multivitamins
Chemical components:
-(a)zol-, -(a)zin-, containing nitrogen -(a)zid-, -az- hydr- the presense of hydrogen or water Hydrocortisonum hydrochloridum ox(y)- the presense of oxygen Oxolinum peroxydum phthor- fluorine and its chemical combinations Phthoracizinum, Phthorothanum sulf- containing sulfur atom Sulfadimezinum thi- substituting sulfur atom Thiaminum, Thiopentalum, Thiophosphamidum meth- presense of methyl group aeth- presense of ethyl group phen- presense of phenyl group benz- presense of benzene group Medicines & remedies – generic names: ( pay attention to the word components, their meaning and spelling )
Adrenalinum, i n adrenalin(e), epinephrine Aethylmorphinum, i n aethylmorphin(e) Amidopyrinum, i n amidopyrin(e) Aminazinum, i n aminazin, (=chlorpromazine) Anaesthesinum, i n anaesthesin, (=benzocaine) Barbamylum, i n barbamyl Barbitalum-natrium, i n barbital sodium Benzylpenicillinum, i n benzylpenicillin Bromisovalum, i n bromisoval Chinosolum, i n chinosol Codeinum, i n codeine Corazolum, i n corazol Cordigitum, i n cordigit Desoxycorticosteronum, i n desoxycorticosterone Diazepamum, i n diazepam Dibazolum, i n dibazol Dimedrolum, i n dimedrolum, (=diphenhydramine) Diprophyllinum, i n diprophylline, diphylline Erythromycinum, i n erythromycin Euphyllinum, i n euphylline Furacilinum, i n furacilin, (=nitrofural) Furazolidonum, i n furazolidone Hydrocortisonum, i n hydrocortisone, cortisol Ichthyolum, i n ichthyol Lincomycinum, i n lincomycin Methyloestradiolum, i n methyl estradiol Morphinum, i n morphine Nitroglycerinum, i n nitroglycerin(e), glyceryl trinitrate Norsulfazolum, i n norsulfazol Novocainum, i n novocaine, procaine Oleandomycinum, i n oleandomycin Oxacillinum, i n oxacillin Phenacetinum, i n phenacetin Phenazepamum, i n phenazepam Phenobarbitalum, i n phenobarbital Phenoxymethylpenicillinum, phenoxymethylpenicillin i n Phthoracizinum, i n phthoracizin Pilocarpinum, i n pilocarpine Platyphyllinum, i n platyphyllin Streptocīdum, i n streptocid, (=sulfanilamide) Sulfacylum, i n sulfacyl, (=sulfacetamide) Sulfadimezinum, i n sulfadimezin, (=sulfadimidine, sulfamethazine) Synoestrōlum, i n synestrol Synthomycinum, i n synthomycine, (=chloramphenicol) Talcum, i n talcum, talc Tetracyclinum, i n tetracycline Theobrominum, i n theobromine Theophyllinum, i n theophylline
Thiaminum, i n thiamin(e), vitamine B1 Validolum, i n validol(um) Vaselinum , i n vaseline Vinylinum, i n vinylin
NB: Camphŏra, ae f camphor Coffeinum-natrii benzoas, caffeine sodium benzoate Coffeini-natrii benzoatis m Magnesia, ae f magnesia = magnesium oxide = MgO Methylii calicylas (ātis) m methyl salicylate Phenylii salicylas (ātis) m phenyl salicylate, (=salol) Chloroformium, i n chloroform Xeroformium, i n xeroform
Forms of medicines:
Aёrosōlum, i n aerosol Capsula, ae f capsule Decoctum, i n decoction Dragée (Fr.) gragee Emplastrum, i n plaster, patch Emulsum, i n emulsion Extractum, i n extract Granulum, i n granule Gutta, ae f drop Infūsum, i n infusion (on water) Linimentum, i n liniment (liquid oinment) mixtura, ae f mixture Pasta, ae f paste Pilŭla, ae f pilule Pulvis, ĕris m powder Sirŭpus, i m syrup (medicinal) (medicinalis) Solutio, ōnis f solution Species, ēi f (usually species (medicinal mixture of dryed plants, used for making Pl.: Species, ērum) decoctions, infusions, or tea) Suppositorium, i n suppository Suspensio, ōnis f suspension Tabuletta, ae f pill, tablet Tinctūra, ae f tincture (on alcohol) Unguentum, i n oinment, unguent
Forms of medicines – complex terms: Capsula amylacea starch capsule Capsula gelatinosa gelatin capsule Extractum fluĭdum liquid extract Extractum siccum dry extract Extractum spissum viscous extract Suppositorium (rectale) (rectal) suppository Suppositorium vaginale vaginal suppository Tabuletta obducta coated pill
Species – herbal blends: species amārae bitter species species antiasthmaticae antiasthmatic species species cholagōgae cholagogic species (improving bile function) species diureticae diuretic species (improving urine function) species laxatīvae (laxantes) laxative (purgative) species (improving bowel function) species pectorales pectoral species species sedatīvae sedative (calming) species
b) Translate:
2. Analyze the following names of drugs, giving the meanings of the marked CF:
Baralginum Phenobarbitalum Prodormol Allochol Enteroseptolum Capotenum Pharyngoseptum Seduxenum Metasteron Pananginum Aminocainum Synthomycinum Diuretin Cardiovalenum Protandren Teletrast Theophyllin Eunoctin Endografin Lasolvan Bifungin Guttalax Oxytetracyclinum Alfavit Somnopax
Words used in pharmacology: ampulla, ae f ampoule, ampule amylum, i n starch antidŏtum, i n antidote, antitoxin, antipoison aqua, ae f water butyrum, i n butter (solid) cera, ae f wax charta, ae f paper dies, ēi m,f day dosis, is f (Gr.) dose injectio, ōnis f injection jecur, ŏris n liver (of water animals and fishes) medicamentum, i n medicine, drug narcōsis, is f narcosis numěrus, i m number oleum, i n oil praescriptio, ōnis f prescription remedium, i n remedy serum, i n serum spirĭtus, us m alcohol (functional group -OH) succus, i m juice usus, us m use venēnum, i n toxin vitaminum, i n vitamin vitrum, i n glass, test-tube, glass bottle
Phrases with pharmaceutical meaning: aqua destillata distilled water charta (ae f) cerata (ae f) wax paper dosis maxĭma maximal dose dosis media = therapeutic (medium) dose dosis therapeutĭca dosis minĭma minimal dose dosis toxĭca toxic dose pix (picis f) liquĭda (ae f) (wood) tar spiritus aethylicus ethyl/pure alcohol, ethanol
Oils: oleum Amygdalarum almond oil oleum Helianthi sunflower oil oleum jecŏris (Aselli) cod (fish) liver oil oleum Olivarum olive oil (salad oil) Oleum Persicorum peach(-kernel) oil Oleum Ricĭni castor oil, caster oil oleum Terebinthinae (wood) turpentine, spirit/oil of turpentine oleum/butyrum Cacao cocoa butter, theobroma oil
Remedies produced from plants:
Terebinthīna, ae f resin, gal(l)ipot, yellow/white pitch Atropinum, i n atropine Cacāo (indecl.) cacao, cocoa Coffeinum, i n caffeine Ephedrinum, i n ephedrine Glucosum, i n glucose Mentholum, i n menthol Papaverinum, i n papaverine Rutinum, i n rutin Sacchărum, i n sugar Strychninum, i n strychnine
Remedies (from plants) - phrases:
Amylum (i n) Tritĭci wheat starch pix liquĭda Betŭlae birch tar/pitch
(-o – present tense 1st person Sg.; -re – active infinitive of present tense) curo, are to cure do, are to give signo, are to designate sterilĭso, are to sterilize misceo, ēre to mix salveo, ēre to be in good health (also used for greeting) valeo, ēre to be strong (also used for saying good bye) addo, ĕre to add repĕto, ĕre to repeat verto, ĕre to twirl, rotate, turn finio, ire to finish, end, complete
NB: fio, fiěri to become recipio, ĕre to take, to recieve
Verbs - conjugation:
Vocabulary forms: -o – 1 person Sg. (I do); -re – infinitive (to do). Conjugation groups: -āre – 1st group; -ēre – 2nd group; -ěre – 3rd group; -īre – 4th group. Roots of verbs: 1st group - ____ā-re; 2nd group - ____ē-re; 3rd group - ____-ě-re; 4th group - ____ī-re.
Imperative: (Sg.: Do! (addressed to one person); (One of you,) do (smth.)!; Pl.: Do! (addressed to more than one person); (Many of you,) do (smth.)!) Singularis Pluralis 1st group ____ā ____ā-te 2nd group ____ē ____ē-te 3rd group ____-ě ____-ĭ-te 4th group ____ī ____ī-te recipio, ĕre recĭpe recipĭte fio, ĕri fi fite
Conjunctive: (Active: Let him do – Sg., Let them do – Pl.; Passive: Let it (this) be done – Sg., Let these (things) be done – Pl.) Suffixes: Active, Sg. Active, Pl. Passive, Sg. Passive, Pl. 1st group* ____ā ____-ē -t -nt -tur -ntur 2nd group ____ē ____ē -ā -t -nt -tur -ntur 3rd group ____ ____-ā -t -nt -tur -ntur 4th group ____ī ____ī -ā -t -nt -tur -ntur recipio, ĕre recipi-ā -t -nt -tur -ntur fio, ĕri fi-a -t -nt ------*NB: for conjunctive the verbs of the 1st group loose the “a” at the end of the root!
Note: in prescriptions passive forms can be translated also as follows: Sg. – To do! (= Let it be done); Pl. – To do! (= Let these (things) be done))
Standard prescription formulas:
Latin English Latin English Da. Signa. Give! Designate! Detur. Signētur. Let it be given, designated! (To give! To designate!) (about a medicament as a whole) Misce. Da. Signa. Mix! Give! Misceātur. Detur. Let it be mixed, given, Designate! Signētur. designated! (To mix! To give! To designate!) Sterilĭsa! Sterilize! Sterilisētur! Let it be sterilized! (To sterilize!) Repĕte! Repeat! Repetātur! Let it be repeated! (To repeat!) Da tales doses. Give such doses. Dentur tales doses. Let such doses be given. (To give such doses!)
Divide in partes Divide in equal parts. aequales Misce, (ut) fiat …. Mix in order to obtain …. / Mix, so that it becomes …. Verte! Turn! (if the prescription is written on both sides of the paper)
Misce, (ut) fiat pulvis. Mix in order to obtain powder. / Mix, so that it becomes powder. Misce, (ut) fiat Mix in order to obtain emulsion. / Mix, so that it becomes emulsion. emulsum. Misce, (ut) fiat Mix in order to obtain liquid oinment. / Mix, so that it becomes liquid linimentum. oinment. Misce, (ut) fiat pasta. Mix in order to obtain paste. / Mix, so that it becomes paste. Misce, (ut) fiat Mix in order to obtain suppository. / Mix, so that it becomes suppositorium. suppository. Misce, (ut) fiat Mix in order to obtain oinment. / Mix, so that it becomes oinment. unguentum.
NB: Misce, (ut) fiant species. Mix in order to obtain species. / Mix, so that it becomes species.
Adverbs and conjunctions: ad up to ana of each (equal quantities of) aut or (for excluding one another concepts) bis two times / a second time Cito! quickly! (for urgent prescriptions) quantum satis as (much as) needed, a sufficient quantity seu or (for synonyms) Statim! at once, immediately! (for urgent prescriptions) ter three times / a third time
1. Make the forms of Imperative and conjunctive and translate them into English : Signare, dare, sterilisare, curare, miscēre, repetĕre, adhibēre (to apply), vivĕre, salvēre, valēre, finire, audire (to listen), nutrire (to feed), recipĕre, fiĕri, refrigerare (to refrigerate), praeparare (to prepare), (con)servare (to conserve), formare (to form), continēre (to contain), extrahĕre (to extract), solvĕre (to dissolve), vertĕre (to turn), coquĕre (to cook), terĕre (to grind), addĕre (to add), linire (to spread (like butter)), dividĕre (to divide),
2. T ranslate into Latin : Give 20 grams of tetracyclin oinment, quickly prepare 10 ml of camphor oil, let pills of validol be grinded, let him mix 20 grams of bitter species, let them dissolve 20 grams of sedative species, let them designate 20 ml of solution of wood tar and distilled water.
3. T ranslate into English : Det emplastrum Vaselini, formentur granula, coque 20 ml sirupi medicinalis, miscete 25,0 extracti sicci et 20 ml extracti fluidi, tabulettae obductae statim adhibeantur, repetatur ter, liniat 20,0 olei Persicorum, sterilisa! HOMEWORK # 9
Organs of plants: bacca, ae f berry cortex, ĭcis m bark flos, oris m blossom, flower folium, i n leaf fructus, us m fruit gemma, ae f bud, gemma herba, ae f herb (grass – green parts of a plant) pix, picis f resin radix, īcis f root rhizōma, ătis n rhizome, rootstock semen, ĭnis n seed stirps, rpis f stem, trunk
Absinthium, i n absinthium, (absinthe / common / grand) wormwood, green ginger Aloё, ёs f aloe Althaea, ae f marshmallow plant, althaea Amygdăla, ae f almond (seed) Anīsum, i n anise, aniseed Belladonna, ae f deadly nightshade, belladonna, dwale Betula, ae f birch Calendula, ae f marigold, calendula Chamomilla, ae f (wild) c(h)amomile, mayweed, Chelidonium, i n celandine Convallaria, ae f lily of the valley Crataegus, i f whitehorn, hawthorn, thornapple, May-tree, hawberry Digitālis, is f foxglove, digitalis, finger-flower Equisētum, i n equisetum, horsetail, snake grass, puzzlegrass, candock, scouring-rush Eucalyptus, i f eucalyptus, gum-tree Farfăra, ae f coltsfoot, foal’s foot, farfara, Foeniculum, i n fennel Frangŭla, ae f buckthorn Galanthus, i m snowdrop Helianthus, i m sunflower Hippophaё, es f sea-buckthorn Hyperīcum, i n St. John’s wort, hypericum, tutsan Ledum, i n Labrador tea Leonūrus, i m motherwort, leonurus Liquiritia, ae f = liquorice, licorice Glycyrrhīza, ae f Mentha, ae f mint Millefolium, ii n (common) yarrow, milfoil, gordaldo, nosebleed plant, old man's pepper, devil's nettle, sanguinary, soldier's woundwort, thousand-leaf, thousand- seal Olīva, ae f olive Origănum, i n origanum, oregano, wild marjoram Persĭcum, i n peach (fruit) Pinus, i f pine, pine-tree Plantāgo, ĭnis f plantain, fleawort Quercus, us f oak (dat., -ŭbus) Rheum, i n rhubarb, pieplant Ricĭnus, i m castor oil plant, palmcrist, palm of Christ, palma Christi Rosa, ae f wild rose Salvia, ae f sage, salvia Schizandra, ae f schizandra, five flavor berry Senna, ae f senna Strophanthus, i m strophanthus Strychnos, i f strychnine tree, nux vomica, poison nut, quaker buttons Taraxăcum, i n dandelion Thermopsis, ĭdis f thermopsos, goldenbanner Tormentilla, ae f (common) tormentil, septfoil Tritĭcum, i n wheat Urtīca, ae f (stinging) nettle Valeriana, ae f valerian Viburnum, i n snowball tree, guelder rose, cramp bark,
Plants - phrases:
Adōnis (ĭdis) vernalis (is) f (spring/yellow) pheasant’s eye, false hellebore Helichrysum (i n) arenarium dwarf everlast, (sandy) immortelle Mentha (ae f) piperita peppermint
b) Translate:
(1) Recipe: Sirupi Rhei 30 ml Da. Signa:
(2) Recipe: Gemmarum Pini 100,0 Da. Signa:
(3) Recipe: Tincturae Menthae 5 ml. Tincturae Convallariae 15 ml Misceatur. Detur. Signetur:
(4) Recipe: Emulsi olei Persicorum 200 ml Detur. Signetur:
(5) Recipe: Infusi foliorum Salviae 20,0 - 200 ml Da. Signa:
(6) Recipe: Extracti Belladonnae fluidi Extracti Absinthii fluidi ana 25 ml Misce. Da. Signa:
(1) Take: 200 ml of decoction of oak bark To sterilize! To give! To designate!
(4) Take: 20 grams of grass of St. John’s wort 15 grams of ox - eye daisy (= chamomile) flowers 30 grams of sage leaves 10 grams of mint leaves Mix, in order to obtain species. Give! Designate! (6) Take: 2 ml of gum-tree (= eucalyptus) oil 8 ml of refined turpentine (oil) Mix! Give! Designate!
Accusative and Ablative cases: (m,f / n) (Acc. – direct object – to see whom/what ; Abl. – different circumstances – e.g. by/with what, of what quality, etc. )
1 decl. 2 decl. 3-a decl. 3-b decl. 3-c decl. 3 decl. – 4 decl. 5 decl. adj. Ac.S.* am um / um em / =N.S. em / =N.S. im / =N.S. em / =N.S. um / u em Ac.P.* as os / a es / a es / a es / ia es / ia us / ua es Ab.S. a o e e i i u e Ab.P. is is ĭbus** ĭbus ĭbus ĭbus ĭbus ebus Ac.S.* ōrem / us Ac.P.* ōres / ōra Ab.S. ōre Ab.P. ōribus
* The rule of neutral gender: Ac.S. = N.S.; Ac.P. = N.P. = a.
** The words that end in N.S. in -ma (e.g. zygoma) have Ab.P. in -is (zygomatis)
Adjectives: aequālis, e equal aetherĕus, a, um ethereal aethylicus, a, um ethyl albus, a, um white amarus, a, um bitter amylacĕus, a, um starch (adj.), starchy antiasthmaticus, a, um antasthmatic, anti-asthma aquōsus, a, um aqueous, (containing) water (adj.) (used for tinctures) cholagōgus, a, um cholagogic (improving bile function) сomposĭtus, a, um composite, complex concentratus, a, um concentrated depuratus, a, um depurated (used with Sulfur) destillatus, a, um distilled dilūtus, a, um diluted flavus, a, um yellow fluĭdus, a, um fluid (used for extracts) gastricus, a, um gastric gelatinosus, a, um gelatinous isotonicus, a, um isotonic liquĭdus, a, um liquid (NOT for extracts) obductus, a, um coated (of pills) oleosus, a, um oily ophthalmicus, a, um ophthalmic praecipitatus, a, um precipitated purificatus, a, um putified (used with serum) purus, a, um pure, clean rectificatus, a, um rectified (used with oleum Terebinthinae and spiritus), refined siccus, a, um dry solubĭlis, e soluble spirituosus, a, um alcoholic spissus, a, um dense, viscous sterilisatus, a, um sterilized talis, e such vivus, a, um alive b) Decline and translate all forms: spirituous tincture, bitter seed, vaginal suppository, rectal suppository, yellow paste, dry extract, fluid extract, red berry, simple plaster, grey powder, water infusion, dense syrup, bitter mixture, white flower, water solution, oily emulsion, dry fruit, gastric species, bigger drop, smaller rootstock.
(1) Take: 2 grams of Imanin 20 grams of Streptocid Mix, in order to obtain powder. To give! To designate!
(2) Take: 100 ml of Vaselin oil 2 drops of mint oil To mix! To give! To designate!
(4) Take: 5 ml of solution of Dibazol To sterilize! To give! To designate!
(6) Take: Equal quantities of 10 ml of lily-of-the-valley tincture and valerian tincture Nitroglycerin solution 1% 1 ml 2 ml of Validol Let it be mixed, given, designated.
(7) Take: Coated tablets of Tetracyclin 0,25 Let such doses be given 20 in number. Let it be designated.
Latin English Examples With accusative ad to, for, until, up to ad 20,0 up to 20 grams ad usum internum for internal use ad decubitum for bedsores contra against contra tussim against cough inter between inter costas between the ribs per through, by, by means of per os by mouth, orally per inhalationem by inhalation post after post mortem after death With ablative cum with cum extracto with extract e, ex aut of, from ex aqua out of water pro for pro injectionibus for injections With accusative and ablative in (+ acc.) into (where to? - direction) in vitrum into the bottle in (+ abl.) in (where? – place) in vitro in the bottle sub (+ acc.) under (where to? - direction) sub linguam under the tongue sub (+ abl.) under (where? – place) sub lingua under the tongue
Expressions with prepositions: ad usum externum to use externally, for external use ad usum internum to use internally, for internal use ex tempŏre at the time, as the necessity arises, as required in ampullis in ampules in capsulis in capsules in capsulis gelatinosis in gelatine capsules in oblatis in wafers / cachets / starch capsules in tabulettis in pills / tablets in tabulettis obductis in coated pills in talulettis in pills, in tablets in vitro in the laboratory, in vitro in vitro nigro in a dark bottle, in dark glass in vivo in vivo, in natural conditions massa pilularum pill mass numero in … quantity, … in number per inhalationem by inhalation per os by mouth, orally per rectum rectally per se per se, in pure form pro auctore ( pro me) for the author (for me) (if a doctor writes a prescription for himself) pro die daily dosage, dose for one day pro dosi for one dose pro infantibus for children pro inhalatione for inhalation pro injectionibus for injections pro narcosi for narcosis, for anesthesia pro r(o)entgeno for X-ray
1. Translate the word combinations into Latin (paying attention to the prepositions) : dry extract of buckthorn clean (pure) water pine buds paste in waxed paper vitamins in coated tablets concentrated birch juice gastric tablets with extract of (bitter) wormwood white starch gastric mixture with thousand-leaf grass (herb) tincture from gum-tree (= eucalyptus) leaves 2. Translate the word combinations into Latin ( giving the meanings of the marked CF ):
rectal suppositories with Dimedrol for children drops of Corvalol Streptocid in powder dry Haematogen in waxed paper eye drops with Riboflavin solution of Ephedrin in ampoules for injections tablets of Validol with Glucose solution of Aminazin in ampoules for intramuscular injections liniment from castor oil and Xeroform fluid solution of Corglycon in ampoules spirituous solution of Menthol dilute solution of Strophanthin for intravenous injections rectal suppositories with Ichthyol ear drops with Glycerin and Phenol water solution of Nitrofural for local use rectal suppositories with dry extract of belladonna, Novocain and Anaesthesin
3. Translate the word combinations into Latin ( paying attention to the cases ): Give the antidote against the toxin, let the antidote be given, (many of you) add water into the glass-bottle, let the decoctions from the bitter herbal blend be sterilized in a glass-bottle, sterilize the skin with the help of alcohol, turn the paper, turn 10 papers, HOMEWORK # 12
Chemical elements
Al Aluminium, i n aluminium Ag Argentum, i n silver As Arsenicum, i n arsenic Au Aurum, i n gold Br Bromum, i n bromine Ba Barium, i n barium Bi Bismuthum, i n bismuth C Carboneum, i n carbon Ca Calcium, i n calcium Cl Chlorum, i n chlorine Cu Cuprum, i n copper F Fluorum, i n (Lat.) = fluorine Phthorum, i n (Gr.) Fe Ferrum, i n iron H Hydrogenium, i n hydrogen Hg Hydrargyrum, i n = Mercurium, i n mercury, quicksilver, hydrargyrum I Iodum, i n iodine K Kalium, i n = Potassium, i n potassium Li Lithium, i n lithium Mg Magnesium, i n = Magnium, i n magnesium Mn Mangănum, i n manganese N Nitrogenium, i n nitrogen Na Natrium, i n = Sodium, i n sodium O Oxygenium, i n oxygen Pb Plumbum, i n lead, plumbum P Phosphŏrus, i m phosphorus S Sulfur, ŭris n sulfur, brimstone Si Silicium, i n silicon Zn Zincum, i n [cinkum] zinc
Oxids oxydum, i n oxid ZnO – Zinci oxydum peroxydum, i n peroxide H2O2 – Hydrogenii peroxydum hydroxydum, i n hydroxide Al(OH)2 – Aluminii hydroxydum
Words with chemical meaning: acĭdum, i n acid aether, ěris m ether (simple), ester (composite) glycerophosphas, ātis m glycerophosphate hydrotartras, atis m hydrotartrate thiosulfas, atis m thiosulfate
Latin English Explanation Example -ĭc-um -ic strong acid ac. sulfur-ic-um sulfuric acid organic acid ac. barbitur-ic-um barbituric acid ac. fol-ic-um folic acid -ōs-um -ous weak acid ac. sulfur-os-um sulfurous acid ac. nitr-os-um nitrous acid hydro-…-ĭc-um hydro-…-ic oxygen-free acid ac. hydro-brom-ic-um hydrobromic acid
Acids from elements with 4 degrees of oxidation: Latin English Explanation Example per-…-ĭc-um per-…-ic the strongest degree ac. per-chlor-ic-um …-ĭc-um …-ic ac. chlor-ic-um …-ōs-um …-ous ac. chlor-os-um hypo-…-ōs-um hypo-…-ous the weakest degree ac. hypo-chlor-os-um
H2SO4 ac. sulfuricum sulfuric acid
HNO3 ac. nitricum nitric acid
H2SO3 ac. sulfurosum sulfurous acid
HNO2 ac. nitrosum nitrous acid
HClO4 ac. perchloricum perchloric acid
HClO3 ac. chloricum chloric acid
HClO2 ac. chlorosum chlorous acid HClO ac. hypochlorosum hypochlorous acid HCL ac. hydrochloricum hydrochloric acid HI ac. hydroiodicum hydroiodic acid HCN ac. hydrocyanicum hydrocyanic acid
H2S ac. hydrosulfuricum hydrogen sulfide
acĭdum aceticum acetic acid CH3COOH acĭdum acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin C9H8O4 acetylsalicylicum (Aspirinum) acĭdum arsenicosum arsenious acid H3AsO3 acĭdum arsenicum arsenic acid H3AsO4 acĭdum ascorbinicum ascorbic acid C6H8O6 acĭdum barbituricum barbituric acid H2CCONHCONHCO acĭdum benzoicum benzoic acid C6H5COOH acĭdum butyricum butyric/butanoic acid CH3CH2CH2COOH acĭdum carbolicum carbolic acid C6H5OH acĭdum carbonicum carbonic acid H2CO3 acĭdum chloricum chloric acid HClO3 acĭdum citricum citric acid C3H4(OH)(COOH)3 acĭdum folicum folic acid C19H19N7O6 acĭdum formicicum formic acid HCOOH acĭdum glutaminicum glutamic acid C2H9O4N acĭdum hydrochloricum hydrochloric acid HCl acĭdum hydrocyanicum hydrocyanic acid HCN acĭdum hydrosulfuricum hydrogen sulfide H2S acĭdum lacticum lactic acid CH3CH(OH)COOH acĭdum lipoicum lipoic acid C8H14O2S2 acĭdum nicotinicum nicotinic acid C6H5O2N acĭdum nitricum nitric acid HNO3 acĭdum nitrosum nitrous acid HNO2 acĭdum nucleinicum nucleic acid DNA, RNA acĭdum oleĭcum oleic acid C17H33COOH acĭdum oxalicum oxalic acid H2C2O4 acĭdum phosphoricum phosphoric acid H3PO4 acĭdum salicylicum salicylic acid C6H4(OH)COOH acĭdum succinicum succinic acid C4H6O4 acĭdum sulfuricum sulfuric acid H2SO4 acĭdum sulfurosum sulfurous acid H2SO3 acĭdum tartaricum tartaric acid C2H2(OH)2(COOH)2
Make the names of oxides from the following elements: aluminium, silver, arsenic, gold, bromine, barium, bismuth, carbon, calcium, chlorine, copper, iron, hydrogen, mercury/quicksilver, potassium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, nitrogen, sodium, lead, phosphorus, brimstone, silicon, zinc, peroxides: barium, calcium, chlorine, copper, hydrogen, mercury/quicksilver, potassium, lithium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, hydroxids: aluminium, silver, barium, bismuth, calcium, copper, iron, hydrogen, potassium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, lead, zinc,
Make the names of strong acids from the following: arsenic, bromine, carbon, manganese, nitrogen, phosphorus, brimstone, Make the names of weak acids from the following: arsenic, bromine, nitrogen, brimstone, Make the names of oxygen-free acids from the following: bromine, nitrogen, Make the names of all acids from the following: chlorine,
Translate: (7) Take: Tablets of valerian extract Let such doses be given number 20. Let it be designated.
(8) Take: Suppositories with dry extract of belladonna number 6 Give! Designate!
(10) Take: 100 ml of ether for narcosis Let it be given in dark glass Let it be designated.
(11) Take: Equal quantities of 10 ml of lily-of-the-valley tincture and valerian tincture 10 drops of mint oil Let it be mixed, given, designated.
(12) Take: 120 ml of emulsion of castor oil Let such doses be given number 10 in capsules Let it be designated.
Take: 0.6 grams of benzoic acid Take: 0.6 grams of yellow guicksilver oxide 0.3 grams of salicylic acid 0.8 grams of Ichthyol 10 grams of vaseline 20.0 grams of zinc oinment Mix, so that it becomes oinment. Mix, so that it becomes oinment. Give! Designate: Give! Designate:
Salts Anions: Latin English Explanation Example -as, ātis m -ate salts from oxyacids *(from strong acids sulfas, atis m sulfate (oxoacids) - -ic-) -is, ītis m -ite *(from weak acids - sulfis, itis m sulfite -os-) -ĭdum, i n -ide salts from oxygen- sulfidum, i n sulfide free acids sub- sub- basic salts (alkali subgallas, atis subgallate salts) m hydro- hydro- acid salts hydrocarbonas, hydrocarbonate atis m Examples: Magnii sulfas magnesium sulfate Mg2SO4 Natrii nitris sodium nitrite NaNO2 Natrii hydrocarbonas sodium hydrocarbonate NaHCO3 Platyphyllini platyphyllin hydrotartrate hydrotartras Bismuthi subnitras basic bismuth nitrate BiONO3 Hydrargyri cyanidum mercury cyanide Hg(CN)2 Cocaini Cocaine hydrochloride C17H21NO4 Hydrochloridum
Salts from acids from elements with 4 degrees of oxidation: salt - Latin salt - English acid - Latin
NaClO4 Natrii perchloras sodium perchlorate ac. perchloricum HClO4
NaClO3 Natrii chloras sodium chlorate ac. chloricum HClO3
NaClO2 Natrii chloris sodium chlorite ac. chlorosum HClO2 NaClO Natrii hypochloris sodium hypochlorite ac. hypochlorosum HClO
Hydrocarbons and radicals
formula Latin English formula Latin English
CH4 methanum methane CH3 methylium methyl
C2H6 aethanum aethane C2H5 aethylium aethyl
C3H8 propanum propane C3H7 propylium propyl
C4H10 butanum butane C4H9 butylium butyl
C5H12 pentanum pentane C5H11 pentylium pentyl
C6H14 hexanum hexane C6H13 hexylium hexyl
C7H16 heptanum heptane C7H15 heptylium heptyl
C8H18 octanum octane C8H17 octylium octyl
C9H20 nonanum nonane C9H19 nonylium nonyl
C10H22 decanum decane C10H21 decylium decyl
Hydrocarbon radicals
Latin English Translation Example explanation -yl- -yl- Benzylpenicillinum benzylpenicillin the radical is part Aethylmorphinum ethylmorphine of a complex word ac. acetylsalicylicum acetylsalicylic acis -yl-i-(um) -yl Methylii salicylas methyl salicylate the radical is a part Phenylii salicylas phenyl salicylate of an ester a Amylii nitris amyl nitrite phrase
Ethers (simple) and esters (complex)
Esters (complex): a phrase (--ylii --as/-is): a phrase (--yl --ate/-ite): Amylii nitris amyl nitrite Methylii salicylas methyl salicylate Aethylii acetas ethyl acetate Ethers (simple): a phrase with an adjective (aether --ylicus): a phrase (--yl ether): Aether dimethylicus dimethyl ether Aether diaethylicus diethyl ether
Make the names of anions from the following acids: acidum arsenicum, acidum bromicum, acidum carbonicum, acidum manganicum, acidum arsenicosum, acidum bromosum, acidum hydrobromicum, acidum citricum, acidum benzoicum, acidum oxalicum, Translate into Latin the names of anions (in Nom. & Gen.): nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, nitrite, sulfite, nitride, lactate, acetate, Make the names of anions from all acids from the following element: chlorine, From which acids were made the following anions: butyras, hydrocarbonas, subnitras, iodidum, Make the names of radicals from the following names of hydrocarbons (e.g., methanum – methylium, aethanum – aethylium): propanum, butanum, pentanum, octanum, decanum, Translate the names of salts: Lithii nitras, Natrii nitras, Barii nitras, Magnii nitras, Hydrargyri nitras, Ferri nitras, Natrii nitris, Plumbi nitris, Lithii chloridum, Natrii chloridum, Barii chloridum, Magnii chloridum, Mangani chloridum, Hydrargyri chloridum, Ferri chloridum, Lithii sulfidum, Natrii sulfidum, Lithii sulfis, Natrii silfis, Lithii sulfas, Natrii sulfas, Translate the names of salts: potassium nitrate, silver nitrate, calcium nitrate, zinc nitrate, Mangani nitrate, copper nitrate, lead nitrate, aluminium nitrate, sodium nitrite, silver nitrite, potassium chloride, silver chloride, calcium chloride, zinc chloride, copper chloride, lead chloride, aluminium chloride, potassium sulfide, silver sulfide, potassium sulfite, silver sulfite, potassium sulfate, silver sulfate,
Translate: (1) Take 200 ml. of infusion of sage leaves. 20 grams of valerian root Mix, in order to obtain emulsion. Give! Designate!
(2) Take 180 ml of emulsion of castor oil Sugar syrup up to 200 ml Let it be mixed, given, designated.
(3) Take 10 ml of almond oil 100 ml 95 % of ethyl alcohol To mix! To give! To designate! (3) Take: 20 ml. of 95 % ethyl alcohol 100 ml. of distilled water for injections Let it be mixed, given, designated. (5) Take: Equal quantities of 50 grams of dry fruits of hawthorn and wild rose Sugar syrup up to 200 ml Mix, in order to obtain syrup. To give! To designate!
Take: Pills of 0.25 grams lipoic acid in Take: 0.2 grams of each Chinosol and boric number of 50 acid Give! Designate: cocoa butter as much as needed, so that it becomes a vaginal suppository. Let such doses be given 6 in number. Let it be designated: Take: 0.015 grams of codeine phosphate0.5 Take: 0.003 grams of platyphyllin grams of ascorbic acid hydrotartrate 0.2 grams of Dimedrol 0.15 grams of sodium bromide 0.1 gram of calcium lactate 0.05 grams of caffeine sodium Give such doses 20 in number. benzoate Designate: Mix so that it becomes powder Let such doses be given 12 in number Let it be designated:
āā ana of each (equal quantities of) ac., acid, acidum acid ad us. ext. ad usum externum to use externally, for external use ad us. int. ad usum internum to use internally, for internal use aq. aqua water aq. dest. aqua destillata distilled water but. butyrum butter (solid) comp., cps., cpt. сomposĭtus composite, complex concentr. сoncentratus concentrated cort. сortex bark D. Da. Detur. Dentur. Give! Let it be given. Let these be given. (To give!) Dec., dct. decoctum decoction dep. depuratus depurated dil., Dil. dilutus diluted Div. in p. aeq. Divide in partes aequales Divide in equal parts D. t. d. Da (Dentur) tales doses. Give such doses. Let such doses be given. Empl. emplastrum plaster, patch emuls., em. emulsum emulsion extr. extractum extract f. fiat, fiant let it become, let these become fl. flos blossom, flower fluid. fluĭdus fluid (used for extracts) fol. folium leaf fr. fructus fruit gel. gelatinosus gelatinous gran. granulum granule gtt., gtts. guttam, guttas drop, drops h., hb. herba grass in ampull. in ampullis in ampules in caps. in capsulis in capsules inf. infusum infusion (on water) in tab. in tabulettis in pills / tablets in vitr. nigr. in vitro nigro in a dark bottle, in dark glass linim. linimentum liniment (liquid oinment) M. Misce. Misceatur. Mix! Let it be mixed/ (To mix!) M. f. Misce fiat (fiant) Mix in order to obtain/ Mix, so that it becomes m. pil. massa pilularum pill mass mixt. mixtūra mixture N. numero in … quantity, … in number obd. obductus coated (of pills) ol. oleum oil past. pasta paste pil. pilŭla pilule praec., pct., ppt. praecipitatus precipitated pro inject. pro injectionibus for injections pulv. pulvis powder q. s. quantum satis as (much as) needed, a sufficient quantity r., rad. radix root Rp.: Recipe: Take: rectif. rectificatus rectified (used with oleum Terebinthinae and spiritus), refined rhiz. rhizoma rhizome, rootstock S. Signa. Signetur. Designate! Let it be designated! (To designate!) sem. semen seed sicc. siccus dry simpl. simplex simple sir. sirŭpus sirup sol. solutio solution sp. species species spir. spiritus alcohol steril. sterilisātus sterilized Steril.! Sterilĭsa! Sterilisetur! Sterilize! Let it be sterilized! (To sterilise!) supp. suppositorium (rectale) suppository supp. vagin. suppositorium vaginale vaginal suppository susp. suspensio suspension tab. tabuletta pill, tablet t-ra, tinct., tct. tinctura tincture (on alcohol) ung. unguentum oinment, unguent vitr. vitrum glass, test-tube, glass bottle V. Verte. Vertātur. Turn! Let it be turned! (To turn!)
Translate using both the full and the abbreviated forms: Take: 2 grams of sodium nitrite Take: 0.1 gram of pilocarpine hydrochloride 200 ml of distilled water 10 ml of distilled water Mix! Give! Designate: Mix! Give! Designate: Take: 2 grams of sodium tetraborate Take: 0.15 grams of codeine phosphate 1.5 grams of chinine hydrochloride 1 grma of phenobarbital 30 grams of glycerine 7 grams of each of potassium bromide Mix! Give! Designate: and sodium bromide 1 gram of sodium nitrate Up to 300 ml of distilled water Mix! Give! Designate: Take: Pills of sulfadimetoxin (0.5 gram) 20 Take: Pills of 0.1 gram tetracycline in number hydrochloride 30 in number Give! Designate: Give! Designate: Take: 0.001 gram of dimedrol Take: 0.5 gram of calcium gluconate 3 drops of peach oil Give in pills 20 in number Mix! Give! Designate: Designate: Take: 30 grams of each of pine buds and Take: 6 grams of each of salicylic acid and sage leaves lactic acid Mix! Give! Designate: 3 grams of concentrated acetic acid Mix! Give! Designate:
Translate: Take: 10 ml of 10 % camphor oily Take: 100 ml of infusion out of 3 solution for external use grams of of marshmallow root Give! Designate: 20 ml of marshmallow sirup Let it be mixed, given, and designated: Take: 50 grams of diuretic species Take: 20 grams of 0.5 % oinment of Give! Designate: hydrocortisone acetate Give! Designate: Take: 50 grams of pectoral species Take: 1 ml of 0.5 % oily solution of Give! Designate: desoxycorticostelone acetate Givesuch doses 10 in number in ampules. Designate: Take: 20 grams of grass of St.John’s Take: 0.005 gram of dibazol wort 0.3 grams of sugar 30 grams of sage leaves Mix, so that it becomes powder 10 grams of peppermint Let such doses be given 20 in Mix, so that it becomes species. number Give! Designate: Designate:
1. Translate the word combinations into Latin (paying attention to the prepositions) :
infusion from dry leaves of birch mixture with mint drops decoction from valerian stem and roots tablets from dry extract of belladonna root fluid mixture with mint oil castor oil in capsules syrup from wild-rose berries decoction from pine buds compound (composite) turpentine liniment for external use dry mixture from (= against) cough emulsion of cod liver oil for internal use syrup from hawthorn fruits liniment with olive oil refined ethyl alcohol in ampoules ether for narcosis in dark glass valerian extract in coated tablets infusion from berries of snow-ball tree diuretic species with birch buds infusion from sage leaves powder / decoction from bark of snow- ball tree laxative (purgative) species with wormwood grass and chamomile flowers rhubarb syrup for internal use tincture from eucalyptus leaves powder from white sugar and foxglove leaves mixture of valerian tincture with lily-of-the-valley tincture fluid extract from leaves of plantain oil from flowers of wild-rose tablets from (= against) cough distilled water in ampoules for injections sedative species with valerian roots suppositories with belladonna extract composite mixture with sugar syrup