LESSON PLAN – This Is what I want. Theme – Using negotiation skills.

CAREER SKILLS – Career Management.

KEY SKILLS - Communication, Numeracy, Problem Solving, Working with others and Improving Own Learning and Performance.

WORK RELATED LEARNING – learning for work and learning about work.

COMPETENCIES - *ai,*aii,*aiii,*aiv,*bi,*cii,*di,**eiii,**eiv,***gi,***gii,***giii,***kiv,****Ii.

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Math, English, Personal Development

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

 Distinguish between what they want out of a job and the likely rewards of doing a job.  Differentiate between fantasy and reality using their own occupational knowledge.  Practice using negotiation skills.

Preparation and Materials

 Copies of the “This Is What I Want” value cards – each team needs a full set.  Copies of the Activity Sheet “This Is What I Want” for each pair of students (or each student).  Optional use of Info Sheets “ This Is What I Want – How To Play The Game” (1) and (2).  A copy of the Teachers’ Notes.


1. Split the class into 3 or 4 groups of 6 to 10 students. Ask the students to pair up within their teams if you consider that working with another will help them to play the game. 2. Explain the aim of the exercise using the learning outcomes on the Info Sheet (1). 3. Introduce the game using the briefing on the Teachers’ Notes. 4. Explain how to play the game and give out the info sheets, if appropriate. 5. Appoint auctioneers and give them a practice run with the first card. 6. When the game is completed, engage the class in a discussion based on the ideas given in the Teachers’ Notes. 7. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson. 8. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

Extension Activity

 See Teachers’ Notes. TEACHERS NOTES – This Is What I Want


The concept of values emerges very naturally from this game. What the teacher initiates afterwards will probably depend on how the game has gone.


First ask the winning team and runners up to read out their cards in turn

 What they bought.  What they paid for it.  What it was worth.

At this stage there is likely to be some good-natured protest of injustice, which can be discussed. Maybe others will wish to comment on their purchase. This is likely to lead to the recognition that someone else (the person who invented the game) put the values on the cards. What does he/she value? Do you agree?

Extension Activities

Suggest that everyone looks down the whole list and chooses their top 3-5 statements. What do these choices tell you about yourself and what you value most in the world of work?

Imagine that you have to re-arrange the values. Go down the list and put a “+” sign by those you think should be valued more and a “-“ sign by those you think should be valued less.

Ask students to compare notes with a partner. See where they agree. Where they disagree, ask them to explain why to each other. What does this game suggest about the world of work. Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

 Distinguish between what you want out of a job and the likely rewards of doing a job.  Tell the difference between fantasy and reality using your own occupational knowledge.  Practice using negotiation skills.


The game is an auction and the aim of the game is for students to buy as many cards as possible and the higher the value the better, using no more than 40 points!

How To Play The Game

1 There are 48 cards to be auctioned.

2 Each one represents something valuable in the world of work, e.g. job satisfaction, paid leave.

3 The value of each card is written at the bottom of each card, going continuously from 1-30.

4 The winner will be the bidder with the highest total of card value points.

5 The class is divided into groups of approximately 6-10 students.

6 Students can work in pairs within their teams.

7 Each member of the team (or each pair) has a copy of the activity sheet.

8 An auctioneer is appointed for each team.

9 The auctioneer has the set of cards.

10 The values on the cards are to be kept secret by the auctioneer until the card has been sold.

INFO SHEET (2) This is what I want How to play the game – continued…..

11 The auctioneer will try to get the highest price he/she can obtain for each card.

12 The auctioneer invites bids for the first card, giving the title and suggesting a starting price.

13 When working in pairs each member of the pair takes it in turn to bid, or not, for the card and it is agreed that the other member does not interfere.

14 The auctioneer should not show the cards to the bidders until they are sold and given to the buyer.

15 Each player (or pair) has 40 points on his/her scorecard.

16 Every time they make a purchase they should cross off the number of points bid, on their card.

17 They must stop bidding when they have used up their 40 points.

18 Every time a purchase is made the buyer enter the points they have bid in the second column.

19 The actual score (i.e. the value written on the card) is written in the third column.

20 When all the cards have been auctioned the scores in the right hand column are added up.

21 It may be that the students use up all their bidding points before all the cards have been bought – the game ends at this point if this is the case.

22 The winner is the one/pair with the highest total.

23 The total for the first column, the “points bid”, must not be more than 40.

ACTIVITY SHEET - This Is What I Want

BIDDING POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Cross off the points each card costs you each time you buy a card. E.g. if you buy a card for 7 points cross off 1-7 inclusive. Your next card costs you 3 points cross off 7-10 inclusive.

Name of the card bought Points bid Actual score from the cards

Totals /40

This Is What I Want…. To be well paid


This Is What I Want….

To be able to work overtime


This Is What I Want….

To have an interesting job


This Is What I Want…. Not to work shifts


This Is What I Want……

To leave work at 5.30pm


This Is What I Want….

To work Monday-Friday


This Is What I Want….. To travel in my work


This Is What I Want….

Perks health care, gym


This Is What I Want….

To stay near my family


This Is What I Want…. To advise people


This Is What I Want….

To meet new people everyday


This Is What I Want….

To have paid holidays


This Is What I Want…. To organise my own work


This Is What I Want….

To work indoors


This Is What I Want….

To be told what to do everyday


This Is What I Want…. To be able to work from home


This Is What I Want….

To be respected by the people I work with


This Is What I Want….

To work with animals

15 This Is What I Want……

To work with children


This Is What I Want….

To work with the past


This Is What I Want….

To work with languages

15 This Is What I Want…..

To work with figures


This Is What I Want….

To design things


This Is What I Want….

To work with computers

15 This Is What I Want….

To mend things


This Is What I Want….

To have job security


This Is What I Want….

To get regular pay rises

19 This Is What I Want….

To be the boss


This Is What I Want….

To find solutions to problems


This Is What I Want….

To persuade people

14 This Is What I Want….

To work with words


This Is What I Want….

To work with science


This Is What I Want….

To make discoveries

20 This Is What I Want……

No bringing work home


This Is What I Want….

Job Satisfaction


This Is What I Want…..

A job with promotion prospects

29 This Is What I Want….

A job with training


This Is What I Want….

A company car


This Is What I Want….

To get on well with the boss

21 This Is What I Want….

To help others


This Is What I Want….

To work on my own


This Is What I Want….

To work in pleasant surroundings

27 This Is What I Want….

To own my own business


This Is What I Want….

To work with my friends


This Is What I Want….

To have a job in sport

15 This Is What I Want….

To have a job with status


This Is What I Want….

No commuting to work


This Is What I Want……

To have good work mates