Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & Daviot Community Council Meeting
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Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & Daviot Community Council Meeting
Tuesday 26th April 2016 7.30pm Meldrum Academy Staff Room
CC Members Present: - James Milton, Lloyd Duncan, Andrew McCartney, John Pirie, Irene Dunbar. Kaye Cowie, Jeff Goodhall, Stuart Baird, Patrick Sleigh, Willie Sinclair, David Clare, Alice Hill, Norman Masson, Simon Kilkerr Apologies: - Stanley Glennie, Jane Dickers, Jan Chalmers, Denise Forsyth Aberdeenshire Council: - None Members of Public in attendance: - Stuart Singer, Kevin Glennie, Gary Oliver Meldrum Academy: - None Councillors: Cllr Johnston, Cllr Gifford, Cllr Shand Police: PC John Riddel, PC Scott MacKenzie
Minutes of February 2016 Proposed: Willie Sinclair Seconded: David Clare
Matters Arising Z Path Kaye asked Andrew and John if the works had been completed at the Z path – after a lengthy discussion it was agreed to pay the bill of £3186.50. Sailor Statue John stated that he had asked Doug Smith regarding the cleaning of the statue and that Doug said that it should not be cleaned. Kaye replied that the owners of Meldrum Arms have issued a works order for the work to be done.
Police Report PC Scott Mckenzie 1472 PC John Riddel 7466 See attached report
Members of the Public Issues None
Treasurer’s Report Willie reported a balance of £8823.38 inclusive of Daviot monies of £790.50. Balance also includes Z path and Defibrillator monies. Cheques issued tonight for £3186.50 for Z path and £72.00 for defibrillators
Secretarial Report
SAILOR STATUE Meldrum Arms Sailor Statue - Kaye has a meeting on 28/03/16 with owners to discuss APRIL WORK ORDER ISSUED MILL ROAD COPING STONE APRIL WORK ORDER ISSUED SIGNS/DEFIBRILLATOR Signs for defib – awaiting proof sample from Rood Signs Training sessions x 4 completed at Meldrum in various locations and x 1 training session in Daviot Hall (70+ trained) x 1 training session to be done at the Academy possibly 2. Anyone wishing to be trained all members advised to forward details to Kaye. ABC is drawing up a policy on defibs on Council buildings and this was due to be discussed at Formartine Area Committee meeting on 22/03/2016 New raining poster gone out today to Daviot and Meldrum notice boards. APRIL AWAITING DELIVERY CHEQUE ISSUED £72.00 QUEENS 90TH CC has put insurance cover in place for the 10/06/2016 2pm – 4.30pm event but streets will be closed from 1pm – 5pm. First Aid and Safety procedures are currently being done. Update will follow in April meeting APRIL PLANS COMING ALONG WELL UPDATE AT MAY MEETING DOG WASTE PLEASURE Reported to Jenifer Senior and Environmental Health who PARK both said if evidence they can and will prosecute. I spoke MARCH2016 with Brian Shand regarding signs and they were removed by the council years ago but a trial is underway in some towns so awaiting outcome APRIL AWAITING UPDATE STREET CUP GARDENS Yvonne Oliver has got it engraved – Willie to reimburse cost from CC funds – the street had a night out to celebrate APRIL ISSUE CHEQUE APRIL 2016 KING STREET I requested an update as now 3 months have passed and GAS STREET Mark has left job – I was told interviews done but no acceptance of post received? And that it was on council agenda and that we will hear in due course. How long is this going to take as I find this totally unacceptable APRIL ABC REPLIED THEY WILL NOT BE PAYING FOR ANY REPAIRS AS A PRIVATE ROAD. BOLLARDS WERE PUT IN PLACE AND HAVE BEEN REMOVED AS NO AGREEMENT IN PLACE – A STOPPING UP ORDER WOULD BE REQUIRED WHICH REQUIRES A FULL CONSULTATION AND FORMAL APPROVALS DONNA MACDONALD NOW IN PLACE OF MARK ITCHEL AND WILL BE IN TOUCH AS SOON AS MORE INFO AVAILABLE IT WAS ALSO NOTED BY ANDREW THAT WATER IS CONTINUOUSLY RUNNING DOWN THE HILL OUT OF THE FIELD. KAYE ASKED WHO OWNED THE FIELD AND ALICE REPLIED MR HILL. INSURANCE Willie to deal with this APRIL COMPLETED VILLAGE ORDERLIES Answer received from Cllr Shand and Claire Young – Turriff has x 3 orderlies in place x 1 barrowman x 1 electric sweeper operative and x 1 litter truck operative. Meldrum has x 1 shared orderly who comes when time allows. Kaye noted that the streets were in a disgraceful state today 22/03/2016 – with tourists commenting on the mess – of how bad it was! Turriff population approx 5800 Meldrum 3600 Lesley Forest now in charge of this and if we have any problems we should phone her. APRIL KEVIN GLENNIE OFFERED HIS SERVICES AND ALL CC MEMBERS WERE IN AGREEMENT POTHOLE DISTILLERY Large pothole outside the Distillery reported and received notification that it has been done APRIL COMPLETED MARCH 2016 Z PATH UPDATE Path completed today Andrew John and Kaye to check then if ok arrange payment APRIL ISSUE CHEQUE APRIL 2016 OUTSTANDING AS OF Path between Academy and Westbank Park 22/03/2016 2014 and 2015 APRIL REPLY FROM BRIAN SHAND 24/03/2016 ABC UNABLE TO OBTAIN PERMISSION TO LAY WHOLE PATH AND A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC ADJACENT TO THE PATH HAS OBJECTED SO REMAINS ON HOLD KAYE TO CHECK WHO OWNS THIS GROUND WITH BRIAN SHAND A947-A920 A947 – A920 ROAD broken up and full of holes Council MARCH 2016 have dumped x 2 lots of sand on verge APRIL RESENT 25/04/2016 A920 – A947 A947 – A920 link road burn so overgrown that water hardly MARCH 2015 flowing. Severe water movement washed all loose stones JANUARY 2016 into the burn APRIL RESENT 25/04/2016 IAN DANIELS LOCHTER ROAD Lochter road in bad repair several broken places and pot FEBRUARY 2016 holes Anne Buchan checking APRIL RESENT TO ANNE BUCHAN 25/04/2016 DAVIOT SIGN DAVIOT SIGN BENT OVER X 2 FEBRUARY 2016 APRIL WLLIE REPORTED STILL ONE AMISS KAYE TO CHECK WITH IAN DANIELLS KEITH HALL ROAD Keith Hall road in bad state requires serious repairs FEBRUARY 2016 APRIL NO NUMBER ISSUED WHY CCLRS RESENT TO ANNE BUCHAN 26/04/2016 DAVIOT CORNER Daviot CC members not happy with reply from Ian Daniells JANUARY 2016 APRIL KAYE TO REQUEST A MEETING GRANITE BALL Granite ball to be reinstated – waiting for 4 months JANUARY 2016 APRIL ABC CONFIRMED IT WILL BE DONE AFTER FROST PASSES PARKING SIGN Lorna Hogg dealing with this – Kaye asked it to be moved FEBRUARY 2106 by 1st June 2016 APRIL LORNA EMAILED KAYE SAYING THIS WILL BE DONE BY 1ST JUNE ROUNDABOUTS IN Kaye asked Ian Daniels if the roundabouts coming into OLDMELDRUM Oldmeldrum could be tidied up APRIL IAN REPLIED SAYING THAT THEY ARE OF WRONG DESIGN AND WILL BE REPLACED IN TIME DEEP CLEAN OLDMELDRUM Due to take place February 2016 APRIL DEEP CLEAN COMPLETED 16/04/2016 KAYE TO ENQUIRE HOW OFTEN THIS IS HAPPENING PRE DETERMINATION CLAIRE OF ABC EMAILED TO SAY THIS WAS BEING MEETING ORGANISED IN MAY 2016 REGARDING PLANNING APRIL 2016 APP/2016/0898 CHAPPLE PARK – HUB- HOUSES- ROAD
Planning Report John gave a very detailed report on all planning issues.
Chapple park application Application in for 34 houses 1 hub/40 spaces and the widening of the Methlick Road. A vote was taken in regard to this application x 10 were in favour Stuart Baird, Alice Hill, Simon Kilkerr, Lloyd Duncan, Andrew McCartney, Norman Masson, Willie Sinclair, David Clare, Patrick Sleigh and Jeff Goodhall. Two were against application Kaye Cowie and Irene Dunbar. Two abstained from voting James Milton and John Pirie Irene asked why last month CC members voted against the Glebe application which is on the LDP but this month vote for Chapple Park development which is not on the LDP. James stated that ABC do not want houses N of the A947. Cllr Johnston stated that there is no money for the hub at the moment Simon asked if the road could be straightened Cllr Johnston ststed that the applicant will not sell land until they get the houses passed – and that CPO could be used a s a last resort but ABC would rather have a willing seller James asked if there are CPO’S being used at the moment and Cllr Gifford replied several on going at this time Stuart stated that the applicant had stated that the council could start works immediately if passed Cllr Johnston stated that you cannot offer hub for transport to get planning permission Kaye asked the deadline for comments – John stated the 5th of May 2016 James to intimate CC support of this application to ACC Planning
Glebe Application We the CC objected to the Glebe application for 62 houses but were in agreement to 50. James stated that no reply had been received Willie stated that they had been asked for a presentation – James stated there had been no reply. Jeff asked if the Glebe access was the correct width – James replied that it was up to specification Patrick stated that the suds areas in all these development are unsafe and queried who would be responsible for these in the future Norman asked how many access roads are required if over 50 houses – Cllr Johnstone replied 1 and 1 emergency access John asked where is the emergency access – Cllr Johnstone replied not King Street but the application is on line
Sandy Bryce Drive Daviot Norman queried Sandy Bryce Drive in Daviot – reason being it is too narrow for 2 cars – it is 4m at the entrance. Norman also stated that there have already been incidents children have to go onto the road as cars are parked on the pavement because of width of road.
Supermarket Application The planning application for the M1 site was refused for the planned supermarket. The applicants held an open day on the 26th of April. When entering the Open Day members of the CC were asked by residents why the CC had objected to the planning application. Kaye stated that this was not the case but the residents said they had been told this by the applicants. Kaye, James and Irene spoke to the applicants and asked why this had been stated? They replied that this was never said. Kaye stated that she had no objections to a supermarket but planning say it is the wrong ground (it is not retail). New on the plans were NO exit across from the Academy for cars and there was also a pedestrian crossing on the plan between the Academy and step entrance Gary stated that the site will give employment the same as an industrial site would Cllr Johnston stated that M2 was a mixed site of retail and housing and that the application would have 3 hurdles to get past 1. The Council policy on Town Centres 2. Best available site being M2 3. Depart from Council Policy LDP as an Industrial site James stated that the draft 2017 LDP currently has no allocation for retail development Cllr Johnston stated that white land can be applied/changed to retail “no designation land” could be changed to retail Stuart asked if the CO-OP were interested in Meldrum Motors site Cllr Johnston stated a no interest in the coop application if it comes forward again Cllr Johnston stated that the garage site could go for housing etc - JG Ross could change shop/flat to houses – but Industrial Estate is different as it states “ excludes retail” Patrick stated that there are mixed retail and industrial sites in many towns Kaye stated yes that is the case but they don’t work and are messy Cllr Shand stated that the LRB usually goes with the recommendation and that only attendees can vote The supermarket is due to be submitted mid May as stated at the open day Andrew asked if the CC are supportive to keep retail in the square Cllr Johnston stated that it was in the National Guidance for Scotland to keep retail in the Town Centres
Standing Committees Reports MAIG Andrew stated that the plug plants were potted out into the baskets. Andrew stated that the Poly Tunnel was almost complete. Paths Group Gary stated the Otter Avenue Path to the Industrial Estate was now in operation. Future Vision Group Andrew stated that the group were making progress and that the questions had been drawn up by Debra Campbell who is now passing them by several organisations Debra will then pass to David for proof reading Lloyd will then put on Survey Monkey Next meeting 10th May MBG Jeff stated that the group are collating articles/adverts for the community magazine hopefully by end of May Bus Forum Kaye stated that one of our 35 buses has been removed due to poor demand – so x 3 in hour instead of 4
AOCB Kaye stated that a letter of thanks had been received from Elizabeth Bain thanking the CC and ABC for the recent street deep clean that took place stating that it had made a huge difference. Kaye replied by note. Jeff asked if the bike shed was in use. Kaye replied yes as she had witnessed this on 25/04/2016. Stuart asked if the 20mph sign could be moved ads too near the junction OR another added just before the entrance to the Redgarth as drivers are ignoring the 20mph and speeding up and down the road ACTION Kaye to email Ian Daniels Stuart asked if there could be more sinage to slow down at Hoodles as there is many people turning in and out and there have been a few near misses. Stuart stated that it is a great venue but wonders if something could be done to prevent an accident. ACTION Kaye to email Ian Daniels Village Orderly Kevin to work 5 x 2.5hrs daily x 12 weeks to the 26th August commencing on the 6th June. Kaye to ask permission for cart to be kept at the distillery John Reid stated that there has been a lot more dog fouling on the streets and poo waste bags being thrown into people gardens. Willie to circulate email on this to all CC members