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February 2012 - ChaMPs e-Bulletin
Welcome to the ChaMPs monthly e-Bulletin bringing you news from across the Cheshire & Merseyside Public Health network. If you have any news you would like to include please email: [email protected]
(Click on the title to be taken directly to the section) ChaMPs Directors of Public Health (DsPH) updates & national news Health and Wellbeing Boards London 2012 Update Alcohol CVD & stroke Mental health & wellbeing Healthy weight Screening Sexual health - Cheshire & Merseyside Sexual Health Network (CMSHN) Tobacco Workforce Partners, stakeholders & other news Events & training Vacancies
ChaMPs Directors of Public Health (DsPH) updates & national news . The Directors received a presentation from Andrea Crossfield of Tobacco Free Futures including an update on protecting children from second hand smoke, tackling illicit tobacco and lobbying for plain packaging for tobacco packs. Their workplan for 2012-13 will be circulated and agreed in the near future. . Sam Ghebrehewet gave an update on the ChaMPs Health Protection Group activities and Business Plan. This detailed a review of the objectives set for 2011-12 including the Cheshire & Merseyside Joint Outbreak Control Plan which has been reviewed, updated, agreed and circulated to the relevant organisations and professionals. A further review of the Plan is scheduled for 2013. . The Directors had an update on the Cheshire & Merseyside Healthcare Public Health Planning Workshop held with Sir Muir Grey on 24th January. . Halton & St Helens Director of Public Health, Dympna Edwards, presented a paper on Health Visitors which was accepted and Dympna agreed to speak to Ann Hoskins to assess the support required from Cheshire & Merseyside. . Wirral Director of Public Health, Fiona Johnstone, and Paul Cordy, Deputy Network Director, presented a paper on the new Cheshire & Merseyside Prioritisation System, which aims to identify the key Public Health priority areas for Cheshire & Merseyside from 2013 and agreed to pilot the system using current collaborative investments with a deliberative event in the Spring to engage with Local Authorities. . The DsPH gave their support to the 2012 Year of Action on Cancer which aims to engage the public around prevention and early detection of cancer and seek their views about investment in cancer treatment and services across Cheshire & Merseyside.
Amendments to Health and Social Care Bill The Government has tabled a series of amendments to the Health and Social Care Bill in advance of its Report Stage in the House of Lords, which begins next week. View all of the amendments.
Public Health Updates
. The new public health outcomes framework sets out the desired outcomes for public health and how these will be measured. The framework concentrates on two high-level outcomes to be achieved across the public health system. . The Public Health System Factsheets on Public Health in Local Government and the Public Health England Operating Model have recently been released and can be viewed online. . Work on the design of the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) has reached a key stage. Design of NHS Commissioning Board has been published and is available to read online. . Draft guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) provides a framework for NHS and local government to work together to undertake JSNAs and joint health and wellbeing strategies. Views are sought on the content. The deadline for feedback is 17th February 2012. For further information, go to the dedicated webpage.
Transforming Public Health – Issue 5 January 2012 In issue 5 of the Transforming Public Health Bulletin, Transition Managing Director Anita Marsland provides her views on the announcement from the Secretary of State for Health on Public Health Outcomes Framework, the future regulation of non-medical public health professionals and public health finance, and the Chief Medical Officer takes the opportunity to share her views. ‘Spotlight’ takes a look at National Cancer Intelligence Network and there is a report on the latest regional visits from Anita Marsland and Ruth Hussey. Read the Transforming Public Health Bulletin.
Keep up to date in between bulletins- visit the ChaMPs dedicated Public Health Transition Page.
Back to the Top Health and Wellbeing Boards Health and Wellbeing Boards Bulletin The latest Health and Wellbeing Boards bulletin from the Kings fund is available to read online now.
Back to the Top London 2012 Update Inspire Mark Accreditation for ChaMPs Programme Team The ChaMPs Programme Team’s ‘Iron Man Challenge’ has received the prestigious Inspire Mark accreditation from London 2012. Read more on our dedicated webpage
2012 Olympics comes to Cheshire & Merseyside The North West will have the chance to get involved and get inspired as activities take place across the region. In Cheshire and Merseyside, the Olympic torch will be ‘on tour’ visiting Chester on 29th May and Liverpool on 1st June. This means 95% of communities will be within 10 miles of the route meaning all can get involved in the celebrations and showcase their community projects. For more information view our dedicated London 2012 section on our website.
County Sports Partnerships Within Cheshire and Merseyside, the County Sports Partnerships are running several events and projects to ensure a lasting legacy for 2012. For more information please visit Merseyside Sports Partnership and Cheshire and Warrington Sports Partnership websites.
Be a Local Leader for London 2012 Are you someone that makes things happen? Can you organise and bring people together? Do you have a passion for the Games and want to celebrate them? Local leaders are needed to help bring people together and encourage friends, family and neighbours to celebrate the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It could be anything from planning a sports quiz or a special night in to watch the opening ceremonies. Find out more and sign up to become a local leader in your area.
Keep Up To Date with London 2012 ChaMPs are now following @nwbeinspired as well as @London2012 on Twitter; keep an eye for any updates on our Twitter site @CMPHN. For further information about the Olympics visit the official London 2012 website and for
2 up to date information on what is going on in your area visit the North West Be Inspired website.
Back to the Top Alcohol [email protected] Cast Your Vote Now! Following the announcement over Christmas 2011 that David Cameron is investigating Minimum Unit Price and the imminent launch of the new Alcohol Strategy, we thought it was a good time to ask our public health colleagues across the network: “Do you agree that the Government should introduce a Minimum Unit Price for Alcohol?” Read more on our dedicated ChaMPs webpage and cast your vote now .
Postponement of Tackling Cheap Alcohol Conference : NEW DATE 18TH MAY 2012 This conference has been postponed from Feb 10th in order to take account of the National Alcohol Strategy due out at a later date and will now take place on the 18th May 2012. Read more within the Events section.
Alcohol Pricing and Taxation Policies- IFS Briefing note The March 2011 budget raised the duty on strong beers (above 7.5% ABV) by 25% and cut the duty on weak beers (2.8% or less) by half. The Home Office has also announced plans to ban 'below-cost' alcohol sales in England and Wales, with 'cost' defined as the total tax (duty and VAT) due on each purchase, though precisely when the ban is to be implemented is unclear. In Scotland, the SNP Government has introduced a Bill to implement a minimum price per alcohol unit from 2012, following an unsuccessful attempt to do so last year. A new Briefing Note looks at these three policies in depth, using detailed data recording the off-licence alcohol purchases of more than 25,000 British households. Read the full document.
Brief Interventions: Achieving Widespread Delivery? A briefing paper has been released exploring the barriers and challenges to implementing routine alcohol brief interventions (or ' IBA ') across England. The paper also explores whether the 'lifestyles agenda' - a wider focus on all health behaviours - offers an opportunity or threat to mainstreaming alcohol brief interventions. Download the report now.
Alcohol Concern – New Contact Details Alcohol Concern has moved to new premises in London EC1 on. Their new address is: Suite B5 West Wing New City Cloisters 196 Old Street London EC1V 9FR
Their new phone number is 0207 566 9800.
Prestigious New Grant Awarded to LJMU A team led by Dr Harry Sumnall from Liverpool John Moores University and Professor David Foxcroft, Oxford Brookes University, has been awarded £1million by the NHS National Institute for Health Research Public Health Research Programme to undertake a Randomised Control Trial of the effectiveness of School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP) in combination with a parental skills training component. Read More.
OurLife Newsletter The Latest Newsletter from OurLife is now available to view online.
Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group Paper The latest Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG) paper has been published in the Injury Prevention Journal which presents a case study of the development of the TIIG injury surveillance system in Wirral and its use in preventing violence and alcohol-related harms. You can view this online now.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Alcohol Guidelines This enquiry focuses primarily on health harms as these are the basis of the Department of Health’s alcohol guidelines, and are centred around the robustness of the guidelines, particularly as they are a foundation for alcohol policies which have not yet been the subject of recent Parliamentary scrutiny. For more information read the publication online.
Alcohol Life Stories As part of the North West Young People and Alcohol Programme the North West Regional Youth Work Unit has published a piece of young people led research examining the role and meaning of alcohol in young peoples’ lives across the North West. Read more.
Back to the Top CVD & stroke [email protected] Improving Outcomes for Heart Health The British Heart Foundation’s Health Promotion Research Group had their study on deaths from heart attacks published in the British Medical Journal and was widely covered in the media. This study is now available to read online.
Advocacy At All Levels Heart of Mersey has just advised Directors of Public Health (DsPH) in Cheshire and Merseyside on the regular advocacy work it carries out with MEPs, MPs and Local Councillors. The letter to DsPH can be viewed online. This work is seen as essential and a key part in the charity’s campaigning for appropriate policy and regulation to help our local communities lead healthier lifestyles.
Back to the Top Mental health & wellbeing [email protected] Connect Connect Be Active Be Active Take Notice Take Notice Keep Learning Keep Learning
Give Give
Early Years Health & Wellbeing Discussion Kit ChaMPs is working with the Strategic Health Authority and Lancashire and Cumbria Public Health Networks to support health visitors and other early years workers in building community capacity. This new discussion kit will enable practitioners to facilitate discussions with families and communities on 'how we can best give our children the future we desire' and to enable a more participatory approach to identifying actions and solutions together. ChaMPs is calling for expressions of interest from providers to undertake this project. Closing date Feb 13th 2012. Please see the Invitation to Tender document.
Asset Learning Programme ChaMPs are inviting public health staff and their partners to join an action learning programme on asset based approaches. Improving community health and wellbeing through greater attention to understanding and strengthening people’s assets is a growing area of policy and practice. Many localities are starting to discuss and test out new approaches, such as community asset mapping and strengthening the JSNA. This programme aims to provide an informal opportunity to discuss and start to develop practical approaches across Cheshire and Merseyside. Read more.
2020 Decade of Health and Wellbeing E-Bulletin The January Issue of the 2020 Decade of Health and Wellbeing E-bulletin is now available to view online.
Initial Investigation into Subjective Wellbeing from the Opinions Survey The analysis of the initial four wellbeing questions introduced in April 2011 is now available from The Office for National Statistics.The mean life satisfaction score for the whole population was 7.4 out of 10. Wellbeing was found to be lowest amongst the middle years (as was found in the North West Wellbeing Survey). Analysis of different methodologies is also published. Datasets are available for approved researchers. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
St Helens' Ways to Wellbeing St Helens' Ways to Wellbeing is a new publication that promotes awareness of community assets in St Helens. It aims to raise the public's awareness of many of the interesting things to see and do in the borough that have been shown to enhance a person's mental wellbeing and resilience. The publication was written by local volunteers - many of whom have had personal experiences of mental health problems and will be distributed throughout the borough over the coming weeks in the hope that it will support local people to find simple ways to enhance their mental resilience during what are very difficult economic times for many.
Health Survey for England The results of the Health Survey for England 2010 are now available. It includes a chapter on wellbeing, health and work using the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS). There was considerable variation in the experience of subjective wellbeing as measured by the WEMWBS. Health Work and Wellbeing Indicators A December 2011 progress report from the Department for Work and Pensions on the indicators for health, work and wellbeing is now available to view online.
Improving Measurement of Wellbeing Across their Communities – Sharing Best Practice Lambeth First, a local strategic partnership within London, continues to work on improving measurement of wellbeing across their communities. For an update and handbook please go to the Lambeth First Website.
Subjective Wellbeing in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Countries New report exploring determinants of subjective wellbeing in OECD countries is now available to read online.
North West Arts and Health Network Arts for Health at Manchester Metropolitan University is the UK's longest established arts and health organisation. With specialism in research, advocacy and development it is working with Arts Council England, the Department of Health and a range of partners to better understand the impact of creativity, culture and the arts on health and well-being. For the latest updates please visit their website.
New Online Arts Health Library and Website The new Greater Manchester Arts Health website is a useful information portal and one stop shop for information, documents and news about arts health and wellbeing for professionals working across the sectors. It features a comprehensive and growing searchable library primarily founded from a public health approach to arts and health. For further information please email Anne Crabtree [email protected].
Back to the Top Healthy weight [email protected] HENRY Update . Cheshire and Merseyside have taken a collaborative decision to continue to fund HENRY as part of the ongoing provision to help parents of young children to provide a healthy lifestyle. Each PCT will be able to select the training courses which will help them to meet their own local priorities.
. A Survey Monkey questionnaire has been designed to capture additional monitoring and evaluation data around the impact the North West HENRY training programme. . New courses have been launched, including a one day ‘Healthy Lifestyle in Childcare’ course which has attracted a lot of interest and should be in place within the North West from April 2012. . Candida Hunt, who has been involved in developing HENRY from the beginning is retiring at the end of March. She is being replaced by Kim Roberts as HENRY’s director and Jackie George as Programme Manager. We wish Candida all of the best for the future.
If you would like more information about HENRY please visit their webpage on the ChaMPs website or contact [email protected].
Advocacy for Healthier Food Heart of Mersey’s Chief Executive, Robin Ireland, was invited to speak to the Associate Parliamentary Food and Health Forum at the House of Commons. He contributed to a session on hospital nutrition which was attended by representatives from both the House of Commons and Lords together with other charities interested in improving food in the NHS such as Sustain and the World Cancer Research Fund. Mike Parker (HM Partnerships) and Nicola Evans also spoke on Heart of Mersey’s work on hospital food at a Greater Manchester Acute Trusts Health Inequalities Network event held at the Royal Bolton Hospital.
Supporting restrictions on Advertising Junk Food Heart of Mersey is joining with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and the Children’s Food Campaign to demand consistent advertising regulations across all forms of media to protect children and their future health. They wrote to Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport last month to ask for tighter regulations. You can read this letter online. Early Years Nutrition Programme Approximately 60 childminders have recently completed a course designed and delivered by HM Partnerships into early-years nutrition as part of the Liverpool Nursery Nutrition Programme. If you would like any information about the programme please contact [email protected]
Talking Food: Taking Action For an update of the OurLife Talking Food: Taking Action Campaign please read the latest bulletin.
E-learning for GPs Finding time to attend training has traditionally been difficult for GPs, whose schedule can vary from day to day. In response to this, UNICEF UK has developed an online training package to provide GPs with all the information they require to support mothers. It covers how breastfeeding works, how to treat common breast conditions (e.g. mastitis, thrush) and prescribing drugs for breastfeeding mothers. The course takes approximately 25 minutes to complete and can be accessed many times, either at home or at the practice. Once the course is completed, GPs can print off a certificate for their CPPE / CPD portfolio. Access the course now.
Invitation for Potential Stakeholders: BMI and Waist Circumference - Black and Minority Ethnic Groups The Department of Health has asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) to develop intervention and programme guidance across a range of public health topics. The topic in question is BMI and waist circumference - black and minority
6 ethnic groups. You can obtain additional information relating to this intervention by visiting the NICE website.
Get Running with the NHS Couch to 5k Plan Taking up running can seem like a scary prospect, especially if you feel out of shape or unfit. But, did you know that regular running can help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke, boost your mood and keep your weight under control? The Couch to 5K plan is designed to get you off the couch and gradually work you up to running 5K or half an hour, in just nine weeks. . Download the Couch to 5K podcasts
Visit their dedicated webpage to find out more, and see how the running plan works.
National Obesity Observatory’s (NOO) New On-line Tool NOO has developed an on-line tool to assist with the collection of evaluation data from weight management, diet or physical activity interventions. It will also help to better understand the types of obesity and related interventions across the country. Further information about the tool is available to view online. NOO is now tweeting, follow them on Twitter @the_NOO Extra Support on Providing Healthy Meals for Young Children Nurseries, child minders and other providers of early years services now have extra support on providing healthy meals for young children and to help reduce obesity in under-fives, thanks to new national, voluntary guidelines launched on Monday. For the first time, childcare providers have a nationally-recognised source of information about the foods they should offer young children, portion sizes, sample menus and recipes, advice on tackling fussy eating and involving children in food and cooking activities. Read more on the School Food Trust Website.
Cost-effectiveness of Obesity Prevention Interventions Obesity prevention provides a major opportunity to improve population health. As health improvements usually require additional and scarce resources, novel health technologies (interventions) should be economically evaluated. In the prevention of obesity, health benefits may slowly accumulate over time and it can take many years before an intervention has reached full effectiveness. This literature review summarizes long-term economic findings. For further details please view this literature review online now.
Back to the Top Screening [email protected] Improving Awareness & Uptake Rates in Bowel Cancer Screening in Cheshire & Merseyside Using the evidence-base of GP reminder letters, a communications project was undertaken in Cheshire & Merseyside with an objective of increasing uptake rates by 5%. Sixteen GP practices were recruited and in addition to general awareness rising, the 80 most recent non- responders were sent personalized GP reminder letters. The results varied from practice to practice but overall the project was a success. For further information please contact [email protected] . An executive summary of the report can accessed via the ChaMPs website.
Government Launches First Ever National Bowel Cancer Campaign The Government’s first ever national cancer campaign to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer is launched today. Public awareness of the symptoms of bowel cancer is low. But spotting the signs early and getting medical advice could save people’s lives. Featuring real GPs, the ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ bowel cancer campaign encourages people who have seen blood when going to the toilet or have loose bowel movement for more than 3 weeks, to contact their doctor.
Publication of UK National Screening Committee’s Serious Incident Toolkit The UK National Screening Committee’s has recently issued a very valuable Serious Incident Toolkit. The aim of the resource is to bring all the separate advice and documentation together into one place and produce a tool that could be referred to by everyone involved in serious incidents at a local, regional and national level. It is designed to complement the “Managing Serious Incidents in the English NHS National Screening Programmes” guidance, and provides additional detail and resources.
Newborn & Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Screening The North West Assessment of Provision & Practices (APP) report, written by Hugh Davis from the Programme Centre is now available, further to a survey that was conducted last year which aimed to determine a baseline of maternity services’ compliance with the UK National Screening Committee NIPE standards. For a copy of the report please contact [email protected]
Newborn Hearing Screening Programme A consultation process is currently underway concerning the future of targeted follow up within the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme. The document and specific response form are available via the NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme website.
NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme Update The NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (NHS FASP) has developed a Single Equality Scheme which includes equality objectives and an action plan to address these. A consultation is now open on the NHS FASP website to allow stakeholders to feedback on the Single Equality Scheme and this will close at 5pm on Friday 9th March 2012. Please access the consultation and all documentation via the dedicated website. If you have any questions about the Single Equality Scheme please email Karen Toulalan on [email protected]. If you have any questions about the website consultations please email Fran Williams on [email protected].
The Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme is also delighted to announce the launch of an online resource for parents considering their screening options, ‘Screening choices in pregnancy: for Down’s syndrome and fetal anomalies’. For any further information regarding this resource, please contact [email protected]
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening The national screening programme has launched its new name and new website. The programmes new name will be the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme. This was approved by the National Programme Advisory Committee and the UK National Screening Committee and it is also consistent with the naming convention of all other national screening programmes in England.
The new national website is now live, anyone trying to visit will automatically be redirected to this new site. The new website will be consistent with the look of all the other national screening programme sites and it is hoped a much more user friendly and engaging resource for local programmes, stakeholders and the public.
Bowel Cancer Factsheets for Primary Care and Pharmacy Individual factsheets targeting GPs, Practice Staff and Pharmacy teams are now available to support Primary Care and Pharmacy in advance of and during the campaign.
. This factsheet has been sent to GPs directly by the Department and Cancer Networks. Further information for GPs is also available. Those networks that have ordered hard copies should receive them this week.
. The Practice Staff factsheet is available to view online. This has been sent out via the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Practice Managers bulletin and we have asked Cancer Networks to cascade it locally, where possible. NHS Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme The revised policy for blood spot screening of congenital hypothyroidism is to be implemented from April 1st 2012. This is based on gestational age criteria of less than 32 weeks (less than or equal to 31+6 days) and repeat testing at 28 days postnatal age, counting date of birth as day 0, or discharge home, whichever is the sooner. This means that not all preterm infants, just those born before 32 weeks gestation get a repeat screen at 28 days of age or discharge from hospital (whichever is sooner). For more information, please visit the NHS Newborn Blood Spot Website or contact [email protected].
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Sexual health - Cheshire & Merseyside Sexual Health Network [email protected] (CMSHN) Youngsters take to Screen to Promote Safer Sex Youngsters have got under the covers and in front of the cameras to promote good sexual health. They wrote, filmed and starred in three short films for the new On Top website which offers a range of helpful information to other young people. Everything on the site was designed, written or inspired by the group of 16 to 25 year-olds from across Sefton. Read more. You can also vote for best young people’s film.
Sexual Health Outcomes - The Public Health Outcomes Framework The Public Health Outcomes Framework (2013-16) was published on the 23rd January 2012. There are a number of indicators of relevance to sexual health including: Domain 1: Improving the wider determinants of health Violent crime (including sexual violence) Employment for those with a long-term health condition including those with a learning difficulty/disability or mental illness - includes those living with HIV.
Domain 2: Health Improvement: Under 18 conceptions Access to non-cancer screening programmes - includes ante-natal HIV screening.
Domain 3: Health Protection: Chlamydia diagnosis (15-24 year olds) People presenting with HIV at a late stage of infection
North West Sexual Health Quarterly Bulletin The most recent Sexual Health Quarterly Bulletin contains updates from sexual health networks in the North West, the Department of Health Policy, data and campaign updates and articles including:
. Surveillance of STIs in the North West . Who should be offered a HIV test? . Get on Top – a new sexual health website for young people in Sefton . Public servant of the year
Alcohol and Sex: ‘A Cocktail for Poor Sexual Health’ The report by the The Royal College of Physicians in December 2011, identifying the opportunities to tackle alcohol abuse through existing sexual health services, is now available to view online.
Resource Pack to Support the Delivery of Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice in Sexual Health Settings To view this resource and further information about how to communicate these key messages please read more online.
P4SRE (Parents and Carers for Sex and Relationship Education) A new campaign has been launched that aims to unite parents to campaign for comprehensive sex and relationship education. For more information, please view the dedicated website.
NHS Contraceptive Services, England: Consultation Review The NHS Information Centre (IC) has launched a public consultation on NHS Contraceptive Services regarding the reporting and collection of this data. This consultation will run for 12 weeks from Friday 30th December 2011 to Friday 23rd March 2012. Please ensure you submit any comments prior to the closing date so they can be considered. Further details, along with the full consultation document can be found online.
SRHAD Quarter 2, 2011/12 Newsletter - Issue 6 – UPDATE Please see the update to Issue 6 of the the Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD) newsletter which went out on the 21st December 2011, available on the SRHAD webpage.
‘Pregnancy and Complex Social Factors: Evidence Update January 2012’ The latest evidence update ‘ Pregnancy and complex social factors: Evidence Update January 2012’ focuses on a summary of selected new evidence relevant to NICE clinical guideline 110 :‘A model for service provision for pregnant women with complex social factors’ (2010).
Raising awareness of sex and relationship issues for young people with palliative care needs A new DVD training resource has been designed to support all professionals who care for young people with palliative care needs or disabled young people. It offers very practical guidance for all professionals working in the field and explores the need for training, understanding and empathy as well as developing appropriate policies and procedures within the workplace. The closing chapter provides the viewer with the legal context, as well as exploring safeguarding issues. For further information please visit the website.
'Lets talk about sex' Contact a Family: This guidance has been written to help parents, children’s palliative care professionals and young people themselves feel informed and more able to talk openly about their sexuality. To view the guidance please read more online.
BBC News 31st December 2011 “Sexual Health Teams Should Offer Alcohol Advice'’ Young people should be given advice on the dangers of alcohol when they access sexual health services, a group of health experts has recommended. The Alcohol and Sexual Health Working Party says the NHS is missing "key opportunities" to tackle the problem. It suggests alcohol and sexual risk-taking go hand-in-hand. Meanwhile, government advisers say everyone should be asked about their diet, smoking and drinking habits every time they see a health professional. Read more.
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Major Dent Made in Illegal Tobacco Market in Cheshire & Merseyside The world’s first programme in the North West is paying off, says independent study by the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies. Two reports have revealed how a major programme in the North West and North East has made a dent in the illegal tobacco market since 2009 and encouraged more organisations to tackle it. The volume of illegal tobacco bought has gone down by 11% in the North West. This equates to nearly 60 million fewer illegal cigarettes and over £13m less duty and VAT evasion in the region. Read More Tobacco Control Consultation Responses Cheshire and Merseyside tobacco responses have been compiled on behalf of Heart of Mersey (HoM), ChaMPs and the Cheshire and Merseyside Tobacco Alliance (CMTA) to the World Health Organisation consultation: Tobacco in Practice: Consultation on case studies of implementation of the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in the WHO European Region. A template was also sent out to CMTA members for use by local Tobacco Control Alliances.
World Heart Federation Smokefree Workplace Policy Proposal HoM have reviewed and assisted with contributions to the World Heart Federation Smokefree Workplace Policy proposal for the British Occupational Health Federation and information about ‘Smokefree in a Box’ developed by Global Smokefree Partnerships (GPS). Specific information was submitted regarding the bespoke Cheshire and Merseyside Illicit Tobacco training package and Cheshire and Merseyside Charter accreditation award which may potentially be included in the ‘Smokefree in a Box’ tool kit if the WHF proposal is successful.
Back to the Top Workforce [email protected] Public Health Leadership Programme - Evaluation Report As part of the transition arrangements of public health into local authorities, NHS North West and the Health & Wellbeing Alliance commissioned a pilot leadership programme for managers from across the NHS and local authorities. 27 participants from across the North West attended the six month programme which was delivered by the University of Chester.You can now view the full copy of the final evaluation online now. Further investment in public health leadership development will be considered early in 2012 as part of the business planning processes of the Transition Alliance and Health & Wellbeing Alliance. For further information contact your local public health workforce manager.
Update on E-learning Developments in the North West For updated information regarding E-learning developments; you can now read the updated document online.
Liberating the NHS: Developing the Healthcare Workforce The Department of Health has published “Liberating the NHS: Developing the Healthcare Workforce - From Design to Deliver y” which sets out the policy framework for a new approach to workforce planning and the education and training of the health and public health workforce. It builds on the responses to earlier public consultation and the advice of the NHS Future Forum. This is now available to read online.
Working Together: Promoting Work as a Health Outcome as the NHS Reforms The “Working Together: Promoting Work as a Health Outcome as the NHS Reforms” documents looks at the practicalities of the new Health and Wellbeing Boards working together with the new Clinical Commissioning Groups, as well as with established Public Health departments, employers, charities and the public.
Department of Health Factsheet – Public Health Transfer from PCT to LA This document outlines key principles regarding the transfer of NHS public health staff to local authorities. Read this in full.
Workforce Resources For useful Public Health research please visit the Fuse website, The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health.
North West Pharmacy Workforce Bulletin For the latest North West Pharmacy Workforce Bulletin please visit their website where you can register to receive this directly to your inbox.
Transition Alliance The Transition Alliance Highlight Report for 2011 is now available to view online. Issue 4 of The Transition Alliance Update has also been released with information on The National Learning Network and presentations from recent events regarding HealthWatch England.
Health Trainers Service Update. HM Partnerships, in partnership with PCTs across the North West, have piloted a programme targeting the long term unemployed and those individuals unable to work due to health factors. The pilots
have used Health Trainers placed in community settings to work with this target demographic with a view to getting people well for work. The Health Trainers do this by working one to one identifying the negative lifestyle factors which are affecting people’s health individually, goals are set based on what the individual wishes to change and the health trainer works closely to signpost to other more specialised services if required. For further information please contact Louise Merrin, corporate communications manager on 0151 928 7820 or [email protected]
UK Public Health Register Update Over the past year the UK Public Health Register (UKPHR) has been working with a number of health communities across the UK, to develop and support local assessment schemes so that public health practitioners are able to register with the practitioner arm of the UKPHR which opened in April 2011. An initial paper has been released, outlining the UKPHR early recommendations towards securing a fit for purpose public health workforce, for the new systems in public health. This is intended as an early discussion paper and will be followed by further planning in 2012. View this online now.
Education and Commissioning in the Healthcare Sector The latest North West update on plans to implement the Workforce and Education White paper is now available to view online. A local response to the Health Select Committee’s forthcoming inquiry into the government’s reforms on workforce education within the health sector, has been produced by a small working group on behalf of the Cheshire & Merseyside Directors of Public health. Read More
Back to the Top Partners, stakeholders & other news Liverpool Football Club, through their Action for Health Programme, has been highly commended by HM Partnerships Healthy Stadia consultancy for their work in community engagement and partnership development related to health.
For more information on HM Partnerships work around the Healthy Stadia Agenda and the Health Impact Audit Tool please contact: [email protected] or visit the website.
HM Partnerships Update . Research Receives National Award for Improving Nursery Food HM Partnerships have won national acclaim from the Bupa Foundation for their work in understanding and improving the nutritional quality of food provided in nurseries across the city of Liverpool. They proudly received the Bupa Foundation Award, Healthy Lives Prize at a prestigious dinner held in London on 10th November. Read more. . New Contract: Public Health Organisational Development HM Partnerships have just secured a new contract to support Pendle Council in developing Public Health Capacity through exploring the local authority role in delivery of public health outcomes. Please contact [email protected]. . Developing International Partnerships HM Partnerships are leading on an impressive new action research collaborative with partners from across the world which will examine the effectiveness of using sports clubs/stadia positions within their community to deliver behaviour change interventions to stadium users and the effectiveness of supporting clubs and governing bodies in the development of a healthier environment. A multi country grant application has been submitted to the BUPA Foundation to try to secure funding for the research. For more information please contact Mike Parker . HM Partnerships delivers a wide range of public health consultancy and services across the UK If you need support and think we can assist please do not hesitate to contact us [email protected]. . HM Partnerships e-Bulletin Issue 2 January 2012 of the HM Partnerships e-Bulletin is now available to view online.
The Conflict of Interest Coalition - Statement of Concern The Conflict of Interest Coalition has been established to focus on the lack of clarity regarding the role of the private sector in public policy–making in relation to the prevention and control of Non- Communicable Diseases. Heart of Mersey is proud to be a member of the Coalition. You can read the Conflict of Interest Coalition’s Statement of Concern online.
Tackling Child Poverty The Liverpool City Region Cabinet have confirmed their commitment to tackling child and family poverty and improving life chances of children and young people by approving the City Region Child Poverty and Life Chance Strategy. Prepared by the Liverpool City Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Commission, the Strategy focuses on a series of practical actions that organisations can implement. The Commission, which is chaired by Frank Field MP, has spent time considering the issues involved in tackling child and family poverty and improving life chances, and will be monitoring the implementation of the Strategy on behalf of the City Region Cabinet. The Strategy was drawn up as a response to the City Region Needs Assessment, which was completed in early 2011 and will be officially launched at Liverpool Town Hall on Thursday 9th February.
Young People’s Lifestyle Choices and Related Health Indicators A series of profiles for North West local authority areas that summarise available information at a local level on young people’s lifestyle choices, health risk behaviours and related indicators in order to inform policy and practice at a sub-national level. They include findings from a survey conducted across the North West to assess behaviour and attitudes towards alcohol and tobacco. The profiles are available to view online.
National Institute For Health and Clinical Excellence - Evidence based public health guidelines The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) provides evidence-based public health guidelines that make recommendations for populations and individuals on activities, policies and strategies that can help prevent disease or improve health. In a time of structural and policy change, knowing where to find the evidence to support action to improve health and well being can be difficult. They are keen to hear your views about online information products currently available via their online survey.
Launch of the European Portal for Action on Health Inequalities The European Portal for Action on Health Inequalities has been launched. The new website is an exhaustive source of information on health inequalities at EU, national and regional level, on social determinants of health and on Health in all policies. It aims to provide visitors with practical and useful information and to give them opportunities to promote their own work. For more information on the European Portal for Action on Health Inequalities, please visit the website or contact Yoline Kuipers on [email protected].
North West Ambulance Stakeholder Briefing The winter edition of the North West Ambulance Stakeholder Briefing is available to view online.
Health EU Newsletter Complementing the wealth of information on the portal itself, the Health EU e-newsletter provides a selection of the latest news and activities in the field of public health at both European and international level twice a month. View the latest edition online.
Seeking Views on Proposed Changes to Cheshire and Merseyside Vascular Services Monday, 23rd January 2012 marked the launch of a 12-week consultation on proposed changes to the way vascular services are provided across Cheshire and Merseyside, which aims to save more lives and improve the quality of life for patients following treatment. You can view the consultation documen t which sets out the planned changes, why they are necessary, what benefits they will bring and how they will be delivered; details of consultation events and information on how to give your views can also be found on the Vascular Consultation website.
Aintree University Hospital Awards Staff Excellence Awards The Trust celebrated the work of its staff at the recent Staff Awards ceremony held at the Crowne Plaza in Liverpool. The event saw six winners take home awards in categories including the Nutrition Collaborative for ‘Quality and Safety’, the ESD Stroke Team for ‘Partnership’, the NVQ Team for ‘Staff Development’ and
13 the Nephrology Team for ‘Service Delivery’. The Nutrition Collaborative, was named Outstanding Team for its work in improving mealtimes at the hospital. Pauline Milliken, a Domestic in the Coronary Care Unit, was named Outstanding Individual for going ‘above and beyond’ by ensuring patients have fresh drinks and snacks, even though this is not part of her job.
Health Service Journal Awards success Praise was received for the two Trust projects shortlisted for the recent national Health Service Journal Awards held in London. Aintree was highly commended in the Quality and Productivity category for its Medical Model. Aintree was also shortlisted in the Workforce Development category for its Patient Safety Officer Initiative, which ensures standards are met in falls prevention, nutrition, administering medications and minimising pain and infection prevention.
Merseyside Diabetes Care wins national award Aintree and other NHS partners involved in the North Merseyside Diabetes Network (NMDN) won ‘Partnership Working of the Year’ and ‘Best Programme for Speciality Group’ in the recent Quality in Care Awards. The awards reflected the success of the network’s Hypoglycemic Pathway, the judges praised the efficiency of the pathway and the ease with which the model could be copied across the country.
Council Conclusions on Chronic Respiratory Diseases in Children The EU Health Ministers have just adopted a declaration (Council conclusions) on chronic respiratory diseases in children. The conclusions recognize that the biggest risk factors for the development of chronic respiratory diseases are a combination of genetic predisposition with environmental exposure to inhaled substances and particles, such as environmental tobacco smoke, poor indoor air quality and outdoor air pollution. For further information please visit the Council of the European Union’s website.
Updated WHO Training Modules for Children's Environment & Health WHO has updated their training modules for the health sector on children’s Environment & Health: These training packages for health care providers – paediatricians, family doctors, nurses, primary and other health care workers - are intended to improve the capacity to diagnose, prevent and manage childhood diseases linked to the environment. You can order a copy of the DVD “Interventions for Healthy Environments” from the Department of Public Health and Environment at WHO by email to: [email protected] or find further information on the website.
Local Government Group E-bulletins For the latest Local Government Group E-bulletin in your area of interest, including Children and Young People and Health, Adult Social Care and Ageing, please visit their website.
Back to the Top Events & training ALCOHOL EVENT The Future for Drug and Alcohol Action Wednesday 28th March 2012 11.00am – 3.30pm (including networking lunch) Manchester £225 per place or £175 for two or more places Drug and alcohol treatment services play a vital role in ensuring safe and healthy communities. The landscape in which they operate is changing though with future drug funding to be divided between Local Directors of Public Health and Police and Crime Commissioners, while a new Alcohol Strategy will outline future Government action for tackling alcohol misuse. Who Should Attend? All those with a working interest in this important area, including: DAATs, community safety teams, local health
14 services, the police, prison/probation, elected members, central government departments & bodies, academia, and voluntary sectors. For full details please visit the Click Here.
ALCOHOL EVENT TACKLING CHEAP ALCOHOL CONFERENCE : NEW DATE 18TH MAY 2012 This conference is postponed from Feb 10th in order to take account of the National Alcohol Strategy due out at a later date, and will now take place on the 18th May 2012. This event is free of charge to Leaders and Chief Officers of Local Authorities and Public Sector organisations. This national conference will be taking place in Manchester Town Hall, Great Hall.
Further details will follow or contact [email protected].
MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING EVENT SuicideTALK Saturday 11th February 2012 10.30am – 12.30pm Warrington Town Centre £5.00 including sandwich lunch A 90-minute suicide awareness session to safely explore some challenging issues. This training will give you some ideas of how you might get involved in your community and network with others involved in young suicide prevention. PAPYRUS members: FREE To book your place, contact [email protected] or on 01925 572444.
MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING EVENT Championing Health and Wellbeing in Your Community Venues across the North West Due to the success of the first two programmes we are pleased to tell you that we will be running a further five programmes across the region.
. 15th and 16th February Preston . 29th February and 1st March Liverpool . 19th and 20th March Chester . 22nd and 23rd March Manchester . 23rd and 24th May Penrith
If you are interested in attending this course or you know someone that would be then please complete the attached supporting information form and return it to [email protected]. For more information please email [email protected] .
MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING EVENT A New Approach to Mental Health: Improving Outcomes for All 22nd March 2012 Manchester Conference Centre For many people, recovery from mental illness is closely linked with other social factors such as income, housing, education, employment and social care and support. The new health and wellbeing boards will have a key role in integrating more effective commissioning so that it includes a social model of recovery and not just clinical care. With the NHS having to find £20bn in efficiency savings, future commissioning in the NHS still shrouded in confusion, and leading mental health experts expressing concerns that mental health is still 'largely invisible', what does the future hold for mental healthcare? You can now view the full programme and book online for this event.
MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING EVENT Peer to Peer - Training Initiatives to SMILE Dates not finalised; available in various locations across the North West This project involves free training, funded by NHS North West, to develop capacity across the region to support well-being. Once qualified, the trainers will be equipped to train Peer Mentors to achieve long term, sustainable improvements in health and well-being across the region. Trainers will be recruited from a range of backgrounds and organisations across the region, with requirements including capacity for training within a paid or voluntary role and a commitment to rolling out the training to at least a further 12 potential peer mentors within six months. Please read the Event Flyer for more information.
HEALTHY WEIGHT EVENT Exploring Effective Relationships in Physical Activity & Health - The North West Health Physical Activity Forum Annual Conference 2012 Thursday 1st March Leigh Sports Village, Leigh, Greater Manchester
The theme is creating more effective relationships to achieve objectives across all levels of the industry from commissioner to provider and delivery officers to clients.
For further information, you can view the conference programme or parallel session overview. Book your place at the event now.
HEALTHY WEIGHT EVENT Royal College of Nursing and International Association for the Study of Obedience Joint Conference; Let’s Talk About Weight Wednesday 14th March 2012 Charles Darwin House Conference Centre, London This conference includes morning lectures by experts in the field focusing on what techniques and options are available to manage and treat obesity, followed by an afternoon in an interactive workshop learning how to start a dialogue with patients about weight, and motivate them to change their behaviour. Further conference details can be found within the Royal College of Nursing’s website.
To book a place: . Online . Post the booking form and payment to Event Registrations, PO Box 2329, Cardiff CF23 8YZ. . Fax the booking form to 029 2054 6489 with your credit/debit card details. . Call 029 2054 6460 with your credit/debit card details.
WORKFORCE EVENT Enhancing Quality — Developing Improvement Skills 13th March 2012 5.30pm – 8.30pm University of Liverpool This course has been developed in support of policy requirements around improving quality and productivity in health and social care. The purpose is to provide practitioners with the key skills to implement quality improvements within health and social care. Enrolment/registration form and cancellation policy available from [email protected] or telephone Carole Garratt on 0151 794 5780.
WORKFORCE EVENT Mentorship Through Action Learning In Health & Social Care Dates Throughout March 2012 University of Liverpool This module has been developed to provide health care professionals with the opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge to effectively facilitate practice based learning at post-registration levels by using the principles of Action Learning Sets. It is suitable for any individual involved in the arena of practice education who want to develop their skills and expertise in this area to a higher level. There are 5 taught days in the University setting, students will then be encouraged to work through specific themes in their Action Learning Set within the practice setting whenever possible.
Assessment of the module consists of 2 parts: . Portfolio which consists of a 4500 word critical reflection with supporting documentary evidence . Power Point presentation of a case study
Dates of Tutorials : Friday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th March 2012 Cost: This module is funded by NHS North West as part of the PQF provision at the University of Liverpool Please contact the module leader in the first instance: Denise Prescott, School of Health Sciences Tel: +44 (0)151 794 5681 / Email: [email protected] Enrolment & Registration form available from Teri Harding [email protected] Tel: 0151 794 5661.
WORKFORCE EVENT – SAVE THE DATE North West Work And Wellbeing Conference 29th March 2012 Westleigh Conference Centre, Lea Road, Preston, Lancashire Please hold this date for the North West Work and Wellbeing Conference. More details will be released soon.
SEXUAL HEALTH EVENT Sahir House HIV Promotion & Stigma Reduction Service - HIV Awareness 1 day Training Course 2012 Thursday 9th February 2012 For anyone working with the public in health, social care, education and community sectors. Thursday 9th February 2012 - limited free places for those working in St Helens & Halton only, first come first served basis.
The course Includes: Definitions & differences of HIV & AIDS HIV risk assessment: what is safe or risky behaviour & activity? HIV & safer sex The physical & mental health effects of HIV HIV medication & treatments HIV testing & facilities available Exploring HIV myths, attitudes & prejudice to increase confidence when challenging HIV discrimination The social & emotional impact of those living with HIV & their families Sahir House services & wider support available for referral purposes Handout resources & course certificate
For further information or to apply please contact Sahir House on 0151 237 3989 or email [email protected]
TOBACCO EVENT Watching Me Watching You FREE Event for Young People Wednesday 15th February 2012 (during half-term) MediaCityUK Salford Quays Registration from 9.30 am for a 10.00 am start – finish by 4.00pm As part of their Smoke & Mirrors Project, Tobacco Free Futures, in association with NWRYWU, are running an event to highlight the issue of smoking and tobacco use in media aimed at young people. . Do you work with young people who have the desire to influence policy and make a positive change? . Do you see how powerful the media is at influencing young people and their choices? Do you feel it is wrong for the Tobacco Industry to specifically target young people? . Together experts from the field of tobacco research, and award winning Actors and Directors will share their views and opinions on tobacco in the media, and are offering 60 places to young people from across the region. For more information please visit the dedicated North West Regional Youth Work’s Unit’s webpage.
TOBACCO EVENT Level Two: Smoking Cessation Training 1 day course 10th April 2012 (lunch included) Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, Wavertree Technology Park £120 + VAT, This course will provide a broad range of practitioners with the knowledge and skills to provide a high level of stop smoking advice and support to their existing patients, clients or customers. To book please call Linda Harper Tel: 0151 254 7230 or visit their website.
OTHER EVENTS Enabling Digital Development in the Arts Tuesday 21st February 2012, 10 am – 4.15 pm Bolton College In the current changing economic climate it is important for organisations to keep up with fast moving digital development, whether using new technology to support promotion, income generation, protect intellectual property rights or to offer something new and innovative to clients. To book your place or for further information visit the event website.
Brilliant Public Sector Leadership Masterclass Series Various locations A series of Masterclasses for public sector leaders focusing on the key challenges and skills required to be an effective leader in the 21st Century public sector. These events will run from the 6th of January covering a variety of topics. Please view the programme online for more information.
Health, Inclusion and Citizenship: On Target with Future Potential – FREE EVENT 27th March 2012 09:30 – 16:00 Westleigh Conference Centre, University of Central Lancashire PR4 0RB The University of Central Lancashire’s Healthy Setting Unit, Preston are hosting a summative event for the Target: Wellbeing Pan Regional Prisons Programme: Health, Inclusion and Citizenship - celebrating the achievements of this four year programme and looking toward the future with a key focus on sustainability. This exciting event is free and open to anyone with a key role or interest in the employability and health of
17 offenders. It may be of particular interest to: Prison Governors, Heads of Reducing Reoffending, Probation, Police, Magistrates, Primary Care Trusts, Local Authorities, Third Sector Organisations and Academics with an interest in the health and wellbeing, education, learning, skills and employability of offenders. For further Information please contact Michelle Baybutt, [email protected] or visit the website To book your place contact Sandra Brookes, [email protected] or Tel: 01772 895575
Masters Degrees at the University of Chester These topical and market lead programmes are highly flexible, allowing students to study full time or part time to suit personal and work commitments. This is achieved through the delivery of modules over three day blocks followed by eight weeks of home based learning.
. MSc Weight Management . MSc Diabetes Management . MSc Exercise and Nutrition Science . MSc Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
More information can be found on the University of Chester’s Website.
Back to the Top Vacancies Heart of Mersey Vacancy: Research and Evaluation Manager Heart of Mersey is recruiting a Research and Evaluation Manager to be based at their offices in Burlington House, Liverpool. The post will focus on the evaluation of the charity’s cardiovascular disease prevention programmes and applicants will need a Masters level degree and be experienced in public health delivery. The post is funded by the British Heart Foundation and will be one year in duration from appointment. Full details including how to apply, can be found on the Heart of Mersey website.
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ChaMPs Public Health Network Suite 1, Marwood, Riverside Park, 1 Southwood Road, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 3QX Tel: 0151 201 4152 Email: [email protected]
Please note: All links are correct at the time of publishing. We do not accept responsibility for the contents of external websites. To send information, articles or news for inclusion in the ebulletin, or to unsubscribe please email [email protected]