Chapter Two - Corps of Cadets

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Chapter Two - Corps of Cadets

Chapter Two - Corps of Cadets


A. The mission of the cadet organization is to provide an opportunity for applying learned leadership techniques and for developing an understanding of the military command structure, the need for discipline, and knowledge of military drill & ceremonies. This is accomplished in two ways: (1), by the SASI/ASI sponsorship of the Cadet Group and providing guidance to the cadet leadership, and (2), by cadets in leadership positions understanding their roles and helping other cadets to become enthusiastic supporters of the mission.

B. In accomplishing its mission, the cadet organization will satisfy the following objectives: (1), encourage a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance and leadership, (2), promote patriotism, (3), promote habits of orderliness and precision, (4), recognize and develop respect for constituted authority, and (5), develop the ability to perform basic military skills associated with "regulation" drill and ceremonies.

C. Objectives are met in the following ways: (1) with the support of the SASI/ASI and each cadet understanding the objectives, (2) by each cadet being motivated to reach these objectives and helping the other cadets, and (3) by the cadet leadership creating an atmosphere of teamwork and "spirit de corps" within the Cadet Group.

ORGANIZATION OF THE CADET CORPS: The cadet corps is organized as a WING: Structure consists of one Group and two Squadrons. Each SQUADRON will have at least two FLIGHTS. Each FLIGHT will have at least two ELEMENTS with not more than seven cadets in each ELEMENT.

COMMAND/STAFF FUNCTIONS: The Wing is organized into command and staff functions with the following guidelines:

A. There is a commander at the wing, group, squadron, and flight levels. A vice- commander and command chief also serve at the group level. A squadron commander and first sergeant serve at the squadron level, one Flight Commander, Flight Sergeant, Guidon Bearer, and four to seven Element Leaders serve in each flight.

B. Staff positions all serve at the wing level and are established to perform functional tasks for the Cadet Wing Commander. These positions include Deputies of Mission Support, Personnel, Operations, Plans, Public Affairs and Logistics. Each cadet assigned to a position must know his/her job description and responsibilities. One or more NCOs are assigned to each staff function. It is important that each cadet know how the wing, group, squadrons and flights function. Group staff meetings are held weekly so that the activities of the group can be planned, organized, and coordinated. This also permits an exchange of information and feedback which is vital to the effective operation of the corps. Flight commanders also meet weekly to ensure continuity, morale, and exchange of ideas and experiences.


A. The instructors select the Cadet Wing Commander, Group Commander, In order subordinate commanders, and the group staff members. to Recommendations are made by the outgoing staff and are given strong assure consideration the selection process. each cadet in B. Positions are rotated periodically to allow as many cadets as possible the the opportunity to experience the various leadership positions. AFJRO TC progra (1)The Wing Commander, Vice Commander, Executive Officer and Group m Commanders are generally selected from among the third and/or fourth receives year cadets (ASIV). The selectees immediately recommends to the equal instructors his/her choice for the staff. These cadets may hold cadet and officer rank up to the maximum rank for the position assigned. imparti al (2) Recommendatio conside ration for (2) suggestions for staff officer positions are made by the wing commander promoti and the vice commander from ASIV, III or II (in that order). on, it is necessa (3) The staff officer makes his/her recommendations for staff NCOs to the ry to Wing Commander who then forwards the recommendations down establis to Group Commander. h a promoti (4) Flight sergeants and element leaders are normally selected from among on those cadets not holding other positions in the organization. system. All C. Additional duties may be assigned to cadets provided that the duty is not promoti normally part of another staff job description. The approval of the ons will instructors is required in establishing additional duties. be based D. Rank awarded: AFJROTC cadets are considered carefully by the on each instructors prior to appointment. The instructors consider many things cadet's before making selections to include citizenship, on and off campus, initiativ e, AFJROTC academic grades, overall scholastic grades, leadership knowle potential in AFJROTC, and ability and potential to interact well with dge, other cadets and the school population at large. perform ance, PROMOTION OF AFJROTC CADETS and potentia This cadet guidebook prescribes the eligibility requirements for promotion to l to cadet ranks and the assume composition and method of operation for each promotion. greater responsibility. Promotion is NOT guaranteed because a in an student has been enrolled in the accelera program for a certain number of years, good attendance and ted physical fitness standards. Only a limited number of promotions can be promoti distributed each promotion cycle and the best performers will be on or lack of promoted. promoti on. PROMOTIONS

The instructors will review the records of each cadet and determine the FIRST YEAR eligibility for promotion. Information in each cadet's record consists of Airman Basic student grades, any suspensions or adverse school reports, uniform Airman inspection grades, physical fitness progress, and participation in Airman First Class AFJROTC functions and events. Staff Sergeant There will be promotion opportunities each school year at the end of each grading period; except at semester time. The following chart is the normal progression of the cadet through AFJROTC during a four-year career. This is only the norm however, many cadets exceed this standard and some cadets are unable to achieve these promotions. The normal sequence of promotion is to achieve one rank at a time, airman basic to airman, airman to airman first class, airman first class to senior airman, etc. It is also possible for a cadet to skip ranks for example, a second lieutenant promoted to the rank of captain because the cadet has been appointed to a staff position and promoted to that positions rank, therefore skipping the rank of first lieutenant. It is also possible for a cadet to maintain a cadet enlisted rank throughout their time in AFJROTC. When these cases occur, it almost is the cadet's choice through either performance or overall effort over time that has resulted PROMOTION FOR EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMERS (PEP)

A cadet promotion board may also be used to determine PEP. These promotions are limited to the ranks of cadet Senior Airman through cadet Master Sergeant. PEP promotions do not apply to officer grades/ranks. Each PEP promotion board may promote up to 10% of the eligible cadets meeting these boards. Example: If 80 cadets were eligible to meet a PEP board, the maximum number of cadets that may be promoted would be 8. The PEP board is not required to select any cadets for PEP if cadets do not meet the eligibility requirements. PEP boards will convene after the normal promotion cycle has ended for that grading period to determine eligibility of PEP candidates. PEP promotions will allow a cadet a promotion to the next cadet rank up to cadet Master Sergeant. Ifs elected by the PEP board for promotion, cadets will be awarded their new rank on the next uniform wear day. The very best qualified cadets with the most potential will be promoted under the PEP program.


The following eligibility criterion for promotion up to the cadet rank of c/Technical applies to the Vista Murrieta AFJROTC program:

(a) Maintain a minimum "C" grade or better in AFJROTC.

(b) Maintain a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. or better in all VMHS classes.

(c) Wear of the uniform weekly on assigned uniform days (no unexcused uniform wear violations). If the cadet has a no uniform wear and makes it up on the next academic day, it will clear the uniform wear violation.

(d) Maintain a passing grade in the AFJROTC physical fitness program.

(e) Have no suspensions or adverse reports in school during a promotion cycle.

Criteria for promotion to c/Master Sergeant, c/Senior Master Sergeant, c/Chief Master Sergeant

(a) Maintain a minimum "C" grade or better in AFJROTC.

(b) Maintain a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. or better in all VMHS classes.

(c) Wear of the uniform weekly on assigned uniform days (no unexcused uniform wear violations). If the cadet has a no uniform wear and makes it up on the next academic day, it will clear the uniform wear violation.

(d) Maintain a passing grade in the AFJROTC physical fitness program.

(e) Have no suspensions or adverse reports in school during a promotion cycle.

(f) Be able to lead a flight in the performance of the 30 steps with no more than three errors

(g) Have the potential to Mentor, Motivate, and Inspire younger cadets as deemed by the instructors If a cadet has any questions regarding the promotion process they should contact their flight commander first, then the Group Commander. Once the chain of command has been satisfied, the cadet may see one of the instructors. Promotions in the AFJROTC program are not a right, but provide cadets positions of greater responsibility and leadership based on a cadet's sustained performance in the classroom and citizenship in the community.

Based on the number of enrollment in the 2014 school year the program is firmly organized as a Wing. The Unit Manning Document (UMD) shows the cadet position and indicates the highest rank and maximum number permitted at each rank. This document affects the promotion of cadets because it limits the number of cadets permitted in each rank. Chapter Three - AFJROTC Gr o oming Standards

PERSONAL APPEARANCE: AFJROTC cadets wear the Air Force uniform and have the same grooming standards as the regular Air Force. Proper personal appearance will greatly enhance the "esprit de corps" essential to a successful AFJROTC unit. Therefore, it is most important for you to maintain a high standard of personal appearance. The four basic elements of personal appearance are: CLEANLINESS, NEATNESS, MILITARY IMAGE, and SAFETY. These standards are based on AF instruction 36-2903 and AFJROTC instruction 36-2001.

A. Whether you are in uniform or civilian clothes, your neatness and cleanliness reflect upon you, your family, friends, and any organization you belong to, including AFJROTC.

B. Failure to meet standards will influence grades, eligibility for corps activities, and may result in expulsion from the program. Upper-class cadets have the responsibility to inform a cadet when a standard is not met and the cadet should take immediate corrective action. Continued violation of standards will result in meeting a cadet evaluation board or counseling by the SASI/ASI

C. These specific standards apply to male cadets:

(1) BEARDS are not authorized. Cadets experiencing pseudofo/Jicu/it is barbae may be excused from shaving without a physician's note after consultation with the SASI/ASL A physician's statement must be shown to the SASI/ASI if shaving cannot take place.

(2) MUSTACHE. If worn, it must be neatly groomed, not extend beyond the corners of the lip.

(3) SIDEBURNS. If worn, must be neatly trimmed and tapered in the same manner as the haircut. Must not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening.

(4) HAIRSTYLES. Must have tapered appearance on the sides and back, both with and without headgear. A tapered appearance is one that when viewed from any angle, outlines the individual's hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the termination point. The bulk (thickness) or depth of the mass of hair must not exceed 1 ¼ inch on top of the head and 1 ¼ inch at the termination point. A block cut is permitted as long as a tapered appearance is kept. The hair must not touch the ears and only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck may touch the collar. The hair must not contain nor have any visible foreign items attached to it, e.g. pencils, combs, ornamental objects, etc.

(5) SHAVING. Cadets are to be clean-shaven. Where parents object to this process, they need to send a note to the SASI.

D. These specific standards apply to female cadets:

(1) COSMETICS. Must be conservative and in good taste.

(2) NAIL POLISH. A neutral, pink or light red is permitted.

(3) HAIR STYLES. Must be styled to present a feminine appearance.

Must not exceed 3inches in bulk or prevent the proper wear of headgear. Must not include ornamentation such as ribbons, jeweled pins, etc. However, plain pins, combs or barrettes similar items and color to the individual's hair color may be worn to keep the hair in place. It is not necessary for a female to cut their hair; however, the above appearance MUST be met on uniform day.

E. All cadets. (1) JEWELERY. Cadets may wear a wristwatch and rings not to exceed a total of three. An ID bracelet is permitted, if it is neat, conservative and not wider than one inch. Women may wear small, conservative gold, white pearl, silver, diamond or faux diamond spherical earrings that fit tight against the earlobe and will not extend below the earlobe. Men WILL NOT wear earrings in uniform. Necklaces may be worn but may not show when in uniform.

(2) BOOK/GYM BAGS. Book/Gym bags will be carried in the hand, not over the shoulder by strap when in uniform.

PERSONAL HYGIENE: Cadets are expected to observe high standards of personal health, cleanliness, and sanitary practice.

PERSONAL FITNESS: Your physical condition is important in AFJROTC and Air Force regulations require that all cadets be physically able to participate in the regular physical education courses offered in high school. Cadets will be involved in periods of marching, standing at attention and being in military formation. Cadets competing for military scholarship are encouraged to engage in an exercise program to prepare them to pass our Physical Fitness Test (PFT) which is based on the senior ROTC program and USAF Academy requirements. Successful completion of the PFT is a prerequisite for nomination for ROTC and Academy Scholarships. The AFJROTC Physical Education program is very similar to the VMHS PE program. Participation constitutes 100% of the cadet's overall grade. Cadets will meet two periods each week (Thursday and Friday), and participate in activities to develop lifelong fitness skills that will promote healthy life styles. Dressing out for physical education class and giving one's maximum effort enhances cadet physical conditioning as well as social well being.

CLOTHING REQUIREMENT: Cadets are expected to dress out for PE on the assigned days (Thursday and Friday), in the required uniform. Required uniforms for PE are: Athletic shoes and socks, and in the issued AFJROTC T-shirt and shorts or may wear the VMHS purchased PE T-shirt and shorts. No other combination of clothing will be allowed Sweatshirts may be allowed on cold days but must have the Air Force or VMHS logo on it. No other logo style sweatshirts will be allowed. Cadets who fail to dress out properly for PE will receive a grade of “F” for the day and will not be allowed to participate in sports activities. Continued failure to dress out for PE may result in removal from the AFJROTC program at the end of the semester.

MEDICAL EXCUSES: Written excuse from a physician will excuse the cadet from activities for the prescribed period of time. Cadets will still be required to dress out for PE. A cadet, however, will only receive a passing grade for PE if he/she participates in organized activities for more than 2/3rds of the semester. All excuses from the physician or home must be taken to the health office for documentation. Written excuses from home will excuse the cadet for one day only and the student is still required to dress out. A maximum o f three excuses from home will be allowed per semester. GRADING: Cadets will be graded on a combination of the following criteria: participation, effort in aerobics or other sport/activity. All cadets are encouraged to the maximum extent they are physically able. Remember, grades are based on the effort put forth by the cadet, not how physically gifted they are.

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