Town of Milton New Hampshire Budget Committee
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Town of Milton New Hampshire Budget Committee Regular Meeting Thursday, May 16, 2013 Approved Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Bruce Woodruff - Chair Jennifer Crone - Elected Stan Nadeau – Water District Rep Doug Shute – School Board Rep Eric Ohlenbusch Larry Brown Jim Kelley Mike Beaulieu
Recording Secretary – Rebecca Dean
Opening Chairman Bruce Woodruff called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.
Approval of Minutes At the last (April 18) meeting there were not enough members present for a quorum. Prior to that, the meeting in March is the one for which minutes need to be approved. This is tabled until next meeting so that all members will have opportunity to obtain and review copies.
Organization Two remaining items are the election of vice chair and discussion on draft bylaws and rules of procedure. Nominations for Vice Chair were taken. Note that Stand Nadeau, School, and Selectmen’s rep cannot participate. The nomination of Larry Brown for Vice Chair was made by Bruce Woodruff and seconded by Jim Kelley. MOTION –Jim Kelley motioned to cast one vote for Larry Brown as Vice Chair; seconded by Jennifer Crone. All in favor. Motion passed.
Chair Woodruff provided a draft of proposed bylaws to all members present.
MOTION – Stan Nadeau motioned to table the review and modification of the draft bylaws. Seconded by Larry Brown. Discussion - This committee has never had policies, rules, or by-laws in its existence. They were tasked with this in 2010 but it had never been acted upon, and Chair Woodruff provided a draft version he created. He examined 4 different communities by-laws and worked it to cover Milton. Chairman Woodruff feels strongly that bylaws are needed. All in favor of tabling. Unanimous.
1 Town of Milton NH Budget Committee – May 16, 2013 Current Expenditure Report Expenditure Report for April 25 Wendy Keane has sent all members a copy of the expenditure report as of April 25 to the committee. Mr. Nadeau said that there is no Selectmen’s representative present but is looking for answers on some items; he expressed concern that the Selectmen’s rep would not have timely answers. Jennifer Crone said that they have worked in the past by having one person from the committee communicating with the Selectmen’s rep to be sure items are addressed. Chair Woodruff said that the minutes would also go to the Selectmen for review. Mr. Brown pointed out ways to structure items s that the new town Administrator can gain a better understanding. Chair proposed inviting the new town Administrator formally to the next meeting in order to help her understand her level and time of involvement. Mr. Nadeau pointed out that an invitation needs to be done without bypassing the selectmen. Chair Woodruff proposed that this invite come through the selectmen and is intended to improve collaboration and relationships.
Mr.Nadeau – We are at roughly 5/12 the way through the year. There are items that are 80- 90% complete. Other items, such as contractor services are at 60%. He would like to know why we are at 60.24% and is it an issue? Tax Clerk Collector 391 – we have some issues with the same questions. Legal notice ads – 54%. 395 – 66.453% - is this a contract? Memberships and dues – 174%? We are only talking 46$ but you need to look at the whole picture. Is it because we are all paid up on our dues? Each dept head puts together their own budget. Some items are mandatory, others are not. Selectmen put it together and get the town budget, then it comes to the committee. When it comes budget season, all line items are spelled out. This committee has no statutory authority over the current budget.
Government Buildings -395 – Is this just to hold it open? Why $210 in that line? Police – p.4 320 – Legal Services – 92.85%. Did they underestimate or is something happening we did not know about? p.4 730 – Vehicle maintenance – 93%. This is a worry – new cruisers are in the budget. They only had $6000 budgeted. Is the wrong number in that line? Blown engine? Why so high at not only part way through the year? Mr Brown pointed out this could be vehicle striping; Mr. Nadeau said if that’s the case, this should be accounted for elsewhere in budget instead of maintenance. p.9 Library – 620 - Supplies 59% . Mileage 840 line – are they done for the year with mileage?
Chair Woodruff stated the amount spent total at this date is about 30%.
Jennifer Crone – Public Works 420 is at 93%. Page 6. What’s up with the heat? They are high. Mr. Nadeau stated that all the tanks are supposed to be full now which would explain it.
2 Mr. Nadeau explained that the Water District was unable to continue giving the town a break in pricing which explains the increase in Water cost.
Mr. Brown inquired about if we are at a formal frozen budget. There was a 272k payment coming to the school and the coffer was bare; they were concerned about taking a TANS. Instructed Pam to move from Interest Bearing custodial account plus move 5k from sewer general fund to cover in anticipation of June tax bills going out. Pam was happy 1$ was left in TANS account to keep it open for its use. Concerned about impact costs associated with having three town Administrators in a short timeframe. The group discussed possibilities of privacy concerns over the Administrators. Are we going to be all right for this budget? Doug Shute said the school has adequate money in its coffer and is giving town courtesy of waiting on payment.
Ms. Crone asked if revenue reports will be given to the committee from the town. Chair Woodruff will continue due diligence.
School District Expense Report – Dated May 1, 2013 Mr. Shute will work with the Superintendent to remedy timing of this report. The information was printed on May 1 but the group did not receive a copy until yesterday.
Mr. Nadeau asked why are salaries over what they were voted upon? Mr. Shute to follow up.
Mr. Nadeau asked if anyone has shown interest in serving on the budget committee’s open seat. Chair Woodruff spoke with selectmen and said that this is being advertised by social media as well but no names have been brought forward.
General Comments Chair Woodruff asked for citizen’s comments. None.
Mr. Shute stated that the Superintendent search is underway. The MES principal slot is also again open.
The next meeting will be Thursday, June 20 at 6pm.
MOTION - Larry Brown motioned to adjourn; Stan Nadeau seconded. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rebecca L. Dean 3 Town of Milton NH Budget Committee – May 16, 2013