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Yearbook Marketing Course Syllabus Fall 2017
Course Description Yearbook Marketing is a class in which staff members work together to complete a project. Cat Paws covers the people and events of the school as fairly, impartially, and as accurately as possible. Through the use of technology, marketing techniques, and teamwork, staff members develop a high school annual, a written history of the academic school year. Staff members engage in photography, business administration, interviewing process, journalistic writing, advertising/marketing, and experience a glimpse into the journalistic realm. The staff develops interpersonal skills, assumes leadership roles, and accepts responsibility in a team atmosphere. All staff members select content for publication. They never knowingly libel, invade the privacy of, deny the rights of, ridicule, or mock an individual or group. The staff’s intentions are to include all persons directly involved with Anderson County High School without regard to race, creed, or socioeconomic status. Staff members are expected to actively promote inclusion without question.
Required / Needed Materials Access to school computers and Internet (signed AUP on file) Signed contract from student and from parent - permission to leave school campus from parent – being 18 years old does not count! Notebook or folder for maintaining records Reliable digital camera, at least 8 megapixels to take pictures for ads section and for photography assignments. Phone cameras may work, depending on the quality of your phone.
Upon course completion, all staff members will: Demonstrate an understanding of sales person techniques Be a partner in securing a minimum of $12,000 in advertisements Design and develop customer ads and yearbook pages as assigned by the advisor
Yearbook Guidelines 1. Follow directions. This statement includes all of the school policies. Please understand that there will be no hats worn in class, and we will not be involved in any form of grooming while in class. 2. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of our room. Respect yourself as well. Treat people like you want to be treated. Put your trash in the trash can, books back on the shelf, and clean up your work area. Have pride in yourself. 3. Use appropriate language. Don’t use hateful words, sexual or racist remarks, or profanity. 4. In all undertakings, be responsible. Do nothing that you know you shouldn’t and always think before you act. Go where you are supposed to go, do what you are supposed to do. You have freedom in this class, and you must handle it in a mature manner. 5. Sleep some where other than my class. Stay awake and alert at all times. This is defined as having your head up and your eyes open.
Rewards for Following Classroom Guidelines Praise and encouragement (daily) and positive perks
Consequences of Not Following Class Guidelines Warning…The student receives a verbal warning concerning the inappropriate behavior. This warning serves as a reminder for the student to refocus and regain control. On the 2nd offense, the student can expect to be assigned to the classroom immediately and lose his/her privilege of leaving the classroom for any reason. You can also expect a referral to the office. Severity Clause…Certain behaviors – including but not limited to verbal abuse, cursing, harassment, and physical violence will result in immediate removal from the classroom. Walking out of class is considered to be severe. Once you leave my room, you leave me with no option but to report that you have left, and the office will assume responsibility for you. Do yourself a favor – avoid walking out of class. If you need to leave, let me know where you are going.
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Policies and Procedures Purpose of the Our purpose – our main focus of this class – is to secure funding for the yearbook. class Leaving for other reasons are not expected or accepted. As a staff, we must generate no less than $12,000 in ad sales. Entering the Check to see if you’re able to leave the building. If yes, gather your materials and sign Classroom out. If no, wait for instructions. Tardy You can be tardy getting to the room OR returning late from your ad sales. If you are going to be late, call me and let me know. 839-5118 Class Dismissal Sign in, turn in collected ads, money, and materials daily. You may not stand near or beside the door while waiting for the bell. Sign In and Out First, you need permission to sign out. Only sign in and out in my room. Signing out anywhere else will affect your attendance. If I am absent, specific instructions will be left regarding leaving. Sales Teams No one is allowed to sell ads alone. For your safety, you must be in a group and must stick together at all times. Leaving the Cooperation and behavior are essential!!! Building We will not leave if weather is a factor. If we can’t leave, we have plenty to do! Parental A signed contract from your parents is a requirement to leave. Being 18 does not excuse Permission you from this requirement. Parents can revoke your permission to leave at any time by providing written notification to Mrs. Medley. Driving The only driver is a LICENSED driver – no permit drivers. Caution!!!! It’s your responsibility to know your limitations with regard to your license. At all times, wear a seat belt. Drive with extreme care. The driver must not text or use a cell phone while actively driving. Place Assignments Teams select their businesses for contact and visit only those locations. Do not attempt to “claim jump” some other group’s assigned business. All claims are those of the rightful team. Exception: Impromptu sale Never enter a private residence under any circumstance unless the person who owns that residence is your relative or close family friend. If you feel uncomfortable, leave as quickly as you can. Most businesses are very respectable, but don’t be foolish. Approaching Be professional. Look the person in the eye and know what you’re going to say…not, Businesses “Hey, do you want to buy an ad?” Explain your purpose for being there; explain how ad sales help the book, the community, and the student body. Keep your word! If you say you will be back tomorrow, next week, or in two weeks, do so. If the business wants you to take a picture of their building, their sign, their staff, do so. If they want you to return to take the picture in a couple of days, do so. Immediate You lose your leaving building and room privileges if you cannot be trusted…not going Termination of where assigned, not participating in ad sales, going out alone, violating expectations to Staff Privileges name a few. If you are a junior, trust violations may affect your ability to take Yearbook Marketing as a senior. There are no second chances offered.
Collecting and Sold an ad? Turn in the contract, the money/payment, and business cards or what the
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Submitted Ad business wants to have in the ad. Contracts All items for submission need to be clean – no staples, no tape, no writing. Get an extra if the business owner writes on the card or ad content. Be accurate. Don’t leave with blanks on the contract or without the information we need. The yearbook staff gets the WHITE copy. The customer gets the other copy. Phone Policy For yearbook purposes, using your personal cell phone to conduct yearbook business is often very necessary. Just let me know what you’re doing, and you can use your cell in the building without fear of penalty. Computers Computers are for yearbook business only, not for videos, games, or social media not connected to yearbook business. Last reminder You are a part of the class because someone recommended you as a responsible person who can be trusted with all levels of freedom. You are responsible for your attitude, actions, and decisions. You can be miserable, or you can be happy. Misery is optional!
Specific Policies for Leaving the Building Privileges Photo Shoots – No photo submission on due date equals not leaving the building and a grade of 0/300 required for points. leaving the Your pictures should be the current school year and should include PEOPLE you don’t building know. It’s nice to have friends, but they are not the only people we will cover in the yearbook! All fall sports, Homecoming activities, needs for ads, student activities are eligible for pictures…but specific information is provided on each photo shoot assignment sheet. Difficult to obtain pictures include cross country, boys’ golf, girls’ golf, volleyball. These pictures often carry a double grade for you. Social media pictures or pictures taken from photographers or The Anderson News without permission will not count toward your submission. Transportation Transportation can only be provided by a current yearbook staff member, for a current yearbook staff member. No outsiders have these privileges. This mistake will result in immediate removal from all sales activities, and the student will complete book work for the rest of the term. Reckless Driving Reckless driving reports, speeding, driving through the grass…all of these will result in immediate termination of your ability to leave. I do not want to visit you in a hospital or attend your funeral because you are not responsible. Food and Drink All outside food and drink is frowned upon by the administration. Staff members are not to enter restaurants to eat, and leaving campus is not for food purposes. Never bring food or drink back for any non-yearbook staff member. Together Once a sales team has been established, that sales team leaves together and returns together. Weekly Logs Weekly logs are due every Friday and are submitted ONLY on the school provided form. Bring it all back Your ad sale isn’t complete until you’ve turned in the ad contract, the money/payment identification, and what the customer wants. If the customer wants a picture taken, do so. It will count for the photo shoot requirement.
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Grades Assignment Point Value Explanation Ad Sales Activities 500 points Staff members are expected to participate in ad sales activities that involve leaving the school campus and speaking with prospective customers. This is a cumulative grade. If your sales team does not work to sell ads, the grade will be affected. Weekly Log Sheets 50 points Due on Friday, the log sheets are connected to your ability to sign every week out. Photo Shoots 300 points Specific information is provided for each shoot. per This assignment is connected to your ability to leave the building. assignment If you receive 0 points, you cannot leave until the grade has been submitted. Late pictures carry late penalty points. No late pictures are accepted UNLESS specific arrangements are made with me before the due date. Example – you intend to take pictures of the volleyball game that is on Saturday. Homework and No homework or tests will be assigned unless the class does not Tests work as expected. Picture Day 100 points As a staff member, you work the school picture day. for the day You are excused from classes that day and receive a work effort grade for the day. Book Distribution 100 points The yearbook will arrive in September, and the staff works on prepping and delivering the book for a grade. Remind 100 points Signing up for Remind must be completed before the staff member leaves for the first time. Remind is used to provide students with information that is important and necessary; this information will be texted to the group members. Final Exam 20% of the Your final exam is a performance based exam based on your course efforts from day one.
Miscellaneous Information 1. Staff Books…Before the end of the first trimester, staff members who wish to purchase a yearbook may buy a significantly discounted book. Books purchased after the class ends will be regular price. If a student is in another section of yearbook, discounts will be available during the class for those staff members, but only Yearbook Marketing Staff receives the significant discount available, so staff members are encouraged to make the purchase before the end of the trimester. The higher the total ad sales, the deeper the book discount for the Yearbook Marketing staff members. Staff forms will be distributed near the end of ad sales. 2. Top Selling Team…We have a “friendly” competition for the ad sales campaign as we work to reach our $10,000 goal. Each team, composed of typically two staff members, will attempt to bring in the most ad sales for the book. Because it is a competition, team members are reminded to stay with assigned businesses only – we don’t want and can’t have people feeling cheated. Weekly results are posted. The top selling team will receive their yearbook (no personalization, no icons) free of charge. 3. Top New Ad Team…If your team brings in the most new ads, you will receive your yearbook at a deeper discounted rate. That rate will be determined based on the dollar amounts that the entire staff brings in.
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Contract for Class Participation Initial each statement to indicate you read and accepted the terms. As a student in Yearbook Production, I agree to the following terms and conditions: I accept responsibility for the yearbook. I understand that this includes staying after school and after the course has ended if necessary.
I accept that not completing my portion of the book can affect whether or not I may participate in graduation exercises. (This clause applies mainly to 2nd and 3rd trimester staffs.)
I accept the freedom yearbook offers. I will not leave the room without permission, and I will not leave with out a valid yearbook purpose.
I accept that I must work every day in order to receive a passing grade.
I accept the privilege of leaving ACHS to conduct yearbook business. I understand that one mistake may result in the loss of this privilege.
I agree to always wear my seat belt. I also agree to never leave the building without advisor permission and I agree to never leave with a person who is not part of yearbook marketing. I agree to stay with my sales team members at all times.
I have read and understand the grading policies that accompany yearbook class.
I accept the commitment of making an outstanding book.
Student Signature Date
As the parent/guardian, I agree to all student terms previously listed and agree to the terms listed below:
I accept all of the student responsibilities and understand each statement.
I have read and understand the grading policies that accompany the yearbook class.
I agree to give my child, ______, permission to leave the Anderson County High School campus on yearbook business. The destination may be in the county and may be out of Anderson County.
My child is leaving with my permission, and I agree to hold blameless the staff and administration in the event of an accident.
Parent Signature Date
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S tudent Information Sheet – Please complete accurately. All information requested is critical and needs to be on file with the advisor in case of emergency.
Cell number
Email Address
Method of transportation
Emergency contact information for parents or chosen representative: Parent(s) Name:
Phone numbers (work, home, Work cell): Home
Person to contact if parent(s) are not available Phone numbers (work, home, Work cell): Home
Students will sign up for a Remind in order to relay important information in case of emergency or to provide class information. Students will not read texts and drive!!!!!!!! Signing up for Remind is a 100 point grade.
Sign up for Remind: For 100 points, text @catpaws to 81010. Let me know if this link does not work for you.
School Theme for the 2017-2018 School Year: I PREP I I Integrity (your character) P Positivity (I can, you can, we can) R Responsibility (be prepared and respectful) E Empathy (be patient, understanding) P Perseverance (never give up) I Independence (you are responsible for yourself) We proudly practice these at ACHS!
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