Minutes from February 5, 2007 Regular Meeting
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RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 2323 North Broadway, Room #107 Santa Ana, California 92706
Monday, February 5, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Mr. John Hanna. Other members present were Mr. Alfredo Amezcua, Dr. David Chapel, Mr. Brian Conley, Mr. Larry Labrado, Mr. Erik Santacruz, Ms. Lisa Woolery, and Mr. Philip Yarbrough.
Administrators present during the regular meeting were Mr. John Didion, Mr. Peter Hardash, Dr. Eddie Hernandez, Jr., Dr. Erlinda Martinez, and Mr. Juan Vázquez.
Mr. Hanna asked for a moment of silence to wish our students success as they begin a new semester.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Marti Rieter, President, California School Employees Association, Chapter 579.
There were no public presentations.
Mr. Yarbrough moved to approve the consent calendar, excluding item 5.3 and items 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. Mr. Labrado seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously to approve the recommended action on the following items as listed on the Consent Calendar, with the exception of item 5.3, pulled by Ms. Woolery and items 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4, pulled by Chancellor Hernandez:
Payment of Bills The board approved the payment of bills as submitted.
Budget Transfers and Budget Increases/Decreases The board approved the budget transfers, increases, and decreases for the month of November 2006.
2007/08 Budget Assumptions Minutes Page 2 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
The board adopted the budget assumptions for the 2007/08 fiscal year.
Budget Approval The board approved the submitted budget and authorized the chancellor or his designee to enter into a related contractual agreement on behalf of the district: -Career Exploration for 7th & 8th Graders (SAC) for $150,000
Revised Board Policies The board approved the following board policies: - BP 9009 (revised) – Committee Structure - BP 9011 (revised) – Board Travel (formerly Conferences and Meetings)
Resource Development Items – Revised The board approved the revised and added budgets, resolutions, and authorizations, and authorized the chancellor, or his designee, to enter into related contractual agreements on behalf of the district.
County of Orange Health Care Agency – Professional Services The board approved the contract with Orange County Health Care Agency for professional services.
Faculty Association of RSCCD
At 4:35 p.m., Mr. Hanna opened the public hearing regarding the Faculty Association of Rancho Santiago Community College District’s (FARSCCCD) initial bargaining proposal to RSCCD.
There being no comments, Mr. Hanna closed the public hearing at 4:35 p.m.
Classified School Employees Association Chapter 579
At 4:36 p.m., Mr. Hanna opened the public hearing regarding the Classified School Employees Association, Chapter 579, initial bargaining proposal to RSCCCD.
There being no comments, Mr. Hanna closed the public hearing at 4:36 p.m.
Dr. Hernandez introduced Laurie Weidner, Executive Director, Public Affairs & Governmental Relations, who introduced Jason Kehler, Sports Information Coordinator for Santa Ana College. Jason served as an intern at SAC and filled the vacancy of Sports Information Coordinator on a temporary basis. Jason is a recent graduate of Cal State Fullerton where he Minutes Page 3 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
served as a staff writer for the Daily Titan. He also served as a writer for the LA Times newspaper group, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, The Pasadena Star News, and the Whittier Daily News.
John Didion, Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, introduced two new employees. Diane Hill, who serves the District as an Administrative Secretary in the Risk Management Department has 12 years experience with the Southland Corporation and 10 years experience in the Placentia/Yorba Linda School District as a teacher’s aide. Francisco Villasenor who serves the District as an Administrative Clerk in the Workplace Learning Resource Center has 18 years of banking experience with Gateway Bank as an investor reporter.
Peter Hardash, Vice Chancellor, Business Operations & Fiscal Services, introduced two new employees. Diane Kincheloe, who serves the District as the Accounting Manager in Payroll has 17 years experience as a payroll supervisor with the Orange County Department of Education. Philip Thompson, who serves the District as an Application Specialist III in the Information Technology Services department, has over 34 years experience in computer programming and software development.
Mr. John Hanna officially welcomed these new employees to the district.
Dr. Eddie Hernandez, Chancellor, congratulated Judy Chitlik and her team for hosting a successful staff development day. He was pleased with the participation and enthusiasm of the approximately 1,000 staff members in attendance. The speakers were exceptional. He noted a few of the board members were able to be present for lunch. He complimented the Academic Senates for being the catalyst for this event. The district is excited about developing a culture that encourages staff to come together for an opportunity to share ideas and concerns and develop solutions to those concerns. Plans for similar activities are expected in the future. There will be follow-up activity planned.
Some of the board members recently attended a very successful Legislative Conference in Sacramento and are currently in the process of planning a similar trip to Washington, D.C. The ACCT National Legislative Summit will be held February 11-14; Laurie Wiedner, her staff and consultants have a busy schedule planned.
Dr. Hernandez reported very good meetings regarding appropriations for the district’s programs.
Mr. Juan Vázquez (President – Santiago Canyon College)
Mr. Vázquez thanked Trustees Hanna, Amezcua, Chapel and Labrado for attending one or both of the state of the city luncheons for the City of Anaheim and the City of Orange last week. They had an opportunity to meet several people, including the new mayor of Orange. Minutes Page 4 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Mr. Vázquez thanked Trustee Woolery and the Senate Presidents for hosting a wonderful Spring get-together at Ms. Woolery’s home.
Mr. Vázquez acknowledged long-time administrator, Paul Amorino, who retired recently and announced that Rose Gee will be serving as the interim dean at OEC.
Mr. Vázquez spoke about the successful annual high school counselors’ breakfast at the college on February 1. There were over 900 high school and middle school counselors in attendance.
Even though there has been some negative press recently regarding community colleges not reaching out to the middle schools, it is noted that both SCC and SAC are involved in an outreach to the K-12 schools. Mr. Vázquez distributed a brochure to board members on the early outreach program SCC offers and spoke of KinderCaminata as a means of reaching the kindergarten level students.
Dr. John Hernandez held an in-service workshop on Friday, January 19, for 40 of his student services staff. Dr. Marilee Bresciani from San Diego State University spoke on student learning outcomes and taught staff how to complete a student learning objectives framework through assessment.
Mr. Vázquez provided the board with a “Save the Date” brochure for Friday, April 27, 2007, when SCC will be hosting its 7th annual Hawks Golf Tournament.
Dr. Erlinda Martinez (President – Santa Ana College)
Dr. Martinez stated that Dean Lilia Tanakeyowma attended a meeting in Sacramento and had the opportunity to speak publicly about the partnerships that Santa Ana College has with local communities. Afterward, a representative from the Chancellor’s Office admitted that it possibly wasn’t the community colleges that were not reaching out to local communities, but the State Office not doing enough for junior high students.
Dr. Martinez announced that enrollment is up over 2% from last year’s spring semester.
During January there was a SAC Foundation retreat at Aliso Creek Inn. Fundamental areas addressed included alumni relations and fundraising. The day proved to be very productive.
Dr. Martinez stated that Coach Vince Silva and the SAC wrestlers will be recognized by the Santa Ana City Council tonight. Although the whole team will be there, two wrestlers in particular will be recognized: Ivan Sanchez, who won the state championship in the 125 lb. weight class, and Devon Velasquez, who won the state championship in the 157 lb. weight class. The team placed third overall in the state championship. Minutes Page 5 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Dr. Martinez announced that on February 7, SAC will host the Earned Income Tax Credit initiative for the state which will include over 75 agencies on campus. Maria Shriver is scheduled to be there between 12:30-2:30 pm. No formal program, speech or presentation is planned.
Dr. Martinez extended an invitation to attend a welcome reception for Norm Fujimoto, the new Vice President of Academic Affairs, on Feb. 14 at 1:30 pm in the lobby of the Cesar Chavez building.
Ms. Meg Rothi (Student President – Santiago Canyon College)
Ms. Rothi reported the Associated Student Body (ASB) had their retreat on February 1. The students are reorganizing the structure of their meetings, establishing goals for the semester and working on a recruitment video.
Ms. Rothi shared upcoming events: Black History month, Club Rush on February 13 & 14, and a Chinese New Year celebration on February 20.
In addition, Ms. Rothi indicated she and one other ASB member will attend the National Association of Sexual Abuse Conference on February 17-21 in Nashville, Tennessee.
Plans are being made for an election to amendments to the constitution and the student representation fee.
Ms. Rothi informed the board that there will be a Region 8 meeting for California Community Colleges on February 10.
Mr. Ernesto Alonso (Student President – Santa Ana College)
Mr. Alonso distributed a Student Activities event calendar which included a Welcome Back Night on February 6 and Welcome Back Day on February 7. Students will receive assistance on completing financial aid forms on February 22 at a Financial Aid event that will feature free In- N-Out Burgers. Preparations are being made for a Black History Month celebration.
The Work-For-Your-Books program has helped 32 students. The funds used were $3,500 and there is $4,000 still available.
Mr. Alonso reported that student services sticker sales have been decreasing over the years and solutions to increase sales were being discussed. Mr. Amezcua asked what kind of support or publicity the student newspaper El Don gives the student organizations on campus. Mr. Alonso replied the newspaper was very supportive during the recent spring and fall semesters but has not approached them this year. Mr. Amezcua stated that he read the El Don newspaper, and he seldom sees any encouragement for students to participate in activities on campus. Minutes Page 6 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Mr. Erik Santacruz (Student Trustee)
Mr. Santacruz expressed his concern over the rising costs of textbooks. He found last year’s textbooks are higher priced this year. Some books are $10 to $20 higher than they were last semester, placing a burden on students. Even though the “Work-For-Your-Books” program serves the students, more assistance should be available. Another problem is that used books are not available in the bookstore.
Both presidents have expressed interest in meeting with Mr. Santacruz regarding the GPA verification for students participating in the Associated Student bodies.
Mr. Santacruz expressed interest in assisting students who do not receive financial aid from FAFSA and have difficulty obtaining scholarships.
Future projects for Mr. Santacruz include addressing the Academic Senate in seeking solutions for the rising costs of textbooks with professors and the bookstore.
Mr. Hanna thanked Mr. Santacruz for bringing up the rising cost of textbooks again. Board members are very concerned about this and are pleased that Mr. Santacruz will be partnering with the Academic Senate on this matter.
Dr. Jeff McMillan (Academic Senate President – Santa Ana College)
Dr. McMillan thanked Ms. Woolery for graciously opening up her home; he’s heard nothing but good comments about the evening.
Dr. McMillan reported that the panel discussion for new faculty members last week was well received. Approximately half of the new faculty members were in attendance and learned more about the structure of the college, including the committees available, the chain of command, and how the college fits into the bigger district structure. The event supported staff development, something of great interest to the Senate. More staff development events are being planned for the future.
Dr. McMillan thanked Mr. Santacruz for bringing the issue of the rising cost of textbooks to the forefront. The Senate is very interested in working with Mr. Santacruz in seeking solutions to this recurring problem. He encouraged Mr. Santacruz in his endeavors to minimize the cost of textbooks.
Dr. McMillan personally thanked the board for revising board policy on curriculum. This revision promotes working for the common good for the students of this district.
Mr. Amezcua commented that he was glad to hear that the Senate would be working with Mr. Santacruz on the costs of textbooks. He asked Dr. McMillan to keep the board informed and Minutes Page 7 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
let them know if there is any way they can help. Because this is an ongoing problem, Dr. McMillan suggested reviewing textbook costs every couple of years.
Ms. Rosi Enriquez (Academic Senate President – Santiago Canyon College)
Ms. Enriquez reported that the Senate had its retreat on January 31. Senate goals were reviewed and progress has been made from the fall semester. New goals were set for spring. The Senate also worked on various communication exercises. Another topic of discussion was future task forces the college might develop with SAC.
It was agreed to adjourn to closed session at 5:02 p.m.
The board reconvened at 5:29 p.m.
Mr. Hanna announced that the board discussed the following topics in closed session: labor negotiations and employees as listed on the Human Resources dockets.
There were no public presentations.
It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Mr. Labrado, and carried unanimously to approve the academic personnel docket with the attached addendum.
It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Mr. Labrado, and carried unanimously to approve the classified personnel docket with the attached addendum.
It was moved by Mr. Conley, seconded by Dr. Chapel to approve this contract with the Public Agency Law Group for professional bond counsel services.
Mr. Yarbrough understands there is a savings involved by selecting this firm because they are doing business with other districts at the same time for the same type of bond. Mr. Minutes Page 8 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Yarbrough asked if there was a legal requirement for the district to have a request for proposal and if there were any attempts to use a local firm.
Dr. Hernandez indicated because this agreement was for services rendered there is not a legal requirement to go to bid.
Mr. Hardash explained that the state revenue bond to be issued in approximately one month is needed to fund SCC’s Learning Resource Center. However, the center has been completed and paid for. The state chancellor’s office used other cash flow that was available from public works projects to fund this project. The district is seeking approval of this bond in order to reimburse the state for the funds already issued. The district was not aware that it needed bond counsel until recently. Immediately the district contacted a bond counsel representative that it had used in the past, Lisa Wells. Ms. Wells represented the district for a week before her firm realized there was a conflict of interest. The chancellor’s office recommended Mr. Sherman Wong because he is being used by other districts. Mr. Wong agreed to split his fee with the other districts. Mr. Hardash indicated that the administration recommends approval.
Mr. Yarbrough noted the fee is substantially less than what the board had originally planned. Mr. Hardash stated originally the district believed the fee would be $7,000 to $10,000. Mr. Yarbrough expressed concern over not choosing an Orange County firm but felt the cost savings was significant enough to go with the administration’s recommendation.
Mr. Hanna asked if the district had a list of potential bond counsel firms in Southern California. Mr. Hardash said the list most districts in California use are larger firms such as Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth in San Francisco; Fulbright & Jaworski in Los Angeles; and Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffee LLP in Los Angeles. Mr. Hanna requested a list of potential bond counsel for the board’s future use. It is the board’s preference to use a company that has an office in Orange County.
The motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough to approve this agreement as amended, seconded by Mr. Conley.
Ms. Woolery stated that she had a question regarding this issue and it had been answered.
Mr. Yarbrough asked that Ms. Woolery’s question and the response regarding this issue be made part of the record.
The motion carried unanimously. Minutes Page 9 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Mr. Alfredo Amezcua
Mr. Amezcua congratulated the chancellor, Judy Chitlik and her team on the success of bringing together almost 1,000 full-time staff members for the staff development day on February 2, 2007. He received positive feedback and looks forward to reviewing future recommendations.
Mr. Amezcua requested a review of the colleges’ counseling staff to see how the counseling staff assists the colleges in meeting their goals as well as the district’s goals for this year and the short range future. Mr. Amezcua has the highest respect for counselors and is making this request in a positive manner. He asked that this review be done within the next 30-60 days.
There was an article in the Orange County Register and an email regarding a community college enrollment report. Mr. Amezcua asked for an analysis on the comments in this report and for ways the district is meeting the challenges the report addressed. He would like to see a response to the study as to whether or not we are meeting the challenges that appear to be criticizing community colleges. Mr. Amezcua would like the chancellor to give the board a complete copy of the state university report with an analysis on the response to that report in the next 30-60 days.
Mr. Hanna commented that the full report is available on the internet. His opinion is that it is an elitist report written by a state university professor who has poor research skills. It is asking that tuition be increased, that access be reduced, but doesn’t take into context the multi-task mission of the community college.
Mr. Amezcua responded that there is most likely enough factual information to challenge the report but it appears from the reader’s perspective that only one version is given. He is seeking an appropriate response to provide to people who read the report and ask questions because of it.
Dr. Hernandez stated that he will provide the link to the full report to board members. The state community college system has developed a response and talking points that will also be provided to board members for their review. Dr. Hernandez stated the study was done by the California state university system about the community college system. He has requested that the CCLC do a study about the CSU system. Dr. Hernandez stated that the district should respond as part of the community college system in its response, and look at the response the community college system provides over the next few months.
Mr. Amezcua remarked that our district always stands out as one of best districts in the state. Therefore, after the community college system responds, he would still like to see how our district fits as an institution within this study. Minutes Page 10 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Dr. David Chapel
Dr. Chapel complimented Judy Chitlik and the planning team for the staff development day on February 2.
Dr. Chapel reported on the success of the Sacramento Legislative Action Day he recently attended. He complimented Trustee Hanna and Trustee Yarbrough on the high level of scholarly dialogue he was able to witness as they met with legislators. Dr. Chapel complimented Dr. Hernandez for the tact and diplomacy he displayed with legislators. A pocket legislative directory was made available to him while in Sacramento and he would like it made available to everyone.
Dr. Chapel would like to know how many of our students took the opportunity to register to vote online since the district began offering online voter registration last fall. He would like to see online voter registration continued and emphasized as the next election draws near.
Dr. Chapel thanked Mr. Santacruz for bringing up the topic of rising textbooks again. He suggested Dr. McMillan research what other districts have done as it offer a remedy to this recurring problem.
Mr. Phil Yarbrough
Mr. Yarbrough thanked Trustee Chapel for the kind words regarding the legislative meetings in Sacramento and credited Laurie Wiedner and her staff, as well as Trustee Woolery, who provided good information for the meetings. Much was accomplished and he was very impressed with how well our staff and trustees were received.
Mr. Yarbrough requested a report regarding the upcoming trip to China and the international students China provides our district. There are a number of people attending this event and Mr. Yarbrough would like to have an explanation and presentation about the program, and know the district’s intended outcome of this trip in regards to educating the Chinese students.
Dr. Hernandez stated that we have over 40 people going on the trip to China.
Mr. Yarbrough thanked Mr. Santacruz and the academic presidents for their continued interest in rising textbook prices. Online textbooks or public domain textbooks may be a possible solution.
Mr. Yarbrough spoke of looking forward to the upcoming trip to Washington, D.C. and the very aggressive and lengthy schedule.
Mr. Yarbrough thanked Trustee Woolery for hosting dinner at her house. Minutes Page 11 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Mr. Yarbrough welcomed Anita Lucarelli, the new Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees, to her inaugural board meeting.
Mr. Brian Conley
Mr. Conley stated he also attended the Sacramento Legislative conference but had to return early. He was very pleased with Mr. Hanna’s representation at the conference.
Mr. Conley also attended the staff development day on February 2. Most people he spoke with had very positive feedback and enjoyed visiting with each other.
Mr. Conley is looking forward to the Washington, D.C. trip.
Mr. Conley questioned the use of the television station at the digital center and the use of cable channel 99. He asked if we able to promote the district with cable television and asked for a schedule.
Mr. Conley apologized for missing Ms. Woolery’s dinner.
Ms. Lisa Woolery
Ms. Woolery reported that she attended the staff development day on Feb. 2, and faculty members she sat with had stacks of notes and were excited about new ideas.
Ms. Woolery was glad to hear that the trustees and chancellor had productive meetings in Sacramento. She apologized for not being able to attend the Sacramento and Washington, D.C. trips because of her new job.
Ms. Woolery and her husband were happy to host dinner for the faculty senate leadership, chancellor’s cabinet and board members. The dinner took place at the senate’s request to allow time to get to know the board on a personal level. She hopes that the senate feels the goal was accomplished.
Ms. Woolery agrees with Mr. Yarbrough on having a presentation on China. She would like to know the objectives, goals, and what is needed to make the China trip a successful one.
Dr. Hernandez said there will be a presentation on China at the next board meeting.
Mr. Larry Labrado
Mr. Labrado commented that it would be interesting to see what the comparison would be if the students that are eligible for UC or Cal State were removed from the Cal State report (previously mentioned by Mr. Amezcua). Minutes Page 12 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Dr. Hernandez stated that it was interesting that 40% of Cal State graduates have taken community college courses, yet the report indicates the community college system is failing.
Mr. Erik Santacruz
Mr. Santacruz stated he had attended the meetings in Sacramento but had to leave early on Monday because of family problems. He did return on Monday but did not receive a schedule of events.
Mr. Hanna requested that the student trustee receive all available information for each conference in advance.
Mr. John Hanna
Mr. Hanna thanked Mrs. and Mr. Woolery for their hospitality at the dinner hosted at their house on Jan. 31. As requested by both Senates, this event encouraged better communication with faculty and board members. Mr. Hanna suggested this type of event be held twice a year instead of annually.
Mr. Hanna reported he has been attending legislative meetings in Sacramento with the district since 1998 and said this was the best trip he participated in. He gave credit to Laurie Wiedner and Sean Fitzgerald of Townsend Public Affairs. The legislative committee prepared participants well. Mr. Hanna stated that attendees from our district not only met with our local legislators, but with some key committee chairs. Our district is on the cutting edge of proposed legislative changes. It was critical to have Dr. Hernandez there to be able to talk about specifics rather than generalities. Mr. Hanna commended Mr. Chapel for his thorough work in the meetings.
The staff development workshop was overwhelming. There was a lot of camaraderie between the two colleges and district.
Mr. Hanna agreed with Mr. Amezcua regarding obtaining a report on the counseling staff. He noted there are additional funds this year for counseling designed to help matriculation. Even though the Freshman Experience is expensive, it produces results and fits into the category that would be available for this type of funding.
Dr. Hernandez commented that this funding would be available next year if it stays in the budget.
Because counseling programs are the type that may get cut from the Governor’s budget, Mr. Hanna suggested the board communicate the importance of these programs to the lobbyists.
RSCCD needs to not only have the system-wide response but also be prepared for a district response to the report on community colleges. Minutes Page 13 Board of Trustees February 5, 2007
Dr. Hernandez said he would ask Julie Slark to begin working on a response.
Mr. Hanna praised Julie Slark for her recent work on another study from San Jose University.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, February 26, 2007, at the District Office, 2323 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, California.
There being no further business, Mr. Hanna declared this meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
______Eddie Hernandez, Jr., Ed.D. Chancellor
Approved: ______Clerk of the Board