Weekly Planning Sheet Literacy
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Weekly Planning Sheet – Maths Year 3 – Block Unit Week – Mrs Tweedy and Mrs Verrall Week beginning: 19.5.14
Mental/Oral Starter Main Learning Intentions
M: L.O: Read, to the nearest division and half-division, scales that are numbered M: L.O: To represent and interpret data in a bar chart or partially numbered (mass) T: LO: T: L.O: CLASS TRIP W: L.O: Add any 2 digit number to a multiple of 10. W: L.O: to identify right angles T: L.O: To name common 2D shapes T: L.O: to recognise, describe and sort 3D Shapes F: L.O: x table tests F: L.O: to recognise, describe and sort 3D Shapes
FSM/Ever 6: Focus Children: Monday-Tuesday: Jamie, Sonny, Khaya, Freddie Wed - Fri: Mikey, Tommy, Ashton, Holly GRT EAL SENd Leo , Sky , Elke , Hunter Anika , Rosie Oliver , Tommy , Darren , Nico Sonny, Freddie, Jack, Jamie, Mikey , Callum, Scarlett, Bethany , Vinnie, Oscar Brett, Leon, Sophie, Ashton, Holly, Jake Khaya, Sully, Riley, Cheyenne Day Mental/ Oral Starter Success Main Teaching & Differentiation Plenary Criteria & Key L.I Vocab L.I High Middle Middle Low Achievers SEN Activity Achievers Achievers + Achievers Level 2c-2b Level 1c – 2c Level 3c – 3a Level 2a Level 2b t 4 r 1 10 L.O Read, to the LEVELS Following on from the data handling lessons with me last week. Questions for data a 0
h interpretation: 2 nearest division and Remind children of the letter from Nestle. What was it we needed to find out for them? c mins
r Which colour has the
a half-division, scales Are the number of different coloured smarties evenly distributed? 2a: I can a
b most? M
that are numbered
a h
collect data ?? Which colour has the
t or partially
n Tell each other what you have done so far. i 9
1 numbered (mass) and record it in a SN: using data from one box t n What unit of ?? How many sweets a o a simple block
d LA/MA: collecting and using data from 3 boxes altogether?
M measurements do graph and draw t HA: collecting and using data from 6 boxes ?? How many more ____'s we use to measure e r
mass? simple p are there than ______'s? r
How many g make conclusions e Last week there was some confusion with the higher groups collecting their data from other ?? What is the difference t n up 1kg? i between ______and 3b: I can people in their groups. Run through how to do this again on the IWB. Show a scale using d ______sweets? n
extract and a
?? What is the difference
http://www.taw t Show completed bar chart on IWB – looking at this draw out together the steps to success.
interpret n between the most number .org.uk/lic/itp/ e information in s of sweets and the e
meas_scales.ht r Activity: least number of sweets? bar charts p e Children to finish collecting data in their groups and complete their bar charts. ml r 3a: I can o Once complete, give interpreting data questions (on separate question sheet). Have we all got the same T answers to these construct a bar : Children to write full sentences in their maths books to give answers. (X-curric with literacy!) O chart (eg scale . questions? Why not? L What can we conclude of 2) Ext: Children to consider this question: from this? What is the most common total number of smarties in a box? 4c: I can plan What shall we tell Nestle? an investigation What data do they need to collect? How could they present it. and know what data to collect Focus Children: Monday-Tuesday: Jamie, Sonny, Khaya, Freddie Key vocabulary Moving on to Moving on to Moving on to Moving on to Moving on to level 3b-4c level 3c level 3c level 2a level Riley (3c), Leo(3b) Rosie (2a), Anika (2a) , Nico Ashton (2b), 2c/Securing 2b , Sky (3b), Hunter Bethany (2a) (2a), Jamie (2a), Holly(2b) , Khaya Jake(1c), Sophie (1a) (3a), Oliver (3a), Vinnie (2a), Tommy (2a), (2b) Mikey (2b), Jack (2b) Brett (2c), Cheyenne (2a), Oscar (2a), Freddie (2b), Leon Elke(3a) Callum (2b), Scarlett Sully (2a), Darren (2a) (2b), Sonny (2b) (2b) This group did really Kay to support well independently these children last week. (particularly Ashleigh to support focus children) today with interpreting data and writing the sentences. Discuss as a group how they could find out answer to extension question. Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation:
4201May20thsTue mins 10 http://www.taw. using Showscale a makeup litre?1 ml Howmany measuremass? to wedo use measurements unitWhat of (volume) numbered partially numberedor scalesare that half-division, and division the nearest LO: ml eas_cylinder.ht org.uk/lic/itp/m
Read, to Read,to vocabulary Key collect what datato andknow investigation an can 4c:I plan scaleof 2) (eg bar chart constructa I 3a: can barcharts informationin interpret extractand 3b:I can conclusions simple anddraw blockgraph in asimple andrecord it data collect I 2a: can Levels
L.O: Elke (3a), (3a),Oliver Sky Riley(3c), level 3b-4c Moving on to record sheetofchildren on to answers questions. how abouttheirinterpretdataand Nestle had Discuss to the smarties. listof progress Showchildrenso questions far.the Minicheck plenary: an (Emmasupportappropriatescale) with to selecting bar group,in chartsixtheir draw datafromall then Tochildren HA: collate yesterday!) collect (hopefully smarties chart boxesdatafrom3 drawusing of LA/MA: bar To support)axes predrawn sheet(Ashleigh to on ofprovide box smarties, chart to datafromone using SN: draw Bar timebooks(I this).linesin didn’tmakecleartheir we did this last scalewritten are childrenthatthe understand on numbers we drawsteps Make successas suregenerate whiteboardchart). on to chartto datafromyesterday fruit drawusing (Kay Model abar to how presenting abar way itas chart. grown by up presentmore the tocan Refer back yesterday. We datain workcompleted a theydiscussthecould Childrenraisedletter–how to help? in issues the help? children being departmentandnot distributed. the smarties are evenly Can with theiris they smarties)packaging concerned there aproblem are stating Children receive a letter from the marketing manager of Nestlethe (who make of Childrenmarketingmanager receive aletter from (3b),Hunter (3a) Leo (3b) ,(3b) (2a), (2a), Sully Cheyenne Vinnie (2a), (2a) Rosie 3c level onto Moving (2a), Bet hany hany (2a), To (2a), Anika level 3c Moving on to mmy Darren (2a) , Ja (2a), m ie ie (2a), Nico Oscar (2a)
(2b), Freddie (2b) Holly Ashton 2a level onto Moving Mi (2b) Sonny through (2b), k (2b), ey (2b), ey
, Khaya ,Khaya (2b) Leon
. Callum Jake 2b Moving 2c/Securing on to level sweets? numberof least and the sweets the between numberof most ?? sweets? and______between ?? than ______'s? there ?? ?? ?? has most? colour Which the interpretation: for Questions data (1c), (1c), (2b), What is the is difference What the is difference What ____'s manymore are How manysweets How altogether? has least? colour Which the Sophie Sophie Sca rlett(2b) (1a) Jack (2b)(1a) Jack Br ett (2c), Evaluation
Wednesday, 21st May 2014 mins 10 : : multiple of 10. multiple numberto digit a 2 L.O: any Add measure and draw can 4b: I 180° than less order angles and compare can I 3a: angles and ‘obtuse’ ‘acute’ name can 3b: I orientations different in angles right recognise can 3c: I angles)right with shapes (eg shapes 2D sort can I 2a: Levels line astraight along angles calculate can *I angles acute
L.O: To identify right angles angle makePupil checker:1: Activity right a equipment?What theywe unituse?What turn. of anglesknow do measureWhat about? Main Teaching: Elke Oliver(3a), (3b),Hunter(3a), Leo Riley(3c), level 3b-4c Moving on to (3b) ,(3b) (3a) where 2 lines join (right angle), how many right angles make a straight astraight angles make (rightmanyright how where angle), join lines 2 to halfandto halfagain,see open up EachFold have in a circle. child use a protractor –estimate and measureangles. useaprotractor line angle straight (other given) comparingExtend angles; to angles. Identifyacute and obtuse right, criteriaof the on the table. them the Ask toaround each thatfit classroom additional find shapes to and ‘real’range ofshapes sort. Giveshapes children a thetable. themcan objectsinto checker sort the help how angle right their using modelto realchildren objects, flat variety the shapes Using of and a table? How not. whether our havewe label angles right or can they Pupil 2: Activity Howafull line? turn? many in Draw a table on the board board atable Draw the on Nameof shape/object Sky
What do we mean by an angle? An angle is ameasureof ais anAn angle? angle do by What we mean (2a), Sully (2a), Cheyenne (2a), Vinnie Bet Rosie 3c level onto Moving hany (2a) hany (2a), Explain that they are going to sort shapes according tosort that theyshapes to according Explain going are (Red Level activity) (RedLevel then calculating an unlabelled angle a on an calculating then unlabelled (2a) (2a) Oscar To (2a), Anika 3c level onto Moving - mmy if appropriate, teach children how to to teachchildren how appropriate, if Darren (2a) , (2a) Ja (2a), Kyle (2a), (2a), m ie (2a), ie(2a), Nico
(2b), Freddie (2b) Holly Ashton 2a level onto Moving Mi (2b) Sonny (2b), k (2b), ey (2b), ey
, Khaya ,Khaya (2b) Leon
Callum Jake ontolevel 2b Moving 2c/Securing (1c), (1c), (2b), Sophie Sophie Sca CriteriaSuccess rlett (2b) rlett I am beginningtoa am use I ofknowledge use my I & compare order can I is the itis bigger, If angle is itthe smaller, If angle angle useright can my I know angle thataright I (1a) Jack (2b)(1a) draw angles. draw to measureand protractor angles; size estimateofthe angles to of types angles; obtuse angle; an acute angle; an angle; inside exactly the fits seeing it if by checker square; ofcorner a the looks like Br ett (2c), Thursday, 22nd May 2014 mins 10 obtuse? acute& aboutWhat inthem? angles right the identify they shapes –can common2D name L.O: To rism.html /definitions/p athsisfun.com http://www.m nets prism, sides, vertices, Faces,edges, Vocabulary
L.O: to recognise, describe and sort 3D Shapes triangular /square triangular/square triangularprism, cube, cuboid, cone, ofa the nets 3a: ‘irregular’ ‘regular’and understand 3b:I Elke Oliver(3a), Sky Riley(3c), 3b-4c Moving on to level Pupil Activities: with visualsnames. bankstable and shape each on touch holdandWord edges. Childrenshapes faces to vertices, and between and acube? similaritiesasquare there 3Dshape?What are 3Dshapes? thebetween and arelateto What’s difference a2Dshape words Which 2Dshapes? shapeswords room). in Which relate to the physicalhave irregular)andsome 3Dshapes orientations(also and of and avariety 2D(incl.different mathematical vocabulary Display (3b), Hunter (3a), (3b),Hunter(3a), (3a) I can recognise Ican recognise of a prism is always a multiple of 3. multiple always of ofis a aprism :investigategeneral numberof statement the edges Challenge: The faces,make then check. to numberof Predictwhichreasons e.g. –giving 3Dshapes are nets bjects_using_more_than_one_criterion _c_use_venn_diagrams_or_carroll_diagrams_to_sort_data_and_o http://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/56/year_3_block diagrams: and Carroll Showchildren interactive Venn ownto criteria. shapescriteria,devise Sort then according a given this.deviseof doing away must whichhave faces/edges/vertices–they already they counted thatthey to ofin properties pairs. Remind need track keep children table. has. Discuss vertices one Recordaprepared each on findings find manyfaces,totheseshapes going andhow edges to use out arebox themassorted Give thatthey shapes. children 3-D Tell of a Leo (3b) ,(3b) (2a), Sully (2a), Cheyenne (2a), Vinnie Bet Rosie 3c level onto Moving hany (2a) hany (2a), one criterion criterion one than more using 2b in Level shapes sort the can *I edges) curved flat faces, (eg 2b shapes in the Level of properties the describe can 3c: I Oscar Ja Anika 3c ontolevel Moving m ie ie (2a), (2a) , (2a) (2a), (2a),
Nico Kyle(2a) mmy (2a), (2a), (2a),
corners,faces) sides/edges, (egnumberof properties of their some anddescribe shapes2b in Level Ithe 2a: name can Leon (2b), ,Khaya (2b) Ashton 2a Moving on to level (2b),
Freddie (2b), Sonny Mi Holly (2b), k ey ey (2b) Success Criteria (2b) of faces, offaces, etc. as knowsuch aboutthem, number I properties theirthe –using nets from Ivisualise 3D shapes can theirproperties; to shapes according Isort 3D can andedges verticesa3Dshape; on Inumberof count faces, the can properties. properties. pyramid sphere,cuboid, cone, cylinder, octagon, cube, hexagon, rectangle, pentagon, triangle, acircle, name square, can 2b: I Callum (2c), Jake 2b ontolevel Moving 2c/Securing Expectation to describe some Expectation to describe (1c), (1c), (2b), Sophie Sophie Sca rlett (2b) rlett (1a) Jack (2b)(1a) Br ett
based pyramid (eg pentagon/not *I can sort 2D 4c: I can draw the pentagon or edges shapes (eg shapes nets of the 3D equal/not equal) with right angles) shapes listed in and 3D shapes Level 3a (eg flat/curved faces)
Evaluation: Lesson disrupted by thunderstorm and power cut turned off IWB! Therefore need to continue with tomorrow. Evaluation:
May 2014Friday, 23rd mins 10 LO: LO: vocabulary Key Levels
multiplicationwritten methods forL.O: To develop Elke Oliver(3a), Sky Riley(3c), 3b-4c Moving on to level (3b), Hunter (3a), (3b),Hunter(3a), (3a) Leo (3b) ,(3b) Cheyenne (2a), Cheyenne (2a), Vinnie Bet Rosie 3c level onto Moving (2a), Sully hany (2a) hany (2a), Oscar To (2a), Anika 3c level onto Moving Darren mmy (2a) , (2a) Ja (2a), (2a), (2a) (2a), m ie (2a), ie(2a),
(2b), Freddie (2b) Holly Ashton 2a level onto Moving Mi (2b) Sonny (2b), k (2b), ey (2b), ey
, Khaya ,Khaya (2b) Leon
Callum Jake ontolevel 2b Moving 2c/Securing (1c), (1c), (2b), Sophie Sophie Sca rlett (2b) rlett (1a) Jack (2b)(1a) Br ett (2c),