Math: Getting It! Lesson Study

Classroom Visitor ______Classroom Instructor ______

Date of class visit______Grade level _____ Total length of class visit: from ______to ______total ____

Lesson Objective:

Lesson Structure/Design (circle all that apply) Lesson Planning Notes 1. The students are: Receiving information Reviewing skills Doing homework Working in textbook Taking test or quiz Assessment, Student Response, and Student Thinking: Participating in collaborative skills 5. There is evidence that the teacher checks for Practicing newly acquired skills understandingApplying skills and uses constant formative assessments to makePresenting decisions information to guide his/her teaching. Check those observed: Other Oral questioning  Turn to your partner  Think/pair/share Instructional Strategies 2. SmallThumbs group up/down/handinstruction structures signals are employed to create collaborativeChoral response working relationships among and between students,Stand up/sitand between down teacher and students (pair-share, table groups,Numbered etc). Student heads activities together consisted of (circle all that apply):  Teacher observation small groups pairs individual whole group  Checklists 3. Teacher and students use, and/or reference hands-on math .  Self-assessment models to learn, and to provide support for low, middle, and  Exit card high level students (circle those that apply):  Journal/portfolio check 4-7:  fractionQuiz circles folding strips chips patty paper Other  4. EvidenceOne on ofone scaffolding student conference and support for struggling students  Other (6 kid rule) is present in lesson structure, design, and 6. Students are asked to explain their thinking or verbalize execution (circle those that apply): math content and reasoning. Y______n______?______Small group instruction pair-share parallel tasks 7. Students can say why they think the way they do and show cooperative learning configurations (jigsaw, work together, how they know. etc.) other Y______n______?______8. Teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies to understand student thinking and make it visible. Y______n______?______9. Students are actively engaged doing math problems (rather than the teacher demonstrating/doing the math). Y______n______10. Most, if not all, students stay intellectually engaged with math throughout this classroom visit. Y______n______