The invitation to Tender Generator North East

The Contracting Authority for the purpose of this invitation to Tender is Generator, creative development agency.

Generator’s registered office is Generator, Cluny Annex, 36 Lime Street, Ouseburn Valley, Newcastle, NE1 2PQ (company number: 3670235)

You are being invited to tender for: Masterclass Facilitator (Ref: DFTS12)

This programme is part-funded by England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.

The Tender return requirements are located at Section 6 and they provide details on the documents to be completed and information to be provided.

Companies submitting applications to this tender process will be required to sign Generator’s ‘General Service Agreement for suppliers of Goods and Services to Generator NE Ltd’ (attached). They will also be required to complete a pre-contract supplier checklist (attached) and submit the form, along with the tender, by the deadline set out below.

They should also meet the date and time deadline for submissions set out below in order to comply with strict procurement guidelines.

Closing date: Tuesday 30th August 2016, 5.00pm

Jonny Gray, Business Support Programme Manager This document is an invitation to [email protected] tender issued by: 0191 2255 4469

Any queries must be raised before no less than 4 days before the tender return.

Duration: Three-year programme


Masterclass Facilitator THE CLIENT

Generator is the leading creative development agency for the creative and digital industries in the North East. It focuses on identifying and developing talent and enterprise, supporting individuals, creative and digital industry businesses to build viable and sustainable business models, developing networks within and with the regional and international supply chain and building infrastructure to create vibrant and productive creative industries in the region.

Generator’s talent development and business support programme are interlinked.

Generator is funded by a number of different sources including European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Arts Council England (ACE), Big Lottery (BIG) and PRS for Music Foundation and has strong partnerships with key regional and national bodies including Trade Associations, the North East Local Economic Partnership (NELEP), support organisations including Creative England and the commercial music and creative industries.

Please see for more details.


Generator is seeking to procure the services of an appropriately experienced and knowledgeable organisations to deliver business support masterclasses

The winning responses will be expected to engage in a contract that will include but not be limited to -

 Facilitate the delivery of Masterclasses within Generator’s Digital Futures programme.  To ensure that Generator is supplied with all relevant information for the monitoring of all clients’ business aspects relating to European Regional Development Fund compliance and regulations.


Digital Futures will deliver comprehensive business support provision to new and existing businesses, and potential entrepreneurs within the creative and digital industries based in the North East Local Economic Partnership (NELEP) region, so they can harness potential growth opportunities, exploit domestic and global trade opportunities and identify emerging business models. The project will run from January 2016 through to December 2018.

Digital Futures will achieve the following objectives:

Masterclass Facilitator  Deliver a minimum of 600 development opportunities to a minimum of 262 businesses;  Support 150 existing music and creative and digital businesses ensuring they are equipped with the optimal information, skills and confidence;  Deliver intensive support to 24 businesses through the Business Growth Pipeline helping them to extend services, grow and satisfy market demand through creating operational cost efficiencies;  Develop 112 new businesses helping them analyse business models, clarify and set growth ambitions;  Assist 112 potential entrepreneurs (a minimum of 50% will be located in disadvantaged areas);  Contribute to closing the productivity gap that exists with the North East and the rest of the country by creating 75 jobs in the creative and digital industries.

Strand 1: Digital Futures . Business Growth Pipeline / mentor banks and Interim Director Schemes to facilitate innovation, leadership and ultimately, UK competitiveness; . Business Coaching / clarify and set business growth ambitions; . Digital Literacy support / sophisticated use of digital tools; . Masterclasses / provide high-level understanding of emerging trends and sector developments; . Music networking / broker new contacts and identify opportunities for music beneficiaries; . Talent Development Campaigns / support music beneficiaries in their exploitation of their creative ideas and content.

Strand 2: Digital Union . Digital Union Networking /facilitate building of new contacts (access to business development and sales opportunities); . Thinking Digital ‘lite’ seminars / Industry leaders from the digital sector will be openly procured to deliver high level expertise and sector insight for beneficiaries; . DU workshops / beneficiaries will receive support that will assist them in maximising (regional, national and international) supply chain opportunities and improving their performance over new platforms, networks and devices.

Strand 3: Ladders . Workshops / courses / seminars / clinics / outreach / mentoring / Ladders will provide outreach, coaching, mentoring and workshops to guide start-up ambitions / help articulate business ideas and incentivise potential creative and digital entrepreneurs. Ladders will target beneficiaries in disadvantaged areas and underrepresented groups (BAME, women, economically disadvantaged).

* Subject to change following approval of contract conditions and funding agreement with DCLG


Masterclass Facilitator PROJECT INFORMATION

Masterclasses will offer a structured framework for pre-starts, new and established creative/digital SMEs to develop capacity, transfer knowledge and expertise and trigger growth. Masterclasses will include but not be limited to sectors/themes such as: Investment, Change Management, Project Management, Digital Marketing, IP/Rights Management, User Experience, International Trading, Live Music, Record Labels, Licensing.

NOTE: It is not essential to have expertise in all sectors/themes; Generator expects to award multiple contracts to so that the broad mix of business provision can be achieved.


The project will be delivered over the NELEP region (County Durham, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear).


Masterclass duration: One day (6 hour) seminar sessions Frequency: up to 36 times over lifetime of Digital Futures programme Group size: 12-20 SMEs per session Location: North East

Looking for: Individual/company to facilitate Masterclass sessions


 Present and lead on the day-long events  Develop materials and prepare notes to accompany the events  Source appropriate guest speakers if required  Liaise with Generator staff to develop content of the Masterclass programme  Support Generator staff in the distribution and collation of monitoring forms

Experience needed:

 Good experience of the creative/digital industries (regional and national)  Track record in delivering similar sessions and/or training  Track record of providing business support in relation to creative/digital industries


Masterclass Facilitator SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT

Each submission will need to satisfy Generator’s pre-contract supplier checklist (evaluated on a pass/fair basis). The tender must be clear, concise and complete. Generator reserves the right to mark a supplier down or exclude it from procurement if its tender submission contains any ambiguities, caveats or lack of clarity.


The Award Questionnaire will be used to evaluate how your organisation will meet all of Generator’s requirements as set out in the Specification for this Contract. The purpose of the Award Questionnaire is to allow Generator to evaluate your organisation’s understanding of Generator requirements for this contract and the quality of your proposal for meeting those requirements.

Masterclass Facilitator 9. SELECTION AND AWARD CRITERIA Selection Award Information to be included in the tender response (award questionnaire) Criteria Criteria Relevant knowledge and experience

 Provide details of your experience of coordinating and/or presenting creative/digital industries support and development 40% sessions, including developing support materials – specify area(s) of expertise

 Relevant experience of your company in operating within the skills and/or business support sector 40%

 Experience of sourcing appropriate guest speakers from existing key clients/professional network 20%


 How would you assist in coordinating and presenting high quality innovative creative/digital industries training seminars? 35%

 How will the business support your company provides improve the performance of SMEs within the North East 25% creative/digital industries?

 How would you exploit a network of contacts within the region to boost recruitment at events? 15%


 What is your daily rate for staff working on this project? 25%  Provide information on how your proposed costs represent value for money

TOTAL: 100% 100%

Masterclass Facilitator 10. TIMEFRAME

Activity Date Tender published 15/08/16 Submission deadline 30/08/16 Evaluation of tender submission 02/09/16 Notification of result 02/09/16 Start of service 05/09/16 * Subject to internal procurement procedures


Please submit tenders to [email protected]

If posted, please label your envelope:

Procurement Generator Cluny Annex 36 Lime Street Ouseburn Valley Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear NE1 2PQ

Masterclass Facilitator