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HINDI GUJARATI ENGLISH By Topic OTHER About Swamiji Swamiji’s Will (A Humble Request) Pdf Swamiji’s Thoughts Pdf Abortion - The Biggest Sin of All Pdf Acceptance and Belief (Faith) Leads to Salvation Acceptance of Truth Leads to Salvation Pdf Aim of Human Life Pdf All Can Realize God f Pdf All Dutiful Acts are Yajna All is Only God All the Visible is Merging into Invisible An Easy and Quick Means to Realize God f html Pdf An Easy Spiritual Discipline html Pdf An Easy Way to Attain Salvation Art of Listening to Satsang Art of Living in the World f html Pdf As Is the Last Thought, So is the End Aspirant, End and Means Pdf Attained and Experienced Attainment of Eternal Union Attainment of God is Not Dependent on a Guru Pdf Attainment of God Who is Ever-Attained Pdf Attainment of the Ever Attained Reality Be Careful Pdf Be Good f Pdf Become God’s and Chant His Holy Name f html Pdf Beholding God Everywhere Beholding God in Everyone Pdf Belief and Experience Beneficial Advice for Children Pdf Benefits of an Unwavering Aim Benefits of Renouncing Desires and Fulfilling Duties f Pdf Besides God, No One is Mine Best of All Spiritual Disciplines Bhagwat Tattva Bhakti – A Divine Spiritual Discipline Body and Self are Difference Call for Disseminating Gita and Ramayana Pdf

Censure Greed for Money (new) Pdf Connection, Disconnection and Union Cow is the Mother of this World Cows – Protection of Cows is Man’s Eternal Duty Pdf Definite Means for Salvation Description of the Indescribable Pdf Description of the Unreal Pdf Determination of Next Life based on Death Time Thoughts Devotion and Its Glories Discovery of Truth Pdf Discrimination Between the Real and the Unreal Pdf Divine Lessons from Gita f Pdf Divinity Beyond the Senses (Mind-Intellect) f Pdf Do Not Depend on the Unreal Don’t Depend on the World Drop of Nectar - Sadhak Sanjeevani Pdf Duty of Employees and Company Leaders html Pdf Duty of a Spiritual Aspirant f Pdf Easy Means to Liberation Ego is Not the Real Self Emancipation is Spontaneous Equanimity Essence of Dharma (Spiritual Truths) html Pdf Essence of all Spiritual Disciplines html Pdf Eternal Union with God Pdf Everything is Only God

Experience and Faith Pdf Experience of Being Separate from the Body Experience of Flawlessness Pdf Experience of Separation in Union Experiencing Immortality Faith and Enquiry Pdf Feeling of Mine-ness with God Pdf Five Golden Principles Pdf For Spiritual Aspirants – Discourse 5 f Pdf For Spiritual Aspirants – Discourse 6 f Pdf For Spiritual Aspirants – Discourse 7 f html Pdf For Spiritual Aspirants – Discourse 9 f html Pdf For Spiritual Aspirants – Discourse 10 f html Pdf For Spiritual Aspirants – Discourse 11 f html Pdf For Women Freedom from Sorrow Freedom from Worldly Desires (Vairaagya) Pdf Future is Not a Prerequisite for God Realization Gita on Bhakti and Those Entitled to It Gita on Character Building html Pdf Gita Recitation Methods Gita’s Knowable Supreme Truth Pdf Gita’s Yoga of Detachment Give-up Your Insistence Pdf Glories of a Saint Pdf Glories of Srimad Bhagavad Gita Glory of Satsang (Divine Company) html Pdf Goal of Human Life Pdf God and His Devotion God can be Assuredly Attained Today Itself ! Pdf God is Waiting for Us html Pdf God is the Supreme Guru Pdf God Realization by Being Free of Action God with Form and Attributes (Saguna) and His Devotion God’s Extra-ordinary (Exceptional) Grace Pdf God’s Presence in Diverse Forms Good Fortune through Proper Use html Pdf Greatness of Serving Selflessly Guard Yourself Against Misfortune Guru’s Grace Pdf Hanumanji’s Serving Attitude f Pdf Harm Caused by Hoarding Money (new) Pdf Harm in Attaching Importance to the Perishable html Pdf Highest Spiritual Good While Relating with the World Pdf Honor Your Experience Pdf Hope of Future is Undesirable in God Realization How Can All be Liberated? Pdf How to Attain Happiness ? How to be Free from Dependency on this World How to be Free from Evils html Pdf How to be Free from Worldly Influence Pdf How to be Free of Attraction to the Fleeting and Perishing How to be Free of Sense of Me and Mine How to Gain Happiness Pdf How to Get Rid of the Influences of the World How to Overcome Anger? Pdf How to Recognize a Guru ? How to Recognize Our Lord ? How to Realize - All is God How to Remain Equanimous ? How to Root Out Egotism? How to Serve? Pdf Human Birth is the Last of All Births Idol Worship in the Gita Pdf Immediate God Realization Immense Grace of God in Unfavorable Situations Pdf Immortality is Self-Evident Importance of a Firm Determination Pdf Importance of Objective Pdf Importance of Satsang Importance of Serving f Pdf Improving this World as well as Beyond, in the Pdf Householder’s Life f In Doing, Be Alert, In the Outcome, Remain Happy Indispensability of Satsang (new) Pdf Indispensability of Association w/Truth Pdf Invaluable Advice for Aspirants (Strivers) Is Salvation Not Possible without a Guru? Pdf It is Essential to Get Rid of Interest in Transitory Pdf Pleasures (new) It is Not Essential to Engage in Guru – Disciple Relationship

Jnana (Knowledge) w/Vijnana (Manifest Divinity)

Karan Nirpeksh Saadhan Karma Yoga (A Material Spiritual Practice) Pdf Let There Be an Exalted Feeling of Belonging to God Liberation is Natural Love, Lover and Beloved Main Obstacle to Realizing God is Attraction to Pdf Pleasures Main Obstacle to Realizing Supreme Spirit Main Obstacle to Spiritual Discipline f html Pdf Make Proper Use of your Situations and Circumstances Man Himself Creates His Own Birth Man’s Inborn Guru - Power of Discrimination Pdf “Vivek” (new) Man’s Real Relationship (new) Pdf Mark of a True Seeker Meaning of Each Chapter of the Gita Pdf Means of Purifying the Inner Senses html Pdf Means to get Connected with God Pdf Means to Liberation Mineness with God Pdf Mother html Pdf Necessity of Remembrance Need to Improve One’s Nature Only God is Mine Our Own Yearning Lead Us to Welfare f Pdf Our Real Abode Our Relationship is Not with the World Path of Instant Attainment Peace on Renouncing Desires Perception of Immortality Perfection of Human Life in the Awakening of Love Power of Holy Gita Over Evil Spirits Practical and Priceless Talks for Aspirants (new) Prayer Prayer and Refuge Prayer and Worship Prayer to the Purifier of the Lowly Pre-Eminence of a Disciple in Attaining Salvation Pdf Present State of the Country and the End Result f Pdf Prison – A School f (NEW) html Pdf Proper Use of this Human Body f (NEW) Pdf Protection of Cows is Man’s Eternal Duty f html Pdf Purity in Diet Pdf Purpose, Intent, Objective Question and Answers about a Guru Pdf Real Freedom from Disease Real Greatness Pdf Reality and Illusion Reason for Fights Relationship with God Renounce Likes (Attachment) and Dislikes (Aversion) Pdf Renunciation Leads to Salvation Renunciation of Egoism Respect Your Experience Respect Your Understanding Pdf Saints and their Service Salvation and Love (Devotion) Salvation through Dealings Search for a Guru (Spiritual Master) Self is Engage in God, Not the Mind Self Realization without the Feeling of Ego Sharanagati - A Spiritual Discipline without the Aid of an Instrument Shri Krishna is the Guru and Gita is the Mantra Silence as a Spiritual Discipline Pdf Singularity of Chanting the Holy Name Singularity of Devotion Singularity of Naam Japa (Divine Name Repetition) Pdf Something New Special Grace of God in Unfavorableness Spiritual Discipline of Beholding God Everywhere Spiritual Progress is Not Dependent on Money (new) Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Divine Love Subtle Desires – The Cause of Sorrow Success in Human Life html Pdf Sudden and Untimely Death Taking Refuge in Gita The Aim of Human Life (from Art of Living) html Pdf The Eminence of Bhakti (Devotion) The Exceptional Teaching of Gita f (NEW) html Pdf The Gist of Gita The Gist of All Spiritual Disciplines The Glory of a Guru Pdf The Great Devotee Hanumanji and His Loving Service The Means of Beholding God Everywhere The Means to Attain Happiness The Obstacle to Attain God The Purport of Gita Pdf The Quintessence (Saar Baat) html Pdf The Real Guru f ( Pdf The Secret of Devotion The Secret of Karma (Performing Actions) Pdf The Significance of Guru’s Teachings Pdf The Significance of Serving Pdf The Transcendental Extraordinariness of Devotion The Ultimate Frontier of Spiritual Practice html Pdf The World is Flowing Away Pdf There is No Delay in Spiritual Enlightenment html Pdf Things Received by Us are Not Ours (NEW) html Pdf Think Over Pdf Thou and Thou Alone Three Easy Paths for Salvation Three Main Observances Time and Time Again One Cannot Attain the Delight of Human Birth Time and Its Significance Transcendental Love True Humanity html Pdf True Piety True Shelter Pdf Understanding the Value of Satsang Pdf Value of Time and Its Good Usage f Pdf Vibhag Yog (The Yoga of Division) Pdf Vivek - The Power of Discrimination Way to be Free of Attraction to Pleasure Pdf We are God’s What is a True Guru (Spiritual Guide) Like ? What is Knowledge of Reality? Pdf What is Real Progress ? What is Truth ? Wherever I See, I See only You Who is a Devata? Pdf Who is a Sadhak? Why does the Embodied Soul (Jeev) Return to the World ? Why must we Believe in God? Work, Service and Worship (new) Pdf Worship of Guru Yoga (Karmayog-Jnanayog-Bhaktiyog) Yoga of Equanimity You all are Liberated (NEW) Pdf Hindi