Right brain Drawing Activities*

Name ______Period ______

Check off as you complete each drawing. Be sure to number your drawings as well!

1. _____ Igor Stravinsky (from page 10) ___/10

2. _____ Contour line drawing of your posed hand ___/10

3. _____ Shaded contour drawing of hand holding tape role ___/10

4. _____ Contour drawing of a shoe (proportion practice) ___/10

5. _____ Negative space drawing of an object ___/10

6. _____ Value scale / fully shaded scissor drawings ___/10

7. _____ Folded fabric study (texture and shading) ___/10

8. _____ Geometrics forms shaded with various textures ___/10

9. _____ Shaded drawing of a self- modeled piece of clay ___/10

10. ____ Any object drawn in proportion fully shaded ___/10

Total ___/100


*This form MUST accompany the above drawings, which will be collected upon completion of #10.