Job Seeker’s Name: Randy Norton

Job Development Activity: This can be either at a potential place of employment (what business? Who did you talk to? Were you representing the job seeker or did he/she participate? Did you conduct a job analysis?) OR Other job development activity not at a potential employer (resume writing, interview prep, rehabilitation technology referral, etc.)

I contacted Debbie Barrett, head of Accounting at Matsushita, to get the name of the Human Resources director. Debbie let Jim (the HR director) know that I would be calling to set up a time to take a tour of the factory. I contacted Jim and set up a tour of Matsushita on April 20th. I acted as Randy’s agent today as I toured the plant.

Purpose: Why this particular place for employment? Or why this other activity? Tie in how it relates to your PCEP or leads from other potential employers.

Randy’s skills include taking things apart and matching numbers. This plant makes microwave ovens and sweepers. While it is a large plant, I don’t want to rule it out and came to see what it is like inside and if the employment conditions might in fact match what Randy is looking for.

Results: What did you learn about: job seeker, potential employer, employment site, and/or resource?  What did you learn about the type of work done in this company? The culture of the company? The people?  How does this potential job site match (or differ from) the job seekers’ interests, skills, preferred characteristics of a job?  Did you notice any unmet need within the company? Is there possibility for customized employment? Explain what you learned and/or want to further explore.  If the activity was not on a job site – what did you learn from the activity?

Matsushita makes microwave ovens and sweepers in two separate areas of the building. While on the tour I saw two guys I knew from Lancaster. I talked with Eddie and Pete about their jobs and what they were doing. At the time they were taking sweeper pieces apart that had flaws and placing the parts in a box. They also assemble sweepers that do not have flaws. I talked with them and Jim about Randy and how he loved to take things apart and how he could see a number very quickly and match it up.

Randy works best around a small group of familiar people who can appreciate who he is. The factory is a little large, but if Randy could work in the area with Eddie and Pete this would be a good natural support.

After the tour, I sat down with Jim and talked with him about Randy and his skills. I also told him of his unique skill of checking money and how this would be a real plus as he would be able to match the numbers from the parts to the box and Eddie and Pete could work on the sweepers

Revised June 2010 – OVR that had no flaws – increasing their production. Jim said he would like to think about it. I asked if I could come back and look at the job further and he said yes.

Next Steps: time and date of next activity; what else needs to be explored  What are you going to do next? What do you need to learn?  Where are you going to go? Who will you speak with?  What is your role/role of the job seeker?

Do a job analysis and further explore natural supports. Send a thank you note to Jim, HR director, for his time. I will call Jim do discuss any questions he might have and to schedule another visit to begin job analysis.

Signature of ES: Lori Barrett SE Provider: Cardinal Employment Date: June 15, 2005

* All PCEP Activity Notes are due to OVR monthly: turn in by the 5th of the following month.*

Revised June 2010 – OVR