EODA-BR&E Results

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EODA-BR&E Results

Eastern Ohio Development Alliance Business Retention & Expansion 2007 Public Report

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SECTION I - LOCAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT...... 6 1. In which Ohio county is your business PRIMARILY located?...... 6 2. What is your overall opinion of this county as a place to do business?...... 6 3. What are your top three (3) reasons for locating or keeping your business in this county?...... 6 4. Would you recommend this location to other businesses?...... 6 5. Please describe your IMMEDIATE business needs or concerns that could be addressed by local government or local private entities...... 7 6. Please describe your LONG-TERM (more than 2 years) business needs or concerns that could be addressed by local government or local private entities...... 7 SECTION II - PLEASE INDICATE WHETHER YOU BELIEVE THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS IN THIS COUNTY IS HIGH, ACCEPTABLE, OR LOW...... 7 7. Land costs...... 7 8. Building costs (rent)...... 7 9. Corporate taxes...... 7 10. Environmental regulations...... 7 11. Health care insurance...... 7 12. Inventory taxes...... 8 13. OSHA requirements...... 8 14. Payroll taxes...... 8 15. Property taxes...... 8 16. Water and sewer...... 8 17. Gas service...... 8 18. Electric service...... 8 19. Transportation of product to market...... 8 20. Workers compensation...... 9 SECTION III - FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE AS A BUSINESSPERSON, PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES PROVIDED BY THIS COUNTY...... 9 21. Public transportation...... 9 22. Air service...... 9 23. Waste management...... 9 24. Snow and ice removal...... 9 25. Street and sidewalk cleaning...... 9 26. Street repairs...... 10 27. Fire protection...... 10 28. Police protection...... 10 29. Business services...... 10 30. Hotel facilities...... 10

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31. Conference facilities...... 10 SECTION IV - FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE AS A BUSINESSPERSON, PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING QUALITY OF LIFE-RELATED SERVICES AND AMENITIES IN THIS COUNTY...... 11 32. Health care services (EMS, hospitals, clinics)...... 11 33. Child care services...... 11 34. School system (K-12)...... 11 35. Higher education...... 11 36. Adult vocational training...... 11 37. Housing...... 12 38. Professional services...... 12 39. Shopping...... 12 40. Restaurants...... 12 41. Recreation...... 12 42. Cultural activities/entertainment...... 12 SECTION V - FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE AS A BUSINESSPERSON, PLEASE RATE THE FOLLOWING INFRASTRUCTURAL AMENITIES AND SERVICES IN THIS COUNTY...... 13 43. Roads, highways and freeways...... 13 44. Water and sewers...... 13 45. Natural gas services...... 13 46. Telecom services...... 13 47. High speed Internet access...... 13 48. Electrical services...... 14 SECTION VI - BUSINESS LINKAGES...... 14 49. Your business likely buys some materials, supplies, and services from suppliers outside this area. Could some of these items be produced profitably in this locality in your opinion?...... 14 50. If yes, please help us identify materials, supplies, or services that could be produced profitably here rather than shipped into the area...... 14 51. Your business likely produces by-products that could be utilized locally by other industries in this locality. If you are willing to explore the possibilities of marketing these by-products locally, please list the by-products you'd be willing to market locally:...... 15 52. Do you have any plans to modernize or expand your business?...... 16 53. If yes, do you face any constraints?...... 16 54. What kind of modernization, renovation or expansion is planned?...... 16 55. When would the work be started?...... 17 56. Are you considering opening another facility (e.g.,branch plant, office, division, corporate headquarters, etc.)?...... 17 57. If yes, where?...... 17 58. If yes, when?...... 17 59. If you are expanding in this county, do you face any constraints?...... 17 60. Are you considering moving, closing, or selling this business?...... 18 61. If you are considering moving, why?...... 18 62. If you are considering moving, where would you move?...... 18 63. When are you considering moving, closing, or selling this business?...... 18 64. What impact would expanding, moving, closing, or selling have on the number of employees in this county?...... 18 65. About how many employees would be added?...... 19 66. About how many employees would be reduced?...... 19

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SECTION VIII - EMPLOYMENT...... 19 HOW WOULD YOU RATE THE LOCAL MANAGEMENT AND STAFF WORKFORCE?...... 19 67. Quality...... 19 68. Quantity...... 19 69. Availability...... 19 70. Stability...... 19 HOW WOULD YOU RATE THE LOCAL LABOR FORCE?...... 20 71. Quality...... 20 72. Quantity...... 20 73. Availability...... 20 74. Stability...... 20 TRAINING & RECRUITMENT...... 20 75. How many employees work at this location of your company?...... 20 76. Is any part of your workforce unionized?...... 21 77. Please rank the top three areas in which your current employees need training...... 21 78. Please rank the top three areas in which your company has problems recruiting employees:.21 SECTION IX - GENERAL INFORMATION...... 21 79. Which of the following best describes your business? (Check all that apply)...... 21 80. How long has this business been operating in this county?...... 22 81. Do you own or lease your space?...... 22 82. Which of the following titles most closely describes your position?...... 22 83. What is your company's PRIMARY geographic market?...... 22 84. Would you like information on the any of the following?...... 22 85. Number of customers...... 23 86. Sales - Total revenue...... 23 87. Profits...... 23 88. Number of employees...... 23 89. If you expect any of these business factors to increase or decrease, what are the principal reasons for the changes?...... 23 90. Ohio recently changed its tax structure affecting business and industry. Has this change been helpful to your firm?...... 25 91. To what extent do the recent changes to Ohio's tax structure enable future investments in your operation in Ohio?...... 25 92. To what extent would your operation benefit from the availability of high speed wireless Internet access?...... 26 93. From your perspective as a businessperson, please rate the overall quality of life in this county...... 26 94. Do you live in this county?...... 26 95. Would you like a member of your local Business Retention and Expansion team to contact you personally regarding this survey?...... 26 96. In the space below, please add any comments, thoughts or suggestions...... 26 97. Would you like to receive the results of this survey project? (Realize that in order to receive the results, you need to have provided some form of contact information.)...... 29

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Survey Overview

Instructions Provided To Respondents The following questionnaire is part of a regional Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) survey of existing businesses being coordinated by members of the Eastern Ohio Development Alliance (EODA). Similar to the program conducted in 2004, the purpose is to learn more about our economy and improve the quality of life.

More specifically, the survey enables county development officials in the region to support existing businesses in their expansion efforts by addressing concerns of individual firms and implementing programs for business development and job growth. The objectives of the BR&E survey are to assist county economic development practitioners to improve communications with local businesses, improve services and infrastructure, grow existing businesses, enhance organizational visibility, and ultimately retain the quality of life in the region.

The Eastern Ohio Development Alliance Regional Business Retention and Expansion program is sponsored by EODA and participating counties in the region, in association with The Ohio BR&E Initiative. The Ohio BR&E Initiative, located on The Ohio State University campus in Columbus, is sponsored jointly by Ohio State University Extension and the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics. For more information on the Eastern Ohio Development Alliance, go to the organization’s website at www.eoda.org. For more information on The Ohio BR&E Initiative, check the Initiative’s website at http://localecon.osu.edu

Answer only those questions with which you feel comfortable. When you complete the questionnaire, click the "SUBMIT YOUR RESPONSES" button at the bottom of the page. You will then be immediately directed to the Eastern Ohio Development Alliance website. This confirms that your responses have been sent to our secure server. Thank you for your participation.

Respondent Metrics Respondents: 79 First Response: 8/1/2007 Last Response: 11/1/2007

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Survey Results The following is a tabular depiction of the responses to each survey question. Additional comments provided by respondents, if any, are included after each table.


1. In which Ohio county is your business PRIMARILY located? 36.7% 29 Holmes 26.6% 21 Muskingum 15.2% 12 Coshocton 12.7% 10 Columbiana 8.9% 7 Carroll

2. What is your overall opinion of this county as a place to do business? 50.0% 39 Good 21.8% 17 Average 21.8% 17 Excellent 6.4% 5 Poor

3. What are your top three (3) reasons for locating or keeping your business in this county? 20.0% 45 Proximity to family/family relationships 19.1% 43 Quality of life 18.7% 42 Quality of workforce 12.9% 29 Access to your customers 10.7% 24 Safe environment 10.2% 23 Access to your suppliers and/or raw materials 6.7% 15 Other: 0.9% 2 Access to business services 0.4% 1 Recreation/entertainment 0.4% 1 Safety services

4. Would you recommend this location to other businesses? 86.3% 63 Yes 13.7% 10 No

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5. Please describe your IMMEDIATE business needs or concerns that could be addressed by local government or local private entities. Responses withheld for confidentiality.

6. Please describe your LONG-TERM (more than 2 years) business needs or concerns that could be addressed by local government or local private entities. Responses withheld for confidentiality.

Section II - Please indicate whether you believe the cost of doing business in this county is high, acceptable, or low.

7. Land costs 65.3% 49 Acceptable 18.7% 14 High 16.0% 12 Low

8. Building costs (rent) 80.9% 55 Acceptable 11.8% 8 Low 7.4% 5 High

9. Corporate taxes 54.2% 39 Acceptable 38.9% 28 High 6.9% 5 Low

10. Environmental regulations 65.3% 47 Acceptable 27.8% 20 High 6.9% 5 Low

11. Health care insurance 65.3% 49 High 33.3% 25 Acceptable 1.3% 1 Low

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12. Inventory taxes 65.2% 43 Acceptable 33.3% 22 High 1.5% 1 Low

13. OSHA requirements 71.8% 51 Acceptable 28.2% 20 High

14. Payroll taxes 68.1% 49 Acceptable 31.9% 23 High

15. Property taxes 56.2% 41 Acceptable 41.1% 30 High 2.7% 2 Low

16. Water and sewer 60.3% 44 Acceptable 31.5% 23 High 8.2% 6 Low

17. Gas service 66.7% 50 Acceptable 30.7% 23 High 2.7% 2 Low

18. Electric service 72.6% 53 Acceptable 26.0% 19 High 1.4% 1 Low

19. Transportation of product to market 73.6% 53 Acceptable 20.8% 15 High 5.6% 4 Low

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20. Workers compensation 50.0% 36 High 48.6% 35 Acceptable 1.4% 1 Low

Section III - From your perspective as a businessperson, please rate the following SERVICES provided by this county.

21. Public transportation 32.9% 24 Average 32.9% 24 Poor 19.2% 14 Good 13.7% 10 Very Poor 1.4% 1 Excellent

22. Air service 41.7% 30 Poor 34.7% 25 Average 13.9% 10 Good 8.3% 6 Very Poor 1.4% 1 Excellent

23. Waste management 57.9% 44 Average 30.3% 23 Good 6.6% 5 Poor 3.9% 3 Very Poor 1.3% 1 Excellent

24. Snow and ice removal 48.1% 37 Good 36.4% 28 Average 9.1% 7 Poor 3.9% 3 Excellent 2.6% 2 Very Poor

25. Street and sidewalk cleaning 41.7% 30 Average 40.3% 29 Good 9.7% 7 Poor

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4.2% 3 Excellent 4.2% 3 Very Poor

26. Street repairs 44.0% 33 Average 26.7% 20 Good 24.0% 18 Poor 5.3% 4 Very Poor

27. Fire protection 44.2% 34 Good 26.0% 20 Average 26.0% 20 Excellent 2.6% 2 Poor 1.3% 1 Very Poor

28. Police protection 36.4% 28 Good 33.8% 26 Average 16.9% 13 Excellent 11.7% 9 Poor 1.3% 1 Very Poor

29. Business services 49.3% 37 Average 37.3% 28 Good 10.7% 8 Poor 1.3% 1 Excellent 1.3% 1 Very Poor

30. Hotel facilities 40.3% 31 Average 32.5% 25 Good 13.0% 10 Poor 9.1% 7 Excellent 5.2% 4 Very Poor

31. Conference facilities 36.8% 28 Poor 35.5% 27 Average

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14.5% 11 Good 11.8% 9 Very Poor 1.3% 1 Excellent

Section IV - From your perspective as a businessperson, please rate the following QUALITY OF LIFE-RELATED services and amenities in this county.

32. Health care services (EMS, hospitals, clinics) 46.8% 36 Good 35.1% 27 Average 10.4% 8 Poor 6.5% 5 Excellent 1.3% 1 Very Poor

33. Child care services 48.6% 36 Average 35.1% 26 Good 10.8% 8 Poor 2.7% 2 Excellent 2.7% 2 Very Poor

34. School system (K-12) 46.7% 35 Good 33.3% 25 Average 12.0% 9 Poor 8.0% 6 Excellent

35. Higher education 39.7% 29 Average 32.9% 24 Good 17.8% 13 Poor 6.8% 5 Excellent 2.7% 2 Very Poor

36. Adult vocational training 41.1% 30 Average 30.1% 22 Good 16.4% 12 Poor 11.0% 8 Excellent

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1.4% 1 Very Poor

37. Housing 44.0% 33 Average 44.0% 33 Good 8.0% 6 Poor 4.0% 3 Excellent

38. Professional services 41.3% 31 Average 40.0% 30 Good 12.0% 9 Poor 6.7% 5 Excellent

39. Shopping 36.8% 28 Poor 32.9% 25 Average 21.1% 16 Good 5.3% 4 Very Poor 3.9% 3 Excellent

40. Restaurants 39.5% 30 Average 22.4% 17 Good 19.7% 15 Poor 10.5% 8 Excellent 7.9% 6 Very Poor

41. Recreation 40.0% 30 Average 32.0% 24 Good 18.7% 14 Poor 6.7% 5 Excellent 2.7% 2 Very Poor

42. Cultural activities/entertainment 37.3% 28 Average 33.3% 25 Poor 18.7% 14 Good 9.3% 7 Very Poor

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1.3% 1 Excellent

Section V - From your perspective as a businessperson, please rate the following INFRASTRUCTURAL amenities and services in this county.

43. Roads, highways and freeways 51.9% 40 Average 24.7% 19 Good 18.2% 14 Poor 3.9% 3 Excellent 1.3% 1 Very Poor

44. Water and sewers 44.6% 33 Average 27.0% 20 Good 21.6% 16 Poor 4.1% 3 Very Poor 2.7% 2 Excellent

45. Natural gas services 47.4% 36 Average 38.2% 29 Good 9.2% 7 Poor 3.9% 3 Excellent 1.3% 1 Very Poor

46. Telecom services 46.8% 36 Average 23.4% 18 Good 20.8% 16 Poor 6.5% 5 Very Poor 2.6% 2 Excellent

47. High speed Internet access 37.3% 28 Average 21.3% 16 Poor 20.0% 15 Good 18.7% 14 Very Poor 2.7% 2 Excellent

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48. Electrical services 54.7% 41 Average 29.3% 22 Good 10.7% 8 Poor 5.3% 4 Excellent


49. Your business likely buys some materials, supplies, and services from suppliers outside this area. Could some of these items be produced profitably in this locality in your opinion? 68.5% 50 No 31.5% 23 Yes

50. If yes, please help us identify materials, supplies, or services that could be produced profitably here rather than shipped into the area. 1. Agriculture, eggs corrugated 2. Class eight truck parts and tires. Office supplies and equipment services. Accounting services. 3. Corrugated cartons 4. Everything should be done to encourage, attract and maintain farming and encourage milk production in this naturally agricultural area. Other neighboring states have strong programs to this effect to protect this high dollar grossing industry. Urban sprawl (destruction of farmland) is a fact in the county and is more of an enviromental threat than agriculture. There needs to be better planning within Holmes county 5. I am sure items we sell could definitely be produced here effectively. We are a distributor and small manufacturer of a product- raw materials are not applicable. 6. I don't have any specifics but I believe any materials, supplies, and/or services could be produced profitably here. 7. injection molded plastic parts 8. Ink and adhesive producers 9. Our primary raw material is scrap iron. Some is recycled locally but a large amount is brought in from outside the county. 10. Pallet nails 11. pallets 12. plastic extrusions, assembled 13. plastics, packaging 14. We buy a lot of lumber from suppliers outside the area.

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51. Your business likely produces by-products that could be utilized locally by other industries in this locality. If you are willing to explore the possibilities of marketing these by-products locally, please list the by-products you'd be willing to market locally: 1. Bottom ash 2. Byproduct of lumber remants with nails in some of the parts. 3. Cardboard 4. Cream or butterfat 5. Cupola slag - currently listed as an exempt waste and being used onsite in a benificial reuse area of the plant. Long term this material wil be lanfilled if we can not find some place to out source it. 6. Custom decorated china for short-runs (of less than 144 per any given item). 7. CYPRESS MULCH 8. Distribution Electric and related services 9. Fly ash 10. Foundry Sand - currently listed as an exempt waste and being used onsite in a benificial reuse area of the plant. Long term this material wil be lanfilled if we can not find some place to out source it 11. Fryer waste oil 12. General Contractors 13. Intellectual property with respect to software development and ideas. 14. Iron Dust from a casting grinding operation that could be recylced into ferrous products 15. Liquid whey permeate 5% solids. 16. rubber scrap from cutting out parts (Shreiner Sole Company, David Shreiner) 17. Scrap metal

18. Scrap pipe - These pipe will not meet the physical properties to market but would be fine to use for culverts, driveways, or anyplace that just needs to drain without pressure on the line. 19. Scrap Wood 20. short and narrow pieces of lumber 21. Slag and Sand 22. steel drums 23. storage 24. Trimmings from cheese products that might produce process cheese. 25. Used Sand (currently landfilled) that could be used for road repair (T H Mfg. Inc, Jeff Tomski) 26. waste cardboard

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27. waste paper and cardboard 28. Waste Water Sludge Cake 29. We manufacture Kettle Corn. In the event that we have finished product left over, we may be able to sell it to someone for livestock food. 30. We produce a large amount of used gasoline. 31. We produce rags. 32. Whey powder 33. Wood Chips. There is no in county market but if someone wanted to explore the possibility of manufacturing "ethanol" from celulose (wood fibre) that would be a viable facility for our area. 34. Wood Shavings 35. wood waste 36. Wood waste ground into mulch


52. Do you have any plans to modernize or expand your business? 71.4% 55 Yes 28.6% 22 No

53. If yes, do you face any constraints? 35.0% 21 No constraints 21.7% 13 Need financial assistance 20.0% 12 Insufficient space 13.3% 8 Other: 10.0% 6 Need physical facility planning assistance Comments/Notes: Environmental regulations shortage of management talent workforce

54. What kind of modernization, renovation or expansion is planned? 28.4% 29 Manufacturing/production space 24.5% 25 Warehouse space 12.7% 13 Office space 9.8% 10 Other: 8.8% 9 Parking area 7.8% 8 Adding another department, division or business 4.9% 5 Expansion into adjacent space 2.0% 2 Expansion by acquisition

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1.0% 1 Expansion into another location in the same building Comments/Notes: Update, upgrade machinery equipment expanded product line implementing online ordering integrated internet systems

55. When would the work be started? 52.7% 29 Between 1 - 3 years 21.8% 12 Between 6 - 12 months 21.8% 12 Within 6 months 3.6% 2 More than 3 years

56. Are you considering opening another facility (e.g.,branch plant, office, division, corporate headquarters, etc.)? 73.7% 56 No 26.3% 20 Yes

57. If yes, where? 52.4% 11 Outside Ohio, but in U.S. 23.8% 5 Elsewhere in this County 19.0% 4 Outside this County, but in Ohio 4.8% 1 Outside U.S.

58. If yes, when? 47.6% 10 Between 6 - 12 months 42.9% 9 Between 1 - 3 years 4.8% 1 More than 3 years 4.8% 1 Within 6 months

59. If you are expanding in this county, do you face any constraints? 24.3% 9 Workforce issues 18.9% 7 Not enough land for expansion 16.2% 6 Need financial assistance 13.5% 5 Insufficient space in existing building 13.5% 5 No constraints 8.1% 3 Other: 2.7% 1 Need physical facility planning assistance 2.7% 1 Parking issues

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Comments/Notes: Public water/sewer

60. Are you considering moving, closing, or selling this business? 80.8% 63 None of the above 7.7% 6 Considering moving 7.7% 6 Considering selling 3.8% 3 Considering closing

61. If you are considering moving, why? 17.6% 3 Other: 17.6% 3 Overcrowded facilities 11.8% 2 Land limitation for expansion 11.8% 2 Rigid code enforcement 11.8% 2 Workforce issues 5.9% 1 Changing market conditions 5.9% 1 Environmental concerns 5.9% 1 High taxes 5.9% 1 Lease expiration 5.9% 1 Transportation problem Comments/Notes: Better state for economic development no public sewer Unfriendly business climate in Ohio

62. If you are considering moving, where would you move? 42.9% 3 Elsewhere in this County 42.9% 3 Outside Ohio, but in U.S. 14.3% 1 Outside this County, but in Ohio

63. When are you considering moving, closing, or selling this business? 54.5% 6 Between 1 - 3 years 27.3% 3 More than 3 years 18.2% 2 Between 6 - 12 months

64. What impact would expanding, moving, closing, or selling have on the number of employees in this county? 43.2% 16 Adds employees 35.1% 13 Reduces employees 21.6% 8 No change

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65. About how many employees would be added? Of those indicating an addition of employees, the responses ranged in total from 270 to 445

66. About how many employees would be reduced? Of those indicating a reduction of employees, the responses totaled 440


How would you rate the local MANAGEMENT and STAFF workforce?

67. Quality 46.1% 35 Good 28.9% 22 Average 17.1% 13 Excellent 7.9% 6 Poor

68. Quantity 39.2% 29 Average 37.8% 28 Good 16.2% 12 Poor 4.1% 3 Excellent 2.7% 2 Very Poor

69. Availability 47.3% 35 Average 29.7% 22 Good 17.6% 13 Poor 4.1% 3 Excellent 1.4% 1 Very Poor

70. Stability 47.3% 35 Good 27.0% 20 Average 14.9% 11 Excellent 9.5% 7 Poor 1.4% 1 Very Poor

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How would you rate the local LABOR FORCE?

71. Quality 40.3% 31 Good 29.9% 23 Average 14.3% 11 Excellent 13.0% 10 Poor 2.6% 2 Very Poor

72. Quantity 50.0% 38 Good 34.2% 26 Average 10.5% 8 Poor 5.3% 4 Excellent

73. Availability 44.0% 33 Average 38.7% 29 Good 12.0% 9 Poor 4.0% 3 Excellent 1.3% 1 Very Poor

74. Stability 35.5% 27 Good 30.3% 23 Average 15.8% 12 Poor 13.2% 10 Excellent 5.3% 4 Very Poor


75. How many employees work at this location of your company? 26.0% 20 25-50 24.7% 19 51-100 15.6% 12 10 or less 14.3% 11 11-24 11.7% 9 101-250 7.8% 6 More than 250

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76. Is any part of your workforce unionized? 81.8% 63 No 18.2% 14 Yes

77. Please rank the top three areas in which your current employees need training. 15 % 24 Computer skills 14% 24 Managerial skills 13% 21 Customer service skills 13% 21 General skills (basic math, reading/writing, problem solving) 10% 16 Current employees do not need training 10% 16 Other technical skills 9% 15 Equipment operation skills 9% 15 Mechanical skills 5% 9 Professional skills (sales, marketing, accounting, etc.)

78. Please rank the top three areas in which your company has problems recruiting employees: 21% 32 Precision production/specialty skills 20% 29 Professional/management 18% 26 General production labor 14% 19 General labor 10% 15 Sales 8% 11 Temporary/contract employees 6% 9 Clerical 3% 5 Youth employees


79. Which of the following best describes your business? (Check all that apply). 51% 48 Corporation (closely held) 11% 10 Single location business 10% 9 Sole proprietorship 7% 7 Branch office of multi-unit firm 7% 7 Corporation (public) 5% 5 Other: 5% 5 Partnership 3% 3 Headquarters of multi-unit firm

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Comments/Notes: Cooperative ESOP family owned business incorporated LLC private not for profit

80. How long has this business been operating in this county? 65% 50 More than 20 years 23% 18 Between 10 - 20 years 8% 6 Between 5 - 10 years 3% 2 Between 1 - 5 years 1% 1 Less than 1 year

81. Do you own or lease your space? 83% 62 Own 17% 13 Lease

82. Which of the following titles most closely describes your position? 37% 28 Owner 18% 14 CEO/President/Managing Director 16% 12 General Manager/Manager 11% 8 Operations VP or Director 8% 6 Human Resources VP or Director 5% 4 Sales/Marketing VP or Director 3% 2 COO, CFO, CIO, or CTO 1% 1 Business Development VP or Director 1% 1 Corporate Vice President

83. What is your company's PRIMARY geographic market? 53% 41 National 18% 14 Eastern U.S. 9% 7 Eastern Ohio Region 9% 7 Local 5% 4 International 5% 4 Statewide

84. Would you like information on the any of the following? 25% 13 Job training 22% 11 Small business assistance

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16% 8 Financing 14% 7 Exporting 14% 7 Labor management 10% 5 Other: Comments/Notes: grant monies available for tech expansion to better compete with companies outside Ohio Marketing

Over the next three (3) years, do you think the following business factors will increase, stay the same, or decline?

85. Number of customers 64.9% 50 Increase 27.3% 21 Stay the Same 7.8% 6 Decline

86. Sales - Total revenue 78.7% 59 Increase 14.7% 11 Stay the Same 6.7% 5 Decline

87. Profits 67.5% 52 Increase 20.8% 16 Stay the Same 11.7% 9 Decline

88. Number of employees 58.4% 45 Increase 33.8% 26 Stay the Same 7.8% 6 Decline

89. If you expect any of these business factors to increase or decrease, what are the principal reasons for the changes? 1. A increasingly competitive market will force us to reach out to find new customers to maintain current revenue. Higher overhead and the inability to raise rates will decrease profits. 2. Add additional volume if we can get the workforce to produce it 3. Adding sales. Diversifying our product line, and adding equipment. 4. additional customers who can utilize our services

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5. As the metal industry, automotive and housing markets decline our business relationship with those markets will decline. 6. Because as management we are going to continue to push growth. 7. Because of expansions planned we expect to expand our sales by gaining market share as well as expanding our market area. Most of the increases are expected to come about the last two years. 8. buy-outs, corporate owned stores,less independent 9. CHANGING MARKET FOR THE OIL INDUSTRY 10. Competitors leaving this line of work 11. Customer base is not growing however with price increases revenue will. We will continue to try to add locations as the economy permits 12. customer demands 13. Declining market conditions could cause a decrease. 14. Expanding into new markets 15. gain a larger customer base 16. Getting better labor force 17. Getting more market share in our industry, getting better products from our suppliers. 18. Globalization of the economy 19. Imports are reducing the need for our type of service in the industry. 20. increase exports 21. Increase in chicken production 22. Increase market penetration as a result of significant strategic planning 23. Increase market share 24. Increased Market Share with existing Customers and new products for existing Customers. Additionally, increased International focus. 25. Increased market share, upturn in the building industry 26. Increased marketing efforts and new products. 27. Increasing need for our product and additional requirements on ouer industry for a higher level of service requiring more employees 28. Increasing opportunities for skilled labor in our type of work 29. Investment in new products and product improvements leading to increased market share 30. Larger regional contact base for customers. Quality of product always on leading edge. 31. Market Saturation 32. more aggressive marketing 33. Our development of new products 34. Prices for our product should increase resulting in more Sales dollars and higher profits. 35. Productivity/quality of work to be more advertised thru out the community. 36. Quality of production, product acceptance, business growth

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37. Reduce manpower with modernization of equipment 38. sales and store growth 39. Strategic plan calls for expansion 40. The cost of government in involvement by government in our lives at all levels is the single largest obstacle to growth and development. 41. Trends over the past several show that sales for our business and like businesses in the area have decreased in volume 42. Trying to expand international with our current US based products. Since being bought by Rexam who's Corporate headquarters are based in the UK we are expected to be more gloabal. 43. We are a young business and are in a growth stage. Last year we acquired an additional business which complimented our current business. This (2008) will be our first full year with both businesses combined as one. With this combination, we hope to grow current customers and reach new ones. 44. We are aggressively seeking new markets and products we can produce in order to expand our company. We are also investing significant resources in web design and marketing to expand our options beyond newsprint. 45. We are being more aggressive in sales, both locally and through the internet 46. We are in a mature market and manufacturers are not keeping up with technologies. Private companies are getting out of business. 47. We are operating more efficiently, which decreases our expenses. This in turn allows us to be more competitive. Like I said above, we intend on diversifying our business, which will increase customers, revenues, and profits. 48. We have yet to complete our ramp-up. Once it is completed, we expect to expand sales, profits and number of employees. 49. We supply to the aerospace industry. It is on the upswing, currently. 50. We will work hard and do all we can to guide the company to continue to increase its products and services, thereby adding more sales, more profits, and more employees to process the orders.

90. Ohio recently changed its tax structure affecting business and industry. Has this change been helpful to your firm? 59.5% 47 Not Sure 21.5% 17 No 19.0% 15 Yes

91. To what extent do the recent changes to Ohio's tax structure enable future investments in your operation in Ohio? 65.4% 51 No Effect 21.8% 17 More Likely 12.8% 10 Less Likely

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92. To what extent would your operation benefit from the availability of high speed wireless Internet access? 100.0% 5 Great Extent

93. From your perspective as a businessperson, please rate the overall quality of life in this county. 55.3% 42 Good 19.7% 15 Excellent 18.4% 14 Average 6.6% 5 Poor

94. Do you live in this county? 76.6% 59 Yes 23.4% 18 No

95. Would you like a member of your local Business Retention and Expansion team to contact you personally regarding this survey? 85.1% 63 No 14.9% 11 Yes

96. In the space below, please add any comments, thoughts or suggestions. 1. Contact is optional on your part- if you can be a benefit- please contact me. 2. Thank you for caring. 3. Thanks for selecting us to participate. 4. I feel that the business environment in the SEO area is the best it has been in a long time. Unfortunately ,the entire country seems to be in a little downturn which we are not immune to. But, We are looking up! 5. There is always a lot of effort to attract outside companies to come to the area. It is nice to finally see some effort put forward to growing the companies that are here and have strong roots in the local communities. 6. This company for the past 39 years of existance has progressed thanks in part to the help and cooperation from the Holmes County area. In 2008 this plant will celebrate 40 years and hope to be able to include this county in our celebration if they are willing to be involved. 1) The wages paid in this county are below what should be offered for the quality of training, experience and knowledge that is available. 2) The lack of leadership in harnessing the resources of this county keep us locked in a poverty mindset. We are stuck in old thinking and afraid to be aggressive in developing the resources

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we have. 3) The independent thinking that spawns new businesses keeps us from working together as a community to cause the whole business community to benefit. 4) The recent tax changes will have a trickle down effect on our business by shipping more tax dollars available for investment out of the county. 7. commercial growth in our area of the county has been limited because of public water and sewer not being available. 8. Coshocton County continues to have quality people leave the area for many reasons: Continuing education has our young people leaving then not returning when they find that other areas of the state and country have much more to offer, better school systems, jobs, health care, recreation and entertainment. Those that choose to stay or come back to the area face many chalenges: Lack of jobs, this creates a low tax base which in turn creates finacialy stapped school systems, inadequate health care, and less than sufficiant infrastructure. Local leaders need to focus on keeping young people in Coshocton after higher education instead of them leaving to find a better life. To do so those leaders may need to think outside the box, instead of the antiquated ways of now. 9. Coshocton faces a number of challenges in attracting new manufacturing business. Many of the challenges relate to being able to attract able management. Coshocton is too far from a major airport and the delay in the Rt 16 widening project is no help. The school system is perceived as being sub-par for children with college aspirations. There are many local business people who are commuting from Granville, Zanesville and even Columbus so their kids can have a better educational experience. Another problem is the history of labor unrest and associated threats of violence. Also, Ohio in general does not provide a business friendly environment compared to many other states because of Ohio's high taxes and union friendly laws. On the plus side is a relatively low cost labor force, a relatively low crime rate and terrific natural surroundings. The Johnson- Humrickhouse museum, the Pomerene Art Center and the Triple Locks Theater are under-appreciated cultural attractions. The one industry that does seem to be adding jobs in central Ohio is distribution. Columbus is a distribution hub and Zanesville is getting the new Avon distibution center. Newark/Heath also has a lot of distribution. If we could just get that Rt 16 corridor completed from I77 to Columbus, then perhaps Coshocton would be more competitive for those jobs. 10. Even though broadband is not an issue at our business location, there is a need for it to be expanded or developed to reach the entire county. Our communications with employees could be limited in the future if this is not developed. 11. FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PEOPLE USING COUNTY ROAD 77 THERE ARE BUGGY LANES NEEDED. 12. I would like to see more business venues in the Downtown Millersburg location. Many of the windows are vacant or have businesses that are not necessarily bringing in more visitors. When I first came to Holmes County 33 years ago, there were clothing stores, pharmacy/drug store, hardware store, shoe stores, and gift

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stores...promoted more locals to spend time in downtown area. Would love to see more diversity in retailers. 13. Improved communication and organization with agencies whose job it is to assist business would be helpful. As I have been working my way through a maze of government agencies looking for grant monies they all pass me off to another person...and many keep saying that they could have helped with training if they had known before we spent $ 48000 on a new computer system...but as a small business how do we know who to call? I only got direction on who to call because a friend of mine works for DNR in Ohio. Another agency can buy equipment but not technology. So far I have not been impressed with most of the state people I have met. Overall it seems the agencies whose job it is to help business are never in touch with us in 13 years, but agencies whose job it is to regulate or collect fees from us never have a problem finding us. 14. Many of the services that would impact this survey (e.g. human resources and accounting) are provided us by our corporate headquarters. 15. My biggest concern for the area is infrastructure. My biggest concern for the general business climate in Ohio is that it is becoming negative toward business in general. High wages or employee cost is not to blame for job losses. Over regulation is making it too expensive. The legal climate is also to blame for raising the cost and liability to do business in the state. 16. Please contact if needed to clarify answers. Ohio's Work Comp system needs to be addressed. 17. The economic problems that confront Coshocton county are considerable. The absence of a private college and university in this county has caused somewhat of a 'brain drain' over the past century. There is a recent attempt to promote a college of some sort in the area and that may help a little, but I doubt it. In any case, I do not think more government spending on public colleges or corporate welfare-type programs are the answer Coshocton needs. The single most effective thing that can be done to promote economic opportunity in this area is to promote individual freedom and responsibility. Eliminate all welfare handouts of every stripe and kind. Reduce taxes to a small fraction of what is now charged. As a result, the kind of creative people who produce wealth will flood into this land along with their investment capital. The success of such a proposal would be directly related to how free people might be to keep the fruit of their labor and investment. If radical economic freedom is tried where people get to set their own goals, keep all of what they earn, or suffer the consequences of failure is too much to ask of this government, then continued economic failure is the likely outcome. I realize that this survey is promoted by quasi-government agencies and that the presumed fix is one by government agencies funded by raising or redistributing tax revenue (freedom reduction efforts). Therefore, my admonition to increase economic freedom and leave people alone to be responsible for their own lives is contrary to every proposed government solution. Until the current enthusiasm for government

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manipulation of the economy has run its course, no real fix of our fundamental economic distress is possible. In Coshocton county the citizens are a long way from desiring true freedom and from accepting personal responsibility for outcomes. If there is anyone out there who reads this and cares about the ideas I have raised, please contact me. If not, I fully understand. 18. The high percentage of unionized laborers has been and will continue to be a hinderance to new influx of companies. I suggest that an Industrial park district be constructed with all the necessary infratructure (including high speed internet) in some easily accessible location that could attract investment. 19. The past two years have been really tight financially, and we're barely holding on as it is. I know we aren't a huge business, but there's a lot of businesses just like us in the county who are barely holding on. 20. We live and work here, but the sewage system in this area is incredibly bad. The river should be a major draw for development, instead the south River Road smells so bad that it is disgraceful. Something needs to be done. 21. Workers Compensation is an out-of-control farce!! State taxes are too high!! Local police protection is too expensive. Considering moving out of state for above reasons!!

97. Would you like to receive the results of this survey project? (Realize that in order to receive the results, you need to have provided some form of contact information.) 75.6% 59 Yes 24.4% 19 No

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