Leading, Developing and Managing People (Page 1 of 4)
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University of Edinburgh Leadership and Management Framework
Communicating and working with Developing business success Building for the future people
Managing finances and resources Being customer focused Embracing the need for change Planning and organising Influencing others Thinking and acting strategically Problem-solving and decision making Leading, developing and managing people Pursuing professional excellence
Last updated April 2011
1 Communicating and working with people
Being customer focused
Influencing others
Leading, developing and managing people
Level A Demonstrates an advanced level of expertise well above that expected for the job grade. Continuously seeks to improve working practices, role models successful behaviours and attitudes, and encourages others to do the same. Level B Consistently achieves and sustains a good standard of skills, knowledge, behaviours, attitudes and working practices, appropriate to the job grade. Level C Is developing this competency, with further learning required to demonstrate success at the level appropriate to the job grade. Level D Not yet demonstrated.
2 1. Being customer focused (Page 1 of 2)
Description: Identifying, understanding and giving priority to meeting the needs of internal and external customers, to provide the highest standards of service for the University
Students, the public, University staff or staff from other organisations and anyone affected, directly and indirectly by your work Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours
Develops and maximises service Develops and maximises service Oversees the design of flexible and quality and efficiency quality and efficiency responsive support structures and systems for maximising service Works with others to identify Works with others to identify customer quality customer needs needs
Creating a quality Is proactive in delivering excellent Ensures a proactive approach in Creates expectations of the highest service environment customer service delivering excellent customer service standards of service throughout the University and Higher Education
Resolves conflict between customer Resolves priority conflicts between Ensures that priority conflicts aspirations and operational plans customer aspirations and overall between customer aspirations and operational feasibility operational and strategic plans are resolved
Interacts in the wider community to Interacts in the wider community to Encourages and facilitates generate original ideas and generate original ideas and innovative interaction with professionals across innovative solutions solutions the University, Higher Education and the wider community to generate original ideas and innovative solutions
Keeps abreast of developments within Keeps abreast of changing market and outside the University expectations and developments, to identify relevant new systems and future customer base
3 Builds effective relationships with Incorporates customer needs in Ensures customer is at the centre of customers, through a sustained and strategic planning University strategy plans consistent professional approach to customer service Builds effective relationships with Creates a culture of building long Building customers term relationships with customers long-term Incorporates customer needs when relationships contributing to strategic planning Provides high level advice and Provides high level advice, and negotiates to create structures, oversees the creation of service level Creates and negotiates structures service level agreements and agreements, strategic alliances and and service level agreements using alliances partnership agreements frameworks and guidelines
Works with others, using Works with others to identify and Drives the improvement in customer technical/specialist and/or improve customer perception perception of the University, seeking accumulated expertise and external recognition where understanding of context, to identify appropriate Improving and improve customer perception perception Promotes services which are fair and Creates best practice in meeting Promotes services which are fair and inclusive to all diverse customers needs fairly inclusive to all Promotes understanding of the services offered by appropriate marketing on internal and external platforms
Contributes to internal and external Drives forward the development of Contributes to internal civic activities civic activities of the University the external civic activities
4 2. Influencing others (Page 1 of 2)
Description: Developing and using a range of strategies to influence and/or persuade others, in order to gain acceptance and commitment
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours
Develops and uses network of Develops, uses and encourages others to Fosters valuable links for the University, contacts to help advance and build a national network of contacts nationally and internationally achieve University goals Gains the support of key colleagues to Gains the support of key colleagues to Networking and spread new ideas and developments spread new ideas and developments communicating across University across University
Uses different communication channels Creates and encourages effective for stakeholders across University communication channels within and external to the University
Listens to and values other points Listens to and values other points of view Listens to and values others views, of view encouraging creativity in proposals
Generating Uses collaboration, negotiation and Uses collaboration, negotiation and influential constructive dialogue with stakeholders constructive dialogue with stakeholders proposals Compiles, organises and presents Uses robust proposals to Presents powerful, persuasive cases to the robust proposals influence/persuade senior management top management team and others and associated external bodies nationally and internationally
Projects a positive self-image Projects a positive self-image Projects a positive self-image
Is a role model for the University’s Is an ambassador for the University’s Is an ambassador for the University’s reputation for excellence reputation for excellence reputation for excellence 5 Delivers appropriate, motivating Delivers motivating messages, and gains Presents motivating and engaging ideas and messages over sustained periods commitment throughout University and proposals throughout University, nationally Inspiring others nationally and internationally
Addresses the interests of a wide Addresses the interests of a wide range Addresses the interests of a wide range of range of stakeholders of stakeholders stakeholders
Is aware of others’ needs and Is aware of others’ needs and adapts Is aware of others’ needs and adapts adapts personal style to meet them personal style to meet them personal style to meet them
6 (Page 1 of 2) 3. Leading, developing and managing people
Description: Providing excellent leadership to help people perform at their best, through motivating and developing them to achieve high performance Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours
Uses understanding of Uses understanding of strategy to Inspires others across the university with University/division strategy to inspire inspire others a shared vision for success others Creating Translates strategy into meaningful meaningful goals goals Creatively shapes the direction for Initiates and creatively shapes the Shapes the direction for others others direction for others, ensuring collaboration with appropriate stakeholders, internally and externally
Fosters a sense of collective purpose Fosters a sense of collective purpose
Manages themselves and their team, Acts as a role model in managing Builds successful working relationships effectively and efficiently themselves and their team effectively across the University and efficiently
Leads by good example and Leads by good example and Leads by good example and encourages encourages others to do so encourages others to do so others to do so
Treats everyone fairly and with dignity Treats everyone fairly and with dignity Treats everyone fairly and with dignity Creating positive and respect and respect and respect working relationships Develops and maintains good team Develops and harnesses the potential of Creates an inclusive culture which to achieve morale diverse teams values and develops the diversity of results and high teams performance Is resilient in changing and demanding circumstances Develops and maintains good team Develops and maintains good team morale morale
Is resilient in changing and demanding Is resilient in changing and demanding circumstances circumstances
Celebrates and promotes Builds efficient and effective accomplishments within the University,
7 relationships, alliances and Higher Education and external partnerships with external bodies organisations
Strives to create a conducive Creates a conducive environment for the environment for managing alliances and effective and efficient management of partnerships, internally and nationally alliances and partnerships, internally, nationally and internationally
Formally monitors and supports the Formally monitors and supports the Formally monitors and supports the performance and development of team performance and development of team performance and development of team members members members Improving and developing Obtains and utilises feedback for self Seeks and utilises feedback for self Seeks and utilises feedback for self current development from all levels development from all levels development from all levels performance Gives constructive feedback to others Gives constructive feedback to others Gives constructive feedback to others
Improves own and empowers others to Improves own and empowers others to Drives forward the improvement in improve contribution and expertise improve contribution and expertise performance and expertise needed in own area and across the University
Strives to improve capability and expertise in Higher Education, and associated external bodies, nationally and internationally
Developing Develops themselves and the team to Develops themselves and the team to Drives leadership and management individual meet individual and University realise their full potential capacity building for the University and potential for the requirements Higher Education future Harnesses increased capability to meet strategic needs
Seeks to widen experience of Seeks, and encourages others to widen Promotes opportunities for self and University business experience of University business others to broaden their business experience
Helps team review and learn from its Helps team review and learn from its Helps team review and learn from its experiences experiences experiences Links the value of effective team work to University success 8 Developing business success
Managing finances and resources
Planning and organising
Problem-solving and decision making
Pursuing professional excellence
Level A Demonstrates an advanced level of expertise well above that expected for the job grade. Continuously seeks to improve working practices, role models successful behaviours and attitudes, and encourages others to do the same. Level B Consistently achieves and sustains a good standard of skills, knowledge, behaviours, attitudes and working practices, appropriate to the job grade. Level C Is developing this competency, with further learning required to demonstrate success at the level appropriate to the job grade.
Level D Not yet demonstrated.
9 4. Managing finances and resources (Page 1 of 1)
Description: Ensuring value for money by managing and monitoring budgets and making the best use of resources, within University regulations
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours
Actively engages in resource and Actively contributes to resource and Creates strong flexible resource allocation budget planning budget planning, emphasising value structures and processes which deliver for money and taking into account transparency, accountability and consistent Provides timely information to aid the impact of actions on other areas management information and result in best planning in other areas use of resources Allocating resources Manages resources/budgets, Ensures delivery of Ensures team is appropriately skilled, flexibly and demonstrating that maximum value targets/objectives within budget, managed and resourced and that service efficiently is delivered from resources deployed making best use of diverse talents, operates effectively within budget to fulfil technology and resources to deliver University goals results
Explores ways of improving efficiency and effectiveness of Identifies opportunities to procure Anticipates future resource needs and resource allocation and develop additional resources in investigates potential strategic investments areas of responsibility Influences and negotiates to secure physical, financial and people resources when appropriate
Anticipates and is vigilant to Anticipates changing circumstances and changing circumstances and redirects and acquires new resources as redirects resources to achieve goals, necessary, communicating need for changes informing stakeholders of changes with stakeholders
10 5. Planning and organising (Page 1 of 2)
Description: Planning, prioritising and organising effectively to provide excellent services for the University
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours
Identifies ways of contributing to the Identify ways of contributing to the Incorporates relevant developments strategic planning process strategic planning process into the strategic planning process
Considers how longer term issues Considers how internal and external Creates targets and designs systems Effective planning affect plans longer term issues affect plans to fulfil the mission of the University
Creates clear, realistic plans and Creates clear, realistic plans and Ensures that strategic planning is a deadlines deadlines useful, relevant, living process
Reviews and adapts plans when Incorporates learning from previous Encourages good planning practice necessary actions into planning throughout University
Contributes to risk management Develops and implements an effective strategy risk management strategy for the University Recognises and manages risk Recognises and manages risk Managing risk associated with work associated with work
Communicates clearly the extent to Communicates clearly the extent to Communicates the risk management which staff are empowered to manage which staff are empowered to manage strategy throughout the University risk risk
Identifies emerging risk and Identifies and manages emerging risk Evaluates and manages emerging risk communicates upwards and communicates upwards
Defines specification of work, and Oversees projects across the Oversees major programmes of ensures its completion to agreed University considerable complexity across the specification, time, cost and quality University 11 standards
Managing projects Initiates and drives forward projects for Initiates projects which meet the Ensures the initiation of projects and area University objectives and drives them the driving forward to completion forward to completion
Communicates clearly and timeously Engages in open, clear and timeous Creates processes to ensure open, with all project members and communication between all project clear and timeous communication with stakeholders members and stakeholders all project members and stakeholders
Manages project members so that Manages project members so that Uses matrix management processes project objectives are met project objectives are met where necessary to achieve success
Collaborates and co-operates with Collaborates and co-operates with other stakeholders other stakeholders Promotes project work across the University and with external bodies
12 6. Problem solving and decision making (Page 1 of 2)
Description: Identifying and solving problems using insight and creativity, and making decisions which best fit University goals
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours
Adopts a can-do attitude, Exercises a substantial degree of Is proactive in anticipating and solving anticipating and solving problems discretion in anticipating and solving strategic problems, taking different speedily and efficiently problems and making decisions, University interests into account when keeping wider University goals in mind decision-making
Encourages others to implement Encourages others to implement Empowers others to implement optimal optimal decisions optimal decisions strategic decisions
Creates a sense of collective Creates a sense of collective Creates a sense of collective ownership ownership ownership
Provides support to manage short Provides support to manage short term Optimising term difficulties, stressing longer term difficulties and helps others to focus on the solutions benefits long term benefits when taking radical action
Analyses the root cause of Analyses the root cause of problems Seeks critical information to articulate problems to resolve issues and to resolve issues and prevents their assumptions about problems prevents their recurrence recurrence Empowers others to use initiative, insight and creativity to resolve issues and prevent their recurrence
Supplies a transparent audit trail Supplies a transparent audit trail of Creates systems which capture a of solutions solutions transparent audit trail of solutions
Uses conceptual knowledge to Uses conceptual knowledge to create Displays confidence in own judgement, create innovative solutions innovative solutions using all resources to confront and deal with difficult situations without procrastinating, Confronts difficult situations Confronts difficult situations without taking decisive action without procrastinating, taking procrastinating, taking decisive action decisive action
13 Reviews and adapts solutions in Reviews and adapts solutions in light Exercises sound judgement in situations of light of results from previous of results from previous decisions and unpredictable change and ambiguity decisions and changing changing circumstances circumstances
Is persistent in face of continuing Is persistent in face of continuing Is persistent in face of continuing obstacles obstacles obstacles
14 7. Pursuing professional excellence (Page 1 of 2)
Description: Pursuing excellence in line with the delivery of the University’s core goals and appropriate professional bodies, and working within appropriate legislative and regulatory contexts
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours Specific professional qualifications and Specific professional qualifications and Specific professional qualifications and skills required for this role skills required for this role skills required for this role
………………………………….. ………………………………….. ………………………………….. ………………………………….. ………………………………….. ………………………………….. Professional ..………………………………... ..………………………………... ..………………………………... development to HE and professional/technical body standards Is a member of appropriate Is a member of appropriate Is a member of appropriate professional body or technical professional body or technical professional body association association
Maintains accurate records of Ensure the overall maintenance of Drives and encourages the overall continuing professional development accurate records of continuing maintenance of accurate records of professional development continuing professional development
Promotes and ensures continuous development of high professional standards
Is actively involved with professional Is actively involved with professional Takes up professional appointments bodies in developing the profession bodies in developing the profession and is actively involved with professional bodies in developing the profession
Disseminates the importance of Disseminates the importance of Disseminates the importance of complying, and the implications of complying, and the implications of complying, and the implications of non- non-compliance non-compliance compliance
Advises upwards when legislation, Advises upwards when legislation, Influences and creates the nature and Complying with regulations and Codes of Practice are regulations and Codes of Practice are content of the University’s regulations legislation, becoming outdated becoming outdated and Codes of Practice and those of 15 regulations external professional bodies, and Codes of Practice Advises upwards on how new Advises upwards on how new enhancing the reputation of the developments will impact on the developments will impact on the University University University
Scans external sources and identifies Evaluates relevant initiatives and relevant initiatives to help create best initiates change to achieve best practice practice
Providing a Uses professional/technical expertise Uses professional/technical expertise Uses professional/technical expertise professional service or authoritative knowledge to its or authoritative knowledge to its fullest or authoritative knowledge to its fullest in line with core fullest extent where appropriate extent where appropriate extent where appropriate University goals
Finds and exploits opportunities to Finds and exploits opportunities to Finds and exploits opportunities to excel in own professional area and excel in own professional area, excel in own professional area, helps others to excel in theirs nationally and possibly internationally, nationally and internationally, and and helps others to excel in theirs helps others to excel in theirs
Anticipates own need to operate Anticipates own and others’ need to Anticipates own and others’ need to outside area of existing expertise and operate outside area of existing operate outside area of existing takes appropriate action expertise and ensures appropriate expertise and ensures appropriate action is taken action is taken
Proactively seeks to advance own Proactively seeks to advance own Proactively seeks to advance own professional/technical expertise and professional/technical expertise and professional expertise and supports supports others to do so supports others to do so others to do so
16 Building for the future
Embracing the need for change
Thinking and acting strategically
Level A Demonstrates an advanced level of expertise well above that expected for the job grade. Continuously seeks to improve working practices, role models successful behaviours and attitudes, and encourages others to do the same. Level B Consistently achieves and sustains a good standard of skills, knowledge, behaviours, attitudes and working practices, appropriate to the job grade. Level C Is developing this competency, with further learning required to demonstrate success at the level appropriate to the job grade.
Level D Not yet demonstrated.
17 8. Embracing the need for change (Page 1 of 2)
Description: Recognising and responding positively to the need for change, and seeking out opportunities to fulfil the need for change
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours Seeks to understand the need Seeks to understand the need for for change change Instigates change when needed, and embraces ambiguity and uncertainty in a Identifying and Accepts personal responsibility Accepts personal responsibility for own positive, flexible and enthusiastic manner responding for own reactions to change reactions to change positively to the need for change Instigates change when needed Instigates when needed Leads the vision for change with passion, commitment and tenacity Pursues goals with commitment Pursues goals with commitment and and tenacity tenacity
Promotes change in a positive, Promotes change in a positive, flexible Uses self awareness and feedback to flexible and enthusiastic manner and enthusiastic manner discover how to change oneself to help achieve change in others
Mobilises and values energy, Mobilises and values energy, Operates with a strong sense of urgency in commitment and contributions commitment and contributions from mobilising energy and commitment from from individuals and teams diverse groups across University diverse groups across University and externally, defusing opposition to change
Presents a positive and self Presents a positive and self assured Takes into account different motivations and Helping others assured image to different image to different audiences reactions when planning and implementing achieve change audiences change
Inspires confidence in others Inspires confidence in others that Inspires confidence in others that change is that change is achievable change is achievable achievable
Understands and interprets Understands and interprets Understands and interprets undercurrents of undercurrents of change in area undercurrents of change in area and change across University and externally and and acts accordingly acts accordingly acts accordingly 18
Determines and disseminates Seeks to understand the need for Establishes and uses different communication the rationale for change change channels to disseminate the rationale for organisational change and to celebrate Celebrates achieving change Accepts personal responsibility for own achieving change reactions to change
Constructively challenges the Constructively challenges the status quo Continuously assesses and analyses the gap Creating positive status quo between the current state and the University organisational Grasps opportunities to initiate change vision, initiating projects to reach long term change Identifies opportunities for management and achieve positive goals positive change results
Uses opportunities presented by Uses opportunities presented by strategic Uses opportunities presented by strategic plan to drive forward change plan to drive forward change strategic plan to drive forward change Adapts to changing situations and Adapts to changing situations and prioritises Adapts to changing situations prioritises accordingly accordingly and prioritises accordingly Shares experiences to enable University Shares experiences to enable University to Shares experiences to enable to learn from change learn from change University to learn from change Facilitates and supports people through Facilitates and supports a positive and flexible Supports others through the the complete change process to ensure approach to the complete change process to different change processes so effective, sustained change is achieved ensure effective, sustained change is that change can be sustained achieved
19 9. Thinking and acting strategically (Page 1 of 1)
Description: Seeing the ‘big picture’ and harnessing ideas and opportunities to achieve the University’s vision
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 behaviours behaviours behaviours
Manages strategic debate in own Contributes and encourages a positive Leads and creates a positive climate area climate for strategic debate for strategic debate
Thinking Collaborates and contributes to Takes into account the strategically wider strategic debate in interconnectedness and management circles outside interdependency of the University immediate area system, and the wider sphere in which Identifies trends and patterns, and relates it operates different events, drawing information Identifies trends, strengths, together into frameworks which can be Synthesises ideas, concepts and new weaknesses, opportunities and used to interpret complex situations connections into future strategies threats Uses a variety of approaches to Considers consequences of University assess the consequences and impact activities now and in longer term, and of proposed strategies Considers consequences of factors into strategic plans University activities now and in longer term
Manages strategic plans within Contributes creatively to strategic plans, Interprets strategy creatively to create area aligning ideas with the vision for area and a shared vision which conveys a Acting strategically the University sense of direction for all stakeholders Contributes to strategic plans, aligning ideas with the vision for Keeps longer term and bigger picture in Works with a bigger picture which may area mind when implementing strategic plans be dynamic, ambiguous and uncertain, believing in the overarching vision to guide strategic actions
Explores the likely effects of the external Explores the likely effects of the environment on strategy and mitigates or external environment on strategy and takes advantage of them accordingly mitigates or takes advantage of them Informs others of sociological, accordingly governmental, economic and 20 technological factors affecting Empowers others to think strategically in Encourages new insights from any strategy own area area to inform strategy