Maine School Administrative District No

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Maine School Administrative District No

RSU 54/MSAD 54

Meeting of Board of Directors September 2, 2010, 7:00 PM Skowhegan Area Middle School

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Maine School Administrative District No. 54 was held on September 2, 2010, at 7:00 PM at Skowhegan Area Middle School. Liz Anderson was absent. *excused

1. Call to Order

The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Flag Salute followed.

2. Approval of the Minutes – 8/19/10

ON A MOTION BY Richard Irwin, seconded by Jean Franklin, the Board voted to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meeting of 8/19/10. (946 yes)

3. Communications

a. Letters – There were no letters shared.

b. School Personnel – Jeremy Lehan, President of the Education Association, shared with the Board the results of a survey taken by teachers/ed techs regarding the Education Jobs Fund legislation that will result in the District receiving $510,783. 81% of those responding favored using some of the money to help offset potential layoffs next year; 47.2% favored using all of the money to help offset potential layoffs next year; 53.5% favored using a portion of the money to retract the furlough day for teachers and ed techs; 35.7% favored using some or all of the money to hire and/or recall staff this year.

c. Visitors

A parent voiced her concerns with busing issues in regard to her children. The length of time on the bus (1.5 hrs.) and the varied pick up times on the first two days of school were a concern and

1 indicated that she had difficulty reaching the district office in regard to these matters.

4. Committee Reports

a. Educational Policy/Program Committee – 8/24/10

ON A MOTION BY Mary Turbyne, seconded by Lorraine Mahoney, the Board voted to accept the minutes of the Educational Policy/Program Committee meeting of 8/24/10 into the public record. (946 yes)

Mary Turbyne, Committee Chair, reviewed the minutes and asked the Board to vote on the following recommendations:

ON A MOTION BY Matthew Quinn, seconded by Dixie Ring, the Board voted to approve the revised Teacher Certification Handbook (Professional Learning Community Support System). (946 yes)

ON A MOTION BY Carol Rasmussen, seconded by Jennifer Poirier, the Board voted to approve the increased standard from 70 to 76 Grade Point Average to earn Senior Privileges to begin the second quarter of the 2010-2011 school year. Mr. Wilson will report back to the Committee at the end of this school year. (946 yes)

ON A MOTIN by Matthew Quinn, seconded by Rae Ann Quirion, the Board voted to revise the Student Educational Records policy, File: JRA, as submitted. (946 yes)

The next meeting of the Educational Policy/Program Committee is scheduled for September 28th at 6:00 p.m. at the Superintendent’s Office.

5. Superintendent’s Report

a. Vacancies, nominations, recommendations

ON A MOTION BY Lorrain Mahoney, seconded by Jean Franklin, the Board voted to approve nomination pages one and two. (946 yes)

2 Jane Arthur expressed concern regarding the possible need for additional secretarial hours and nursing staff needed at Bloomfield. She indicated that according to staff at Bloomfield, a 25 hour per week secretary is needed. The Chair suggested that with this only being the second day of the school year to first let things settle and then address any needs for additional time/positions. b. Other

The Superintendent reported a smooth opening for all the schools with no major issues. Busing had the usual time issues on the first day, but continues to improve following adjustments being made where needed. All buses were reported back to the bus garage by 4:30 on the second day of school.

The Superintendent commended the numerous people who worked very hard to make the new single busing plan work. Jennifer Poirier suggested loading buses differently may eliminate some of the time it takes after school. Dixie Ring appreciated the letters sent to parents/guardians regarding busing information and that most households with more than one child received letters in one envelope.

Jane Arthur commented that she would like to see the busing information being sent to the Morning Sentinel early enough to be posted in the Back to School Edition. It was explained that the Morning Sentinel could not accept our busing information as it was too large to post in the special edition.

The Superintendent commented that crews adjusted air handling systems in some of the schools and installed fans in order to tolerate the high temps/humidity experienced during the first 3 days of schools. Various sporting events were canceled due to the heat and all schools focused on keeping the students hydrated.

Redington-Fairview General Hospital has requested our participation again this year in holding a flu vaccine clinic. The hospital will hold a Flu Vaccine Meeting on September 14th to review and distribute school tool kits and discuss immunizations. The Superintendent requested the Board’s

3 approval to renew the flu vaccine clinic partnership with Redington-Fairview General Hospital.

ON A MOTION BY Mary Turbyne, seconded by Lorraine Mahoney, the Board voted to approval renewal of partnership agreement with Redington- Fairview General Hospital for a federal/state funded flu vaccination clinic under the Maine CDC Influenza Season Plan. (946 yes)

The Superintendent reviewed town assessments paid to date. Canaan and Norridgewock are current. Cornville, Skowhegan and Smithfield owe July and August and Mercer owes June, July and August. It is anticipated that with the recent mailing of tax bills that assessments will be current over the next several weeks.

District enrollment for the first day of school was 2,684 students, which is down from 2,733 reported in June.

The Superintendent discussed the federal Education Jobs Bill. The amounted allotted to our district will be $510,783. This is one-time money and is to be used only for compensation and benefits necessary to retain existing positions, to recall or rehire former employees and to hire new employees in order to provide educational and related services. School Districts have until September 2012 to expend these funds. With the Governor’s anticipated 9 Million Dollar shortfall, the Superintendent recommended that a large portion of this money be used to offset the $890,000(stimulus money) reduction in next year’s budget.

ON A MOTION by Pat Elwell, seconded by Matthew Quinn, the Board voted to approve the Superintendent’s submittal of Federal Education Jobs Bill Allocations and Workbook outlining the use of funds to be used to avoid layoffs in 2011-2012. (946 yes)

The Superintendent and Cornville Selectman Melvin Blaisdell are in discussion regarding the Cornville Elementary School building. The plan is to turn the building over to the town.

4 6. Assistant Superintendent and Business Administrator

The Assistant Superintendent reported on the following: - Eight new teachers were hired for the 2010-2011 school year, including five elementary and three high school teachers. Seven new educational technicians were also hired. - The Summer School Program, which runs through the month of July included 127 elementary students, 22 students in grades 6-8 and 82 high school students earned credits - Opening Workshop Day for teachers started with a morning meeting in the high school auditorium, followed by a two hour presentation on bullying for all staff. Day 2 Workshop included various staff meetings, work on culture climate at the elementary level, Read180/RTI Math review at SAMS, Pathways review at SAHS/SRVC and orientation review at MSLC. - The Parent/Guardian and Student Portal in PowerSchool will be open for access on Wednesday, September 8th.

The Business Administrator reported that schools were all in good shape for the opening day.

7. Old and Unfinished Business – Nothing was shared.

8. New Business not listed on the Agenda

Mary Turbyne asked whether freshmen teaching staff will have a conference room within their pods for discussion of students. Rick Wilson, Principal indicated that the SCTC students are in the process of estimating costs to close in a conference room for that purpose.

10. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brent H. Colbry, Superintendent of Schools


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