Northwest Mini Road Racingpresents the 2Nd Annual

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Northwest Mini Road Racingpresents the 2Nd Annual

Northwest Mini Roadracing Association Presents the 5 th Annual West Coast YSR Invitational July 30, 31 – Aug.1 2004 If you’ve got any a YSR or anything like one, you’re invited!

N o r t h w e JulyAugust 27-2922-24, 20031 s0 tPat's Acres in Canby, Oregon

M i n i

R o a d

R a c i n g i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h


P r e s e n t s P r e s e n t s t h e

4 2 t h n d

A n n u a l W e s t

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I n v i t a t i o n a l J u l y

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i n v i t e d ! "

Information: This is the simply the most fun you can have on 2 wheels. The racing is good and the general fun of the environment is even better.

Yamhill county fairgroundsPat’s Acres in McMinnville Oregon located approximately 30 miles south west of Portland is an extremely well maintained facility that is excited to be hosting this event for the first timeagain.

There is RV parking ($20) per day and free camping available at the track and some facilities. There is also a camp ground within 10 minutes away There is plenty of room to setup tents in the shaded areas.You can find We will be making a hotel rooms in McMinWilsonville e city=Mcminnville&state=OR&country=US&remote=ovtr available for additional lodgshowering facilities. McMinWilsonville is less tha about 10 minutes away from the track.

Pre-registration is available at PKA P.O. Box 783 Fairview Oregon 97024-0783by phone 1-800-223-7661. You will be able to pay for entry fees with a credit card (Visa or Master Card).

For details including rules and super TT information, please see If you have any additional questions, please do not contact us at: ronw@w- [email protected] [email protected] or 206-850-3879425-820-9132.

For details on the Supermoto races on Sunday, check out

Important note: all engines must be off at dusk. Weekend Schedule: Thursday: Gates will be open at 9am so that you can arrive and get camp setup for the weekend. Also rental karts will be available.

Friday: All day practice. We will have reserved practice sessions for New Riders and TT groups. Track opens at 10am. Hot Lap competition starts around 6pm. Weekend Schedule: Thursday: Gates will be open at 9am so that you can arrive and get camp setup for the weekend.

Friday: All day practice. We will have reserved practice sessions for New Riders. Track opens at 10am.

Saturday: Track opens fromat 8am-9:30am for practice. 10:9:1500 am Riders Meeting. 9:15 am. Heat races begin 10109:003045 am.heat races beginqualifying begins. Sprint Races followed by free BBQ and Awards Ceremony. We will also have a raffle of wonderful prizes offered by our sponsors

Sunday: Track opens from 8am-9am for practice. 8am-9am prac Riders meetingtice. 9:15150030am Riders meeting. 9:30a10am: 43 hour endurance race starts at 9:45 am. Awards Ceremony following immediately after. 1:00pm: Open Super TT practice. 4pm: Super TT racing program begins.

Special Deals:

Those who enter the Mini TT classes on Saturday can run the same class after the endurance race on Sunday (with the full Super TT program) for free!

Your 4th class is free (but any additional classes after the 4th is the additional class rate).

Directions to McMinnville

Mapquest formtype=search&countryid=250&addtohistory=&country=US&address=2070Lafayette+AVe.&city=McMinnville&stat e=OR&zipcode=97128&submit=Get+Map

Directions from North: 1. I-5 South to Exit 289 Directions from South:

1. I-5 North to Donald-Aurora exit 289 Mail Pre-entries to: NMRA 13015 84th Ave Ne Kirkland, WA 98034 Pre-registration is available at by phone 1-800-223-7661. You will be able to PKA P.O. Box 783 Fairview Oregon 97024-0783 You will be able to pay for entry fees with a credit card.

Name (Please Print legibly) Address: City State: Country ZIP: Phone: ( ) Email: YSR Club Association: (circle NMRA PCYC GSMRRA CIAYSR CMRRA AMRA TEAMS CIMRA one)Transponder Number: Other:______Credit Card Number & Expiration. Date:

YSR Club Association: (circle NMRA PCYC GSMRRA CIAYSR CMRRA AMRA TEAMS CIMRA one) Other:______Fees: Event: Post RegistrationUSD Friday practice: $25 1st Sprint Race Class: $5045 2nd Sprint Race Class $403255 3rdAdditional Sprint Race $402150 each Classes 4th Sprint Race Class $3020Free $152/3 day pass or Spectators $85/day $152/3 day pass or Hot Pit Pass $85/day Endurance Race (per team) $450

Race Entries. Please fill in all appropriate information:

Class: Bike #: Bike Type CC Fee

Stock 50 New / Novice Riders Supersport Women's Stock 50Superbike SupersportVets Mod Vets StockSuperbike Mod 50Vintage Big WheelMod 50 Womens New/Novice Riders 80 Stock Formula Thunder (>52cc big wheels, 125cc air cooled, pavement only) Big WheelVets Stock Ultimate 50Vets Modified 80 GP (YSR's with 80cc motor) Motard 80 (dirt bike chassis)80 Stock Formula 80 (big wheel 80's)Mini TT Extreme YSR (YSR chassis, any motor or Formula 80 bike)Mini TT Modified Formula Thunder (156cc 4 stroke limit—unlimited mods)80 GP (YSR's with 80cc motor) Stock Thunder 100/125cc (4 stroke stock everything except tires/jetting/gearing)Formula 80 (big wheel 80's) # of spectators: # of hot pit passes: Total:

Directions to Pats Acres:

Directions from North: 2. I-5 South to Exit 282A

3. Travel 1.5 Miles to stop light.

4. Turn left on to Arndt Road.

5. Travel 1.5 Miles. Track entrance is on your left hand side as soon as you cross the Pudding River. Watch for the sign on the left. Directions from South:

2. I-5 North to Donald-Aurora exit (278),

Turn right at stop sign (Ehlen Rd.) go east 1.5 miles to first light

Turn left, go north 1.5 miles to next signal (Arndt Rd.)

3. Turn right, go east 1.5 miles, track is on your left; look for sign Bikes and classes legal for:

Stock New Thunder Stock Super Super Vets Vets Mod Big 80 80 Formula Formula Bike Type Womens Riders 100/125 Formula Extreme 50 sport bike Mod Stock 50 Wheel Stock GP 80 Thunder /Novice (4 stroke) Stock YSR X X X X X X Modified YSR 50 X* X* X X X X X Stock YSR 80 X X X X X X X Honda NS 50 X X X X X Aprilia RS 50 X X X X X Honda MB5 X * X* X* X X X X TZR50 X X X Big Bore (ie 70cc Aprilia / X X X Derbi) YSR with non-stock 80cc motor X X X Non-YSR 80cc bikes X X XR 100 (stock except X X X X X X gearing/jetting/tires/suspension) XR 100 (unlimited) X X X X Derbi 50's (GPR/Motard) X X X X X* X X Metrakit 50's X X X Metrakit 50's (with stock derbi motor, no mk parts such as X X X X X X crank, ignition, etc) TTR 125/DRZ 125 (stock except X X X X X X X X gearing/jetting/tires/suspension) TTR 125/DRZ 125 (unlimited) X X X CR80/KX80/RM80 X X CB 160 X X YSR , alternate motor >80cc X

Don’t Forget About Your Sponcors.




4. Endurance Entry Form

Team Name:

Bike Number: Rider 1: Rider 2: Rider 3: Rider 4: Rider 5: Rider 6:


Endurance Classes:

Class Name (check one)

Overall  Formula 80 (includes 80gp)

 Formula Thunder

Overall Competes  Stock 50 for 50cc Overall  Stock 80

 Superbike

 Big Wheel

Endurance Race Specific Rules:

1. Rider must stop at stop line entrance to pits and then proceed in 1 st gear. 1 st gear only in the hot pit. Violators will be assessed a stop and go penalty.

2. This will be a 43 hour endurance race. One time is started it will only be stopped at the end of 43 hours. Time DOES NOT STOP during a red flag.

3. Rider Changes: 54 Changes of rider must occur during the race.

4. Bike Change: Teams may substitute bikes in the event of a non-functioning primary bike. Race director must be notified before bike will allowed to enter track. Changing bikes will deduct 120 laps from the team’s final count.

5. Red Flag Rules:

Hot pit is closed during red flags. Bikes must remain on the front straight No work may be conducted on the bike during the red flag. Any team member entering the track will invoke a 10 lap penalty (exception is to teams that involved in the incident causing the red flag) No rider change allowed. Stay in line. Do not pass any rider. Bikes must stay in current order.

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