St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council s4
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Minutes of the meeting of the Environment Committee held in the Brannel Rooms, Fore Street, St Stephen on Thursday 14th January 2016 at 7.00pm.
Present: Chairman: Cllr Simpson Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Wonnacott Messrs: Cllrs Allsopp, Hatton, Sibley, Wonnacott MBE and Cornwall Councillor Fred Greenslade. Mesdames:
In attendance: Verna Hedley– Clerk, Adam Grey & Sarah Hodgson (Air Quality Monitoring)
The Clerk welcomed everyone to the first meeting and advised that the first order of business was to appoint a Chairman.
ENV01/16 Chairman: It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr D Simpson as Chairman for 2016.
ENV02/16 Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Hallett.
ENV03/16 Vice-Chairman: It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Mrs Wonnacott as Vice-Chairman for 2016.
ENV04/16 Declarations of Interest: There were no declaration of interests or gifts/hospitality over the value of £10.
ENV05/16 Dispensations: There were no dispensations requests.
ENV06/16 Public Participation: There were no members of the public in attendance.
ENV07/16 Dust Monitoring: Adam and Sarah advised members on the different types of equipment that could be used to monitor and report on the emissions from the incinerator. Members asked questions regarding this matter and also the question of costs. Quotations on cost options were discussed as well as the longevity of the machines and the best places to site them. Members thanked Adam and Sarah for taking the time to come to the meeting.
Adam Grey & Sarah Hodgson left the meeting at 8.05pm
Members further discussed this matter and it was RESOLVED that providing funding was available that 3 x DM11 monitors be purchased as well as 1 x dust gauge and a monitor stand if required.
01/16 ENV08/16 Terms of Reference: It was RESOLVED to defer this item to the next meeting.
ENV09/16 Legal Agreement: Members were advised that a response to Councils queries had been received from L Trounce and had been forwarded onto Councils solicitor. Confirmation had also been received from Councils insurance company that there was cover under public liability section in the event that Council was negligent in its duties. The issue of a representative from St Dennis PC was discussed and it was RESOLVED that provided it was agreeable to Cornwall Council that Cornwall Councillor F Greenslade as Ward Member for the area be appointed to the committee as the representative for St Dennis. As further information was awaited regarding the agreement it was RESOLVED to discuss this matter at the next meeting. The Clerk handed out copies of the agreement for Members to read.
ENV10/16 Funding: Cllr Greenslade advised that he had received an e-mail stating that a final account of unspent funds was still awaited from St Dennis Parish Council. RESOLVED that as there was no information to date to put this on the next agenda for discussion.
ENV11/16 Information & Answers – for information only. The Clerk advised that no date had been agreed for the next meeting so she would e-mail Members with a suitable date.
The meeting ended at 8.45pm
Chairman ……………………………………
Date ……………………………………