PFF Lift Plan / Crane Schedule Samples:
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PFF Lift Plan / Crane Schedule Templates:
Guidance Notes:
The PFF Sample Lift Plans / Crane Schedules and associated templates have been drafted with support and input from the HSE and are intended to provide guidance to Appointed Persons planning the installation of precast concrete products. This should be considered the absolute minimum standard required when planning the associated lifting operations. In addition, the HSE advises that the person deemed competent to assess the adequacy of the hardstanding be named by the Client in advance of the lifting operations. A separate PFF template has been prepared for this purpose, titled Crane Hardstand Assessment - Confirmation Notice. This should be completed / returned to the Precast Company, to confirm that the Clients competent person has assessed the hardstand area(s) and approved the maximum crane outrigger loadings to be accommodated as stated on the Lift Plan / Crane Schedule.
All of the Sample Documents / Templates are available for free download from the PFF website;
The PFF Sample Lift Plans & Crane Schedule Guidance should not be considered exhaustive, and should be regarded a minimum standard of information provision for the Lift Plan / Crane Schedule element of your crane planning.
The crane planning shall also clearly address, but not be limited to, the following;
The type and number of personnel required, their specific roles and competences, and how they will be briefed. The nature and weight of the load and lifting points (inc. centre of gravity of the lift). Height of the lift, including site constraints determining minimum or maximum jib length (section sketch of the lift). Crane SWL taking account of Jib length / counterweight / full or intermediate outrigger set up / fly jib reduction etc. Pick up and set down points and constraints such as space and stacking. Communication methods to be used. Lifting accessories; All chains, lifting shackles etc must be specified, inc. cast in lifting devices, consideration of lifting angle of chains, SWL inc. any down rating for lifting by choke-hitched method, certification checks etc. Approvals of lifting operations by third parties where necessary: Examples of which include; Electricity board / line operator regarding overhead electric lines and cables (HSE Guideline GS6) Aerodrome / Airfield Manager when working within 6km of the aerodrome / airfield Railway Authority when working on / adjacent to rail tracks Highways / Police Authority when working next to a highway Proximity Hazards: Examples of which include;
Railway lines Pedestrian and site traffic Underground services Basement structures Embankments Adjacent mobile / tower crane operations Excavations Hazardous chemicals / materials Confined working area Restricted access working area Existing occupied buildings Public highway Overhead electric lines and cables Overhead obstructions and Restriction to visual (ref to HSE Guideline GS6) communications. Live plant (Nuclear installations, refineries etc) Airport
Possible requirement for ancillary equipment: Examples of which include; Slew restrictor device (when working in close proximity to adjacent railways and / or overhead power lines), earth strap for the crane (to discharge excess static electricity build up), flashing hazard light to end of boom in close proximity to an airport. Multiple day crane visits should include at least one completed section of the Crane Schedule for each day. This equally applies if a single crane stand location is utilised for more than one day (enabling crane hardstand sign off prior to lifting each day). Multiple crane stand locations / day should include a completed section of the Crane Schedule for each crane location (enabling crane hardstand sign off prior to lifting from each crane stand location). The extent of components to be installed from each crane stand location and on each day should be clearly indicated on the Lift Plan sketch. The maximum anticipated outrigger loadings should be provided in tonnes / m2 for both “standard size” crane mats and optional “increased size” outrigger mats. As an integral part of the consideration of crane hardstand adequacy, the Clients competent person should confirm which outrigger load / mat size is acceptable for each provided hardstand area. The “PFF Crane Hardstand Assessment Notice” form can be used for this purpose. Where the Clients competent person cannot confirm adequacy of a particular hardstand for either “standard size” or “increased size” crane mats, the Appointed Person and Clients competent person should liaise to agree additional measures. These should be documented and the revised tonnes / m2 outrigger loading and crane mat size confirmed on the Lift Plan / Crane Schedule. All to be confirmed as adequate by the Clients competent person prior to the arranging the lift. In any event, lifting must not commence without Client confirmation of hardstand adequacy on the day of lifting as an effective permit to lift system.
To be read in conjunction with the Precast Flooring Federation Code of Practice for the Safe Erection of Precast Concrete Flooring and Associated Components 2007, BS7121 Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes, LOLER Regulations, PUWER Regulations and all other associated health and safety legislation.