Who explored Antarctica? Guide sheet for student research

Instructions for students: Use this guide sheet to summarise the information on your group’s chosen explorer. You will be looking for information to answer who? when? where? what? why? about this person. You will then use this information when designing your explorer web pages.

Who is your group’s chosen explorer?

When did this explorer arrive in Antarctica and how long did he stay?

Where in Antarctica did this explorer travel and what equipment did he take?

What was life like for this explorer? What problems did he and his team encounter? Why should this explorer be remembered? (Mention his achievements).

Use the table below to list all the resources your group used when researching your explorer. The first two entries are examples.

Resource type Title/ web address Type of information web site http://www.south-pole.com/p0000099.htm Facts on Mawson book Encyclopaedia Britannica Facts on Shackleton

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