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FM PT45 Document Template

T Working Group Frequency Management Doc. FM51(12)048Rev1 P

E Project Team FM PT51 C ECC PMSE Issues Electronic Communications Committee

ECO, Copenhagen, 28 – 30 November 2012

Date issued: 27 November 2012

Source: ECO

Subject: Summary and preliminary analysis of the responses to the WG FM questionnaire on PMSE (Version 4)

Summary: This document provides a summary and a preliminary analysis of the responses received to the questionnaire on PMSE developed by FM51 and agreed by WG FM at its 74th meeting.

Proposal: To be considered by FM51. Some elements may be used by FM51 in its current activities (revision of ECC Report 002, CEPT Reports in response to EC Mandate, revision of ERC/REC 25- 10...).

Background: The document contains a summary of the responses and a preliminary analysis for each of the bands dealt with in the questionnaire. The set of full responses sent by the administrations is annexed to this document. It is intended to update this document on a regular basis through exchange between the ECO and the national administrations contact points.

Version 1: 9 July 2012 A total of 29 CEPT countries provided a response to the questionnaire. Amongst those, one administration mentioned that it was not in position to provide relevant information because of an ongoing review process of its national frequency table allocation and one administration provided information limited to 5 of the 19 frequency bands under consideration. Although some of the other responses may not be fully complete for all specific items, it is considered than this set of responses provide a quite representative snapshot of the PMSE use across CEPT.

Administrations are invited that the information provided in this summary is consistent with their situation and to send to the ECO any correction or update if relevant.

Version 2: 12 July 2012 With the addition of 2 new responses (MLT, E), this revision includes now the responses from 31 CEPT countries. Furthermore, a few modifications or clarifications have been made to the responses by the concerned administration (FIN, LTU, F) and reported as appropriate into the summary included in this document.

Version 3: 18 September 2012 This 3rd version includes the responses from 32 CEPT countries (addition of POR). Furthermore, one correction has been made to the responses by one administration (HUN). The summary has been updated as appropriate.

Version 4: 27 November 2012 As a result of the introduction of version 3 to the September 2012 meeting of WG FM, two additional responses were sent to the ECO from . Thus, the 4th version includes the responses from 34 CEPT countries and a further update of the summary as appropriate

List of responses (27 November 2012)

1 Annex Country Country Name Annex Country Country Name Code Code 1 MNE Montenegro 18 F France 2 CYP Cyprus 19 HRV Croatia 3 LUX Luxembourg 20 SVK Slovakia 4 MKD The Former Yugoslav 21 SRB Serbia Republic of Macedonia 5 ISL Iceland 22 I Italy 6 FIN Finland 23 S Sweden 7 DNK Denmark 24 HNG Hungary 8 CZE Czech Republic 25 AUT Austria 9 SUI Switzerland 26 BUL Bulgaria 10 GEO Georgia 27 G United Kingdom 11 HOL Netherlands 28 RUS Russian Federation 12 NOR Norway 29 IRL Ireland 13 EST Estonia 30 MLT Malta 14 BLR Belarus 31 E Spain 15 TUR Turkey 32 POR Portugal 16 LTU Lithuania 33 GRC Greece 17 D Germany 34 LVA Latvia

1 Band 29.7-47.0 MHz (Rec. 70-03)

Summary table Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Radiomics Defence systems; SRD - No Website Annex 10 Wireless applications in Details in Annex Healthcare (30-37.5 1 MHz); SRD- Inductive applications (148,5 kHz – 30 MHz); SRD- Model Control (34,995–35,225 MHz; 40,665/40,675/ 40,685/40,695 MHz ); Radio astronomy(37,5 – 38,25 MHz); Meteor scatter communications(39.0- 39.2 MHz); ISM; Wind profiler radars(46–68 MHz); PMR(T/R 25–08) 2-CYP Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Radiomics for 29.7 - 34.9 Ver 30/05/07 MHz and 37.5 – 47.0 MHz Reviewed on a case-by-case basis for 34.9- 37.5 MHz Details in Annex 2

2 3- LUX Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Radiomics non-specific SRDs, ISM, No except Details in Annex A10a medical implants or 34.995 - 3 flying models 35.225 MHz , reserved for flying models 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300422 5- ISL Yes Individual Rec 70-03 Radiomics No license Annex 10 Details in Annex 5 6- FIN 31.100, License exempt ERP ≤10 mW; radio - Military use in the band Less use in 32.100, Details in Annex B ≤ 200 kHz. microphones 30.325 - 34.325 MHz; the future 32.900, 6 EN 300422 and PMSE share use with due to lack 33.500, equipment wireless loudspeakers, of equipment 36.700, for in-ear headphones, hearing 37.100 monitoring aids, and helmet radio MHz, and telephones (only range frequencies 31.100, 42.400 - 32.100, 32.900, 33.500, 43.600 36.700, and 37.100 MHz MHz) - 42.400 - 43.600 MHz shared use with other SRD applications. Usage in other bands includes PMR, control, alarm, telemetry, tele command, data transmission, military use, and SRD applications. 7- DNK 32 – 39.4 License exempt 32.000, radiomics SRD (ERC/REC 70-03 No MHz Details in Annex 32.400, Annex 8 and 10) 7 35.800, 36.200, 36.500, 36.700, 36.900, 37.100, 37.300, 37.500, 37.700, 37.900, 38.800, 39.000 and 39.400 kHz, BW 50 kHz, 10 mW e.r.p. 8- CZE 36.4-38.5 License exempt 36.4 – 36.65 : Radiomics in possible MHz Details in Annex 10 mW erp,50 conformity extension of 8 kHz with sub-bands ERC/REC designated 36.65-38: 70-03 and for wireless 2mW, 50 kHz Commission microphones Decision 38-38.5: 2006/771/EU

3 10mW, 200kHz 9- SUI A: 31.4 - License exempt non Radiomics 30-37.5 MHz : ULP No 31.6 MHz, Details in Annex interference / medical membrane B: 32.4 - 9 non protection implants (ULP-MMI) 32.6 MHz, basis according to ERC/REC C: 36.0 - 70-03, Annex 12. UWB 36.2 MHz, Applications D: 36.6 - 36.8 MHz, E: 37.0 - 37.2 MHz, F: 37.2 - 37.4 MHz, G: 37.8 - 38.0 MHz, H: 38.4 - 38.6 MHz, I: 38.9 - 39.1 MHz, K: 39.4 - 39.6 MHz 10- GEO Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Details in Annex 10 11- HOL 36.6-38.8 License exempt 10 mW e.r.p., low power mobile communications, No MHz Details in Annex 50 or 200 kHz wireless medical implants, 11 bandwidth audio links cordless phones, model control (R/C), radio astronomy, paging, meteor scatter, telemetry, meteorological observations, wind profiler 12- NOR 41-43.6 General license 10 mW e.r.p. radiomics Maritime Mobile, Fixed, Depends on MHz Details in Annex Defence changes in 12 Rec. 70-03 13- EST 37.6-38.6 License exempt 10 mW e.r.p.; radiomics Simplex-networks of No MHz Details in Annex 50 kHz terrestrial mobile service 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR Yes License exempt 10 mW e.r.p., radiomics Defense systems, P-MP No except Details in Annex 50 kHz systems 30.3-30.5, 15 channel 32.15- separation,. 32.45 and 41.015-47 MHz 16- LTU 30.01– General License e.r.p. 10 mW, radiomics SRD, PMR, military No 30.3, Details in Annex channel tactical communications 30.5– 16 spacing 50 32.15, kHz 32.45– 37.5 MHz 17- D 32.475 – Individual e.r.p. 50 mW radiomics PPDR, military, PMR 38.125 License channel and Model Control MHz Details in Annex centres and 17 spacing, details in

4 Annex 17 32.475 – General License 10 mW e.r.p.; Probably 34.325 Details in Annex 50 kHz increase of and 17 the 36.610 – maximum 38.125 radiated MHz power for general licence 18- F / No 19- HRV No / 20- SVK 27,75 - General License 25 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Changes not 27,9 MHz Details in Annex 12.5 kHz (EN 300422- excluded 20 spacing 2 or 36,4 - 38,5 20 mW e.r.p. equivalent) Active medical implants MHz 50/75 kHz in 36,4 - 37.5 MHz, spacing Defence systems in part 38,25 – 38,5 MHz 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 41-43.6 License exempt Rec 70-03 radiomics / No MHz Details in Annex A10a according to 22 Annex 10 of ERC/REC 70-03 23- S 41-43.6 License exempt Channel radiomics / No MHz Details in Annex separation 23 200kHz and max 100 mW e.r.p. 24- HNG 34.9-38.5 License exempt REC 70-03 radiomics On site paging No MHz Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. applications. SRDs. 24 June 2009) meteor scatter links. Radio astronomy 25- AUT 36.7; 37.1; General License Details in No type / No 44.55; Details in Annex Annex 25 restrictions 45.0 MHz 25 26- BUL Yes License exempt REC 70- Radiomics PMR No Details in Annex 03/Annex 10 26 27- G No 28- RUS No 29- IRL Yes License exempt Details in Radio SRD’s, Amateur, No Details in Annex Annex 29. Microphones, Amateur-Satellite, Fixed 29 NIB/NPB In-Ear (Government Services), Monitoring Mobile (Government Systems. Services), Paging (Hospitals), Radiolocation (Secondary) 30- MLT in the General License Details in Radio Short range devices No bands Details in Annex Annex 30. microphones 29.7– 34.9 30 NIB/NPB. and 37.5 – 40.98 MHz 31- E frequency License exempt Max erp Radiomics No range Details in Annex 50mW. 31,500- 31 NIB/NPB 38,550 MHz 32- POR No Non-specific SRD, No

5 Model Control, Inductive applications and Active Medical Implants and their associated peripherals 33- GRC Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radio Fixed and Mobile No Details in Annex microphones Service for 33 Governmental use , other SRD applications 34- LVA Yes General License 10 mW e.r.p., Radio SRD, defence systems; No Details in Annex channel microphones PMR, ISM 34 spacing 50 kHz

Preliminary analysis

The summary shows that this band, fully or part of it, is widely available for PMSE applications across CEPT (27 from the 32 providing a response on this band). This is mostly for wireless microphones, sometimes with the extension to other low power audio applications. In most of cases, PMSE operation is under license exempt or general licensing regime. A few countries request individual licences, one as a general rule for radiomicrophones, another to allow for more relaxed technical conditions. Concerning the technical conditions, the vast majority follows the provisions from Recommendation 70-03.

2 Band 53-60 MHz

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE No No 2-CYP No

3- LUX No 4- MKD No No 5- ISL No 6- FIN No Band under review No 7- DNK No No 8- CZE No 9- SUI No No 10- GEO No info 11- HOL No No 12- NOR No No 13- EST No PMR/PAMR No 14- BLR 58 MHz License exempt e.r.p. max:25 radiomics / No Details in Annex mW 14 15- TUR No 16- LTU No No 17- D No / 18- F / 19- HRV No / 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I No / 23- S No 24- HNG No No

6 25- AUT No Broadcasting, Land No mobile service 26- BUL No 27- G 53.75 – Individual Maximum in- technology Land mobile No 55.75 MHz license band ERP 5 W neutral but Details in Annex typically used 27 for fixed audio links 28- RUS No 29- IRL No Amateur (Secondary), No Radiolocation (Secondary), SRD’s 30- MLT No PMR No 31- E No No 32- POR No Military use; information No not available 33- GRC No No 34- LVA No No

Preliminary analysis

From the 31 countries providing a response on this band, only 2 of them indicated an availability of part of it for PMSE, one for radio microphones, one typically used for fixed audio links. The level of harmonisation of this band is thus very low for PMSE.

3 Band 174 – 216 MHz (Rec 70-03 and 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available regime conditions expected ? ? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 70-03 Radiomics SRD-Assistive Listening No license Annex 10 Devices, DVB-T2 and T- Details, see Rec 25-10 DAB Annex 1 (tuning range) 2-CYP Yes Review on a Radiomics case by case basis 3- LUX Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics UWB, material sensing, No Details in Annex A10d aids for hearing, 3 GPR/WPR, BMA 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300422 5- ISL Yes General license Radiomics No 6- FIN Yes Individual Max ERP 50 radio Broadcasting No (2ndary license mW microphones basis) Details in Annex EN300422 and in-ear- 6 monitoring 7- DNK No Systems for hearing- No impaired Details in Annex 7 8- CZE Yes License exempt 50 mW erp Radiomics in No Details in Annex conformity 8 with ERC/REC 70-03 and Commission Decision

7 2006/771/EU 9- SUI Yes Individual until non Radiomics DVB-T, T-DAB, Medical License 31/12/12 interference / Telemetry, Personal exempt by Details in Annex non protection hearing aids, UWB. 01.01.2013 9 basis for all License exempt transmit power transmit after 01/01/13 levels of 1 to power levels Details in Annex 50 mW: up to 50 mW 9 Individual license required until 31.12.2012 10- GEO No info 11- HOL 186.582– Individual 10W e.r.p. 200 wireless T-DAB, medical Possible 188, license kHz BW on audio links, telemetry extension of 202–202.5, Details in Annex 10- meters portable or frequency 205.4– 11 height max. mobile bands for 206.6, Secondary PMSE is 208.2–209, basis, sharing considered. 209 – 216 with other MHz PMSE on equal basis. 195 - 202 License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., radiomics MHz Details in Annex 200 kHz 11 12- NOR No Not related to PMSE 13- EST Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p radiomics DVB-T, T-DAB No Details in Annex 13 14- BLR 144-230 License exempt e.r.p. max:20 radiomics / No MHz Details in Annex mW (excluding 14 148-151, 162.7-163, 168.5-174 MHz) 15- TUR Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p. radiomics Terrestrial Broadcasting No Details in Annex 15 16- LTU Yes Light License e.r.p. 50 mW, radiomics TV broadcasting No Details in Annex 16 17- D 174-230 Individual 50 mW e.r.p. radiomics Broadcast, hearing aids No for the MHz License BW:200 kHz time being Details in Annex Raster: 25 kHz 17 18- F 174-223 General license Restricted to SAB Digital radio No MHz Details in Annex professional ( analogue 18 users, radiomics, in- Secondary to ear systems, broadcasting talk back) Details in Annex 18 19- HRV Yes Individual Secondary equipment broadcasting services Electronic License use. Sharing according to (DVB-T/T2, T-DAB) and licensing in Details in Annex conditions REC 70-03 Radiodetermination preparation 19 cooperated and expected with other in 2013. users

8 20- SVK 174.3 Light License 20 mW e.r.p. Radiomics ATV Broadcasting in No 174.7 MHz Details in Annex 50/75 kHz (EN 300422- same part 174,260 – 20 spacing. 2 or 174,740 MHz. and in the NI/NPB to equivalent) future planned service broadcasting DVB-T and T-DAB 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 174-216 General license according to Radiomics No Details in Annex band d) of 22 Annex 10 of 173.965- License exempt ERC/REC 70- Hearing aids 174.015 Details in Annex 03 20 23- S 174-230 Individual Max BW wireless T-DAB and DVB-T/T2 No MHz license 200kHz and audio Details in Annex max 50 mW 23 e.r.p. Use of white spaces 24- HNG 174-216 License exempt REC 70-03 radiomics Broadcasting No MHz Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. 24 June 2009)

190-214 Individual ERPmax= 10 W Transmission MHz license Operation on a of television Details in Annex secondary news 214-223 24 basis Transmission MHz of radio news 25- AUT Yes Individual Details in No type / No license Annex 25 restrictions Details in Annex 25 26- BUL Yes License exempt REC 70- Radiomics Broadcasting No Details in Annex 03/Annex 10 26 27- G 175.15- Individual Maximum in- technology Land and maritime No 175.35, license band ERP 50 neutral but mobile 175.425- Details in Annex mW mic, 25 W typically used 175.625, 27 talkback, 1 W for: 176.3- audio link - wireless 177.1, microphones 181.69375- -* Talkback 181.80625* - **Audio link , 184.5- 185.1, 189.69375- 189.80625* , 191.6- 193.1**, 199.6- 201.1, 207.6- 210.1 MHz 12 Light license 50 mW ERP Microphones channels Details in Annex available 27 for microphone use under a shared licence regime. (3

9 other channels available in mainland UK ie not available in Northern Ireland) 28- RUS Yes License exempt transmit power radiomics broadcasting Yes Details in Annex max 5mW, 28 antenna gain max 3dB, channel separation – 200 kHz, comply with standard EN 300 422, not claim interference protection 29- IRL Yes Individual Maximum Radio Broadcasting No license for permitted Microphones. (Television). temporary use ERP: 1W Broadcasting (T-DAB), Details in Annex (although SRD’s. 29 typical licensed ERP is 50 mW) Channel Spacing: 200 kHz Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non-protected basis for the duration of the event in question, for a maximum duration of 6 months 30- MLT 173.7 – 181 General License Details in Radio Digital Terrestrial allocation of MHz Details in Annex Annex 30. Non microphones Broadcasting radio 30 interference, microphones non protection in this band basis. is temporary 31- E Yes License exempt Max erp Radiomics / No Details in Annex 50mW. 31 NIB/NPB Individual Specific SAB/SAP license frequencies. portable Details in Annex Details in audio links 31 Annex 31 with license 32- POR Yes License exempt Rec 70-03, In-ear Broadcasting, Hearing No Details in Annex max erp monitors and aid equipment 32 50mW wireless Light license Erp > 50mW microphones

10 Details in Annex Avoid 32 broadcasting emissions Individual Erp > 50mW license Details Temporary in Annex 32 basis 33- GRC Yes License exempt Tuning range wireless Broadcasting Transitional Details in Annex basis. Max microphones regulations 33 eirp 10mW. and in-ear due to the NIB systems switch from Individual EIRP>10mW analogue to license Details in digital TV Details in Annex Annex 33 33 34- LVA Yes Individual Details in radio terrestrial broadcasting, No license Annex 34 microphones, hearing aid equipment Details in Annex SAP/SAB 34

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 30 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. The predominant use is for radio microphones (including hearing aids) with technical conditions based in most cases on REC 70-03. However, some countries apply more stringent conditions (lower ERP or requirement on the bandwidth or channel spacing). The use of this band for radio microphones is generally regulated through license exempt or general license regime, but light or individual licensing may also apply in some countries. This band is also used for other PMSE applications such as wireless audio links and talkbacks.

4 Band 470 – 786 MHz (Rec 70-03 and 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 70-03 Radiomic Analogue TV/DVB-T2, No license Annex 10 (tuning and Radio Details, see Rec 25-10 range), in-ear Astronomy(608- Annex 1 (tuning range) monitors 614MHz) 2-CYP Yes Review on a Radiomics case by case basis 3- LUX Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics GPR/WPR, BMA, No Details in Annex A10e1 material sensing, UWB 3 SAB/SAP 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300422 5- ISL Yes General license Radiomics No 6- FIN Yes (2ndary Individual Max ERP 50 radiomics Broadcasting Final basis) license mW and in-ear- decision on Details in Annex EN300422 monitoring future use of 6 the 700 MHz band, and its schedule, has not been made yet. 7- DNK Yes (in TV License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., radiomics No white Details in Annex BW 200 kHz spaces) 7 + conditions in

11 Annex 7 8- CZE Yes License exempt 50 mW erp Radiomics in On the basis Details in Annex conformity of RR 5.296 8 with (WRC-12), ERC/REC operation of 70-03 and the wireless Commission microphones Decision and PMSE 2006/771/EU on a secondary service. 9- SUI Yes Individual until non Radiomics, DVB-T, UWB License 31/12/12 interference / in-ear- Applications. exempt by Details in Annex non protection monitoring 01.01.2013 9 basis for all License exempt transmit power transmit after 01/01/13 levels of 1 to power levels Details in Annex 50 mW: up to 50 mW 9 levels up to License 250 mW in exempt by designated 01.01.2013 frequency for all ranges transmit power levels up to 250 mW in designated frequency ranges 470-782 Individual some Wireless MHz license Details frequency audio in Annex 9 ranges, until 5 applications W transmit power Details in Annex 9 non interference / non protection basis Geographical restrictions in 608-614 10- Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 GEO Details in Annex 10 11- HOL 470-557 License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., Radiomics DVB-T, radio astronomy Preparations 614-637 Details in Annex 200 kHz for changes / 638-701 11 extensions of 702-786 PMSE in this MHz band. 557-618 Individual 10W e.r.p. 200 wireless 619-626 license Details kHz BW on audio links, 627-630 in Annex 11 10- meters portable or 637-638 height max. mobile 701-702 Secondary MHz basis, sharing with other PMSE on equal basis.

12 12- 510-786 General license Vacant radiomics Digital television Possible NOR Details in Annex frequencies broadcast deployment 12 50 mW e.r.p. of white space and cognitive devices in the long term. Also depends on allocation changes and other international harmonisatio n measures 13- EST Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p.; radiomics DVB-T Under Details in Annex consideration 13 14- BLR 470-638 License exempt e.r.p. max:5 radiomics / No MHz Details in Annex mW 14 15- TUR Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Terrestrial Broadcasting No Details in Annex and 15 SAB/SAP 16- LTU Yes Light License e.r.p. 50 mW, radiomics TV broadcasting No Details in Annex 16 17- D 470 MHz - Individual 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics, Broadcast, Wind No for the 606 MHz / License BW:200 kHz Profiler, Radio time being 614 MHz Details in Annex Raster: 25 kHz Astronomy, Military -790 MHz 17 470 MHz - 30 W erp SAB/SAP 790 MHz 20 kHz engineering / telecommand 470 MHz - 250 W erp SAB/SAP P- 790 MHz 300 kHz P 18- F yes General License Restricted to SAB(radio Digital TV New Details in Annex professional microphones, conditions to 18 users, in-ear be published Secondary to systems, talk soon broadcasting back) Details in Annex 18 19- HRV Yes Individual Secondary equipment broadcasting services Electronic License use. Sharing according to (DVB-T/T2) and licensing in Details in Annex conditions REC 70-03 Radiodetermination preparation 19 cooperated and expected with other in 2013 users 20- SVK Yes Light License Case by case Radiomics Broadcasting No Details in Annex consideration. 20 NI/NPB to broadcasting 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I Yes General license according to Radiomics No Details in Annex band e1) of for 22 Annex 10 of professional ERC/REC 70- use 03 23- S Yes Individual Max BW wireless DVB-T/T2 Outcome of

13 license 200kHz and audio the next Details in Annex max 50 mW WRC 23 e.r.p. (agenda item Use of white 1.2) may spaces have an impact 24- Yes License exempt REC 70-03 radiomics Broadcasting, Radio Yes HNG Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. astronomy 24 June 2009)

Individual ERPmax= 10 W Transmission license Operation on a of television Details in Annex secondary news 24 basis Transmission of radio news 25- AUT Yes Individual Details in No type BROADCASTING, Regulation license Annex 25 restrictions Radio Astronomy and will be Details in Annex Radiolocation Service amended 25 according to ECC REC 70-03 for the full range 470-862 MHz 26- BUL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Broadcasting – TV, No Details in Annex Tuning range DVB-T, Radionavigation 26 basis 27- G 470-790 Individual Maximum in- technology TV broadcasting International MHz license band ERP 50 neutral but development Details in Annex mW mic and typically used s at WRC-12 27 IEM, 5 W for: with respect talkback microphones, to the 700 in ear MHz band monitors and raises talkback questions for 606-614 Light license 50 mW ERP Microphones the future MHz Details in Annex use of UHF 27 Band IV and V in the UK including PMSE. 28- RUS Yes License exempt transmit power radiomics BROADCASTING, Yes Details in Annex max 5mW, MOBILE, FIXED, 28 antenna gain SPACE OPERATION max 3dB, channel separation – 200 kHz, comply with standard EN 300 422, not claim interference protection Individual on primary Temporary license basis, detailed use for major Details in Annex conditions events, 28 should be limited to defined in residents licence as result of expertize

14 29- IRL Yes Individual Typical Wireless Broadcasting No within the license for licensed ERP: Microphone/I (Television). next 3 years temporary use 50 mW n-ear Details in Annex Max. Licensed Monitors. 29 ERP: 1 W Max Channel Bandwidth: 200kHz Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non-protected basis for the duration of the event in question, for a maximum duration of 6 months. 30- MLT No Yes 31- E No Under study availability in TV white spaces from 2013 32- 470-750 License exempt Rec 70-03, In-ear Broadcasting, Hearing No POR MHz and Details in Annex max erp monitors and aid equipment 758-786 32 50mW wireless MHz Light license Erp > 50mW microphones Details in Annex Avoid 32 broadcasting emissions Individual Erp > 50mW license Details Temporary in Annex 32 basis 33- Yes License exempt Tuning range wireless Broadcasting Transitional GRC Details in Annex basis. Max microphones regulations 33 eirp 10mW. and in-ear due to the NIB systems switch from Individual EIRP>10mW analogue to license Details in digital TV Details in Annex Annex 33 33 34- LVA Yes Individual Details in radio TV broadcasting, License license Annex 34 microphones, regime under Details in Annex SAP/SAB consideration 34

Preliminary analysis

From the 33 countries providing a response on this band, 31 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. The predominant use is for radio microphones (and also in-ear monitors) with technical conditions based in most cases on REC 70-03. The use of this band for radio microphones is generally regulated through license exempt or general license regime, but light or individual licensing may and also in-ear monitors also apply in some countries.

15 This band is also used in some countries for other PMSE applications such as temporary SAB/SAP, talkbacks, wireless audio links generally with higher ERP and in most cases with individual licensing.

A number of countries refer to some international developments on the 700 MHz band (results of WRC-12, WRC-15 AI 1.2, cognitive devices in the white spaces) which may have an impact on PMSE in this band. In addition, the regulation is expected to be amended in some countries to reflect the modifications recently brought to the REC 70-03 in the full range 470-862 MHz.

5 Band 786 – 789 MHz (Rec 70-03 and 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available regime conditions expected? ? 1- MNE Yes Individual license Rec 70-03 Radiomic Defence systems, No Details, see Annex 10 (tuning Analogue TV/DVB-T2 Annex 1 Rec 25-10 range), in-ear (tuning range) monitors 2-CYP Yes Review on a case Radiomics by case basis 3- LUX Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics GPR/WPR, BMA, No Details in Annex 3 A10e2 material sensing, UWB SAB/SAP 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300422 5- ISL Yes General license Radiomics No 6- FIN Yes Individual license Max ERP 12 radio Broadcasting Final (2ndary Details in Annex 6 mW microphones decision on basis) EN300422 and in-ear- future use of monitoring the 700 MHz band, and its schedule, has not been made yet. 7- DNK Yes (in TV License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., radiomics No white Details in Annex 7 BW 200 kHz spaces) + conditions in Annex 7 8- CZE Yes License exempt 12 mW erp Radiomics in No Details in Annex 8 conformity with ERC/REC 70-03 and Commission Decision 2006/771/EU 9- SUI Yes Individual until transmit power Radiomics, DVB-T until 31.12.2012, License 31/12/12 levels of 1 to in-ear- UWB Applications. exempt by Details in Annex 9 50 mW monitoring 01.01.2013 non for all interference / transmit non protection power levels basis up to 12 mW License exempt transmit power after 01/01/13 levels of 1 to Details in Annex 9 12 mW: 10-GEO Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Details in Annex 10 11- HOL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., Radiomics DVB-T Preparations

16 Details in Annex 200 kHz for changes / 11 extensions of PMSE in this band. 12-NOR Yes General license Vacant radiomics Digital television Possible Details in Annex frequencies broadcast deployment 12 50 mW e.r.p. of white space and cognitive devices in the long term. Also depends on allocation changes and other international harmonisatio n measures 13- EST Yes License exempt 12 mW e.r.p.; radiomics DVB-T No Details in Annex 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Terrestrial Broadcasting No Details in Annex and 15 SAB/SAP 16- LTU Yes Light License e.r.p. 50 mW, radiomics TV broadcasting No Details in Annex 16 17- D 786-790 Individual License 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics, Broadcast, Military No for the MHz Details in Annex BW:200 kHz time being 17 Raster: 25 kHz 30 W erp SAB/SAP 20 kHz engineering / telecommand 250 W erp SAB/SAP P- 300 kHz P 18- F No No 19- HRV Yes Individual License Secondary equipment broadcasting services Electronic Details in Annex use. Sharing according to (DVB-T/T2) and licensing in 19 conditions REC 70-03 Radiodetermination preparation cooperated and expected with other in 2013 users 20- SVK Yes Light License Case by case Radiomics Broadcasting No Details in Annex consideration. 20 NI/NPB to broadcasting 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I Yes General license according to Radiomics No Details in Annex band e2) of for 22 Annex 10 of professional ERC/REC 70- use 03 23- S Yes Individual license Max BW wireless DVB-T/T2 Outcome of Details in Annex 200kHz and audio the next 23 max 50 mW WRC e.r.p. (agenda item Use of white 1.2) may spaces have an

17 impact 24-HNG Yes License exempt REC 70-03 radiomics Broadcasting, The Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. regulation 24 June 2009) will be

Individual license ERPmax= 10 W Transmission reconsidered Details in Annex Operation on a of television after the 24 secondary news digital basis Transmission switchover. of radio news Individual licensing will be required. 25- AUT Yes Individual license Details in No type BROADCASTING, Regulation Details in Annex Annex 25 restrictions will be 25 amended according to ECC REC 70-03 for the full range 470-862 MHz 26- BUL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Broadcasting – TV, No Details in Annex Tuning range DVB-T, Radionavigation 26 basis 27- G 470-790 Individual license Maximum in- technology TV broadcasting International MHz Details in Annex band ERP 50 neutral but development 27 mW mic and typically used s at WRC-12 IEM, 5 W for: with respect talkback microphones, to the 700 in ear MHz band monitors and raises talkback questions for the future use of UHF Band IV and V in the UK including PMSE. 28- RUS Yes Individual license on primary Temporary BROADCASTING, No Details in Annex basis, detailed use for major AERONAUTICAL 28 conditions events, RADIONAVIGATION should be limited to defined in residents licence as result of expertize 29- IRL Yes Individual license Typical Wireless Broadcasting Not in this for temporary use licensed ERP: Microphone/I (Television). specific sub- Details in Annex 50 mW n-ear band 29 Max. Licensed Monitors. ERP: 1 W Max Channel Bandwidth: 200kHz Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non-protected basis for the duration of the

18 event in question, for a maximum duration of 6 months. 30- MLT No Digital Terrestrial No Television 31- E No Under study availability in TV white spaces from 2013 32- Yes License exempt Rec 70-03, In-ear Broadcasting, Hearing No POR Details in Annex max erp monitors and aid equipment 32 50mW wireless Light license Erp > 50mW microphones Details in Annex Avoid 32 broadcasting emissions Individual license Erp > 50mW Details in Annex Temporary 32 basis 33- Yes License exempt Tuning range wireless Broadcasting Transitional GRC Details in Annex basis. Max microphones regulations 33 eirp 10mW. and in-ear due to the NIB systems switch from Individual license EIRP>10mW analogue to Details in Annex Details in digital TV 33 Annex 33 34- LVA Yes Individual license Details in radio TV broadcasting, use of PMSE Details in Annex Annex 34 microphones, devices 34 SAP/SAB within 786 – 862 MHz will be aligned to ERC/REC 70-03. License regime under consideration

Preliminary analysis

From the 33 countries providing a response on this band, 29 of them report about the availability of the band for PMSE applications. The predominant use is for radio microphones (and also in-ear monitors) with technical conditions based in most cases on REC 70-03 and ECC/DEC(09)03. However, a number of countries apply slightly different conditions, for the maximum ERP level, which are based on previous versions of REC 70-03. The use of this band for radio microphones is generally regulated through license exempt or general license regime, but light or individual licensing may and also in-ear monitors also apply in some countries.

This band is also used in a few countries for other PMSE applications such as temporary SAB, wireless audio links generally with higher ERP and individual licensing.

In some countries, the regulation is expected to be amended to be in line with the latest version of REC 70-03. In addition, it is stated that some international developments (results of WRC-12, WRC-15 AI 1.2, cognitive devices in the white spaces) may have an impact on PMSE in this band.

19 6 Band 823-826 MHz (Rec 70-03 and 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 70-03 Radiomic Analogue TV/DVB-T2, No license Annex 10 (tuning defence systems and Details, see Rec 25-10 range), in-ear mobile service Annex 1 (tuning range) monitors 2-CYP Yes Review on a Radiomics, case by case SAB/SAP basis 3- LUX Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics None No Details in Annex A10e3 3 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300422 5- ISL Yes General license Radiomics No 6- FIN Yes License exempt Max ERP 12 radio 821-823 MHz guard No Details in Annex mW microphones band for ECN 6 60 mW for and in-ear- bodyworn monitoring B ≤ 200 kHz. EN300422 7- DNK Yes (in TV License exempt Handheld 10 radiomics No white Details in Annex mW e.r.p., spaces) 7 Bodyworn 50 mW e.r.p., BW 200 kHz 8- CZE Yes License exempt 20 mW Radiomics in No Details in Annex 50 mW for conformity 8 bodyworn with B ≤ 200 kHz ERC/REC 70-03 and Commission Decision 2006/771/EU 9- SUI Yes Individual until transmit power Radiomics, DVB-T until 31.12.2012, License 31/12/12 levels of 1 to in-ear- UWB Applications. exemption Details in Annex 50 mW monitoring after 9 non 01.01.2013 interference / non protection basis License exempt transmit power after 01/01/13 levels up to 20 Details in Annex mW EIRP (100 9 mW EIRP bodyworn) 10- Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 GEO Details in Annex 10 11- HOL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., Radiomics DVB-T is being migrated No Details in Annex 200 kHz to <790 MHz 11 12- Yes General license 50 mW e.r.p. radiomics None No NOR Details in Annex 12 13- EST Yes License exempt 20 mW e.i.r.p., radiomics Mobile No

20 Details in Annex 200 kHz 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU Yes Light License e.r.p. 50 mW, radiomics TRA-ECS No Details in Annex 16 17- D Yes General license 50 mW e.r.p. radiomics No for the Details in Annex BW:200 kHz time being 17 Raster: 25 kHz 18- F Yes General license Restricted to SAB(radio New Details in Annex professional microphones, conditions to 18 users, in-ear be published Details in systems, talk soon Annex 18 back) 19- HRV Yes Individual Secondary equipment IMT, broadcasting Electronic License use. Sharing according to services (DVB-T/T2) licensing in Details in Annex conditions REC 70-03 and Radiodetermination preparation 19 cooperated and with other expected in users 2013 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I Yes General license according to Radiomics / / Details in Annex band e3) of for 22 Annex 10 of professional ERC/REC 70- use 03 23- S Yes License exempt Max BW wireless No Details in Annex 200kHz and audio 23 max 10 mW e.r.p. handheld or 50 mW e.r.p.bodyworn 24- Yes License exempt REC 70-03 radiomics Broadcasting, Individual HNG Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. licensing will 24 June 2009) be required.

Individual ERPmax= 10 W Transmission license Operation on a of television Details in Annex secondary news 24 basis Transmission of radio news 25- AUT Yes Individual Details in No type Until end of October Regulation license Annex 25 restrictions 2013 the band 822-830 will be Details in Annex MHz is temporary amended 25 allocated to the according to BROADCASTING ECC REC Service 70-03 for the full range 470-862 MHz 26- BUL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Broadcasting – TV, No Details in Annex Tuning range DVB-T, Radionavigation 26 basis 27- G This band makes up part of the duplex gap and will not be No available 28- RUS Yes Individual on primary Temporary BROADCASTING, No license basis, detailed use for major AERONAUTICAL Details in Annex conditions events, RADIONAVIGATION 28 should be limited to

21 defined in residents licence as result of expertize 29- IRL Yes Individual Typical Wireless Broadcasting it is intended license for licensed ERP: Microphone/I (Television). to require temporary use 50 mW n-ear PMSE users Details in Annex Max. Licensed Monitors. to comply 29 ERP: 1 W with ECC Max Channel Decision Bandwidth: 09(03) 200kHz Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non-protected basis for the duration of the event in question, for a maximum duration of 6 months. 30- MLT No This band could be designated for PMSE applications 31- E No Foreseen availability from 2013 for wireless microphones and SAP/SAB audio links 32- No Under study POR 33- Yes License exempt Tuning range wireless Broadcasting Transitional GRC Details in Annex basis. Max eirp microphones regulations 33 10mW. NIB and in-ear due to the Individual EIRP>10mW systems switch from license Details in analogue to Details in Annex Annex 33 digital TV 33 34- LVA Yes Individual Details in radio TV broadcasting, use of PMSE license Annex 34 microphones, devices Details in Annex SAP/SAB within 786 – 34 862 MHz will be aligned to ERC/REC 70-03. License regime under consideration

Preliminary analysis

22 From the 33 countries providing a response on this band, 26 of them report about the current availability of the band for PMSE applications. The availability of the band is also under consideration in 3 other countries. The predominant use is for radio microphones (and also in-ear monitors) with technical conditions based in most cases on REC 70-03 and ECC/DEC(09)03. However, some countries apply slightly different conditions (presumably based on previous versions of REC 70-03). The use of this band for radio microphones is generally regulated through license exempt or general license regime, but light or individual licensing may and also in-ear monitors also apply in some countries. This band is also used in a few countries for other PMSE applications such as temporary SAB, generally with higher ERP and individual licensing. In some countries, the regulation is expected to be amended to be in line with the latest version of REC 70-03.

7 Band 826-832 MHz (Rec 70-03 and 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 70-03 Radiomic Analogue TV/DVB-T2, No license Annex 10 (tuning defence systems and Details, see Rec 25-10 range), in-ear mobile service Annex 1 (tuning range) monitors 2-CYP Yes Review on a Radiomics, case by case SAB/SAP basis 3- LUX Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics None No Details in Annex A10e4 3 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300422 5- ISL Yes General license Radiomics No 6- FIN Yes License exempt Max ERP radio ECN above 832 MHz No Details in Annex 60 mW microphones 6 B ≤ 200 kHz. and in-ear- EN300422 monitoring 7- DNK 826-831 License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., radiomics No Details in Annex BW 200 kHz 7 8- CZE Yes License exempt 100 mW Radiomics in No Details in Annex erp conformity 8 B ≤ 200 kHz with ERC/REC 70-03 and Commission Decision 2006/771/EU 9- SUI Yes Individual until transmit power Radiomics, DVB-T until 31.12.2012, License 31/12/12 levels of 1 to in-ear- UWB Applications. exemption Details in Annex 50 mW e.r.p. monitoring after 9 or to 100 mW 01.01.2013 License exempt e.i.r.p. after 01/01/13 non Details in Annex interference / 9 non protection basis 10- GEO Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Details in Annex

23 10 11- HOL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., Radiomics DVB-T is being migrated No Details in Annex 200 kHz to <790 MHz 11 12- NOR Yes General license 50 mW e.r.p. radiomics None No Details in Annex 12 13- EST Yes License exempt 100 mW radiomics Mobile No Details in Annex e.i.r.p., 200 13 kHz 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU Yes Light License e.r.p. 50 mW, radiomics TRA-ECS No Details in Annex 16 17- D Yes General license 50 mW e.r.p. radiomics No for the Details in Annex BW:200 kHz time being 17 Raster: 25 kHz 18- F 826-830 General license Restricted to SAB(radio New Details in Annex professional microphones, conditions to 18 users, in-ear be published Details in systems, talk soon Annex 18 back) 19- HRV Yes Individual Secondary equipment IMT, broadcasting Electronic License use. Sharing according to services (DVB-T/T2) licensing in Details in Annex conditions REC 70-03 and Radiodetermination preparation 19 cooperated and expected with other in 2013 users 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I Yes General license according to Radiomics / / Details in Annex band e4) of for 22 Annex 10 of professional ERC/REC 70- use 03 23- S Yes License exempt Max BW wireless No Details in Annex 200kHz and audio 23 max 50 mW e.r.p. 24- HNG 826-832 License exempt REC 70-03 radiomics Broadcasting, Individual MHz Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. licensing will 24 June 2009) be required.

826-830 Individual ERPmax= 10 W Transmission MHz license Operation on a of television Details in Annex secondary news 24 basis Transmission of radio news 25- AUT Yes Individual Details in No type Until end of October Regulation will license Annex 25 restrictions 2013 the band 822- be amended Details in Annex 830 MHz is temporary according to 25 allocated to the ECC REC 70- BROADCASTING 03 for the full Service range 470-862 MHz 26- BUL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Broadcasting – TV, No Details in Annex Tuning range DVB-T, 26 basis Radionavigation 27- G This band makes up part of the duplex gap and will not be No

24 available 28- RUS Yes Individual on primary Temporary BROADCASTING, No license basis, detailed use for major AERONAUTICAL Details in Annex conditions events, RADIONAVIGATION 28 should be limited to defined in residents licence as result of expertize 29- IRL Yes Individual Typical Wireless Broadcasting it is intended to license for licensed ERP: Microphone/I (Television). require PMSE temporary use 50 mW n-ear users to Details in Annex Max. Licensed Monitors. comply with 29 ERP: 1 W ECC Decision Max Channel 09(03) Bandwidth: 200kHz Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non-protected basis for the duration of the event in question, for a maximum duration of 6 months. 30- MLT No Digital Terrestrial PMSE could Television be considered if digital terrestrial television is migrated to another channel 31- E No Foreseen availability from 2013 for wireless microphones and SAP/SAB audio links 32- POR No Under study 33- GRC Yes License exempt Tuning range wireless Broadcasting Transitional Details in Annex basis. Max microphones regulations 33 eirp 10mW. and in-ear due to the NIB systems switch from Individual EIRP>10mW analogue to license Details in digital TV Details in Annex Annex 33 33 34- LVA Yes Individual Details in radio TV broadcasting, use of PMSE license Annex 34 microphones, devices within Details in Annex SAP/SAB 786 – 862 34 MHz will be aligned to ERC/REC 70-

25 03. License regime under consideration

Preliminary analysis

From the 33 countries providing a response on this band, 26 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. The availability of the band is also under consideration in 3 other countries. The predominant use is for radio microphones (and also in-ear monitors) with technical conditions based in most cases on REC 70-03 and ECC/DEC(09)03. However, some countries apply more stringent conditions (lower ERP). The use of this band for radio microphones is generally regulated through license exempt or general license regime, but light or individual licensing may also apply in some countries. This band is also used in a few countries for other PMSE applications such as temporary SAB, generally with higher ERP and individual licensing. In some countries, the regulation is expected to be amended to be in line with the latest version of REC 70-03.

8 Band 863 – 865 MHz (Rec 70-03 and 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Radiomic Defence systems, SRD- No Website Annex 10 Non-specific, SRD- Details in Annex Rec 25-10 Wireless Audio 1 (tuning range) Applications 2-CYP Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 Radiomics Details in Annex Ver 30/05/07 2 3- LUX Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics GPR/WPR, BMA, No Details in Annex A10c material sensing, UWB, 3 alarms, social alarms 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300357 5- ISL Yes General license Radiomics No 6- FIN Yes License exempt Max ERP radio SRD applications No Details in Annex 10 mW microphones 6 B ≤ 200 kHz. and in-ear- EN300422 monitoring (also wireless loudspeakers , headphones, hearing aids, and helmet radio telephones) 7- DNK Yes License exempt 10 mW e.r.p. radiomics or No Details in Annex For radiomics: audio 7 BW 200 kHz. transmission For audio transmission BW no restriction 8- CZE Yes License exempt 10 mW erp Radiomics in No Details in Annex conformity

26 8 with ERC/REC 70-03 and Commission Decision 2006/771/EU 9- SUI Yes License exempt 10 mW Radiomics, UWB Applications No Details in Annex NIB / NPB Wireless 9 audio applications according to ERC/REC 70-03 Annex 13 10- No info GEO 11- HOL Yes License exempt 10 mW e.r.p. Radiomics telemetry ,alarms, data No Details in Annex 11 12- Yes General license 10 mW e.r.p. Wireless Non-specific short range No NOR Details in Annex EN301357 audio devices 12 13- EST Yes License exempt 10 mW e.r.p. radiomics SRD No Details in Annex 13 Individual See Annex 13 SAB/SAP license Details in Annex 13 14- BLR 863.6-865 License exempt e.r.p. max:10 wireless / No Details in Annex mW, audiosystem 14 spacing 50 s kHz 15- TUR Yes License exempt 10 mW e.r.p. Radiomics No Details in Annex and 15 SAB/SAP 16- LTU Yes General License e.r.p. 10 mW, Wireless SRD, military tactical No Details in Annex audio radio relay 16 applications, radiomics 17- D Yes General license 10 mW e.r.p. Wireless SRD No for the Details in Annex BW:200 kHz audio time being 17 for digital, 300 applications kHz for analogue Raster: 25 kHz 18- F Yes General license Details in Wireless No Details in Annex Annex 18 audio 18 applications 19- HRV Yes Individual Secondary equipment Alarms, SRD, RFID, Electronic License use. Sharing according to Wireless audio licensing in Details in Annex conditions REC 70-03 applications and preparation 19 cooperated Radiodetermination and expected with other in 2013 users 20- SVK Yes General license 10 mW e.r.p. Radiomics Wireless Audio Changes not Details in Annex 75 kHz Applications and Non- excluded 20 spacing specific SRD EN 300 422-2 or equivalent

27 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I Yes License exempt according to Radiomics / No Details in Annex band c) of for non- 22 Annex 10 of professional ERC/REC 70- use 03 23- S Yes License exempt Max BW wireless No Details in Annex 200kHz and audio 23 max 50 mW e.r.p. 24- Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics, RFIDs, narrow band No HNG Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. audio devices, non- 24 June 2009) specific short range REC 70-03 wireless devices Annex 13 (ver. applications June 2009) 25- AUT Yes General license Details in No type Wireless audio No Details in Annex Annex 25 restrictions applications 25 26- BUL Yes License exempt REC 70- Radiomics Non-specific Short No Details in Annex 03/Annex 10 Range Devices, 26 Wireless Audio Applications 27- G Yes License exempt Rec 70-03. Radiomics / No Details in Annex Details in 27 Annex 27 28- RUS Yes Individual on primary Temporary AERONAUTICAL No license basis, detailed use for major RADIONAVIGATION Details in Annex conditions events, 28 should be limited to defined in residents licence as result of expertize 29- IRL Yes License exempt As per ERC Radiomics SRDs No Details in Annex Recommendat 29 ion 70-03. NIB/NPB. 30- MLT Yes General License Details in Radio Wireless audio No Details in Annex Annex 30. microphones applications 30 NIB/NPB. 31- E Yes License exempt Max e.r.p. Wireless / No Details in Annex 20mW. microphone 31 NIB/NPB and audio devices

32- Yes License exempt As defined in Wireless Non-specific SRDs No POR Details in Annex Rec 70-03 microphones (863-870 MHz), hearing 32 aid equipment, wireless audio applications 33- Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radio Fixed Service for No GRC Details in Annex microphones Governmental use , 33 other SRD applications 34- LVA Yes General License 10 mW e.r.p. Radio SRD No Details in Annex microphones 34

Preliminary analysis

28 The 32 countries providing a response on this band report about the availability of the band for PMSE applications. In 31 of these countries, the band is used or planned to be used by radio microphones and also in-ear monitoring and wireless audio applications with technical conditions based in most cases on REC 70- 03 (Annex 10 for radio microphones, Annex 13 for wireless audio applications). The use of this band is generally regulated through license exempt or general license regime, but individual licensing may also apply in a few countries. No change is expected in this band.

9 Band 1785 – 1800 MHz (Rec 70-03 and 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available regime conditions expected? ? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 70-03 Radiomic SRD-Wireless Audio No license Annex 10 and in-ear Applications, Mobile Details, see Rec 25-10 monitors Applications Annex 1 (tuning range) (tuning range) 2-CYP 1785.7- License exempt Rec 70-03 Radiomics 1799.4 Details in Annex Ver 30/05/07 MHz 2 3- LUX Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics None No Details in Annex A10f+g 3 4- MKD Yes License exempt Rec 70-03 EN 300422 5- ISL Yes General license Radiomics No 6- FIN Yes Individual EN 300422 Radiomic ECN in adjacent bands Possible license and in-ear licence- Details in Annex monitoring exemption 6 under consideration More use is expected 7- DNK Yes License exempt For radiomics: radiomics or No Details in Annex 20 mW e.r.p., audio 7 BW 200 kHz. transmission For audio transmission, 20 mW e.i.r.p., BW no restriction 8- CZE Yes License exempt 20 mW Radiomics in No Details in Annex 50 mW for conformity 8 bodyworn with ERC/REC 70-03 and Commission Decision 2006/771/EU 9- SUI Yes License exempt NIB / NPB Radiomics UWB Applications No Details in Annex 9 10- GEO No info 11- HOL Yes License exempt 50 mW e.r.p., Radiomics None No Details in Annex 600 kHz 11 12- NOR Yes General license 20 mW e.i.r.p. radiomics Defence No Details in Annex 50 mW e.i.r.p.

29 12 for bodyworn

13- EST Yes License exempt 20 mW e.i.r.p. radiomics SRD No Details in Annex 50 mW e.i.r.p. 13 for bodyworn Individual See Annex 13 SAB/SAP license Details in Annex 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR Yes License exempt 20 mW e.i.r.p. Radiomics No Details in Annex 50 mW e.i.r.p. and 15 for bodyworn SAB/SAP 16- LTU 1785- Light License e.r.p. 50 mW, radiomics No 1795 Details in Annex 16 1795- General License 20 mW e.i.r.p. Wireless 1800 Details in Annex 50 mW e.i.r.p. audio 16 for bodyworn applications, radiomics 17- D 1785- General license 50 mW e.r.p. radiomics military services, SRD No for the 1805 Details in Annex time being 17 18- F Not yet Authorised soon for PMSE professional users under Rec 70-03 conditions 19- HRV Yes Individual PMSE on a equipment Radiodetermination Electronic License primary basis. according to licensing in Details in Annex Sharing REC 70-03 preparation 19 conditions and expected cooperated in 2013 with other users 20- SVK No 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I Planned No info according to Radiomics / band g) of Annex 10 of ERC/REC 70- 03 23- S Probably / / / ‘/ / in the near future 24- HNG Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radiomics, None No Details in Annex Annex 10 (ver. 24 June 2009) REC 70-03 wireless Annex 13 (ver. applications June 2009) 25- AUT Yes General license Details in No type / / Details in Annex Annex 25 restrictions 25 26- BUL Yes License exempt REC 70- Radiomics None No Details in Annex 03/Annex 10 Wireless 26 audio

30 applications in 1795-1800 MHz 27- G Yes Individual Maximum in- technology Fixed service Not at this license band ERP 50 neutral but time Details in Annex mW typically used 27 for wireless microphones 28- RUS No / 29- IRL No WAPECS No, WAPECS licenses until 2022 30- MLT Yes General License Details in Radio Wireless audio No Details in Annex Annex 30. Non microphones applications 30 interference, non protection basis. 31- E Yes License exempt Max e.r.p. Wireless / No Details in Annex 20mW. microphone 31 NIB/NPB 32- POR Yes License exempt Rec 70-03, In-ear Hearing aid equipment, No Details in Annex max erp monitors and Wireless audio 32 50mW wireless applications Light license Erp > 50mW microphones Details in Annex Avoid 32 broadcasting emissions Individual Erp > 50mW license Details in Temporary Annex 32 basis 33- GRC Yes License exempt REC 70-03 Radio Fixed and Mobile No Details in Annex microphones Service 33 34- LVA 1785- Individuall 20 mW digital radio No 1795 MHz License. e.i.r.p. ; 50 microphones Details in Annex mW e.i.r.p (1785.7 – 34 Details in 1799.4 Mhz) 1795- General License Annex 34 and wireless 1800 MHz Details in Annex audio 34 applications (1795 – 1800 MHz)

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 25 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. In addition, 3 countries intend to make the band available in the near future. The band is used or planned to be used by radio microphones and also in-ear monitoring and wireless audio applications with technical conditions based in most cases on REC 70-03 (Annex 10 for radio microphones, Annex 13 for wireless audio applications). The use of this band is generally regulated through license exempt or general license regime, but light or individual licensing may also apply in some countries. It should be noted that one country reported about the availability of the band 1800-1805 MHz under the same conditions than for the 1785-1800 MHz band.

10 Band 2025-2110 MHz (Rec 25-10)

31 Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 25-10 Cordless Defence systems, No license (tuning range), cameras, Fixed, Space research Details, see ERC Rep 38 Portable Annex 1 video links, Mobile video links (airborne and vehicular) 2-CYP Yes Review on a SAB/SAP case by case basis 3- LUX No Military use 4- MKD No 5- ISL Yes Individual Radio links Fixed radio links No license for mobile TV Details in Annex cameras 5 6- FIN Yes Individual Geographical short term Few old fixed links and No license restrictions or use for satellite telemetry in co- Details in Annex maximum wireless frequency and IMT in 6 e.i.r.p. level cameras and adjacent bands restrictions to video link. protect other services 7- DNK Yes Individual Shared ENG/OB, Satellite Earth Station No license between audio links Details in Annex wireless 7 camera users 8- CZE Yes Individual Coordination ENG/OB No license with Defence SAB/SAP Details in Annex in 2025-2070 8 9- SUI No No 10- GEO No info 11- HOL 2070-2110 Individual ENG/OB, mobile / License, temporary Details in Annex use only 11 12- NOR 2038,5 and Temporary Non-exclusive Wireless A few Satellite Earth No 2052,5 (BW individual use. Maximum camera Stations = 14 MHz) license 1 W e.r.p. Details in Annex 12 13- EST 2075.25- Individual See Annex 13 SAB/SAP fixed radiolinks; SRD No 2110 MHz license Details in Annex 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU Yes Individual e.i.r.p. 6 dBW, Cordless Radio relay links No license for 16 dBW and cameras, temporary use 26 dBW, width Portable Details in Annex of channel 14 video links, 16 MHz. See Mobile video Annex 16 links 17- D No / 18- F 2065, Individual e.i.r.p. max 10 mobile video No

32 2105MHz, license dBW links, Details in Annex Details in temporary 18 Annex 18 use (2 months max) Air-ground possible 2055 and e.i.r.p. max 10 mobile video 2095 MHz dBW links, Details in temporary Annex 18 use (2 ,Restriction 30 months max) km around Paris 19- HRV No / 20- SVK No 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 2040 – Individual REC 25-10 SAB/SAP / No 2110 MHz license temporary Details in Annex video links, 22 wireless cameras

23- S 2025- Individual / temporary / 2045.5, License Details mobile video 2094.5- in Annex 23 links 2110 MHz 24- HNG No No 25- AUT 2070-2110 Individual Details in No type / / MHz license Annex 25 restrictions Details in Annex (ENG/OB) 25 26- BUL No Tactical Radiorelay No systems for defence 27- G Yes Individual Maximum in- technology Defence systems Not at this license band ERP 20 neutral but time Details in Annex dBW (13 dBW typically used 27 airborne). for; wireless Cameras cameras/vide typically o links. licensed at 100 mW ERP 28- RUS No / 29- IRL Yes Individual ERP: 1 W Wireless Fixed P-P No license for Max Channel cameras. temporary use Bandwidth: Details in Annex 10MHz. 29 Geographical restrictions. Airborne not permitted. Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non-protected basis for the duration of the event in question, for a

33 maximum duration of 6 months. 30- MLT Yes Individual See Annex 30. Radio links / No License (studio-to- Details in Annex transmitter) 30 including OB links 31- E No No 32- POR Yes Individual No sharing wireless No License for constraints, cameras or temporary use see Annex 32 video links Details in Annex 32 33- GRC Yes Individual Defined on wireless Fixed and Mobile No License for case by case cameras, Service temporary use basis mobile video Details in Annex links 33 34- LVA No No

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 19 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications, namely temporary video links (portable, mobile with some allowance for airborne use) and cordless cameras as referred to in ERC/REC 25-10. This use is under an individual licensing regime. No change is expected for this band in relation to PMSE.

11 Band 2200-2500 MHz (Rec 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE 2200-2290 Individual Rec 25-10 Cordless Defence systems (2200- No 2300-2400 license (tuning range), cameras, 2290 MHz), Fixed(2200- and 2483,5- Details, see ERC Rep 38 Portable 2290 MHz), Space 2500 MHz Annex 1 video links, research(2200-2290 Mobile video MHz), Continuum line links and VLBI observations (airborne and (2200-2290 MHz), vehicular) Mobile applications(2300-2400 MHz) , Aeronautical telemetry (2300-2400 MHz), Amateur radio (2300-2400 MHz), ISM(2483,5-2500 MHz), Mobile applications (2483,5-2500 MHz), Mobile satellite applications(2483,5- 2500 MHz), IMT Satellite component(2483,5-2500 MHz) 2-CYP 2200-2290 Review on a SAB/SAP 2300-2400 case by case and 2483,5- basis 2500 MHz

34 3- LUX 2335-2395 Individual Case by Case Temporary In the band 2400- parts of the license analysis wireless 2483.5MHz: GPR/WPR, band 2.3- Details in Annex Details in video BMA, material sensing, 2.4GHz 3 Annex 3 UWB, AVI, ISM might not be anymore available in future for PMSE. 4- MKD No 5- ISL Yes Individual Radio links Fixed radio links PMSE out of license for mobile TV the band Details in Annex cameras 2300-2400 5 MHz in few years 6- FIN 2200-2300 Individual Geographical short term IMT and RLAN/ISM in No license restrictions or use for the adjacent bands Details in Annex maximum wireless 6 e.i.r.p. level cameras and restrictions to video link. protect other services 2315-2400 Individual Shared Wireless license between cqmeras and Details in Annex wireless ENG links 6 camera users, coordination 7- DNK 2200-2290 Individual Shared ENG/OB, Satellite Earth Station Users in MHz, 2300- license between Audio-links, 2300-2400 2400 MHz Details in Annex wireless Wireless MHz are 7 camera users cameras migrating to 2200-2290 MHz or 2025-2110 MHz (2300- 2400 MHz expected for wireless broadband in the future).

8- CZE Yes Individual In 2300–2412 SAB/SAP No license MHz, 4 28 Details in Annex MHz channels 8 for short-term SAP/SAB.

9- SUI 2290-2300 Individual Details in Cordless Military equipment, No Emergency license Annex 9 cameras, Aeronautical telemetry services Details in Annex ENG and OB (mil), UWB Applications. mobile TV 9 applications. links Portable 2300-2400 digital video link, Airborne video link

10- No info GEO 11- HOL 2245-2495 Individual 2245-2300: ENG/OB, Mobile (military), mobile / License, limited to the temporary (except aeronautical), Details in Annex event use only amateur (satellite), SRD,

35 11 2300-2495: mobile (satellite) max 1 year, shared with other users 12- 2327 and General license Maximum 2 W Wireless Fixed links, ISM, others. No NOR 2390 (BW = Details in Annex e.i.r.p. camera 8 MHz) 12

13- EST 2200 – Individual See Annex 13 SAB/SAP fixed radiolinks; SRD; S No 2300; license – PCS (S – E) 2390 – Details in Annex 2400 MHz 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No 2200-2450 MHz fixed No links, PMSE can be regarded as fixed links- individual license required 16- LTU Yes Individual e.i.r.p. 6 dBW, Cordless Radio relay links, P-MP, No license for 16 dBW and cameras, WLAN, SRD temporary use 26 dBW, width Portable Details in Annex of channel 14 video links, 16 MHz. See Mobile video Annex 16 links 17- D 2320 – Individual max. 500 W cordless SRD, Amateur, PMAR, No for the 2350, license eirp cameras, Military, PPDR time being 2384 – Details in Annex Transmitter video links 2483.5 MHz 17 output: max 20 W BW: up to 20 MHz Channel raster: 1 MHz . 18- F 2295, Individual Details in mobile video Potential 2305 ,2465, license Annex 18 links, change for 2475 MHz Details in Annex Limited to temporary frequency 18 ground to use (2 2305 MHz. ground at months max) Consideratio 2295 MHz n of implementati on of MFCN in 2300-2400 MHz through appropriate regulatory framework (LSA). 19- HRV 2245-2400 Individual Operations on equipment Space Research/EESS, Electronic MHz License primary basis. according to Radio astronomy licensing in Details in Annex Sharing REC 25-10. Radiodetermination preparation 19 conditions For local and expected cooperated event. in 2013 with other users 20- SVK 2300-2400 Individual Case by case SAB/SAP / MHz license consideration. Details in Annex Coordinated 20 frequencies.

36 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 2215 – Individual REC 25-10 SAB/SAP / No 2500 MHz license temporary Details in video links, Annex 22 wireless cameras

23- S 2200- Individual / temporary / 2220.5, License mobile video 2269.5- Details in links 2290 and Annex 23 2301-2400 MHz 24- 2400- License REC 70-03 Wideband Radioamateur. Non- No HNG 2483.5 MHz exempt Annex 3. (if data PMSE SRDs (according Details in comprehensible transmission to ERC/REC 70-03). Annex 24 as PMSE) (ver Earth stations of satellite June 2009) radiocommunication REC 70-03 Non-specific systems. Annex 1 (ver. Short Range June 2009) Devices (SRDs for video transmission s) 25- AUT 2245-2400 Individual Details in Annex No type / / MHz license 25 restrictions Details in (ENG/OB) Annex 25 2400- General Details in Annex No type / / 2483.5 MHz license 25 restrictions Details in (non-specific Annex 25 SRD) 26- BUL 2300-2400 General 6 dBW e.i.r.p. Wireless Radio Amateur in 2300- No MHz license for Wireless camera, 2450 MHz Details in camera, Portable link, Annex 26 16 dBW e.i.r.p. Mobile link for Portable link, 26 dBW e.i.r.p. for Mobile link 27- G 2200-2300 Individual Maximum in- technology Defence systems. FS at Not at this 2390-2500 license band ERP 20 neutral but 2450-2500 MHz time MHz Details in dBW (13 dBW typically used Annex 27 airborne). for; wireless Cameras cameras/vide typically o links. licensed at 100 mW ERP 28- RUS Yes Individual on primary Temporary Mobile, Radiolocation, No license basis, detailed use for major Space operation (s-s, s- Details in conditions events, E),Space exploration (s- Annex 28 should be limited to s, s-E),EESS (s-s, s-E), defined in residents Fixed licence as result of expertize 29- IRL 2200-2400 Individual MaxBW=10MHz Wireless Fixed Links 2300 – 2400 license for cameras. (Infrastructure), Multi- MHz may be temporary use 2200 -2280MHz: Access Radio Links. considered Details in Max ERP = Parliamentary TV for other Annex 29 1W.Geographic coverage. SRD’s. broadband

37 limitations. Amateur (Secondary), applications Airborne not Satellite Personal in the future, permitted. Communications which may Service have an 2280 – 2300, impact upon 2330-2340, future PMSE 2350-2400 use in the MHz : band Max ERP = 5W. No geographic Limitations. Airborne permitted.

2300 – 2330 MHz: Max ERP = 100 mW. Geographic. Airborne not permitted.

2340 – 2350 MHz: Maximum ERP = 5 W. Available for newsgathering on a shared restricted nationwide basis. Airborne use not permitted.

Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non-protected basis for the duration of the event in question, for a maximum duration of 6 months. 2400- License Details in Annex Video 2483.5 MHz exempt 29. surveillance Details in Non- Annex 29 interference, non-protected basis 30- MLT 2200 – Individual See Annex 30 Radio links / No 2290 MHz, license (studio-to- 2300 – Details in transmitter) 2400 MHz Annex 30 including OB 2400 – License links and 2483.5 MHz exempt wireless Details in cameras Annex 30

38 31- E 2304.5- Individual See Annex 31 ENG/OB / No 2480.5 MHz license video links Details in Annex 31 32-POR 2200-2400 Light license see Annex 32 wireless No MHz and Details in cameras or 2483,5- Annex 32 video links 2500 MHz Individual No sharing license Details constraints, see in Annex 32 Annex 32 33- Yes Individual Defined on case wireless Fixed and Mobile No GRC License for by case basis cameras, Service temporary use mobile video Details in links, Annex 33 temporary P- P video links 34- LVA 2370 – Individual Details in Annex SAB/SAP No 2400 MHz license 34 Details in Annex 34

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 29 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. The main type (28 countries) is related to temporary video links (portable, mobile with some allowance for airborne use) and cordless cameras as referred to in ERC/REC 25-10. In most cases, this use is under an individual licensing regime, although low power wireless cameras can in a few countries operate under a general license. It is noted that, in addition or as an alternative, 2 countries mention specifically the use of the 2400- 2483.5 MHz band for wideband data transmissions or non-specific SRD as per REC 70-03 for PMSE purpose. 5 countries mentioned that current considerations on the potential introduction of Broadband Wireless systems in the band 2300-2400 MHz may have an impact on the availability of the band for PMSE.

12 Band 2500-2690 MHz (Rec 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE 2520-2670 Individual Rec 25-10 Portable video Fixed, IMT, Defence The band MHz license (tuning range), links, Mobile systems(2520- 2500-2690 Details, see ERC Rep 38 video links 2655MHz), Continuum MHz will not Annex 1 (airborne and observations (2655- be available vehicular) 2670MHz) for video SAP/SAB links after the introduction of UMTS/IMT- 2000. 2-CYP 2520-2670 Review on a SAB/SAP MHz case by case basis 3- LUX No MFCN 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN No

39 7- DNK No No 8- CZE Yes Individual In subbands SAB/SAP Changes license not used by expected as Details in the assigned the auction of Annex 8 networks 2500–2690 MHz spectrum has been announced 9- SUI No No 10- GEO No info 11- HOL No 12- NOR No No 13- EST No Fixed; Mobile; SRD No 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU No No 17- D No / 18- F No / 19- HRV No / 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I No / 23- S No / 24- HNG No No 25- AUT No MOBILE and FIXED, No assigned to ECS 26- BUL No National security / 27- G Yes Individual Maximum in- technology / The band is license band ERP 0 neutral but to be Details in dBW. typically used awarded. Annex 27 Cameras for; wireless PMSE use typically cameras/video will have to licensed at links. cease and is 100 mW ERP subject to three months notice 28- RUS Yes Individual on primary Temporary Mobile (except AMS), No license basis, detailed use for major Radiolocation, BSS, Details in conditions events, limited Space exploration Annex 28 should be to residents (passive),EESS defined in (passive), Radio licence as astronomy, Fixed result of expertize 29- IRL No Terrestrial Electronic The 2500 – Communications 2690 MHz Services, including band may be MMDS Services released for Distribution other services in the future

30- MLT No planned for electronic No communications services (EC Decision 2008/477/EC) 31- E No No 32- POR No Terrestrial Electronic No

40 Communications Services 33- GRC No No 34- LVA No No

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 5 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE application, namely SAB/SAP, video links. Amongst those, 3 countries expect that the use of PMSE will cease because of the introduction of terrestrial Electronic Communications Networks in the 2500-2690 MHz band. On this basis, the relevance of maintaining this band in the ERC/REC 25-10 may be considered.

13 Band 2700-3400 MHz

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE No No 2-CYP No

3- LUX No aeronautical radionavigation (2700- 2900MHz) and radiolocation services (2900-3400MHz) 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN No 7- DNK No No 8- CZE No 9- SUI No No 10- GEO No info 11- HOL No 12- NOR No No 13- EST No SRD No 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU No No 17- D No / 18- F No / 19- HRV No No 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I No / 23- S Yes / / temporary use of / / mobile video links 24- HNG No Yes, usage of UWB SRDs for video transmissions is expected 25- AUT No No 26- BUL No Radiodetermination No applications, GPR/WPR 27- G No 28- RUS No / 29- IRL No Radar and Navigation No

41 Services, Meteorological Radar, Maritime Radionavigation Service, Radar Beacons (RACON’s), Active Sensors. 30- MLT No Primarily, equipment No used for aeronautical radionavigtion 31- E No No 32-POR No Radionavigation and No radiolocation equipment 33- GRC No No 34- LVA No No

Preliminary analysis

From the 31 countries providing a response on this band, the band 2.7-2.9 GHz is available in one single country for temporary use of mobile video links. None of the 30 countries where this band is not available expect any change with regard to PMSE in this band.

14 Band 3400 – 3600 MHz (Rec. 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 25-10 Mobile video BWA,FSS,IMT, No license (tuning links(airborne and Radars(Upper limit for Details, see range), ERC vehicular) for airborne radars is 3410 Annex 1 Rep 38 occasional use MHz) 2-CYP No

3- LUX No TRA-ECS (BWA) and FSS earth stations 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN No 7- DNK No No 8- CZE Yes Individual In subbands temporary No license where FWA ENG/OB Details in is not terrestrial digital Annex 8 operated links

9- SUI Yes Individual SAP/SAB Cordless cameras Fixed links, BWA, No (unused and and FSS (S/E). part of the temporary ENG/OB: UWB Applications. band) license Temporary Details in use in Annex 9 frequencies not used for BWA. Cordless cameras, max. 4 W e.i.r.p., 10- GEO No info 11- HOL 3410-3500 Individual ENG/OB, Fixed satellite (military), / License, temporary use radiolocation (military),

42 Details in only amateur, fixed, mobile, Annex 11 radiolocation 12- NOR No No 13- EST No Fixed; mobile; SRD No 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU No No 17- D 3410 - Individual max. 10 W cordless cameras, MFCN / Fixed No for the 3594 MHz license eirp video links time being Details in BW: up to 10 Annex 17 MHz Channel raster: 1 MHz coordination with the primary user MFCN in a restricted area . 18- F Parts of it Individual Details in mobile video / Development for specific license Annex 18 links, temporary of IMT could events Details in use reduce the Annex 18 spectrum available for video mobile links. Need for studies on access and sharing opportunities to maintain temporary usage for video mobile links in this band 19- HRV No / 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 3500 – Individual REC 25-10 SAB/SAP / No 3600 MHz license temporary video Details in links, wireless Annex 22 cameras

23- S No / 24- HNG No No 25- AUT No Assignment to ENG/OB in the band 3494-3510 MHz under consideration (by individual license) 26- BUL No BWA 3400-3600, No Radioamateur 3400- 3500, FSS Space-Earth 3400-3700 MHz

43 27- G 3400-3440, Individual Maximum in- technology Defence systems The band 3500-3580 license band ERP up neutral but 3500-3580 MHz Details in to 40 dBW. typically used for; has been Annex 27 Cameras wireless identified for typically cameras/video release (by licensed at links. MOD) in 100 mW 2015/2016. ERP Possible short term sharing opportunities which increase geographical restrictions on PMSE 28- RUS Yes Individual on primary Temporary use FS, FSS (s-E), No license basis, for major events, Radiolocation Details in detailed limited to Annex 28 conditions residents should be defined in licence as result of expertize 29- IRL No Terrestrial Electronic No Communications Services, including FWPMA and FWALA, Licence Exempt VSAT Receivers, Radiolocation (Government Services) 30- MLT No broadband wireless No access applications 31- E No No 32- POR No FWA/BWA No 33- GRC No No 34- LVA No No

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 9 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications, which tends to confirm a decrease of the availability of this band for PMSE. PMSE applications in this band cover temporary video links (portable, mobile with some allowance for airborne use) and cordless cameras as referred to in ERC/REC 25-10. This use is under an individual licensing regime. The development of IMT in this band may have an impact on the spectrum available for PMSE in this band.

15 Band 4400 – 5000 MHz

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual coordinated Defence systems, license SAB/SAP TLPR(4500-500 Details, see applications for MHz),FSS(4500-4800 Annex 1 occasional use MHz), Continuum

44 observations and VLBI(4800-5000MHz), Passive sensors (satellite)(4800-


4990 MHz) 2-CYP Yes Review on a SAB/SAP case by case basis 3- LUX Yes General coordinated No license with SAP/SAB notification applications for temporary use 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN No 7- DNK No No 8- CZE Yes Individual Coordinated No license temporary Details in SAB/SAP links Annex 8 9- SUI No No 10- No info GEO 11- HOL Yes Individual ENG/OB, Mobile (miltary), / License, temporary use radioastronomy. Details in only Annex 11 12- No No NOR

13- EST No Fixed; mobile; SRD No 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU No No 17- D No / 18- F No 19- HRV No / 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I No / 23- S 4400-4500, Individual Max EIRP, PMSE on a Mil. Use (4400-4800 Depends on 4990-5000 License, service area temporary basis MHz), FSS downlink the outcome MHz Details in limitations (4500-4800 MHz), of the Annex 23 etc. Mil.use, RAS (4800- WAPECS- 4990 MHz), RAS (4990 investigation —5000 MHz) 24- No usage of HNG UWB SRDs for video transmissions is expected. 25- AUT 4400-4516 Individual Details in No type / /

45 MHz License, Annex 25 restrictions Details in Annex 25 26- BUL No National security No 27- G No / / 28- RUS No / 29- IRL No Terrestrial Electronic No Communications Services, including FWPMA and FWALA, Licence Exempt VSAT Receivers, Radiolocation (Government Services) 30- MLT No Short range devices No 31- E No No 32- No Military use; information No POR not available 33- No No GRC 34- LVA No No

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 7 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. PMSE applications in this band cover SAB/SAP links for temporary use deployed in a coordinated way to protect other use (mainly military applications). This PMSE use is in most cases under an individual licensing regime.

16 Band 5250 – 5850 MHz

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE No 2-CYP No

3- LUX No 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN No 7- DNK No No 8- CZE No No 9- SUI No No 10- GEO No info 11- HOL 5725-5850 Individual ENG/OB, EESS, mobile (except / License, temporary use aeronautical), Details in only radiolocation, space Annex 11 research, maritime radionavigation, amateur 12- NOR No No 13- EST No SRD; ARN; BFWA No 14- BLR 15- TUR No 5150-5350 MHz & 5470- No 5725 MHz are used for wideband data

46 transmission, PMSE can be regarded as wideband data transmission systems 16- LTU No No 17- D No / 18- F No / 19- HRV No 20- SVK No / 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I No / 23- S No 24- HNG 5250-5350, License WAS/RLAN Wideband data Different non-PMSE No 5470-5725 exempt see REC 70- transmission SRDs (according to MHz Details in 03 Annex 3 ERC/REC 70-03), FSS Annex 24 (if applicable Earth Stations, FS P-P as PMSE) and P-MP links, (ver. meteorological radars, June2009) radiolocation 5725-5850 REC 70-03 Non-specific MHz Annex 1 (ver. Short Range June 2009) Devices (SRDs for video transmissions) 25- AUT No No 26- BUL No WAS/RLAN 5150-5350 No MHz, 5470-5725 MHz; Non-specific SRD 5725- 5850 MHz; Radioamateur 5650- 5725 MHz; FSS Earth- Space 5725-5850 MHz 27- G 5472-5588, Individual Maximum in- technology Defence systems No 5682.5- license band ERP up neutral but 5702.5, Details in to 40 dBW typically used for; 5705-5725, Annex 27 (23 dBW wireless 5732.5- airborne). cameras/video 5752.5, Cameras links. 5770-5790, typically 5795-5815 licensed at MHz 100 mW ERP 28- RUS 5250-5350, Individual on primary Temporary use Mobile (except AMS), No 5650-5850 license basis, for major events, Radiolocation, Space MHz Details in detailed limited to exploration, EESS Annex 28 conditions residents (active), FSS, amateur, should be amateur satellite defined in licence as result of expertize 29- IRL No Fixed-Satellite (E/S), No SRD’s, Meteorological Service Radar, Radiolocation (Position Fixing Equipment), Weather Radar, Amateur (Secondary) FSTV, FWA 30- MLT Yes General See Annex Wireless Access No

47 license. 30 Systems and Details in non- Radiolocation Annex 30 interference / non- protection basis 31- E No / 32- POR No Non-specific SRDs, No wideband data transmission, road transport and traffic telematics, radiodetermination, radiolocation, amateur, amateur-satellite, FSS, ISM applications 33- GRC No No 34- LVA No No

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 5 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. In 3 cases, this use refers to temporary ENG/OB use regulated through individual licenses in specific frequency bands or ranges. Another country mentions specifically the use of bands at 5 GHz for wideband data transmissions (WAS/RLAN) or non-specific SRD as per REC 70-03 (version June 09) for PMSE purpose.

17 Band 10.0 – 10.68 GHz (Rec. 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 25-10 Portable video Fixed, TLPR ( 10-10,6 No license (tuning links (10-10,6 GHz), Non civil Details, see range), ERC GHz) and radar(10-10,15 GHz), Annex 1 Rep 38 Temporary point- Amateur radio (10-10,5 to-point video GHz), FWA(10-15-10,3 links GHz and 10,5-10,65 GHz), Civil and military radars(10,15-10,5GHz), Continuum and VLBI measurements(10,6- 10,68 GHz), Passive sensors (satellite)(10,6- 10,68 GHz) 2-CYP Yes Review on a SAB/SAP case by case basis 3- LUX Yes License Rec 25-10 Cordless No exempt cameras/portable video links (10.0- 10.6GHz), temporary P2P video links (whole band) 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN 10-10.15 Individual ENG links Fixed Wireless Access No GHz license

48 Details in Annex 6 7- DNK 10.15-10.45 Individual To be ENG/OB, Fixed links, FWA, No 10.5-10.68 license decided on Wireless ERC/REC 70-03 Annex GHz Details in case by case Cameras 6 Annex 7 (No current use) 8- CZE 10.3-10.5 Individual REC 25-10 ENG/OB video No license on dedicated links Details in channels. Annex 8

10.420– Channel temporary and No 10.476 GHz centres at 10 local use by the and 434 MHz, 10 ENG/OB video 10.588– 462 MHz, 10 links 10.644 602 MHz and 10 630 MHz. MaxBW 28 MHz. In 10.60–10.68 GHz max e.i.r.p. of +40 dBW and the power delivered to the antenna limited to -3 dBW (RR 5.482)

9- SUI Yes Individual max. 4 dBW Cordless Amateur radio service, No and e.i.r.p. cameras, Point to Point fixed links, temporary 10.0 - 10.6 G Point-to-Point 10.5 – 10.6 GHz: SRD license Hz: max. 40 video links according to ERC/REC Details in dBW e.i.r.p., operated at fixed 70-03, UWB Annex 9 10.6 – 10.68 locations, Applications GHz max -3dBW, 10- No info GEO 11- HOL No 12- No No NOR 13- EST 10.3-10.45 Individual See Annex SAB/SAP fixed radiolinks; SRD; No GHz license 13 Details in Annex 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR 10.38-10.55 Individual SAB/SAP Fixed links No GHz license See Annex 15 16- LTU Yes Individual e.i.r.p. 6 Cordless Radio relay links, P-MP, No license for dBW, 16 cameras, Portable Radars, SRD temporary dBW and 26 video links, use dBW, width Temporary point- Details in of channel 28 to-point video Annex 16 MHz. See links Annex 16 17- D 10.4-10.68 Individual max. 10 kW cordless cameras, Amateur; EESS, Radio No for the

49 GHz license eirp video links Astronomy time being Details in BW: up to 56 Annex 17 MHz In 10,6 - 10,68 GHz, maximum radiated power depends on the angle of elevation, ATPC required 18- F 10.569 Individual Details in mobile video / No 10.579 license Annex 18 links, temporary GHz Details in use (max 2 Annex 18 months)

19- HRV Yes Individual Secondary equipment Amateur, BWA, Electronic License use. Sharing according to REC Detection of movement licensing in Details in conditions 25-10. and alert, Passive preparation Annex 19 cooperated Local event sensors (satellite), and expected with other Radio astronomy and in 2013 users Radiodetermination 20- SVK 10.3-10.5 Individual Case by P-P analogue and / / GHz License case digital links for TV Details in consideration signal Annex 20 . Coordinated transmission frequencies. 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 10.3–10.45, Individual REC 25-10 SAB/SAP / No 10.5 – license temporary video 10.68 GHz Details in links, wireless Annex 22 cameras

23- S 10.476- Individual Max EIRP, Temporary Mil.use in the band No 10.56 GHz License, service area PMSE. Common 10450-10550 MHz Details in limitations usage : mobile Annex 23 etc. video link 24- Yes Individual Channel Radio and / No HNG License, spacing television news Details in tv:28 MHz and programme Annex 24 radio:1.75 transmissions MHz Max. antenna feed 10-10.6 GHz: 0 dBW 10.6-10.68 GHz: -3 dBW Min. antenna gain: 30 dBi Max. EIRP: 40 dBW 10.434-10.5 License EIRPmax = Video applications GHz exempt 100 mW Details in Annex 24 25- AUT No Allocation to ENG/OB

50 within the band 10.650- 10.680 GHz under consideration 26- BUL 10-10.50 General 6 dBW Wireless camera, Fixed service 10,15- No GHz license e.i.r.p. for Portable link, 10,68 GHz, Details in Wireless Temporary P-P Radioamateur 10-10,50 Annex 26 camera, link GHz 16 dBW e.i.r.p. for Portable link, 40 dBW e.i.r.p. for Mobile link 27- G 10.3-10.36 Individual Maximum in- technology Defence systems No GHz license band ERP up neutral but Details in to 40 dBW typically used for Annex 27 video links. 28- RUS YES (in Individual on primary Temporary use RADIOLOCATION, No specific license basis, for major events, amateur(10 – 10,55 sub-bands: Details in detailed limited to GHz),fixed (10 – 10,45 5250 – Annex 28 conditions residents GHz; 10,5 – 10,68 5350 MHz should be GHz), mobile (10 -10,45 and 5650 – defined in GHz, 10,5 – 10,55 GHz, 5850 MHz) licence as 10,55 – 10,68 result of GHz(except AMS)), expertize 10,45 -10,5 GHz (mobile satellite), space exploration and satellite Earth exploration (passive) (10,6 – 10,68 GHz)

29- IRL 10.3-10.5 Individual ERP: 5 W Wireless FWALA , Amateur No GHz license for Max Channel cameras. (Secondary), Amateur- temporary Bandwidth: Satellite (Secondary), use 10MHz. SRD’s Details in Geographical Annex 29 restrictions. Airborne use is permitted. Temporary licences are issued on a non- interference, non- protected basis for the duration of the event in question, for a maximum duration of 6 months. 30- MLT 10 – 10.45 Individual Details in Radio links Amateur Radio and No GHz and license Annex 30 (studio-to- SRDs 10.5 – Details in transmitter) 10.68 GHz Annex 30 including OB links

51 31- E 10.000,5- Individual Details in ENG/OB video / No 10.416,5 license Annex 31 links MHz Details in Annex 31 10.416,5- License 10.496,5 exempt MHz Details in Annex 31 32- Yes Light license see Annex Video links Radiodetermination No POR Details in 32 applications, Amateur, Annex 32 Amateur-satellite. Individual No sharing license constraints, Details in see Annex Annex 32 32 33- Yes Individual Defined on wireless cameras, Fixed, Mobile Service, No GRC License for case by case temporary P-P Radiolocation, Radio temporary basis video links Astronomy use Details in Annex 33 34- LVA 10-10.15 Individual Details in SAP/SAB Fixed links No GHz license: Annex 34 Details in Annex 34

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 26 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. The amount of available spectrum and the frequency bands within the overall tuning range vary significantly depending upon the country. The main PMSE applications covered in this range are wireless cameras, portable video links and point-to-point video links for temporary use as referred to in ERC/REC 25-10. This use is in most cases under an individual licensing regime. No major change is generally expected for this band in relation to PMSE.

18 Band 21.20 – 24.50 GHz (Rec. 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE 21.2-23,6 Individual Rec 25-10 , Cordless cameras SRR(21,4-24,45 No 24-24,5 license ERC Rep 38 and Temporary GHz),Unidirectional GHz Details, see point-to-point temporary fixed or Annex 1 video links mobile links ((21,2-21.4 GHz) and (22,6-23 GHz)), Passive sensors (satellite)((21,2-21,4) and (22,21-22.5) GHz),BSS (21,4-22 GHz), Wideband High Definition Television(21,4-22 GHz), Radio astronomy ((22-22,21 GHz) and (22,5-23.55 GHz), Fixed(22-23,6 GHz),Amateur radio (24-

52 24,25 GHz),ISM (24- 24,25 GHz), Non- Specific SRDs(24-24,25 GHz), Defence systemsc(24,05-24,25 GHz), TLPR (24,05- 24,45 GHz) and Unidirectional fixed links (24,25-24,45 GHz) 2-CYP 21.2-21.4 Review on a SAB/SAP 22-23,6 24- case by case 24,5 GHz basis 3- LUX 21.2-21.4, License Rec 25-10 cordless cameras, ISM, non-specific SRDs, 22.6-23 exempt and temporary RTTT, UWB, TLPR , GHz. P2P video links material sensing 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN Part Individual ENG links available license (no current use) Details in Annex 6 7- DNK 21.2-21.4 Individual To be ENG/OB, Fixed links, FWA, No MHz, license decided on Wireless ERC/REC 70-03 24.25-24.5 Details in case by case Cameras Annexes 1 and 6 MHz Annex 7 (No current use) 8- CZE 22.592– Individual four channels ENG/OB No 22.704 GHz license 22 606 MHz, SAB/SAP Details in 22 634 MHz, Annex 8 22 662 MHz and 22 690 MHz. BW : 28 MHz. REC 25-10,

24.25–24.5 digital temporary fixed GHz modulation links SAP/SAB 9- SUI 21.20 - Individual Max. 20 W Cordless 21.4 – 22.0 GHz: Fixed: No 21.40 GHz license EIRP cameras, Portable Various systems. 24.25 - Details in digital video link 24.25 - 24.5 GHz: 24.50 GHz Annex 9 Automotive SRR 21.40 - Max. 100 kW Point-to-Point 22.00 GHz EIRP video links 24.25 - operated at fixed 24.50 GHz locations 10- No info GEO 11- HOL 21.2-21.4 Individual ENG/OB, fixed, BSS, mobile, / 22.6-23 License, temporary use radioastronomy, EESS, GHz Details in only space research, Annex 11 amateur, amateur (satellite), radiolocation 12- No No NOR 13- EST 21.2-21.4 Individual See Annex SAB/SAP fixed radiolinks; SRD; No GHz license 13 Details in Annex 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR 22-23.6 Individual SAB/SAP Fixed links No

53 GHz license See Annex 15 16- LTU 21.2-21.4, Individual e.i.r.p. 13 Cordless Radio relay links, SRR No 22.6-23.0, license for dBW and 40 cameras, 24.25-24.5 temporary dBW, width Temporary point- GHz use of channel 14 to-point video Details in MHz. See links Annex 16 Annex 16 17- D 21.4-22 Individual max. 1000 W mobile point to / No for the GHz license eirp point video links time being Details in max. 100 Annex 17 mW transmit power, BW: up to 56 MHz 18- F 21413,2144 Individual 28 MHz Fixed video links, / No 1, license channels temporary use 21469,2149 Details in Details in (max 2 months) 7, Annex 18 Annex 18 21525,2155 3, 21581,2180 5, 21833,2186 1, 21889,2191 7, 21945,2107 3, 22716.75, 22744.75, 22968.75 22996.75 MHz 22709.75, 14 MHz 22723.75, channels 22737.75, Details in 22751.75, Annex 18 22961.75, 22975.75, 22989.75, 23003.75 MHz 24.255- Details in Mobile video 24.445 GHz Annex 18 links, temporary use (max 2 months)

19- HRV 21.2-21.4, Individual Secondary equipment Passive sensors Electronic 24-24.5 License use. Sharing according to REC (satellite), licensing in GHz Details in conditions 25-10. preparation Annex 19 cooperated Local event and expected with other in 2013 users 20- SVK 21.2-21.4 Individual Case by Mobile SAB/SAP GHz License case ENG/OB Details in consideration Annex 20 . Coordinated frequencies.

54 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 21.20– Individual REC 25-10 SAB/SAP / No 21.40, license 22.7680 – Details in 23.0 GHz Annex 22 23- S 21.4-22.0 / / / / Depends on GHz is the on-going available for work within occasional ITU-R on the use via Harmonizatio satellite, but n of currently ENG/OB- not used. bands

24- 21.2–21.4, Individual Channel Radio and Fixed digital radio links, The use of HNG 22.6–23 License, spacing television news radio astronomy and cordless GHz Details in tv:28 MHz and programme space research, EESS, cameras will Annex 24 radio:1.75 transmissions various non-PMSE be permitted MHz SRDs. Amateur service Max antenna feed: 0 dBW Min. antenna gain: 30 dBi Max. EIRP: 40 dBW

24-24.25 License REC 70-03 Non-specific GHz exempt Annex 1 (ver. Short Range Details in June 2009) Devices (video Annex 24 EIRPmax = transmissions) 100 mW 25- AUT No Allocation to ENG/OB within the band 22.600- 23.000 GHz under consideration 26- BUL 21.2-21.4 General 13 dBW Wireless camera, Fixed service 21,2-23,6 No GHz license e.i.r.p. for Temporary point- GHz, Radioamateur 24- Details in Wireless to-point link 24,25GHz Annex 26 camera, 40 dBW e.i.r.p. for Temporary point-to-point link 27- G 24.25-24.5 Individual Maximum in- technology Fixed service No GHz license band ERP up neutral but Details in to 40 dBW typically used for Annex 27 video links. 28- RUS No / 29- IRL 24-24.25 License Details in Wireless CCTV. SRD’s, Fixed Links No GHz exempt Annex 29 (Infrastructure), Details in Radioastronomy, Annex 29 Amateur, Amateur- Satellite 30- MLT 21.2 – 21.4, Individual See Annex Point-to-point SRDs No 22.6 – 23 license 30 video links and 24.25 – Details in (temporary use)

55 25 GHz Annex 30 31- E 21.2 – 21.4 Individual See Annex ENG/OB video / No GHz license 31 links Details in Annex 31 32- No Non-specific SRDs, No POR ISM, Road transport, and traffic telematics, Radiodetermination applications, Fixed links, Short range radars, Amateur, Amateur- satellite. 33- Yes Individual Defined on wireless cameras, Fixed Service, No GRC License for case by case temporary P-P temporary basis video links use Details in Annex 33 34- LVA 21.2–21.4; Individual Details in SAP/SAB Fixed links, SRR No 22.6-23; license: Annex 34 24.25-24.5 Details in GHz Annex 34

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 25 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. The amount of available spectrum and the frequency bands within the overall tuning range vary significantly depending upon the country. The main PMSE applications covered in this range are wireless cameras, portable video links and point-to-point video links for temporary use as referred to in ERC/REC 25-10. This use is in most cases under an individual licensing regime. A few changes are expected, which may slightly increase the availability of spectrum for PMSE.

19 Band 47.20 - 50.20 GHz (Rec. 25-10)

Annex - Band Licensing Technical PMSE type Other use Change Country available? regime conditions expected? 1- MNE Yes Individual Rec 25-10 , Cordless FSS, Feeder links(47,2- No license ERC Rep 38 cameras 48,54 GHz), Fixed(48,2- Details, see 50,2 GHz), and Radio Annex 1 astronomy (48,54-49,44 GHz) 2-CYP Yes Review on a SAB/SAP case by case basis 3- LUX No 4- MKD No 5- ISL No 6- FIN Part Individual ENG links available license No use Details in Annex 6 7- DNK 48.2-48.54 Individual To be ENG/OB, Fixed links, FWA, No GHz license decided on Wireless ERC/REC 70-03 Annex Details in case by case Cameras 6 Annex 7 (No current use)

56 8- CZE Yes Individual Rec 25-10. Wireless cameras No license Details in Annex 8 9- SUI Yes Individual max. 20 W Cordless High Altitude Platform No license e.i.r.p. cameras, Stations (HAPS) in the Details in Portable video bands: 47.2-47.5 GHz / Annex 9 link. 47.9-48.2 GHz. 10- GEO No info 11- HOL Yes Individual / / mobile / License, Details in Annex 11 12- NOR No No 13- EST 47.2-48.5 Individual See Annex SAB/SAP No No GHz license 13 Details in Annex 13 14- BLR No No 15- TUR No No 16- LTU Yes Individual e.i.r.p. 13 Cordless / No license for dBW, width cameras, temporary of channel 14 use MHz and 28 Details in MHz. See Annex 16 Annex 16 17- D No / 18- F No 19- HRV Yes Individual Secondary equipment FSS Earth stations, High Electronic License use. Sharing according to REC Density FSS, Point-to- licensing in Details in conditions 25-10. Point, Radio astronomy preparation Annex 19 cooperated Local event and expected with other in 2013 users 20- SVK No 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I No 23- S No / 24- HNG Yes License EIRPmax Cordless HDFSS, P-P radio links, No exempt =13 dBW cameras radio astronomy service Details in Min TX Annex 24 antenna gain = 0 dBi Min RX antenna gain = 6 dBi 25- AUT No No 26- BUL 47.2-48.5 General 13 dBW Wireless camera FSS (Space-Earth, No GHz license e.i.r.p. Earth-Space) 47,2-50,2 Details in GHz, Radioamateur Annex 26 47,2-47,9 GHz, 48,2- 48,54 GHz 27- G 48-48.40 Individual Maximum in- technology FS, FSS, MS No GHz license band ERP up neutral but Details in to 30 dBW typically used for Annex 27 video links. 28- RUS No / 29- IRL No None No 30- MLT Yes Individual See Annex Cordless / No

57 license 30 cameras (no Details in current use) Annex 30 31- E No No 32- POR No Fixed links No 33- GRC Yes Individual Defined on wireless cameras Fixed, Mobile and Fixed No License for case by case Satellite Services temporary basis use Details in Annex 33 34- LVA 47.2–47.5; Individual Details in SAP/SAB No 47.5–47.9; license: Annex 34 47.9-48.2; Details in 48.2-48.5 Annex 34 GHz

Preliminary analysis

From the 32 countries providing a response on this band, 16 of them report about the availability of the band or parts of it for PMSE applications. The main PMSE applications covered in this range are wireless cameras and portable video links as referred to in ERC/REC 25-10. This use is in most cases under an individual licensing regime. No change is expected with regard to PMSE in this band.

20 Other bands

Annex - Band Licensing Technical conditions PMSE type Other use Change Country regime expected ? 1- MNE No 2-CYP / 3- LUX / 4- MKD / 5- ISL 337-338 Individual mobile links for No MHz license FM Broadcasting Details in stations Annex 5 6- FIN 7900-8500 Intention to MHz reserve few channels according to ECC/REC/ (02)06 to transportable digital program delivery links. 7- DNK 789-790 License conditions in Annex 7 radiomics No MHz (in TV exempt white Details in spaces) Annex 7 Frequency e.r.p. Channel 8- CZE 169-174 License band spacing Radiomics in No MHz exempt 169.4– 500 50 kHz conformity with 169.475 mW Details in MHz . ERC/REC 70-03 Annex 8 169.4875– and Commission 169.5875 MHz Decision 173.300 50 75 kHz

58 MHz mW 2006/771/EU 173.965– 2 50 kHz 174.015 mW MHz 9- SUI 5850-5925 Individual max. 316 kW e.i.r.p. SAP/SAB Point- 5725 - 5795 No MHz license to-Point video MHz and Details in links operated at 5815 - 5875 Annex 9 fixed locations. MHz: BFWA, 5850 – 5875 MHz: SRDs, . 5855 – 5925 MHz: ITS, 5850 – 5925 MHz: FSS VSAT, ISM Band, UWB Applications. 10- / GEO 11- HOL 61-68 MHz Individual / No known use Mobile(militar / License, y) Details in Annex 11 216-223 Individual No known use T-DAB MHz License, Details in Annex 11 789-823 License 50 mW e.r.p., 200 kHz Radiomics DVB-T is usage of MHz exempt being 791-821 is Details in migrated to allowed to Annex 11 <790 MHz 31/12/15 on MCN NIB/no protection basis, 789- 791 MHz and 821-823 remain available for wireless microphones . 832-862 License 50 mW e.r.p., 200 kHz Radiomics DVB-T is Usage is MHz exempt being allowed to Details in migrated to 31/12/15 on Annex 11 <790 MHz NIB/no MCN protection basis, no available for PMSE after. 12- 800-820 General 20 mW e.r.p. max Radiomics None Use not NOR MHz license permitted Details in after Annex 12 31/12/13. Band used for mobile broadband 13- EST No 14- BLR 66-74 MHz, License 20 mW e.r.p. max 87,5-92 exempt MHz, 100- Details in 108 MHz Annex 14

59 15- TUR / 16- LTU No 17- D / 18- F 7110-7250 Individual Details in Annex 18 Fixed video links No MHz License, Temporary uses 7750-7890 Details in Details in Annex 18 (less than 2 MHz Annex 18 Limited area: 50 km around months) Paris 38 - 39.48 Individual Temporary use No GHz License, Details in Annex 18 19- HRV 3600-3800 Individual Operations on primary equipment IMT, Non- Electronic MHz License basis. Sharing conditions according to REC specific licensing in Details in cooperated with other 25-10. SRDs and preparation Annex 19 users For local event. Radiodetermi and nation expected in 2013 20- SVK 149.4 General 25 mW e.r.p. Radiomics PMR and 149.475 License 12.5 kHz spacing Telemetry in 149.5 Details in part 149,393 149.55 Annex 20 -149,557 MHz 7138-7195 Mobile SAB/SAP MHz ENG/OB 8550-8700 Fixed SAB/SAP MHz 21- SRB Frequency allocation table under review 22- I 216-223 General according to Annex 10 of Radiomics / No MHz License ERC/REC 70-03 for Details in professional Annex 22 use 789-790 General according to Annex 10 of Radiomics / No MHz License ERC/REC 70-03 for Details in professional Annex 22 use 23- S / / / / / / 24- No other bands assigned explicitly for PMSE use. SRD devices used for PMSE purposes are allowed based HNG on the ERC/REC 70-03 (June 2009) 25- AUT 230-250 Individual Details in Annex 25 No type / / MHz license restrictions Details in Annex 25 26- BUL / 27- G 47.55-48.8, Individual Maximum in-band ERP 25 technology Land mobile, Fixed No 52-52.95, license W (5 W airborne) neutral but service, Defence 60.75- Details in typically used systems 62.75, Annex 27 *Some airborne use for talkbacks. 67.75- permitted 67.8375, 69.15625- 69.18125, 74.68125- 74.71875, 75.2625- 75.3*, 76.80625- 76.84375, 78.18375- 78.25875,

60 82.65625- 82.68125, 86.66875- 86.68125, 86.80625- 86.84375*, 139.54375- 139.55625, 139.56875- 139.58125, 139.64375- 139.66875, 140.9875- 141.4875*, 148.5625- 148.5875, 148.7125- 148.7375 MHz 425.3125- Individual Maximum in-band ERP 25 technology Land mobile, Fixed No 425.5625, license W (5 W airborne) neutral but service, Defence 427.7625- Details in typically used systems 428.0125, Annex 27 *Some airborne use for talkbacks. 442.2625- permitted 442.5125, 446.425- 447.5125, 454.9875- 455.475*, 457.25- 457.475*, 461.23125- 461.25625* , 462.75- 463*, 467.2625- 469.875* MHz 790-862 Individual Maximum in-band ERP 50 technology TV broadcasting Only MHz license mW mic and IEM, 5 W neutral but available Details in talkback typically used until Annex 27 for: 31/12/12 microphones, in ear monitors and talkback 1517-1525 Individual Maximum in-band ERP 20 technology FS, MS, MSS No MHz license dBW neutral but Details in typically used Annex 27 for: audio links 5850- Individual Maximum in-band ERP 40 technology FS, MS, FSS, BSS, No 5925*, license dBW (13 dBW airborne) neutral but Space research 7110- Details in cameras typically 1 W typically used 7250*, Annex 27 for: 7300-7425, *Some airborne use video links 8460-8500, permitted and wireless 12200- cameras 12500 MHz 28- RUS 7750-7750 Light transmit power – max 0 Fixed and FS, FSS No

61 MHz license dBW (1W), antenna gain – mobile ENG Details in max 35dB, not interfere to Annex 28 governmental propose equipment , not claim interference protection 8400-8700 Light transmit power – max 0 Fixed and MS (except AMS), No MHz license dBW (1W), antenna gain – mobile ENG FS, Radiolocation, Details in max 35dB, not interfere to Space exploration Annex 28 governmental propose equipment , not claim interference protection 12.75-13.25 Individual transmit power – max 0 mobile ENG MS, FS, FSS(s-E), No GHz license dBW (1W), detailed Space exploration Details in conditions could be Annex 28 defined in licence as result of expertize 29- IRL 1980 – Individual Max ERP: 5W wireless 1980 – 2025 MHz: No 2025 MHz license Max Channel Bandwidth: cameras IMT-2000/UMTS 2170 – Details in 10 MHz. Satellite 2200 MHz Annex 29 Components, IMT- Airborne use is permitted 2000/UMTS only in 1980-2025 MHz. Terrestrial 2170 - 2200 MHz: Details in Annex 29 IMT-2000/UMTS terrestrial 6.425 – Individual Max ERP: 5W wireless Fixed point-to-point 7.125 GHz license Max Channel Bandwidth: cameras radio links 7.125 Details in 10 or 20 MHz. (Infrastructure), -7.425 GHz Annex 29 Fixed –Satellite wireless cameras for (E/S) – VSATs, indoor events. SRD’s, Fixed Satellite (E/S)(S/E), Details in Annex 29 Meteorological Satellite (S/E). 30- MLT / / / / / / 31- E None 32- / / / / / / POR 33- 5925–6425, Individual Defined on case by case Temporary Fixed Service No GRC 6425–7110, License basis P-P video 7125–7250, for links 7300–7425 temporary MHz use Details in Annex 33 34- LVA None

Preliminary analysis

The other bands introduced by the countries replying to the questionnaire show a high degree of diversity which reflects the specific national situations. However, it is noted that the availability of frequency bands within the 6/8 GHz range is mentioned by 8 countries for fixed and/or mobile ENG/OB. Further analysis is required on the information related to these other bands introduced by national administrations.

21 PMSE spectrum needs

62 Annex - PMSE spectrum needs / Alternative bands Country 1- MNE No need for alternative bands 2-CYP / 3- LUX Slight increase of spectrum demands expected in future but for the time being, the current overall situation in Luxembourg remains quite stable. Only in case of major uncommonly sport and music events (e.g. Tour de France), some peak demands could occur for PMSE. No other bands are currently foreseen in Luxembourg. 4- MKD / 5- ISL / 6- FIN Increasing demand for all kinds of PMSE applications and PMSE spectrum especially during special events. There will be a requirement to find alternative bands in higher frequencies if the present bands are allocated to other applications, for example LTE. 7- DNK / 8- CZE / 9- SUI 200 MHz of spectrum for professional cordless cameras (without private cordless cameras) at frequencies below 4 GHz (due to radio propagation conditions). A minimum channel bandwith of 10 MHz is required. 10-GEO / 11- HOL Users and usage groups indicate a yearly growth of ~10% in use of low power wireless audio links (wireless microphones). The possibilities for wireless microphones and wireless audio links in VHF and UHF TV-bands has been seriously reduced due to the introduction of T-DAB and DVB-T and the digital dividend. Together with growing quality demand (HD/3D audio+video), problems are expected during large events and around production studio’s. 12-NOR The industry has yet to indicate required spectrum for PMSE. There seem to be a need for more spectrums for wireless cameras at major events. In Norway the spectrum shortage during special events is usually overcome by trading spectrum from other licensees for the duration of the event. To facilitate this, cameras should have a wide tuning range. 13- EST New harmonized frequency bands for the future should be designated for PMSE equipment internationally. Need for alternative harmonized bands for PMSE. 14- BLR / 15- TUR PMSE spectrum need is not a continuous need but a temporary need. Sometimes, demand can reach the supply. Current spectrum is considered to be sufficient in the future. 16- LTU No clear demand for additional PMSE spectrum in the future. No need for alternative bands 17- D The future spectrum needs for PMSE applications depend on various factors: For some application scenarios the number of devices used in parallel at the same location might increase to some extent. However, the resulting potential increased demand for spectrum might be compensated in multiple cases if spectral efficiency is increased by potential future technological advances of the employed hardware. Additionally to this, possible novel features or changed parameters of the applications like an increased bandwidth for HD or 3D material for cordless cameras might be taken into account. The allocation of spectrum that can be used to fulfill the demand of PMSE applications depends on the evaluation of the factors stated in the previous section as well as developments of other radio applications and services and might be adapted accordingly. 18- F In a preliminary analysis, France considers that the frequency requirements for mobile video links during specific events where spectrum needs is high. This cannot be satisfied by the channel permanently identified at national level. Studies could be undertaken for identification of frequency bands and access and sharing conditions for mobile video links to meet frequency requirements for these specific events. 19- HRV No expected decrease for the PMSE spectrum needs. The usage of alternative bands depends on industry demands and further decisions on the digital dividend usage in Croatia 20- SVK / 21- SRB / 22- I For the time being no needs for alternative bands

63 23- S / 24-HNG Due to the spreading of Electronic Communication Networks (e.g. in 470-682 MHz) PMSE devices will be phased out from currently available bands. There is a demand to at least as much spectrum for PMSE purposes as there were. There is also a clear but limited need for frequencies dedicated for this special purpose where PMSE devices can operate with protection from other uses. 25- AUT More relevant than a additional spectrum seems a granted interference free spectrum and no further spectrum losses below 790 MHz. No need for alternative bands if some interior restrictions regarding the current availability of spectrum because of current licenses conditions in Austria could be solved, like the unlimited expire date of old licenses. 26- BUL / 27- G / 28- RUS / 29- IRL With regard to wireless cameras, we see that usage demand may exceed supply with migration from SD to HD technology. Within Ireland, the vast majority of event organisers request to operate in the 2 GHz band. If some of these bands (ex. the 2.3 GHz band, 2 GHz TDD band etc) are allocated for future broadband or other applications, then we may foresee shortage for assigning spectrum for wireless camera applications. With regard to demands of, for example, wireless audio applications, technology developments may lead to greater spectrum efficiency with, for instance, the employment of cognitive radio techniques, which may in turn lead to less overall spectrum usage requirements. ComReg believes that there is currently sufficient spectrum for PMSE activities within Ireland. On this basis, no alternative bands have yet been considered. That said, ComReg also understands that requirements for PMSE may change in the future, and therefore continuously monitors this domain for increased demand, application requirements, and technology developments which may lead to more efficient spectrum management. 30- MLT In Malta, all requests for PMSE spectrum have so far been accommodated. However, more spectrum bands need to be made available to certain applications such as radio microphones. 31- E The demand of the users will increase in the band 470-790 MHz for temporary events. 32- The demand of wireless cameras and video links is increasing, namely on a temporary POR basis for big events, and the frequency bands available are becoming scarce. Concerning potential alternative bands, the DAB L-band (1452-192 MHz) could be an alternative, as well as the unpaired 2 GHz bands (1900-1920 MHz / 2010-2025 MHz). 33- There seems to be a need to accommodate wireless cameras, especially in the range GRC below 3 GHz, that might not be able to be satisfied particularly for medium to large scale events. 34- LVA The need for alternative bands depends on industry demands. Alternative harmonized bands might be required.

Preliminary analysis

21 countries gave their opinion regarding PMSE spectrum needs and potential alternative bands. The views expressed cover a wide range. There is a general feeling regarding a slight increase of spectrum demands. However, this does not necessarily mean that any additional or alternative band is required. Further consideration is required.


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