Study Abroad Program Proposal
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One-Way Study Abroad Program Feasibility Proposal (non-faculty-led)
Completing a feasibility proposal is an important step when developing a new Study Abroad program. The following information, as well as the Feasibility Proposal Form which begins on the next page, are designed to help University departments and schools to outline the critical details of the new program. This in turn helps to ensure that the program is shaped with the needs of students in mind and that all important details have been gathered and considered.
Should you have questions as you complete your feasibility proposal, the Office of International Studies and Programs (OISP) will be glad to assist you. Please feel free to contact OISP at 309-438-5276 to discuss international program ideas with OISP staff members.
As you begin to complete the feasibility proposal process, please be advised that creating new programs/partnerships may, at times, be a lengthy process. We suggest you begin developing your program at least 2 semesters (12-14 months) prior to your proposed program start date so there is ample time to recruit students.
Please be advised: The standard student Applications Deadlines for programs are: March 15 for Fall semester, Sept. 15 for Spring semester, and February 1 or March 1 for Summer term participation. No applications will be accepted after these dates.
Steps to submit a program proposal: 1) Review the Faculty Director Handbook 2) Complete the Feasibility Proposal, including narrative section 3) Include these supporting documents: a. Proposal narrative b. Course syllabi and/or course catalog 4) Submit Proposal, narrative, and supporting documents to the Study Abroad Coordinator
Please type the narrative on separate document and attach to the program proposal 1) What, if any, first-hand experience do you have in the region/country? 2) How does this program meet Goal #2 from Educating Illinois? 3) What departmental goals do you hope students will achieve from this program? 4) What is unique about the institution and how is it a good fit for ISU? 5) How does the program help students develop cross cultural communication skills, cultural sensitivity, and cultural adaptability? 6) How are credits earned on this study abroad experience used to fulfill university, college, and major requirements (as determined by the relevant academic units)? 7) Student Recruitment a. What is your recruitment plan (list enrollment in targeted majors, plans for program promotion, etc.)? b. What is your best substantiated estimate of likely student enrollment in the first year and in subsequent years?
Page 1 of 6 Office of International Studies and Programs Updated December, 2014 Illinois State University Feasibility Proposal Form One-Way Study Abroad Program (non-faculty-led)
Program Title: Click here to enter text. Program location(s) (list all cities and countries): Click here to enter text.
Sponsoring Dept.(s) and College(s): Primary Faculty Director name: Click here to enter text. Faculty Director Role: ☐ Instructor ☐Guide (non-instructional) ☐ Other Campus address: Campus phone: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Email: Cell phone: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Co-Faculty Director name: (if applicable) Click here to enter text. Campus address: Campus phone: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Email: Cell phone: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Second Director Role: ☐ Instructor ☐Guide (non-instructional) ☐ Other Name and Description of host institution: (if any) (unique features or in Click here to enter text.
Majors from which students are likely to be drawn: Click here to enter text.
Semester and year intended for start of program: Choose an item.
At Host Institution, Primary Contact for Outgoing ISU Study Abroad Students: Campus address: Campus phone: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Email: Cell phone: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Emergency Contact Information : Name: Click here to enter text. Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Page 2 of 6 Office of International Studies and Programs Updated December, 2014 Illinois State University ISU STUDENT PARTICIPANT DETAILS Please be advised: OISP minimum cumulative GPA is 2.5 undergraduate, 3.0 graduate
Student Type: ☐Undergraduate ☐ Graduate Minimum Cumulative GPA Required: Choose an item. Restricted to certain majors: ☐ Yes ☐ No (If yes, list which Major GPA Required: Choose an item. majors) Click here to enter text. Anticipated student enrollment: Minimum Class Standing: ☐ Sophomore ☐ Junior MIN: MAX: ☐ Senior Pre-requisites: ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes please list: Click here to enter text.
Courses will be taught by: ☐ ISU Faculty ☐ Host Institution Faculty ☐ Both ISU and Host Faculty Are there any required courses at the Host Institution? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, please specify: Click here to enter text.
Grading Scale (please indicate grading scale information below. If using the Host Institution grading scale please attach to this document.) ☐ ISU Grading Scale ☐ Host Institution grading scale
Please list all courses that students will take abroad, attaching additional sheet(s) if necessary. NOTE: Course syllabus/syllabi must be attached. If there is a full curriculum offered at the host university, please also supply a current course catalog. If complete syllabi are not yet developed, please attach a general course outline for each course.
Course Title Course Number Number of credits Click here to enter text. Click here to enter Choose an item. text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter Choose an item. text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter Choose an item. text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter Choose an item. text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter Choose an item. text.
TERMS AVAILABLE AT HOST INSTITUTION ☐ Fall ☐ Spring ☐ Summer ☐Winter Break ☐Spring Break
Page 3 of 6 Office of International Studies and Programs Updated December, 2014 Illinois State University Departmental/School and College One-Way Study Abroad Feasibility Proposal Approval Form
Part One: To be completed by the FACULTY DIRECTOR(S) submitting the proposal.
Proposal Submission Date: ______
Program Title/Host University: ______
Faculty Director(s): ______
Department: ______
College: ______
G. The following course(s) will be offered for credit as part of this Study Abroad Program: If proposing a host university please attach prospective course articulations for review by department chair.
COURSE NUMBER/S TITLE/S CREDIT HOURS Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item.
Illinois State University recognizes that directing a Study Abroad program places extraordinary and varied demands on a faculty member during the international portion of the program. I have read and understand the duties of an ISU Study Abroad Faculty Director as outlined in the Faculty Director’s Handbook.
My signature below verifies my acceptance of the role of Faculty Director.
______Primary Faculty Director Signature Faculty Co-Director Signature (if applicable)
______Print Name Print Name
______Date Date
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Part Two: To be completed by the DEPARTMENT CHAIR, SCHOOL DIRECTOR, COLLEGE DEAN, AND GRADUATESCHOOL DEAN (only if graduate credit is offered).
Faculty Director Name______
A. Faculty Salary The decision regarding Faculty Director salary is determined by the Faculty’s department. Ordinarily, to ensure the program is affordable to the students, the Faculty Director’s salary is paid from departmental or college funds or release time may be granted. If such funds are not available, the Office of International Studies and Programs, in agreement with department/college, will collect funds directly from the students as part of the program costs. Those funds would then be transferred to the authorized department for payment of the faculty director’s salary, if applicable.
Please complete the appropriate sections below.
1. Department Paid Salary a. The program director’s salary will be paid from departmental or college funds. ☐ Yes ☐ No b. The Faculty Director’s salary will be paid using release time for typical faculty duties. ☐ Yes ☐ No (If no, please proceed to # 2.)
2. Salary for this program director is not available from department or college funds; therefore we request that the Office of International Studies and Programs collect funds in the amount of ______, to be generated through student program costs. (If no salary is required, please put zero -0-)
B. Administrative Approvals I (we) certify that the program design and academic content are satisfactory, and that the qualifications of the proposed Faculty Director(s) have been reviewed and approved.
College Dean Signature Print Name Date
Department Chair/School Director Signature Print Name Date
ISU Director of Graduate School Signature Print Name Date (Needed only if Graduate Credit is to be awarded)
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