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Oxford III – Ch. 47 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 1 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words Chapter 47 (p. 84) accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātus/a/um = to accuse [accusable, accusably, accusation, accusative, accusatively, accusatory, accuse, accuser, because, causal, causality, causation, causative, causatively, causativeness, cause, causeless, causelessly, causelessness, excusable, excusableness, excusably, excuse, inexcusable, inexcusableness, inexcusably, recusal, recusancy, recusation, recusatio testis = Refusal of testimony , recuse, ruse] collocō, collocāre, collocāvī, collocātus/a/um = to place, position [allocate, allocation, allow, allowable, allowably, allowance, allowed, allowed, aloud, collocate, collocation, couch, couchant, disallow, disallowable, disallowance, dislocate, dislocation, echolocation, hoc loco; h.l. = In this place; in loco parentis = In the place of a parent. ; lieu, lieutenancy, lieutenant, local, locale, localism, locality, localization, localize, locally, locate, location, locative, loco citato, loc. cit.; l.c., In the place , lready cited. =, locomobile, locomotion, locomotive, locomotor, loculus, locus, relocate, relocation, sine loco; s.l., suo loco, translocate] equitō, equitāre, equitāvī, equitātus/a/um = to ride (a horse) [equerry, eques, equestrian, equestrianism, equestrienne, equid, Equidae, equine, equiod, Equisetophyta, equitation, Equus] putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus/a/um = to think [account, accountability, accountable, accountably, accountant, accounter, amputate, amputating, amputation, amputator, amputee, amputees, biocomputer, computability, computable, computation, compute, computer, computerphobia, computer science, computist, count, counter, deputation, depute, deputize, deputy, discount, discountable, discounter, disputable, disputably, disputant, disputation, disputatious, disputatiously, dispute, disputer, disreputable, disreputably, disrepute, imputable, imputably, imputation, impute, imputer, indisputable, indisputably, putative, reamputation, recount, reputable, reputableness, reputably, reputation, repute, reputed, reputedly, unaccountable, unaccountableness, unaccountably] obsideō, obsidēre, obsēdī, obsessus/a/um = to besiege [assess, assessment, assiduous, assize, dispossess, dispossession, dissidence, dissident, insidioiusness, insidious, obsess, obsession, obsessive, overassess, possess, possession, possessive, prepossess, preside, president, prisider, repossess, reside, residence, residual, residuary, residue, séance, sedan, sedate, sedative, sedentary, sediment, sedimentary, sedimentology, sedulity, sedulous, see (noun), sessile, session, siege, size, subside, subsidence, subsidiary, subsidize, subsidy, supersede, supersession, surcease] cōnfugiō, cōnfugere, cōnfūgī, cōnfugitūrus/a/um = to flee for refuge [centrifugal, centrifuge, febrifugal, febrifuge, fugacious, fugitive, fugue, fumifugist, insectifuge, lucifugal, lucifugous, nidifugous, phrontifugic, refuge, refugee, solifugal, somnifuge, somnifugous, subterfuge, tempus fugit, vermifugal, vermifuge] trāiciō, trāicere, trāiēcī, trāiectus/a/um = to throw across [abject, abjectness, adjective, conjectural, conjecture, deject, dejected, dejection, ejaculatory, eject, ejectamenta, ejection, ejective, ejectivity, ejectment, ejector, ejectus (s), ejecta (pl), inject, injection, interject, interjection, jactation, jactitation, jaculate, jaculation, jaculative, jaculator, jaculatorial, jaculatory, jaculiferous, javelin, jet, jetsam, jettison, jetty, jut, object, objection, objectionable, objective, project, projectile, projection, projectionist, projective, projector, reject, rejecter, rejection, subject, subjective, subjectivity, traject, trajectory] dominor, dominārī, dominātus sum = to control, be master of (+ DATIVE)
Continued Oxford III – Ch. 47 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 2 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words [domain, domestic, domicile, dominance, dominant, dominate, dominatrix, domineering, dominion, dungeon, predominance, predominant, predominate]
[condominium, condominial, danger, dangerous, dangerously, despot, despotic, despotism, despotocracy, domain, domatium, domatologist, domatology, domatophobia, domatophobiac, dome, domestic, domesticate, domesticated, domestication, domesticable, domestically, domesticity, domicile, domiciled, domiciling, domiciles, domiciliary, domicolous, domicile, domiculture, domify, domifying and domification., dominance, dominant, dominate, domination, dominatrix, domineer, domineering, dominion, dominule, domotics, domotic, dungeon, major domo, myrmecodomatia, myrmecodomus, philodespot, polydomous, polydomic, predominance, predominant, predominantly, predominate, predomination, uxorodespotism, uxorodespotic, zoodomatia] autem = but, however clēmentia, clēmentiae F. = mercy, clemency [clemency, clement, clemently, inclemency, inclement, inclemently] morbus, morbī M. = disease [morbid, morbid, morbidity, morbidness, morbidostatic, morbific, morbigenous, morbose, morbosity, morbus, morbus cardiacus, morbus cordis, morbus coxae senilis, morbus errorum (vagabondus), morbus gallicus, morbus , iseriae, morbus nauticus (navalis, naviticus), morbus vulpis] odium, odiī N. = hatred [annoy, annoyance, annoyer, annoyingly, noisome, noisomely, noisomeness, odious, odiously, odiousness, odium, odium aestheticum, odium medicum, odium musicum, odium scholasticum, odium theologicum] classis, classis F. = fleet (gen. pl. = classium) [aclassis, class, classic, classical, classical archaeology, , lassical archeology, classical education, classicalism, classically, classicism, classicist, classics, classifiable, classification, classificatory, classified, classifier, classify, classfying, classism, classless, classmate, classroom, classy, declass, declassification, declassified, declassify, infraclass, locus classicus, lowerclassman, misclassification, misclassified, misclassify, neoclassic, neoclassical, neoclassicism, neoclassicism, neoclassicist, nonclassical, outclass, outclassed, postclassical, reclassification, reclassified, reclassify, semiclassical, subclass, superclass, unclassifiable, unclassified, underclass, underclassman, upperclassman] famēs, famis F. = hunger (gen. pl. = famium) [famine, famished, famish] mulier, mulieris F. = woman [muliebral, muliebria, muliebrile, muliebrious, muliebrous, muliebrity, mulier, mulierly, mulierose, mulierosity, mulier puisine, mulierty] scelus, sceleris N. = crime fluctus, fluctūs M. = wave [affluence, affluent, afflux, circumfluent, confluence, confluent, conflux, costae fluctuantes, diffluent, effluence, effluent, effluvium, efflux, fluctuant, fluctuate, fluctuation, flue, fluency, fluent, fluently, fluid, fluidic, fluidics, fluidity, fluidize, fluidness, flume, flush, fluvial, fluvioglacial, fluviology, flux, fluxation, flexible, fluxion, fluxmeter, influence, influent, influential, influentially, influenza, influx, mellifluous, mellifluously, mellifluent, refluence, refluent, reflux, superfluity, superfluous, superfluously, superfluousness] apud (+ acc) = at, in, at the house of, with, among (so, apud Caesarem = “at Caesar’s house,” or
Continued Oxford III – Ch. 47 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 3 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words “with Caesar”) ōlim = once (in the past); once upon a time; some time (in the future)
The Short List for this chapter’s vocab: accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātus/a/um = to accuse collocō, collocāre, collocāvī, collocātus/a/um = to place, position equitō, equitāre, equitāvī, equitātus/a/um = to ride (a horse) putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus/a/um = to think obsideō, obsidēre, obsēdī, obsessus/a/um = to besiege cōnfugiō, cōnfugere, cōnfūgī, cōnfugitūrus/a/um = to flee for refuge trāiciō, trāicere, trāiēcī, trāiectus/a/um = to throw across dominor, dominārī, dominātus sum = to control, be master of (+ DATIVE) autem = but, however clēmentia, clēmentiae F. = mercy, clemency morbus, morbī M. = disease odium, odiī N. = hatred classis, classis F. = fleet (gen. pl. = classium) famēs, famis F. = hunger (gen. pl. = famium) mulier, mulieris F. = woman scelus, sceleris N. = crime fluctus, fluctūs M. = wave apud (+ acc) = at, in, at the house of, with, among ōlim = once (in the past); once upon a time; some time (in the future)
Continued Oxford III – Ch. 47 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 4 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words Ch. 47 Vocab folding practice 1st Column (to be folded back later) Give English meaning(s) Fold 1st column back, then give Latin accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātus/a/um collocō, collocāre, collocāvī, collocātus/a/um equitō, equitāre, equitāvī, equitātus/a/um putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus/a/um obsideō, obsidēre, obsēdī, obsessus/a/um cōnfugiō, cōnfugere, cōnfūgī, cōnfugitūrus/a/um trāiciō, trāicere, trāiēcī, trāiectus/a/um dominor, dominārī, dominātus sum autem clēmentia, clēmentiae F. morbus, morbī M. odium, odiī N. classis, classis F. (gen. pl. = classium) famēs, famis F. (gen. pl. = famium) mulier, mulieris F. scelus, sceleris N. fluctus, fluctūs M. apud (+ acc) ōlim
Continued Oxford III – Ch. 47 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 5 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words